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专项练习一 人称代词及不定代词时间:2021.03. 03创作:欧阳学一、单项选择题1. My parents cant go to see the film tonight becauseare busy.A.him B. them C. they D. he2. Sally is a cute and lovely girl.We all like.A. she B. her C. hers3. Most young people findexciting to watch afootball match.A. it B. this C. that D. one4. Mom, I want to ask my grandpa a question.一Oh!is reading a newspaper upstairs.A. He B. His C. Him D. Himself5. Is this Sams bike or yours?-一Its my bike, notA. yours B. him C. his6.Sorry.made you angry.A.John and I B. I and John C.Me and John D.Johnand we7. we like Mr Green because he often tellsfunnystories in class.A.we B.us C. our D. ours8. Pm go skating Would you like to go with?A. me B I C. my D. mine9. -一I havent got a digital camera一I think you should buy IT s usefill for you.A. one B. this C. that D. it10. This isnt my dictionary I leftat homeA. my B. mine C. I D. Me11. police officers in the UK carry guns, but most ofthem don5t.A. No B. Some C.Many D.A1112. This is a very old song, soyoung people know it.A. Few B.little C. a few D. a little13. There arent many oranges here, but you can take if you want to.A. few B. a few C. a little D.little14. Shanghai Waihuan Tunnel is already open to traffic, so itwill take ustime to go to Pudong InternationalAirport.A. a few B.fewer C. a little D. Less15.In order to keep healthy, you should eatfast food,fresh vegetables and take enough exercise.A. fewer/fewer B. lcss/morc C. fewer/more D.less/ less16. Can we do our work better withmoney andpeople?A. less/few B. less/fewer C. little/fewer D. few/ less17. Therenoway to do it.A.other B.the other C.another D others18.Some people like to rest in their freetime.like totravel.A.Other B.The others C.Others D.Another19. This cake is delicious! Can I havepiece, please?A.other B.another C.others D.the other20. There were three books on my table.One is here Where are ? A.others B.the others C.the other D.another二、填空题1.1 passed himsauce. 2.Do you knowof her friends?3. He is taller thanother boy in his class4. Would you likemilk? 5.(某人)has toldme about this before6.1ve got(童要的事情)to tell you.7. Did you see(某人)else in the room?8. (一切)is ready for the picnic.9.(大家)ishere. =is here.三、单选题1. Can I have a talk with you? I haveto tellyou.A. something important B important anythingC. anything important D. important something2. Can I have a talk with you? I haveto tellyou.A. something important B. important anythingC. anything important D. important something3 We got from his lecture yesterday.A)some useful informations B) a useful informationC)some useful information D) useful informations4. 一You look so happy!一Maiy says Fm cool.has ever told me that beforeA) SomebodyB) AnybodyC) NobodyD) Everybody5.1 cant findin the cardboard box. Its emptyA) somethingB)anythingC) nothing D) some things6Yesterday, Mary boughtfish andother foodfor dinner.A) many, someB) much, some C) many, a few D) much, a few7.In a comic strip, there must bein each pictureA) something newB) anything newC) new somethingD) new anything8.Who is the gentleman over there? I knowabout him.A) nothingB) anything C) somethingD) everything9 .is watching TV. Lefs tum it off.A) Somebody B) AnybodyC) NobodyD) Everybody10. The man injured his brain and could not rememberfor longer than a few minutesA) somethingB) anythingC) everythingD) nothing11. Mike couldnt rememberafter he iiijured hisbrain A) somethingB) anythingC) nothing D) none12. Would you like to go to the concert on Wednesday evening?Fd like to, but Pve already gotthat evening.A. somethingB. anythingC nothingD everything13. The manager told usabout the meeting. He said itwas a secret.A) anything B) something C) nothing D) everything14.If a kid has some pocket money, he can buynecessary.A) everythingB) nothingC) anythingD) something四 1 These arebooks Yours are over thereA. I B. my C. me D. mine2-is she? - She is a teacher.A. What B. How C. Who D. Where3. is wrong with my watch. It has stoppedA. Something, working B Something, to workC. Anything, working D Anything, to work4. Mary, helpto the bananas, please.A. you B. your C. yourself D. yourselves5. -do you go to school every day? - By bus.A. How B. Why C. When D. Where6. My skirt ispopular than.A. much, her B. much, hers C. more, her D more, hers7. - Can you speak English? - Yes, but only.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little8. Mr.Smith is an old friend of.A. I B. me C my D. mine9“do you hear from your parents?“About once a month?A. How long B. How manyC. How often D. How much10. Mr Green wouldnl sayat the meetingA. everything B. nothing C anything D. something11 Mum, Aiin*s coining tonight. Lets give hertoeat.,ntGood idea!A. anything nice B. nice anythingC. something nice D. nice something12. - When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening?-1 dont mind.time is OK.A. Some B. Neither C. Either D. Both13. This is not her kite,but.A. hes B. him C. he D. his14. Dont worry, Mum!news is good news Im suredaddy will come back soon.A. No B. Many C. Those D. Two15. Mary has six apples. Her brother has three She has apples than he.A. few B. many C. more D. fewer16. There isnrtin todays newspaper.A. anything interestingB something interestingC nothing interesting D. interesting anything17. September 10th isDay?A. Teacher B. Teachers C. Teachefs D. Teachers*18. - In England, people eat a lot of takeaway food Wliat about people in your country? -.A So we do. B. We do so. C So do we. D. We so do.答案:一、MOCBAAC BBAAB , 11-20BABDB BACBB.二、1-8: l.some 2,any 3.any 4.some 5.Someone6. something important7. anyone 8.Everything 9.Everyone, Everybody三、1-10 AACCB AAACB 11-14BACD四、1【答案】B.【析】 这里应用形容词性物主代词。2【答案】A.【析】这里的四个疑问词放在问句中全都 成立,但其意义不同。What is she ?应译为她的 工作是什么?或“她是做 什么的?而How is she? 应译为“她身体如何?而 Who is she?应译为“她是 谁? ”其答语应为“她叫什 么名字。而 Where is she? 应为“她在什么地方?由 答语决定了这道题的选 择。3【答案】A.【析】因为是肯定句所以应用Something, 其后由于表停止工作了, 则stop后要用动名词o4【答案】C.【析】help oneself to something 为自己拿 某物。yourself为你一 个人冷而yourselves为 “你们。5【答案】A.【析】这题的答案是由问句决定的。6【答案】D.【析】7【答案】D.【析】8【答案】D.【析】9【答案】C.【析】因句中有than, 所以应选用比较 级,而than后要选用名词 性物主代词。因会讲某种语言的多少要用a little, 把它看作不可数名词对 待,此答语为:是的,但 仅仅会讲一点。这里应选名词性物主代词,这也是 英语的一种习惯用法,而 不要选择my。How often问的是某一动作发生的频 率,即在单位时间内发生 多少次。10【答案】C.【析】11【答案】C.【析】12【答案】C.【析】13【答案】D.【析】14【答案】A.【析】15【答案】C.【析】在否定句中应用anything肯定句中用something而不用 anything,不定代词的修 饰词应放其后而不要放在 其前面O因如选用both则名词要用 复数名 词,也要用复数谓语动 词,由于答语前有I dont mind则决定不能选择 neither.要注意“他的名 词性物主代词与形 容词性物主代词是同形 的。这是一条谚语,即没有消息就是好 消息。由于是上匕较级,根据题怠应选“多 于而不是“少于爲16【答案】A.【析】由于句子是否定句,应选择 anything, 而且不定代词 的丁参饰语应放在其后面。17【答案】D.【析】教师节Teachers* Day,儿童节Childrens Day,妇女节Womenrs Day18【答案】C.【析】在答语中用 简略方式表达上文的 个动作同 样适用 于另一个 主语时,则要采用倒装 句,但如果仅仅是对上句 的重复则不要倒装。19【答案】D.【析】这个答案的选择应由上下两句对话内容作出决定。20【答案】C.【析】neither. nor意为既不也不创作:欧阳学时间:2021.03. 03


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