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Unit3 My favourite things单位及作者:深圳市宝安区福永街道桥头小学 唐春桥教学内容及学生情况分析 本单元的教学内容与设计对今后的教学起的是铺垫作用。 学情分析:三年级的学生,年龄小,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,模仿能力强,形象思维占优势,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣,有着极强的求知欲强和表现欲;喜欢在玩玩、做做、说说、唱唱中学习英语。凡是趣味盎然的学习内容和游戏活动,他们都会积极主动地参与。但他们的理解力和自制力仍不是很强,因此需要教师不断地通过各种有效方式激发和强化。另外,由于受主、客观原因的影响,学生的自主学习、灵活运用所学的英语进行交际的能力以及学习策略等方面都是有待教师培养和引导的。他们较擅长表演,有良好的预习和复习的习惯。 教材分析:本单元的主题既与学生兴趣爱好息息相关,又与学生的生活和学习密切联系,通过介绍学生喜欢的小物品,引出实际生活中询问他人爱好的方式和方法。教学重点与难点1.教学重点: New words: badges, coins, IC cards, key rings, soft toys, stamps Sentences: What do you have? How many s do you have? I have.2.教学难点: 单词“stamps, soft toys, coins”的发音以及s在单词中的发音。 名词复数的读法。 学习掌握并灵活运用What do you have? How many s do you have? I have. 这三个句型。 本单元的教学内容与设计对今后的教学起的是铺垫作用。总体教学目标 1.语言知识目标: 能听、说、读、写核心单词badges, coins, IC cards, key rings, soft toys, stamps 掌握句型:What do you have? How many s do you have? I have. 2.语言技能目标: 能够在具体的情境中使用What do you have? I have 以及How many s do you have? I have. 能够运用已有的知识结合新学的内容正确表达自己,知道如何询问别人和表达自己对食物喜好,并能在生活实际中进行简单的运用。 通过课堂一系列的学习与活动,发展注意力、观察力、表达能力和思维能力。3.学习策略目标: 通过体验、感知、实践、参与和交流,养成对英语的积极态度和乐于参与的学习品质。 教师的引导下,掌握语言的规律;通过小组交流与合作,发展语言的综合运用能力。4.情感态度目标: 通过学习活动,激发学习英语的兴趣,体验学习英语的快乐。 在活动中树立自信心,培养合作意识及集体主义精神。 理解和维持与人友好相处、互相关爱的良好感情。5.文化意识目标: 懂得分享,与朋友一起分享自己喜欢的东西。 礼貌用语。课时安排 Three periodsPeriod 1: Part A & B & E Period 2: Part A & B & F & GPeriod 3: Part C,D 课时教案第1课时教学内容: Part A & B& E教学目标: 掌握A部分的词汇: badges, coins, IC cards, key rings, soft toys, stamps 初步感知及基本掌握B部分的句子: What do you have? I have some, 适时地教授: How many do you have? I have 。 能熟练运用What do you have? I have进行交流自己的物品,发展综合运用语言的能力。教学重难点:1.教学重点: A部分单词badges, coins, IC cards, key rings, soft toys, stamps及句型What do you have? I have2.教学难点: coins, IC cards, soft toys, stamps的发音,以及如何在情景中正确使用所学的句型完成交际活动。教学方法: 直观教学法、游戏教学法、情境教学法教具准备: 自制课件,单词卡,课堂奖励用的贴纸,画有硬币、钥匙圈、邮票、IC卡、徽章和软娃娃等教学和表演用的贴纸。教学过程:一、组织教学及复习1. Free talk 注1注1 Free talk使全班学生有了用英语进行交际的机会,也为本课的主题埋下了伏笔。2. Listen and Chant (Book, Unit3, In my school bag, Part G) 注2 注2 通过说唱第三册书本里的chant热身,让学生迅速进入英语学习状态,并无意识地复习了旧知,引出了我的提问和magic box。3. Revision: Whats in my school bag? Is there a small mouse?注3 就chant提几个问题,既复习旧知识也为下面的教学做了铺垫,这样很自然地引出新知识的呈现。二、 新知识的呈现与归纳1. To show my magic box to the students.注4T: Look! There is a magic box. Guess whats in my box? So, you can ask me: Is there?Ss: Is there?T: Now you can answer me: There is/are.Ss: There is/are.注4 利用魔法盒引入课题,孩子们会觉得很有意思,一下子吸引他们的注意力。2. To show the things which the Ss mentioned before, and give them to the Ss. And then I will ask them: what do you have? Encourage them to count and reply: I have3. To present each word as the students replied by using several games, such as Guessing Game. 注5注5 展示PPT图片和画有实物的贴纸,再把这些贴纸作为奖励发给孩子们,孩子们会很有兴趣。4. To teach tones of E in the new words. Make up a story about me, and emerge the rhyme.My favourite things Are rings and coins. The girls and boys. Like cards and toys.三、新知识的巩固与运用When they have learnt all of the words, I will let them to put the stickers on their own team blank on the blackboard. So now each group has their own gifts, I will say: Now, boys and girls, the first competition is over. Lets see which group has more gifts. Ok, group one, what do you have? Ss: I have. (Maybe some of them will say: We have)And then I will make a new dialogue for them. Before that, I will make an example for them. 注6A: Hello, Lily. What do you have? B: I have some coins. What about you? A: I have some badges. Heres a badge for you. 注7B: Thank you. A: You are welcome. Goodbye. B: Bye. 注6 在实物都展示完后,也就是将画有实物的贴纸奖励给学生之后,让他们把自己得到的贴纸展示到黑板右下角的比赛积分榜上,我们一起来分享一下,看看各组都有哪些东西,看看哪组同学拥有的礼物最多,顺其自然地问问:你有什么?这样的激励会让学生产生极大的兴趣,也将所学新知得以练习和巩固。注7 提前将Part C的内容引进,尽管有学生可能不会说或听不懂,但这样能让学生有一点初步感知,为下一节课的学习做铺垫,使教学有一个整体性。2. Let the students try to say something about these things. They must work in pairs. There are two or three pupils in a group. There are two minutes for them. Let some of them come to the front, and to make a performance for us. According to the time, there are two or three groups. 注8注8 在我先演示完后,让学生模仿我的对话,然后根据情况,适当给两三组来表演,让他们能学以致用。四、小结Lead them to sum up and make a chant for them to remember. 注9Hey, look at my magic box!Its big and cool.I have some stamps/ key rings/ badges/ soft toys/ coins/ IC cards.注9 有趣的chant 可以胜过一百遍的重复操练。五、作业布置1. Listen to the disc and read Part A three times. 2. Design the things you want and draw them down on a paper, and then sign the number.3. Design a good and short free-talk with your friends and show us next class.六、板书设计Unit 3 My favourite thingsIs there a ?There is/ are.What do you have?I have some stamps.stamps, key rings, badges, soft toys, coins, IC cards教学创意:教学创意:教学创意:七、教学后记第2课时教学内容: 内容结合了Part A & B & F & G, 复习并巩固A部分单词,着重教授B部分的句型和数字,B部分句子:How manydo you have? I have fifty-three coins. 教学目标: 复习及巩固A部分的单词, 复习及掌握20以上的数字。 掌握并活用B部分的句子:What do you have? I have some. How many do you have? I have .教学重难点:1.教学重点: What do you have? I have some. How many do you have? I have .2.教学难点: 数字是读法和coins, IC cards, soft toys, stamps等词的发音,以及如何在情景中正确使用所学的句型完成交际活动。教学方法: 直观教学法、任务型教学法、情境教学法教具准备: 自制课件,单词卡,课堂奖励用的贴纸,画有硬币、钥匙圈、邮票、IC卡、徽章和软娃娃等教学和表演用的贴纸,调查表。教学过程:一、组织教学及复习1. Free talk 注1注1 让学生来表演。在上一个课时布置的作业中,有一个任务就是用上一节课学过的内容来准备一个小表演,这样的Free talk能使全班学生有了用英语进行交际的机会,也为本课的主题埋下了伏笔。2. Listen and Chant 注2注2 通过说唱Number song热身,让学生迅速进入英语学习状态。 3. Revision 注3What do you have?How many do you have?注3 让学生先来回想一下上节课学习的内容,看他们能否记得住,顺便引出新知。二、新知识的呈现与归纳1. Show the results of last competition to the students. And then lead them to try to say the new sentences. 注4T: What do you have? Ss: I have some.T: How many do you have? 注4 利用上一节课的比赛结果引入新知,孩子们会很感兴趣,一下子就集中了注意力,也很自然地引出话题。2. Let them show their papers, which are drawn as their homework. On the papers, there are many things which they love. I will ask some of them some questions. 注5T: What do you have?Ss: I have some.T: How many do you have?Ss: I have.注5 展示学生自己制作的图片,再跟他们进行对话,他们会很乐意。让他们感知语言,掌握句型,为下面的情景教学做铺垫。三、新知识的巩固与活用1. When they have learnt all of the sentences, I will make up a new situation for them. There is a party. There are many cute gifts. But before that, you must finish a survey. Each group has four pupils, one of them will be the little teacher to make survey, and finish the following blank. During the survey, they must use the sentences we have learnt before.And before this, I will make an example for them. 注6Survey blank:Things NumbercoinsstampsbadgesIC cardskey ringssoft toysA new dialogue for the Ss:A: Hello, B.B: Hi, A.A: What do you have?B: I have some.A: How many do you have?B: I have.A: Oh, I see. Thanks.B: You are welcome.注6 当学生已经掌握这些句型,我就要尽量创造情境给他们去练习,而这时,我结合F部分的survey进行教学,设计一个虚拟的Party,吸引他们,并给出一个任务,那就是这个调查。2. Let some of them come to the front to show their favourite things. And let them to use the new dialogue. There are two or three groups, which will be according to the time. 注7注7 在我先演示完后,让学生去模仿我的对话,然后根据情况,适当给两三组来表演,让他们能学以致用。3. Design task 2 for them. Which group is better, they will win. And I will give them some authentic things as encouragements. After that, I will tell some of them have the opportunity to attend this party, but they must exchange their favourite things with their partners. When they exchange their things, they can make a new dialogue. Next time, I will let them show before class. 注8注8 设计一个party,如果只有survey,而不让他们参加party,那他们就会失望,然而,这时,我要再给他们一个任务,就是回去交换礼物,等下节课来参加这个派对,这样就更能激起了学生对下一节课的期待,留下了更多的想象空间。四、小结1. Lead them to check their stickers on the blackboard they have got this class. And lead them to try to say: We have.2. Lead them to sum up and sing the song of part G. 注9注9 前后呼应,让一堂课有整体性,顺便也学习了G部分的内容。五、作业布置1. Exchange your favourite things with your partners. When you exchange your things, you can make a new dialogue. Next time, I will let you show before our class.2. Finish Copybook Unit 3.六、板书设计Unit 3 My favourite thingsWhat do you have?I have 100 stampsHow many do you have?I have .stamps, key rings, badges, soft toys, coins, IC cards教学创意:教学创意:教学创意:教学创意:七、教学后记第3课时教学内容: 内容结合了Part C & D, 复习并巩固AB部分的内容,着重教授C部分。教学目标: 复习及巩固AB部分的单词和句型。 掌握并活用C部分的句子:I like your key rings. Lets buy one. I want a badge, too. Heres a badge for you. Thats nice of you. 适当地情感教学,让孩子们有一种集体荣誉感和互帮互助的精神。教学重难点:1.教学重点: I like your key rings. Lets buy one. I want a badge, too. Heres a badge for you. Thats nice of you.2.教学难点: 熟知并活用这些句型,以及如何在情景中正确使用所学的句型完成交际活动。教学方法: 任务型教学法、情境教学法教具准备: 自制课件,单词卡,课堂奖励用的贴纸,硬币、钥匙圈、邮票、IC卡、徽章和软娃娃等教学和表演用的实物。教学过程:一、组织教学及复习1. Free talk 注1注1 让学生来表演。在上一个课时布置的作业中,有一个任务就是用上一节课学过的内容来准备一个小表演,这样的Free talk能使全班学生有了用英语进行交际的机会,也为本课的主题埋下了伏笔。2. Listen and Chant 注2注2 通过说唱本单元Part G的韵律诗热身,让学生迅速进入英语学习状态。3. Revision: 注3What do you have?And how many do you have?注3 温故而知新,引入二年级学习过的知识,如pencil, book, ruler等,从而打开学生的思路,为下一步的练习打下基础。二、 新知识的呈现与归纳1. Invite Xiyangyang (Cici) and Meiyangyang (May) to our class. 注4T: Hello, I am Cici. This is my good friend May. She is pretty. I have four stamps and three soft toys. But I have no key rings. May buys one for me. She is very nice. Do you like her? 注4 用学生喜欢的喜羊羊和美羊羊来引入,给学习增加不少乐趣,同时也很快地吸引了他们的注意力。2. Ask the Ss several questions. Let them read twice. 注5 Skimming:Whos Cicis good friend?(Shes May. Her name is May.) Detailed readingHow many soft toys does Cici have?He has three soft toys.Do you like May? Why?Yes, I do. Because she is nice. 注5 任务型教学方式,有目的和针对性。3. Come back to Part C. Let them to listen to Koko disc twice, and then finish D and answer my questions.Listen for the first time. (T or F) The green badge is pretty. ( ) Pat has ten badges. ( ) Listen and read. How many key rings does Candy have? Do you like Candy? Why? 注6sentences注6 再次引出nice 这个单词,与上次不同的是,这要为下面的情感教育做铺垫。4. Pick up some of the important and difficult to analyze. 注7 I have no money. Heres a badge for you. Thats nice of you.注7 逐句分析,让学生听录音模仿读,培养学生正确的语音语调。老师带读并伴有夸张的语音语调和动作,加深学生对故事的理解,激发学生读的兴趣。三、新知识的巩固与活用1. Make up a new situation for the Ss. 注8T: Pat and Candy are very nice. They have many little favourite things. But today they want to sell their favourite things. Why? Guess why? Lead the Ss to see some pictures. T: They also see the pictures. The boys and girls need money and love. Pat, Candy, Cici and May are going to the school. They want to give their favourite things to the boys and girls. They hold a party together. Do you want to go? Ok, lets go.May: Hello. A girl: Hi. Welcome to my school.May: Thank you. Heres a soft toy for you. A girl: Thanks! Thats nice of you. May: You are welcome. 注8 上一节课就设下了一个参加派对的悬念,现在终于揭开谜底了。伴随着情感教育的任务型教学会更有效果,同时也让学生在学中体验生活,感悟生活,感恩社会。2. Give them two minutes to make up a new dialogue. And then let them come to the front and show for us.四、小结1. Lead them to check their stickers on the blackboard they have got this class. And lead them to try to say: We have.2. Lead them to sum up. 注9注9前后呼应,让一堂课有整体性。五、作业布置1. Collect your favourite things, and make up a new dialogue with your friends and show for us next time.2. Finish Exercise book Unit 3.六、板书设计Unit 3 My favourite thingsWhat do you have?How many do you have?I have . I have no money. This is pretty. Heres a badge for you.Thats nice of you.教学创意:教学创意:教学创意:七、教学后记13


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