英语:Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad单元测试(人教新目标九年级)

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英语:Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad单元测试(人教新目标九年级)_第1页
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英语:Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad单元测试(人教新目标九年级)_第3页
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Unit 13 Rainy days make me sadI. 根据句意和首字母完成单词(每小题1分,共5分)1. Is there anything s_ in todays news.2. I dont know i_ I am right.3. I like to stand b_ bed to watch TV.4. What color is your computers s_?5. Please tell me the t_ about that event.II. 单项选择 (每小题2分,共20分)1. Uncle Wang is _ kind-hearted man _we all love him very much.A. so, that B. such, to C. such a, that D. so, as to2. Im sorry to bother you, _ I have to stick the nail into the wall.A. so B. though C. but D. because3. I havent planned _ the game at all, so I will not be sad if I fail.A. win B. wins C. to win D. winning4. I was _ by the _ question.A. confused; confused B. confusing; confusing C. confused; confusing D. confusing; confused 5. The bridge _ July 7, 1845.A. has built on B. was built in C. is built on D. was built on6. There are four hundred exchange students in our school, _ them are from Korea. A. three hundred of B. three hundreds ofC. three hundred D. three hundreds 7. _ have you been in the zoo? About two hours.A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How many times8. You havent finished your exercise yet, have you? _.A. Yes, I havent B. No, I havent C. Yes, I do D. No, I do9. Lights are used _ giving us light. They have been invented for a long time.A. as B. for C. in D. by10. I need a friend _. Why dont you chat on line?A. talk B. speak C. to talk with D. to talk about III. 根据汉语完成句子。(每空1分,共20分)1. 在现代社会中,电脑是非常普通的工具。_ _ _ world computers are very common tool.2. 我们保证我们的产品质量优良。We _ _that our _ have good _.3. 过马路一定要小心。You must _ _ when you cross the road.4. 你如果想支付得起一所足够大的房子,一定要攒钱。If you want be _ _ afford a big enough house, you have to _ _.5. 你能领我去李老师家吗? Can you _ me _ teacher Lis house? - 2 - / 66. 老师的话是针对那些懒惰的同学来说的。 The teachers words are _ _ the students _ are lazy.7. 希望你能从困境中跳出来。I hope that you can _ _ of the troubles.IV.阅读理解 (每小题3分,共15分) “If I had one million yuan, I would buy you a palace! Do I have one million yuan? No, I dont! So I only can spend ten fen on this short message, sending you my best wishes!”Today, SMSShort Message Service is popular, and China Mobile says that every second, there are 410 messages being sent.Look around you! People are watching their mobiles, smiling or laughing. Thumbs are moving quickly on mobiles, bringing happiness to their friends. Through SMS, we know the weather report, share jokes and news, express love and friendship.SMS is becoming more and more popular. It is reported that 67% of young people like to send short messages to greet each other. Internet SMS will be more helpful to people. I am thankful for the progress because SMS saves me much money. Just on the top end of a thumb, so much joy can be found!1. SMS can help people do the followings except _A. knowing the weather report B. sharing jokes and newsC. expressing love and friendship D. spending more time traveling 2. The writer thinks that _A. SMS helps people a lot B. young people dislike SMSC. he makes SMS more popular D. he will buy a palace for his friend3. _ of young people like to send short messages to greet each other.A.40% B.50% C. 60% D. 67%4. The passage is mainly about _A. how to search Internet B. how to send short messagesC. the joy of SMS D. ways of saving money5. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?A. The writer has one million yuan.B. The writer spends ten fen on this short message.C. More than 400 hundred people send messages every second.D. Internet SMS will be more helpful to people.V. 句型转换(每空2分,共20分)1. I usually have supper at six oclock.(改为一般疑问句)_ you usually _ supper at six oclock? 2. The students of our class are doing morning exercises now (改为否定句) The students of our class _ _ morning exercises now3. He will go to English next wee. (改为反意疑问句)He will go to English next wee,_ _?4. Forty people have visited the museum (对划线部分进行提问)_ _ _ people have visited the museum? 5. Aunt Wang asked me to clean the room.(改为被动语态)I _ _to clean the room by Aunt Wang.VI. 书面表达 (20分) 假如你是伦鑫。请写一封邀请函,邀请你的同学Tom 一位来自美国的留学生生来你家过春节。向他说明中国的风俗。并介绍招待他的方式。提示:Chinese New Year; Dumplings; Chinese manners; chopsticks .要求:格式准确,书写工整,字数不少于80个单词。_答案:I. 1. exchange 2. elevator 3. department 4. hanging 5. vacationII. 1. C such (a) + 名词 (单数)+that 从句是“是如此的(一个) 以至于”的意思。用so时结构是“so+adj.+a/an+名词(单数)”题意是“王叔叔是如此善良的一个人以至于我们都喜欢他。2. C题意是“很抱歉打扰你,但是我必须得把钉子钉到墙里去。”so意为“因此”,though意为“尽管”, but 意为“但是”表示转折,because意为“因为”。 3. C plan to do 是“计划做”的意思,题意是“我没有打算赢,所以如果输了这场比赛我不会悲伤。”4. C confused 是“迷惑的”它强调的是人的心理活动。confusing 是“使人迷惑”的意思,它强调的是事物的性质。5. D题意是“这座桥建于”1845年七月七号。主语是桥,是动作的承受者。所以应该用被动语态。而且具体到某一天的时间用介词on。6. C题意是“我们学校有四百个留学生,其中三百个来自韩国。”hundred 即“百”前面有数词修饰时,不能用复数形式。表虚数时,用复数,并且要带of。7. B句意是“你在动物园多长时间了?”“大约两小时。” how often意为“多久一次”,how long意为“多长”,how much意为“多少,多少钱”,how many times意为“多少次”。8. B题意是“你还没有完成你的练习,是吧?”“是的,没有。”这是一个反义疑问句,回答按实际情况来回答,“Yes,I have.”翻译为“不,我做完了。”“No,I havent.”翻译为“是的,没有做完。”9. B本句的意思是“灯是被用来给我们光的,它们已经被了明好长时间了。”be used as意为“被用来作为”,be used for +名词/ 代词/ 动名词 是“被用来干”的意思be used in 意为“在被用”,be used by意为“被所用”。 B。10. C题意是“我需要一个朋友来聊天。”,talk with意为“聊天”。动词不定式在句中做目的状语。III. 1. in; the; modern; 2. make; sure; products; qualities 3. be; careful 4. able; to; save; money5. lead; to 6. aimed; at; who 7. jump; outIV. 1-5. DADCAV. 1. Do, have 2. arent doing 3. wont he 4. How many 5. was askedVI. One Possible Version Dear Tom, The traditional festival of China, Chinese New Year is coming. Please come to my home as a guest. My parents are both eager to know you. And they want to serve you with our Chinese delicious food. As you know, on the day of Chinese New Year, we Chinese eat dumplings with all the family members. I know you cant use chopsticks. Dont worry I have bought forks for you. They can also work well. Its a happy day. I cant wait to light fire crackers. And please come early. My family will wait for you. Lun Xin 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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