英语:Unit 1Nothing ventured,nothing gainedUsing language课件 新人教选修10

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英语:Unit 1Nothing ventured,nothing gainedUsing language课件 新人教选修10_第1页
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英语:Unit 1Nothing ventured,nothing gainedUsing language课件 新人教选修10_第3页
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Reading and WritingOptimism helped us persevere.While listening, try to get the general idea of the passage. It tells us the problems the men had to face on the island and how they overcame them and they were rescued at last.1 Answer these questions after reading the passage.1 ) What kind of problems did the men have to face on Elephant Island?2 ) What do you think was their greatest worry? How do you think they overcame this difficulty?3 ) Why did Shackleton encourage them to have celebrations? How do you think the celebrations helped? They had to face two kinds of problems: one was psychological and the other physical. The psychological one was to stay cheerful and not give way to despair. The physical problem was to stay fit despite a diet consisting only of meat. This meant that there were not enough vitamins or minerals and the food was the same day after day. I think their greatest worry was not being rescued. They dealt with this by remaining cheerful, having musical evenings singing to the banjo and holding celebrations. Celebrations give people something to look forward to, create good relationships between the people who are celebrating and make everyone feel more cheerful. That is why Shackleton encouraged them. What lesson have you learned from the story?After reading the whole story, we know Shackleton and his men were people of great determination. They showed great perseverance in the face of difficulty. They never gave up and they succeeded at last. I was deeply touched by them and I will learn from them. No matter what difficulties we meet in future, never give up and struggle to achieve success in life.* give a summary of the story;* state what you liked / disliked about it and why; Write a review of Perce Blackborows story for a newspaper. In a review you should:Homework* consider whether the language helped the story or not;* explain whether or how it inspired you;* state whether you would encourage anybody else to read it and why.Language Points“Optimism helped us persevere.” Let me stand you a dinner. 让我请你一顿饭。让我请你一顿饭。 In February 1916 the French army made a stand at Verdun(凡尔登凡尔登). 奋力抵抗。奋力抵抗。 1. stand的意义及引申的意义及引申: v. 站立站立, 忍受忍受, 位在位在; “使使(液体液体)保持静止保持静止 不动;静置,沉淀不动;静置,沉淀” She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament. 她在核裁军的问题上态度很坚决。她在核裁军的问题上态度很坚决。 He cant stand hot weather. 受不住受不住 Let the words stand. 不要改动这些字。不要改动这些字。 This work will hardly stand close examination. 这种作品很难经得起认真的检验。这种作品很难经得起认真的检验。Leave the water to stand overnight.让水沉淀。让水沉淀。Stand the mixture for 20 minutes and see what happens.将混合溶液静置将混合溶液静置20分钟。分钟。The gas give off an unpleasant smell.这种气体散发出一种难闻的气味。这种气体散发出一种难闻的气味。The engine gives off smoke and steam.发动机发出烟气和水蒸气。发动机发出烟气和水蒸气。2. give off 排出排出;散发出散发出;发出发出(光光,热热,气味等气味等)When wine is fermented it gives off bubbles of gas.酒发酵时会放出气泡。酒发酵时会放出气泡。As motor vehicles burn fuel, theygive off carbon monoxide as a waste.在汽车燃烧燃料时在汽车燃烧燃料时, 产生废气产生废气一氧化碳。一氧化碳。the remains of a meal 残羹剩饭残羹剩饭the remains of an army 残兵败将残兵败将human remains 人的尸体人的尸体The remains of the supper were taken away.3. remains 复数形式的名词,复数形式的名词, “剩余物剩余物;遗迹遗迹;遗体,残骸遗体,残骸”。His mortal remains are buried in the churchyard.After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil, so as to enrich it.小麦收割完成后小麦收割完成后, 农夫们把剩余物烧掉农夫们把剩余物烧掉, 然然后用犁把灰埋入地里后用犁把灰埋入地里, 使土地更肥沃。使土地更肥沃。4. die down 渐弱渐弱; 渐熄渐熄(to become less strong or violent)The wind died down风势渐渐弱了下来。风势渐渐弱了下来。The excitement soon died down那股兴奋劲儿渐渐冷了下来。那股兴奋劲儿渐渐冷了下来。die away (声音声音,风风,光等光等)渐渐减弱渐渐减弱,甚至停止甚至停止die off (有生命的群体有生命的群体)一个接一个地死去一个接一个地死去die out (家族家族,种族种族,习俗习俗,观念等观念等)完全消失;绝种完全消失;绝种词语联想词语联想He works as a chef in a restaurant.他在一家餐馆当厨师。他在一家餐馆当厨师。Who is the cook in your family?在你们家谁做饭在你们家谁做饭?5. chef和和cook都有都有“厨师厨师”的意思的意思, 但但chef多指多指“厨技高超的男性厨师厨技高超的男性厨师; 主厨主厨”, 而而cook则泛指则泛指“烹调食物的人烹调食物的人”。The teacher was advised to vary his teaching methods.有人建议这位老师改变一下教学方法。有人建议这位老师改变一下教学方法。6. vary vi. & vt. 改变改变, 变化变化, 使多样化使多样化Mom is a good cook; she varies the meals so that we never get tired of eating at home.妈妈是个好厨师。她总是变换饭菜的口妈妈是个好厨师。她总是变换饭菜的口味,所以我们从不厌烦在家吃饭。味,所以我们从不厌烦在家吃饭。7. caution n. 小心小心, 慎重慎重, 警示警示 v. 警告警告He told us to proceed with caution.谨慎行事谨慎行事You should exercise extreme caution when driving in fog.在雾中开车要极为小心。在雾中开车要极为小心。I must caution you against the danger.告诫告诫We urged caution.我们特别提出要小心谨慎。我们特别提出要小心谨慎。We were cautioned not to drive too fast.人家提醒我们车不要开得太快。人家提醒我们车不要开得太快。I would caution against undue optimism.我奉劝不要过于乐观。我奉劝不要过于乐观。He persevered in his studies.他孜孜不倦地学习。他孜孜不倦地学习。She persevered with her piano lessons.她持之以恒地努力学钢琴。她持之以恒地努力学钢琴。8. persevere: 坚持;忍耐不及物动坚持;忍耐不及物动 词词, 后面常接后面常接in或或with。The police will persevere with their efforts to investigate the crime.警方会尽全力将这起犯罪案件调查到警方会尽全力将这起犯罪案件调查到底。底。When do you think you will be able to repay us?I couldnt find a way of repaying the familys kindness我不知该如何报答这一家人的好意。我不知该如何报答这一家人的好意。9. repay 回报回报, 报答报答; 偿还偿还 repay sb. for sth. repay sb. with / by doing sth. Well never be able to repay you for everything youve done for us.我们永远也无法报答你为我们所我们永远也无法报答你为我们所做的一切。做的一切。She tried to be a good teacher, and the students repaid her with their love and respect.After I have done so much for you, how can you repay me by lying to me?我为你付出这么多,你怎么能用谎话我为你付出这么多,你怎么能用谎话来回报我来回报我?Weve made a commitment to help, and we will.我们已经答应帮忙,我们一定说我们已经答应帮忙,我们一定说到做到。到做到。10. commitment 承诺承诺; 责任责任; 约束约束 I cant do this job right now because of other commitments.因为还有别的事要做,目前我不能做这因为还有别的事要做,目前我不能做这项工作。项工作。He couldnt go on holiday with us because of work commitments他公务缠身他公务缠身, 不能和我们一起去度假。不能和我们一起去度假。


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