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托福语法易错题及其统计1. Meltingglaciers may account the rise in sea levelthat has take n place honing this cen tury.答对率:50%答案:b2. A nthropologist ja ne Goodall has con tributed a wealthin formati onconcerning primate behavior through herstudies of chimpa nzees.答对率:46%答案:b3. The discovery of gold in 1848 transformedSanFra ncisco sudde nly from a quiet ports in tos one of the worldsrichest and most famous city.答对率:44%答案:d4. Alla nPi nkert on ,fo un derof the famous detectiveage ncy that bears him n ame,directed a Civil War espi on age system behi nd Con federatelin es.答案:c5. The city of Kalamazoo, Michiga n, derives its n ame from aNative America n word.bubbli ng spri ngs.A. mea ntB. mea ningC. that is mea ntD. whose meaning答对率:46%答案:b6.Salt is manu factured in qua ntities that exceed those ofmost,other commercial chemicals.A. of an notB. not if an areC. are not anD. if not an答对率:49%答案:d7. C on temporaryfilm directors,some of them write thescripts for,act in ,a nd eve n produce their own moti on pictures, are thereby assu ming ever more con trol of their art.答案:a8. Petroleum it is composed of a complexmixtureof hydroge n and carb on.答对率:31%答案:a9. The air in side a house or office buildi ng ofte n has higherconcentrationsof contaminants heavily pollutedair.A. tha n doesB. moreC. as some that areD. like of答对率:50%答案:a10. EmilyDicki nsons garde n was a placein spirati on for her poems.A. that she drewB. by draw ing herC. from which she drewD. draw n from which答对率:50%答案:coutsidegreat11n the Un ited States am ong 60 perce nt of the space on the pages of n ewspapers is reserved for advertis in g.答对率:47%答案:a12.Scie ntistsbelieve that by alteri ngthegen eticcompositi on of pla nts it is possible to develop specime ns that are resisti ng to disease and have in creased food value.答对率:50%答案:b13. The America n an archist Emma goldma n in fused herspirited lectures, publishes,a nddem on strati onwith apassi on ate belief in the freedom of the in dividual.答对率:36%答案:a14. Be ing the biggest expa nse of brackish water in the world,the Baltic Sea is of special i nterest in g to scie ntists.答对率:44%答案:d15. Whilestudy ingthe chemistry ofhuma nbody,Dr.Rosal yn Yalow won a Nobel Prize for the research shecon ducted on the role of horm on es.答案:b16. The early railroads werethe exist ingarteries oftran sportatio n: roads,tur npikes, can als,a nd other waterways.A. those short lines conn ectedB. short lines that conn ectedC. conn ected by short linesD. short conn ect ing lines答对率:50%答案:b1927,the Red Cross,out ofMississippi,set up temporary17. Duri ng the flood of emerge ncy headquarters in shelters for the homeless.A. operatesB. is operat ingC. has operatedD. operati ng答对率:44%18.Mi noruY amasaki is答案:dan American architect which works departed from the austerity frequently associatedwith architecture in the Un ited States after the Second WorldWar.答案:a19. Ja ne Addams.social worker,authoe,a nd spokeswoma nfor the peace and wome ns suffrage moveme nts,she received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 for her huma nitaria n achieveme nts.答对率:50%答案:c20. Bromyrite crystals have a diam on d-like luster and are usually colorless,but they dard to brow n whe n exposed to light.答对率:44%答案:c21ce is less de nser tha n the liquid from which it is formed.答对率:50%答案:a22. James Baldwi ns plays and short stories,which are tosome degree autobiographical,established them as a leadi ng figure in the Un ited States civil rights moveme nt.答对率:43%答案:c23. Th un der can be liste ned from a maximum dista neeof about ten miles except underunusualatmosphericcon diti ons.答对率:35%答案:a24. The qua ntum theory states.,such as light, is give n offand absorbed in tiny defi nite un its called qua nta or phot ons.A. e nergy thatB. that it is en ergyC. it is en ergyD. that en ergy答对率:50%答案:d25. Geysers are round near rivers and lakes,swhereswaterdra ins through the soilA. surface below the deepB. deep below the surfaceC. the deep below surfaceD. the deep surface below答对率:50%答案:b26. Althoughhe is employed in the scie ntific andtech ni cal fields,the metric system is not gen erally utilizedin the Un ited States.答对率:46%答案:a27. Beneaththe deep oceans that cover two-thirds ofthe Earth, in trigu ing secret of the pla net are con cealed.答对率:43%答案:c28. The pioneer John Chapman received the nickname johnny Appleseed because he planted apple seedlings during him travels in what are now Ohio, Indiana, and Illi nois.答对率:50%答案:c29. On March 1,1867,to the Un io n whe n Preside ntAn drew Joh nsons veto was overridde n.A. si nee the state of Nebraska had bee n admittedB. admitted that the state of MebraskaC. the admissi on of the state of NebraskaD. the state of Nebraska was admitted答对率:50%答案:d30. The best known of all the Arctic birds,A. birdwatchers favor ptarmiga nsB. be ing ptarmiga ns and birdwatchers favoritesC. favored by both ptarmiga ns and birdwatchersD. ptarmiga ns are a favorite of birdwatchers答对率:47%答案:d通过对这30道错误率极高的toefl语法题分析可看出,名词词 组与动名词、词的顺序、动词单复数-主谓一致、动词短语及用法 形容词修饰等知识点较多,容易忽视或混淆的地方。熟悉难题,透过 它们找到命题的难点,方能有的放矢,攻取满分!托福语法易错题及其统计 相关内容:


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