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剑桥国际少儿英语第一级教材教学计划单元教学目标重点词汇重点句型发音复习补充语言点1 Hello!1 .学会简短的自我介绍,并记 住Sta俅庭成员名字。2 .理解和使用数字110,掌握 颜色单词。3 .能就名字和年龄进行提问和 回答。Mr. Star, Mrs. Star Stella,Simon, Suzy, one-ten colour,red, yellow, pink, green, orange, purple. bluejalnbowHello, I m - Whaf s your name? My name*s How old are you? I What colour Is It? It/s/ n,sOpen/Close your books. Stand up. Sit down. Point to red. Pick up your pencil. Listen to CD.2 My School1 .学习教室物品的名称,并能 数出这些物品。2.可以就 人物进行提问和回答。3 .可以就物品的颜色进行提问 和回答9table, book, chair, eraser, pen. pencil, school, bag, friend, girl, boy, monkey, mouse.puppetIs this/Ihat-*? Yes, it iit Isnt.Who,s that? Whos he/she?How old Is he/she? How are you?Im fine, thank you.!. No./m/数字11O, 颜色,人物名称Draw the monster. Heres another book.3 Favourite toys1.学习玩具名称,讨论其颜色等。2.学会用介词谈论位置。3 .补充 学习几个颜色单词。car. ball, doll, computer, bike, train, black. brown. white, grey, tortoise, two, toy, in, on, under, next toWhafs your favourite toy?My favourite toy is Where*s your ?Its Monty under the chair? No. he isnt.Isyour book In your bag? No, ItIsnt. Yes, it is.Is/t/教室物品,颜 色,数字,课 觉用语Wharsthis? It*s ahe/she ?Yes he/she is. No,he/she isnt.I dont know. Qereyouare.The doll on the chair is brown.4My family1 .学习家庭成员的称呼,并讨 论家庭成员:2.学会用肥.描述家庭成员。family, mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother.grandfather, box, old. young. ugly, beautifuL happy, sad. Bertie batwho*s that man in the car? Whos thi&z that? Hes/She She*s beautiful./b/颜色,数字, 教室物品,介 诃描述位置man. woman, pop star.Our world Review Units1-4家庭成员、形容阿、介词、玩具、教室物品、颜色、数字、人物和玩具名称、课堂用语.疑问诃等(共70个)。发音尽心的心!。与这些归类单词相关的提问和回答。重点句型 25个。需要3课时。5 Our pets1 .学习各种宠物的名称,讨论 并描述和宠物有关的话题。2.进步学习名词和形容词。pet, cat, dog, fish, horse, mouse, bird, long, short, big, small, clean, dirty, Penny penguin, pink, purpleWhats your favourite pet? Itis a black and white dog. Look at my cat.Wheres your pet? They are(ugly/big.).P家庭,形容 词,介词,玩 具,教室物 品,颜色,数 字等lovely, pet show,bingo, follow.finger,6 My face1.学习身体各部位名称。2.学 会用have go讨论身体特征03 .结合颜色单词和形容词来描 述身体各部位名称。face, ear. eye. mouth, nose, tooth/teeth, hair, head, shoulders. knee toes. body. Henry horseHave you got a small mouth, ,Yes. I have. No. I havent.IVe got purple hair.Zh/宠物,家庭, 形容词,介 词,颜色数 字,课堂用语 等funny, different, programme, The Troll Show. Can you repeat that, please?7 Wild animals1.学习野生动物的名称。2.学 习描述动物和动物的身体部位0crocodile, elephant, hippo. giraffe, snake, tiger, animal, arm, leg, foot/teet, hand. Cassandra catTheyve got They havent got Have they got ? Yes. th have. No, they havent. How many have they got*;沙k/脸和身体,宠 物,家庭,形 容词,介胤 颜色数字等Its my turn. Whars brown and yellow with a small head?8 My clothes1 .学习服装的名称。2 .运用学过的单词和句型谈论服装。3.学会描述一个人的衣着。jacket, shoes, skirt, socks.(pair of) trousers, T-shirt. Daisy dogHe*s/She*s got He/S hasn*t got Where ?卜 many-?)e野生动物,脸 和身体,教室 物品,宠物, 形容词,介词,颜色数字 等 Where,?How many -? I have got I havent gotI don*t know.Whos got ?Our world Review Units5-8衣服,野生动物,脸和身体,宠物,家庭,形容阿,介词,颜色,数字,人物和玩具名称,课堂用语,疑问词等(共50个);have go恪个不同人称的使用;what, where, who. how many关健句型20个。需要3课时。9 Fun time!1.学习并讨论体育运动和活动的名称。2.学习用can和can,t讨论动作3.学习can的具体使用。play football, play basketball, play tennis, play the guitar, swim, ride a biKe, play the piano, ride a horse, sing, fish, drive a car, Freddy frog. can. cantl.you.She,He cari/cant What can you do? Can you ?Yes, I can. No.cantWho can ?I 4/衣服,野生动 物,脸和身体,宠物,家 庭,课堂用 语,介词等Whats number 1? and. butplay table tennis.put. Now let*s Lets alldo match,Ready. go!10At the funfair1 .学习游乐场项目名称。2 .结合学过的词汇句型谈论游 乐场的项目。3.学习现在进行时的用法,学会 谈论正在进行的动作。busy lorry. motorbike, helicopter, plane, boat, funfair flying, riding.driving.walklng,sltting.What are you doing?Im flying./n/活动,衣服, 野生动物,脸 和身体,介 词,课堂用语,疑问闻提 问等cross the street, Whats missing?11Our house1 .学习房间的名称,并讨论房 间的物品。2. 巩固练习现在进行时的用法。bathroom. bedroom, dining room, hall, kitchen, living room, house, eat fish, watch TV, have a bath, Gertiegoat学过的动词的现在分网Whats he/she doing?HeShes listening to music.What are they doing? They are sitting on the sofa.Is he/she reading? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she Isnt.游乐场,活 动,衣服,动 物,家庭,颜 色,介诃等, can的用法,现 在进行时Im not eating. Everybody. home.12Party timel1 .学习各种食物的名称,并谈 论食物。2.学习对才欢喝不喜欢的事物进行提问 和回答。3.巩固练习现在进 行时的用法。food, apple, banana, burger. Ice cream, some cake. make a cake, chocolate, fish, party time. Larry llama. lorryI like cake, I dont like chocolate.Do you like snakes? Yes, I do. No, I dont./I/房子,游乐 场,活动,衣 服,动物,家 庭,颜色齐 词等,can的用 法,现在进行 时yummy, barbecue, jump, freeze, plate. What does likeOur world Review Unlts9-12食物,房子,游乐场,活动,衣服,野生动物,脸和身体,宠物,家庭,形容词,介网,颜色,数字,人物和玩具名称, 课堂用语,疑问词等(共60个);have g。咯个不同人称的使用;can. can*J用法;表示现在行为的现在进行时;like. dontlike的用法;关键句型25个。需要5课时。


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