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How to Introduce a Person21. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months _ her project. (她可以开始她的研究项目)2. For forty years Jane Goodall _ _ (直言不讳)(直言不讳) making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. 3. She _ (争辩)(争辩) wild animals should be left in the wild and not _(use)for entainment or advertisements. was she allowed to beginhas beenoutspoken about / inhas argued thatBeautiful sentences from the textused 34. She has_ working with animals in their own environment, gaining a doctors degree and showing that women can live in the forest as men can. (获得了她想做的一切)achieved everything she wanted to do:achieved everything she wanted to do, such as / including/ like4some other related expressions of talking about a person出生于贫穷家庭在。岁时在他童年/ 青少年时作为一名青少年给某人起个绰号/笔名以一位著名的小提琴家给她起名被认为/誉为是在。方面有天赋as an adolescentgive sb. a nickname/pen namename her after a famous violinistbe regarded / honored as in his childhood / teensat the age of have a gift for be born into a poor family59. 致力于10. 从毕业11. 不得不为生存而挣扎12. 辍学13.被录取14. 出国深造15. 因而受到尊敬16. 梦想成为作家17. 对做出贡献have to struggle for survivalquit schoolbe admitted into go abroad for further studywork hard at / devote ones life tograduate frombe admired fordream of becoming a writermake contributions to618. 对有浓厚兴趣19. 在某人三十岁时20. 获得第一个学位21. 获得学士/硕士/博士学位22. 因.获得诺贝尔.奖 have great interest inin ones thirtieswin the first degreewin the bachelors / masters / doctors degreewin the Nobel Prize for sth./doing sth.be awarded the Nobel Prize for .for.7 23. so + adj/adv. + that 24. adj.+ enough to do sth. 25. a person with imagination 26. an experienced professor8 姓名:简古道尔(Jane Goodall) 国籍:英国 出生年月:1934年4月3日 身份:人类学家成就:1、她的研究显示: A. 黑猩猩是一种杂食性动物; B. 黑猩猩能够选择和加工工具; C. 黑猩猩有复杂的社会行为等;2、创建了简古道尔研究会,旨在保护动物、改善动物的福利和环境等等3、使野外研究成为普通人关注的话题,也使更多的人关注黑猩猩的保护;4、在2002年被联合国授予“和平使者”的称号,以表彰她在黑猩猩研究和环境教育等领域的贡献。91. 姓名:简姓名:简古道尔(古道尔(Jane Goodall) 国籍:英国国籍:英国 出生年月:出生年月:1934年年4月月3日日 身份:人类学家身份:人类学家 (anthropologist) Jane Goodall, born on April 3, 1943, is a British anthropologist. Jane Goodall, a British anthropologist, was born on April 3, 1943. Jane Gooddall, who is a British anthropologist, was born on April 3, 1943.10 2. 成就:成就: 1、她的研究显示:、她的研究显示: A. 黑猩猩黑猩猩(chimpanzee)是一种杂食性是一种杂食性(omnivorous)动物;动物; B. 黑猩猩能够选择和加工黑猩猩能够选择和加工(process)工具;工具; C. 黑猩猩有复杂的社会行为等黑猩猩有复杂的社会行为等;According to her research, chimpanzees are omnivorous animals which can not only choose and process tools but also have complex social behaviors.As her research shows/suggests/indicates/reveals, As is indicated in her research, .Her research reveals that .113. 2. 成就:成就:2、创建了简、创建了简古道尔研究会古道尔研究会(institute),旨在保护动,旨在保护动物、改善动物的福利和环境等等物、改善动物的福利和环境等等Besides the research on chimpanzees, she has set up / established the Jane Goodall Institute, aiming to protect animals and improve the welfare as well as environment for animals.intending toin order to to dowith the purpose ofaiming at protecting . and improving.aiming to do124. 2. 成就:成就:3、使野外研究成为普通人关注的话题,也使更多的人关注黑猩猩的保护;Now, not only has she had wildlife research paid attention to by people but she also has had more people care more about the protection of the chimpanzees.13 Now, people have paid attention to wildlife research and more people have cared more about the protection of the chimpanzees due to her effort. due to because of owing to thanks to on account of with sth.+ n. 表原因表原因not only .but also Inversion14 5. 2. 成就:成就: 4、在、在2002年被联合国授予年被联合国授予“和平使者和平使者”(Messenger of Peace) 的称号,的称号,以表彰以表彰她在黑猩猩研究和环境她在黑猩猩研究和环境教育等领域的贡献。教育等领域的贡献。 And because of her great contributions to the research on chimpanzees, environmental protection and so on, Jane Goodall was awarded Messenger of Peace in 2002 by the United Nations. award sb. sth. - be awarded sth.the United Nationscontributions to sth. / doing sth.the research on sth.15 Jane Goodall, born on April 3, 1943, is a British anthropologist. According to her research, chimpanzees are omnivorous animals which can not only make and process tools but also have complex social behaviors. Besides the research on chimpanzees, she has set up the Jane Goodall Institute, aiming to protect animals and improve the welfare and environment for animals. Now, people have paid more attention to the wildlife research as well as the protection of the chimpanzees due to her efforts. And because of her great contributions to the research on chimpanzees and environmental protection, Jane Goodall was awarded Messenger of Peace in 2002 by the United Nations. 16 12年高考:年高考: 姓姓 名:名:Allan Stewart 国国 籍:澳大利亚籍:澳大利亚 出生日期:出生日期:1915年年3月月7日日 世界纪录:世界纪录:2006年获硕士学位时年龄最大年获硕士学位时年龄最大 学习态度:挑战自我,永远为时不晚。学习态度:挑战自我,永远为时不晚。 第一个学位:第一个学位:1936年获得年获得 第二个学位:医学博士第二个学位:医学博士 第三个学位:第三个学位:80多岁时决定学习法律,多岁时决定学习法律,2006年获年获得硕士学位。得硕士学位。 第四个学位:第四个学位:2012年通过网络学习获得,善于合年通过网络学习获得,善于合理安排学习时间,受到老师表扬。理安排学习时间,受到老师表扬。17 Allan Stewart, born on March 7th, 1915 in Australia, holds a world record for being the oldest person to get a masters degree. He believes that one is never too old to challenge himself. He got his first degree in 1936, and then his second degree of Doctor of Medicine. Whats more, in his eighties, he decided to study law, and in 2006 earned a masters degree. In 2012 he managed to get his fourth degree by network learning and got praise from his teacher for being good at arranging his study time.18请根据以下信息,介绍中国诺贝尔文学奖得主中国当代著名作请根据以下信息,介绍中国诺贝尔文学奖得主中国当代著名作家莫言。家莫言。姓名:莫言姓名:莫言祖籍:中国山东高密市祖籍:中国山东高密市出生日期:出生日期:1955年年2月月17日日个人情况简介:个人情况简介:1980年代中以乡土作品崛起,充满着年代中以乡土作品崛起,充满着“怀乡怀乡”以及以及“怨乡怨乡”的的复杂情感,被归类为复杂情感,被归类为“寻根文学寻根文学”作家;作家;2011年年8月月,莫言凭长篇小说莫言凭长篇小说蛙蛙获第八届茅盾文学奖;获第八届茅盾文学奖;2012年年10月月11日日,莫言因其莫言因其“将现实与虚幻融为一体将现实与虚幻融为一体”获得诺贝获得诺贝尔文学奖尔文学奖,从而闻名全球。从而闻名全球。homesickness怀乡怀乡 hatred township 怨乡怨乡19 Mo Yan, born in Gaomi, Shandong province on February 17th, 1955, is a famous Chinese contemporary writer. He first raised his fame with the local works which were full of “homesickness” and “hatred township” complex emotions in the 1980s. Therefore, he was classified as “root-searching literature” writer. In August 2011, his novel frog won the 8th Mao Dun literature prize. Besides this, Mo Yan received the Nobel Prize for literature “through a mixture of fantasy and reality” on October 11th, 2012, which made him famous all over the world.


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