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冀教第二册英语第三单元知识点单词;table 桌子 food 食物 eat 吃 drink喝 hungry 饿的 thirsty渴了 meat 肉 chicken 鸡肉 fish 鱼肉 eleven 11 twelve 12 thirteen 13 fourteen 14 fifteen 15 noodles面条 dumplings 饺子 soup 汤 rice 米饭 vegetables 蔬菜 fruit 水果 morning 早上 afternoon 下午 evening 晚上 breakfast 早饭 lunch 午饭 supper 晚饭 juice 果汁 eggs 鸡蛋 bread 面包 porridge 粥 toast and jam 面包和果酱 cereal 麦片 sandwich三明治 milk 牛奶 cookies 小甜饼 ice cream冰淇淋 cake 蛋糕 delicious可口 beef 牛肉carrot 胡萝卜 chocolate 巧克力短语;1.get up 起床 2. do my homework 做我的家庭作业 3. go to bed 去睡觉 4.sweet dreams做个好梦 5.Good night晚安 6.go to school 去上学 7.How many 多少 8.in the evening 在晚上 句子;1.Im hungry . I want to eat.我饿了,我想吃2.I m thirsty. I want to drink. 我渴了。我想喝。3.Would you like some more dumpings? No,thanks.你想要更多的饺子吗? 不,谢谢。Would you like some soup? Yes,please,你想要一些汤吗? 是的,请。4.I like fruit. I dont like vegetables. 我喜欢吃水果。 我不喜欢吃蔬菜。5. I get up in the morning.早上我起床。6.Whats your favourites food? My favourite food is noodles. 你最喜欢的食物是什么? 我最喜欢吃的食物是面条。7. I have lunch. 我吃午饭。 Its time for lunch. 到吃午餐的时候了8.Whats for lunch? I like a sandwich and juice for lunch . 午餐吃什么?午餐我想吃三明治和果汁。9. Whats for dessert? Ice cream. 甜食吃什么? 冰淇淋。冀教第二册英语第四单元知识点单词:strawberry 草莓 apple 苹果 grapes 葡萄 orange 桔子 banana 香蕉 watermelon 西瓜 peach 桃 pop 汔水 water 水 tea 茶 sixteen 16 seventeen 17 eighteen 18 nineteen19 twenty 20 restaurant 饭店 hamburger 汉堡包French fries 炸薯条 pizza比萨饼 salt 盐 pepper 糊椒粉 donut 面包圈 hot dog热狗 favourite 喜爱 expensive 贵的 on sale 打折出售 borrow 借 need需要 make 制做短语:1.a bottle of milk /pop/juice/waater一瓶牛奶 2.in the restaurant 在饭店3.a bowl of noodles 一碗面条 4. a glass of milk一杯牛奶句子:2.Are you ready to order? 你准备好订餐了吗? Yes,plese. 是的,请。 I would like a chicken sandwich. 我想要一个鸡肉三明治。3.I like pepper on eggs. 我喜欢在鸡蛋上放糊椒粉。6.May I borrow your pen? Sure.我可以借你的钢笔吗? 当然可以。7.Thanks. Youre welcome.谢谢,不客气。8.How much for one donut? One yuan.一个面包圈多少元?一元。Ill take two ,please.请给我来两个。9.How much is this? Two yuan.这个多少钱? 二元。How much are the apples? Two yuan.这些苹果多少钱? 二元。10.We need some chicken。 我们需要一些鸡肉。冀教第二册英语第3单元知识点单词:wear 穿 clothes 衣服 skirt 短裙 blouse 上衣 pants 裤子 sweater毛衣 wearing 穿 new新的old 旧的 like 喜爱 favourite 最喜欢 colour 颜色 birthday 生日 present 礼物 coat 大衣 scarf 围巾 hat帽子 gloves手套 boots 靴子 pyjamas 睡衣裤 slippers 拖鞋 housecoat 睡衣袍 Sunday 星期日 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesdday星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六短语:1.too bog太大 2.too small太小 3.just right 刚合适 4.a pair of shoes/shorts / socks / boots / pants一双鞋 5.put on 穿上 6.wake up 醒来句子;1.Whats he wearing ?他穿着什么? Hes wearing a green sweater.他穿着一件绿色的毛衣。2, I like your skirt. Thanks.我喜欢你的短裙?谢谢。3.Is it new?Yes.它是新的吗? 是的。Are they new? No, Theyre old.它们是新的吗?不是,它们是旧的。4. Its my birthday present from my mum.它是我妈妈送给我的生日礼物。5, Whose hat is this? No, Its not mine.这是谁的帽子?不,它不是我的。Whose gloves are these? They are my gloves.这是谁的手套?它们是我的手套。6. What day is it ? Its Thursday.今天星期几? 它是星期四。7.He is puts on his shirt, 他穿上他的衬衫。冀教第二册英语第4单元知识点单词:bed床 bedroom 卧室 dresser梳妆台 closet 衣柜 lamp台灯 (teddy bear) 玩具熊 homework 家庭作业 TV 电视 telephone 电话 radio收音机 computer 电脑 walk步行 above 在.上方 below 在.下方 beside在.旁边 (across from)在.对面 twenty 20 twenty-five 25 thirty30 brush 刷子 comb 梳 soap 肥皂 toothbrush牙刷 toy玩具 doll 洋娃娃 kite风筝 skipping rope 跳绳 rest休息 cards 纸牌 checkers 围棋 badminton 羽毛球 ping-pong 乒乓球 hard硬的-soft 软的 短语: 1.do my homework 做我的家庭作业 2.in the evening在下午 3 read a book 看书 4 write a story 写故事 5 draw a picture 画画6. on the computer在电脑上 7.watch TV看电视 8.lie on 躺在 9.listen to 听10.go to sleep入睡 11.Good night.晚安12.brush our teeth 刷我们的牙13. comb our hair梳我们的头 14.wash our face 洗脸 15.wash our hands 洗手16.take a shower 淋浴17.wear our clothes 穿衣18 fly kites放风筝 19.go for a walk 去散步句子:1.I draw a picture for my story. 我为我的故事画画。2.I finish school at three thirty in the afternoon.在下午我3:30放学。3.Time to go to sleep. Time for bed. 该休息了。4.The TV is acrosss from the bed. 电视在床的对面。The slippers are below the bed.拖鞋在床的下方。5.On Saturday afternoon, I like to play with my friends.在星期六的下午,我喜欢和我的朋友一起玩。6.What do you want to do? I want to play badminton.你想做什么?我想打羽毛球。7.Its fun to go for a walk. 散步很有趣。冀教第四册英语第一单元知识点单词:semester 学期 teacher 老师 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 friend朋友 he他 she 她 his他的 her 她的blackbloard黑板 chalk粉笔 school 学校 chair椅子 pencil 铅笔 marker 水彩笔 glue胶水 pen 钢笔 eraser 橡皮 paper纸 pencil case 铅笔盒 scissors 剪刀under在下面反义- on 在上面 above在上方-below 在下方 beside在旁边behide在后面-in front of 在前面 in在里面-out在外面 game 游戏 number 数字 ten10 twenty 20 thirty30 forty40 fifty 50sixty60 seventy 70eighty80 ninety90 one hundred 100 classroom教室 library 图书馆 draw 画短语:1 a new semester 一个新学期 2 be ready for 为.做准备 3 with her pencil 用她的铅笔 4 put:.on 放 . 上面 5 in the library(gym)在图书馆(体育馆) 6 put.in 放.里面 7 read a book 读书 8 on the paper在纸上 9 play ping-pong 打乒乓球 10 on the blackboard在黑板上句子:1.Hello. Hi. 你好。 你好。2.How are you? Fine,thanks.你好吗? 很好, 谢谢。3.Are you ready for school? Yes.你准备好去学校了吗? 是的。4.Whats your /his/her name? 你/他/她的名字叫什么? My /His/Her name is .我/他/她的名字叫5.Nice to meet you Nce to meet you,too.认识你很高兴。 认识你也很很高兴。6.He is a new boy in school.他是我们学校新来的一位男孩。7.This is a blackboard. 这是一块黑板。 These are pencils.这些是铅笔。8.Is this your pencils? 这是你的铅笔吗? No .It s not my pencil.不,它不是我的铅笔。9Where is it? The book is on the desk.它在哪儿? 书在课桌上。10.How many books are there on my desk? Sixteen.在我的课桌上有多少本书?16。11.What is he doing? He is writing on the blackboard with the chalk. 他正在干什么? 他正在黑板上写。 冀教第四册英语第二单元知识点单词:January 一月 February二月 March 三月 April 四月 May 五月 June六月 July七月 August 八月September九月 October十月 November十一月 December 十二月 month 月 year年 date日、天 first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五 sixth第六 seventh 第七eighth 第八ninth第九 tenth 第十eleventh第十一 twelfth第十二 race比赛 week星期 New Years Day 新年 Spring Festival春节 International WorkersDay 国际劳动节Childrens Day儿童节 Teachers Day教师节National Day国庆节 yesterday 昨天 today今天 tomorrow明天 sun太阳-sunny晴朗的 cloud云-cloudy 多云的 wind风-windy 有风的 snow雪-snowy 有雪的 rain雨-rainy有雨的 blowing吹 black黑色-white白色 hot热-cold 冷 leaf-leaves树叶短语;1. time to work 该工作了 2. months of the year 一年中的月份 3. days of the week一周中的日子 4. work hard努力学习 5. do my maths 做我的数学题 6.in the afternoon/evening地下午/晚上7.go to school 去上学8.go home 去回家9.have supper 吃晚饭句子;1.Whats the date? Its February 22. 几号了? 它是2月22日。2.What day is it? Its Tuesday ,December seventeenth.它是星期几?它是星期二,12月17日。3.When is National Day? 国庆节是什么时候? October first. 10月1日。4.What day was yesterday? 昨天星期几? Sunday, July eleventh.星期日。7月11日。5.This is the sun.这是太阳。6.The wind is blowing the tree s leaves.风在吹动树叶。7. What is the fourth day of the week?Wednesday is the fourth day of the week.一周中的第四天是什么? 星期三是一周的四天。8.Hows the weather today? Its sunny.今天天气怎么样? 这是晴朗的。9.What time is it? Its 7:00.几点了? 它是七点。10.When is supper ? At 6:30 in the evening.晚饭是什么时候? 在晚上六点三十。冀教第四册英语第三单元知识点单词;colour 颜色 marker 水彩笔 apple 苹果 chair 椅子 shirt 男衬衫 birthday 生日 red 红色 yellow 黄色 blue 蓝色 short矮的 - tall高的 metre 米 taller 较高 shorter 较矮 skirt 短裙 blouse 女衬衫 pants 裤子 socks 袜子 sweater 毛衣 hat 帽子 wear 穿 jeans 牛仔裤 clothes衣服 house房子 apartment 公寓 build-building修建live 居住 park 公园 far远的-near近的 road马路 street 街道 avenue大街 address地址 restaurant 饭店 favourite喜爱 bus公交车 cab 出租车 bicycle自行车 truck 卡车 drive 开车 walk 步行短语:1. a pair of socks/shoes/pants一双袜子/鞋子/裤子 2. in the park 在公园 3.far from离.远 4. live in 居住 5.point to 指 6.ride my bicycle骑我的自行车 7.by car/bus 乘小汽车 /公交车 句子;1. How old are you? Im ten years old.你多大了? 我十岁了。2. When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?My birthday is February eleventh.我的生日是2月11日。3. How talll are you ? Im 1.4 metres tall.你有多高?我高1米4。4. Stand on your food. 站好。5. What are you wearing? I m wearing a shirt. 你穿着什么?我穿着一件男衬衫。6. I like your new pants.我喜欢你的新裤子。7.She is taller and he is shorter. 她高些他矮一些。8. Where do you live? I live in an apartment.你住在哪儿?我住在一间公寓里。9.Lets go to your house. 让我们去你的房子吧!10.What is your address? My address is 135 Ninth Avenue. 你的地址是什么?我的地址是第九大街135号。11. How do you go to school? By bus. 你怎样去学校? 坐公交车。冀教第四册英语第4单元知识点单词:colour颜色 pink 粉色 orange橘色 purple 紫色 brown 棕色 white白色- black 黑色 green 绿色 blue 蓝色 same相同的-different 不同的 shorts 短裤 clothes衣服skirt 短裙 socks袜子 breakfast早饭 lunch午饭 supper 晚饭 meat 大肉 chicken 鸡肉 fruit 水果 vegetables 蔬菜 noodles 面条 dumplings 饺子 soup汤 rice米饭 pizza 比萨饼 hot dog 热狗 fish 鱼肉 French fries 炸薯条 milk 牛奶 donut 面包圈 ice cream 冰淇淋 cookies 小甜饼 with 和.一起 play 玩 like喜爱 game游戏 toy玩具 computer 电脑 doll 洋娃娃 skipping 跳绳 and 和 but 但是 our我们的 their 他们的 read 读 write 写 they他们 we 我们 短语;1.play basketball/ping-pong 打篮球/乒乓球 2. skipping rope跳绳3.play on the computer打电脑 4.sing songs唱歌 5. write stories写故事 6.draw pictures 画画 7.read books看书句子;1. Whats your favourite colour? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么? My favourite colour is green. 我最喜欢的颜色是绿色。2. Shorts are my favourite clothes.短裤是我最喜欢的衣服。3 I dont like socks , either. 我也不喜欢袜子。4. Whats your favourite food for lunch? 午饭你最喜欢吃的食物是什么? I like sandwich and milk for lunch.午饭我喜欢吃三明治和牛奶。5, We eat breakfast in the morning. 早上我们吃早饭。 6.What do you like to do?你喜欢做什么?I like to play basketball with my father.我喜欢和我爸爸一起打篮球。6. Whats for dessert ? 甜食吃什么? Donuts are my favourite dessert.面包圈是我最喜欢吃的甜食。7. What s your favourite school work? 在学校你最喜欢做什么?My favourite school work is to read books.在学校我最喜欢看书。冀教版小学英语上学期重要句型第7册What time is it?(现在)几点了? Its 5:15.(现在)五点十五分。 Did you have a good trip?这一趟玩儿得好吗? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.是的,很好。/ 不,不好。 Ill show you the rooms in my house. 我带你看看我们的房子。 Whats in Li Mings bedroom? 李明的卧室里有什么?Its time for breakfast! 该吃早饭了。 What would you like for breakfast? 早餐想吃点什么?I would like cereal, please.我想吃麦片。 Wheres the sink? 洗涤槽在哪儿? Whats for supper? 晚饭吃什么? Vegetables and meat. 蔬菜和肉。Lets help my mother make supper. 让我们帮我妈妈做晚饭吧。Times for supper! 晚饭时间。 Supper is ready!晚饭准备好了! Please pass the peas!请把豌豆递给我! What are you doing?你正在干什么? Im washing the dirty dishes.我正在洗脏盘子。 Good work, Dad!干得好,爸爸! Whats in the living room?起居室里有什么? Jenny usually eats a sandwich for lunch. 詹妮通常午餐时吃一个三明治。 Sometimes she eats soup. 有时她喝汤。 Steven always wears pants.史蒂文总是穿裤子。 He never wears dresses.他从不穿连衣裙。Does Jenny always take the bus? 詹妮总是乘公共汽车吗?Time to go to school! 该上学了! Here come the school bus! 校车来了! Where are you from? 你来自哪里? I am from Canada.我来自加拿大。 Whats the name of your city? 你的城市叫什么名字? My city is Shijiazhuang. 我的城市是石家庄。 Do you live in a house?你是住在房子里吗? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 是的。/ 不是。 I came on Monday. 我星期一来的。 We speak Chinese at home. 我在家说汉语。 Hows the weather today, Steven? 今天天气怎么样,史蒂文? Its rainy and cool. 是一个凉爽的雨天。 Whats the temperature outside, Kim? 外面温度多少,金? Whats the temperature inside?室内温度多少? Whats the temperature? 温度是多少? Its fifteen degrees.气温为十五(华氏)度。 Lets put a triangle for always. 我们用一个三角形表示“总是”。 Lets put a circle for usually. 我们用一个圆形表示“通常”。 Lets put a square for sometimes. 我们用一个方形表示“有时”。 Lets put a line for never. 我们用一条直线表示“从不”。 How many lines make a triangle? 多少条直线组成一个三角? Three lines make a triangle.三条直线组成一个三角形。 Whats your favourite shape? 你最喜欢的形状是什么? Who likes to sing? 谁喜欢唱歌? Can you play the guitar? 你会弹吉他吗? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.我会。/ 不,我不会。 How many seasons are there in a year? 一年有几个季节? There are four seasons in a year.一年有四个季节。 The wind blows the leaves off the trees. 风吹落树上的叶子。 What do you like to do in winter? 你喜欢在冬天做什么? I like to skate on the ice. 我喜欢滑冰。 Can you teach me? 你能教我吗? What a cold, snowy day! 天儿真冷,雪可真大! Lets go inside.我们进屋吧。 Lets go outside. 我们出去吧。 How did I do, Danny? 我刚才表现得怎么样,丹尼?You learn fast, Li Ming! 你学得真快,李明!No, Danny. I dont think so.丹尼,我不认为如此。Whats your favourite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么?Is winter your favourite season? 冬天是你最喜欢的季节吗? I like winter! 我喜欢冬天。Are mittens and mitts the same? Mittens 和 mitts是一样的吗?Yes, mittens and mitts are the same.是的,mittens和mitts是一样的。 Christmas is coming! 圣诞节到了。When is Christmas? 圣诞节是什么时候?冀教英语第五册重难点总结第一单元Lesson 1重点单词:Father mother brother sister grandfather grandmother重点句型:I have_/ I dont have_. Older than younger thanLesson 2重点单词:Aunt uncle cousin 重点句型:_ has_. 语法:第三人称单数Lesson 3 重点单词:Glasses gray 重点句型:Taller than shorter thanLesson 4 重点单词:Businessman doctor teacher clerk 重点句型:He/she is a _.How do you go to work?By_.Lesson 5重点词组:Play checkers go for a walk read a newspaper read books work on the computer watch TV play ping-pong(知道这些词是词组,并了解汉意)重点句型:I like to _. She/he likes to_.Lesson 6 重点句型:I/we go to the _to _.第二单元Lesson 9重点单词:map country north south east west重点句型:_ point _.Lesson 10重点单词:China Chinese speak capital cityLesson 11重点单词:Canada English knowLesson 12重点单词:The US English重点句型: Do you know _? Yes, I know. / No, I dont know.Lesson 13重点单词:The UKLesson 14重点单词:Australia由于这单元接触的全都是国家,因此,每课要求学生掌握的内容都是各个国家的首都、国旗、语言、地理位置及著名景点,其中景点内容只要求学生认读,不要求拼写,会选择即可。第三单元Lesson 17重点单词:Beijing hotel trip重点句型:I love to go on a trips/go on a trip.I want _ to come, too.I want to go shopping.Lesson 18重点句型:May I go to _? Yes, you may. / No, you may not.Lesson 19重点单词:come go invite重点句型:I want _to come on our trip to _.May I invite _?Lesson 20重点单词:到10,000的数字,about重点句型:How far is it from_ _to _? Its about_.Lesson 21 重点单词:airplane train bus fast slow 重点句型:Faster than slower thanLesson 22重点单词:arrive leave重点句型:Arrive in / at , leave forWhen do you _arrive/ leave?第四单元Lesson 25 重点单词:clothes jacket ticket重点句型:We need tickets from _to _.Does he need_?Lesson 26重点单词:this that these those重点句型:I like_/ I dont like_.Lesson 27重点单词:packing my/your/his/her suitcase重点句型:What are you doing? Im packing my suitcase. How many_do you have?语法:my your his herLesson28重点句型:My _ _lost. Can you find my _?Lesson 29重点单词:jump run walk重点句型:Dont jump/run/walk.From _to_Lesson 30重点单词:sit stand重点句型:Dont sit/stand.重点写作:a. My Familyb. My Favourite Countryc. A Good Tripd. What Do You Need For a Trip?e. 列表: 各个国家的首都、位置、语言、国旗、著名景点等。(可作为填表题)冀教版小学英语第六册知识重点总结第1课 重点单词:look see point重点语法:look 与see的区别。重点句型:Look! I see_.(会写)Please dont _.(会写)Are you having fun? I am having fun. (搭配)第2课 重点单词:loud quiet sleep draw 重点语法:现在进行时第3课重点单词:man woman baby 初步渗透三个单词的复数。重点句子:This man is on the train. (填空)Who is it ? Its _.(填空)Who is _ing? Its_. (搭配) 选读本课第二部分内容.第4课 重点单词:some 重点语法:不可数名词: tea water pop milk重点句子:1.Who is thirsty? Its_.(填空)2.Would you like a glass of milk, please?Yes, please./No, thank you.(搭配)第5课重点单词:quick重点语法:不可数名词: soup fruit 以及some的用法。重点句子:1.Who is hungry ? Its_.(填空)2.What would you like? I would like some fruit, please.(搭配)第6课 重点单词:now重点语法:现在进行时What are you doing? I am _ing. /What is he /she doing? He/She is _ing.)第9课重点语法:1.不规则名词单数变复数manmen womanwomen childchildren peoplepeople2.This is a_, one_.(会写)These are _, many_.(会写)重点句子:Who is tired and hungry? Everyone is tired and hungry. (搭配)第10课重点单词:slowly quickly重点语法:形容词变副词,及它们之间的区别和运用。第11课重点单词:louldly quietly easy hard重点语法:形容词变副词,及它们之间的区别和运用。Can Jenny fly a kite? Yes, this is easy./No, this is hard. (搭配)第12课 重点单词:camera picture help hurt重点句子:My _hurts./ I hurt my _.(连词成句)第13课 重点句子: May I take your picture? Yes ,please./No, thanks.(会写)第14课 重点单词:everyone 重点句子:I want to buy gifts for my family. (连词成句)Everyone wants to go shopping. (连词成句)Lesson17:重点单词:postcard, letter e-mail.重点句子:I want to send this postcard to _.(单项选择sendto)How much is/are _? _ yuan.How much for a/this _? _ yuan. (要求学生选择或搭配.)Lesson18:重点单词:bottom, top, left, right 以及下一课的corner会看图在正确的位置写下这些单词。知道在哪儿写日期,在哪儿写地址,在哪儿写名字。(给出地址、日期等会放到到信封的正确位置。)Lesson19:重点单词:envelope corner重点短语:turn left turn right go strightLesson20:重点单词:send重点句子:where are you sending your letter/postcard?Im sending it to _.(会搭配)本课第二部分可作为排序练习。要求学生背熟。Lesson21:重点单词:stamp重点句子:Where do I put the stamp? In the top,right corner.(搭配)Lesson22:重点单词:computerLesson25:重点单词: walked looked talked played missed wanted重点句子:This/It is for you.(会写) Did you have a good trip? Yes, I did./No, I didnt.(搭配)重点语法:规则动词的过去式的基本形式-动词后加ed。本课第二部分可作为排序,要求学生会背。Lesson26:重点单词:不规则动词的过去式:eat ate seesaw gowent havehad重点句子:Did you miss me?Yes, I missed you.(搭配)Lesson27:重点句子:What happed? I fell. I hurt my nose.(搭配)Lesson28:重点句子:This is _ at the _.(连词成句)Lesson29:重点单词:gift重点句子:Here is the gift for you.(连词成句)Lesson30:本课复习书信的写法和动词的过去式。小学词类总结及练习题2一、名词复数规则1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds2以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes,3以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries4以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives5不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-micechild-children ,foot-feet,.tooth-teethfish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese写出下列各词的复数I _him _this _her _ watch _child _photo _diary _day_ foot_ book_ dress _tooth_ sheep _box_ strawberry _thief _yo-yo _ peach_ sandwich _man_ woman_ paper_ juice_water_ milk_ rice_ tea_二、一般现在时一般现在时基本用法介绍【No. 1】一般现在时的功能1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。3.表示客观现实。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。一般现在时的构成1. be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。如:I am a boy.我是一个男孩。2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。如:We study English.我们学习英语。当主语为第三人称单数(he, she,it)时,要在动词后加-s或-es。如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。【No. 2】一般现在时的变化1. be动词的变化。否定句:主语+ be + not +其它。如:He is not a worker.他不是工人。一般疑问句:Be +主语+其它。如:-Are you a student?-Yes. I am. / No, Im not特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:Where is my bike?2.行为动词的变化。否定句:主语+ dont( doesnt ) +动词原形(+其它)。如:I dont like bread.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesnt构成否定句。如:He doesnt often play.一般疑问句:Do( Does ) +主语+动词原形+其它。如:- Do you often play football?- Yes, I do. / No, I dont.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构成一般疑问句。如:- Does she go to work by bike?- Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.【No. 3】特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:How does your father go to work?动词+s的变化规则1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks2以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes3以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies1现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。2现在进行时的肯定句基本结构为be+动词ing. 3现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。4现在进行时的一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。5现在进行时的特殊疑问的基本结构为:疑问词不达意 + be + 主语 + 动词ing?但疑问词当主语时其结构为:疑问词不达意


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