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南开大学2003年博士研究生入学考试试题Part Listening ComprehensionX* Yu8 ) |(略)* x+ A0 P1 S- b! w考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.orgPart Reading Comprehension (20 points) h2 C y: L) O) wPassage 1 T r MD M2 tTraffic statistics paint a gloomy picture. To help solve their traffic woes, some rapidly growing U.S. cities have simply built more roads. But traffic experts say building more roads is a quick-fix solution that will not alleviated the traffic problem in the long run. Soaring land costs, increasing concern over social and environmental disruptions caused by road-building, and the likelihood that more roads can only lead to more cars and traffic are powerful factors bearing down on a 1950s-style construction program.考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.org7 u2 3 v4 H/ # D2 G vThe goal of smart-highway technology is to make traffic systems work at optimum efficiency by treating the road and the vehicles traveling on them as an integral transportation system. Proponents of the advanced technology say electronic detection systems, closed-circuit television, radio communication, ramp metering, variable message signing, and other smart-highway technology can now be used at a reasonable cost to improve communication between drivers and the people who monitor traffic.& | q% : s6 eD2 a( c/ NPathfinder, a Santa Monica, California-based smart-highway project in which a 14-mile stretch of the Santa Monica Freeway, making up what is called a “smart corridor”, is being instrumented with buried loops in the pavement. Closed-circuit television cameras survey the flow of traffic, while communication linked to property equipped automobiles advise motorists of the least congested routes or detours.考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.org6 w& ?9 i9 N8 1 _! HNot all traffic experts, however, look to smart-highway technology as the ultimate solution to traffic gridlock. Some say the high-tech approach is limited and can only offer temporary solutions to a serious problem.+ z: m( n0 & q8 # r“Electronics on the highway addresses just one aspect of the problem: how to regulate traffic more efficiently,” explains Michael Renner, senior researcher at the world-watch Institute. “It doesnt deal with the central problem of too many cars for roads that cant be built fast enough. It sends people the wrong message. They start thinking “Yes, there used to be a traffic congestion problem, but thats been solved now because we have, advanced high-tech system in place.” Larson agrees and adds, “Smart highways is just one of the tools that we use to deal with our traffic problems. Its not the solution itself, just pan of the package. There are different strategies.”( h% Y1 h ( U8 L J考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.orgOther traffic problem-solving options being studied and experimented with include car pooling, rapid mass-transit systems, staggered or flexible work hours, and road pricing, a system whereby motorists pay a certain amount for the time they use a highway.) o9 r+ F2 X# g, 4 L% v$ S5 It seems that we need a new, major thrust to deal with the traffic problems of the next 20 years. There has to be a big change.( & q/ m! C$ D& L+ O考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.org1. What is the appropriate title for the passage ?0 |/ W5 q0 a# s考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.orgA. Smart Highway ProjectsThe Ultimate Solution to Traffic Congestion.2 4 w( v# O* * y+ 4 q0 z DB. A Quick Fix Solution for the Traffic Problems.( l% ) Y% z% v% w/ A5 g考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.orgC. A Venture to Remedy Traffic Woes.# P+ 7 S, JD- D F考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.orgD. Highways Get SmartPart of the Package to Relieve Traffic Gridlock.3 d7 4 k) v# |+ z( Pb9 J2. The compound word “quick-fix” in Paragraph 1, sentence 3 is closest in meaning to _.考博论坛:最早最大的中A. an optional solution B. an expedient solution1 p$ F! V/ B: C O7 2 LC. a ready solution D. an efficient solution$ + J2 i: U& N- u, W u3 c3. According to the passage, the smart-highway technology is aimed to _.& C; h1 , k1 T s+ F : U. F3 DA. develop sophisticated facilities on the interstate highways% W# i& A1 Y7 m/ Q+ K5 m$ O+ ?: K( H考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.orgB. provide passenger vehicle with a variety of services5 m m( V1 r+ hC. optimize the highway capabilities4 sq; G5 S) dn考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.orgD. improve communication between driver and the traffic monitors3 VS0 + v$ e( r, t) y3 & F! 0 4. According to Larson, to redress the traffic problem, _./ K2 Y8 I8 o- q0 m6 WA. car pooling must be studied$ w) 8 l9 j, . u1 AB. rapid mass transit system must be introduced- _- m4 e t _ a7 U& Y考博论坛C. flexible work hours must be experimented c+ o; h9 V4 L8 ( D. overall strategies must be coordinated! k$ q* Z9 D5. Which of the following best describes the organization of the whole passage?( r% Q9 * WB8 R/ gA. Two contrasting views of a problem are presented.考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.org( Bd# _* f+ U& O$ Q0 n. K# N5 u eB. A problem is examined and complementary solutions are proposed or offered.( A+ K: e+ K* h6 Y# 7 p- h u5 I! aC. Latest developments are outlined in order of importance./ V) t( G- ( v2 pD. An innovation is explained with its importance emphasized.Passage 2% 2 gT# O( s5 E0 d- EA strange thing about humans is their capacity for blind rage. Rage is presumably an emotion resulting from survival instinct, but the surprising thing about it is that we do not deploy it against other animals. If we encounter a dangerous wild animala poisonous snake or a wildcatwe do not fly into a temper. If we are unarmed, we show fear and attempt to back away; if we are suitably armed, we attack, but in a rational manner not in a rage. We reserve rage for our own species. It is hard to see any survival value in attacking ones own, but if we take account of the long competition which must have existed between our own subspecies and others like Neanderthal manindeed others still more remote from us than Neanderthal manman rage becomes more comprehensible.- A6 c2 H) Q: H5 M考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.orgIn our everyday language and behavior there are many reminders of those early struggles. We are always using tile words “us and them”. “Our” side is perpetually trying to do down the “other” side. In games we artificially create other subspecies we can attack. The opposition of “us” and “them” is the touchstone of the two-party system of “democratic” politics. Although there are no very serious consequences to many of this modern psychological representation of the “us and them” emotion, it is as well to remenber that the original aim was not to beat the other subspecies in a game but to exterminate it.1 s0 . Q, n# C) W9 F; Y考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.orgThe readiness with which human beings allow themselves to be regimented has permitted large armies to be formed, which, taken together with the “us and them” blind rage, has led to destructive clashes within Our subspecies itself. The First World War is an example in which Europe divided itself into two imaginary subspecies. And there is a similar extermination battle now in Northern Ireland. The idea that there is a religious basis for this clash is illusory, for not even the pope has been able to control it. The clash is much more primitive than the Christian religion, much older in its emotional origin. The conflict in Ireland is unlikely to stop until a greater primitive fear is imposed from outside the community, or until tile combatants become exhausted.考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.org- D# l8 V( P; j9 d1 _6. A suitable title for this passage would be _. % t: u8 iA. Wily Human Armies Are Formed- b$ q- b V) A4 k ?$ j考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.orgB. Mans Anger Against the World考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.org8 A6 * F% Eq3 N( h9 oC. The Human Capacity for Rage9 h t6 Q H- l# t% YD. Early Straggles of Angry Mail考博论坛$ I) E$ O9 * y, P5 / X; e+ p7 According to the author, the surprising aspect of human anger is _.+ J( F7 ( K+ ?. A$ a8 SA. its lengthy and complex development; H+ i/ N y# q7 v5 |* T考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.orgB. a conflict such as is now going on in Northern Ireland6 o) # j# b0 L7 z6 s2 C. that we do not fly into a temper more often. z9 O1 l3 m& G7 Y9 SD. that we reserve anger for mankind考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.org2 L7 M2 N3 _9 ( e8. The passage suggests that _.* F# * |8 p) D|. A. historically, we have created an “us” versus “them” society1 W$ , W& W& M$ Y! # N考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.orgB. humans have had a natural disinclination toward formal grouping+ T6 ( P) z2 h! h9 8 j1 dC. the First World War is an example of how man has always avoided domination7 _2 C4 U4 l! E考博论坛D. the emotional origin of the war in Ireland is lost in time考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.org8 K1 z. H* Y- N4 6 f1 J9. From the passage we can infer that _.考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.org: j, A* L5 I$ 6 E& A. the artificial creation of a subspecies unlike us is something that never happens5 X7 y7 c0 g4 _, y+ z0 s+ 考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.orgB. games are psychologically unhealthy. U k/ ?3 GF考博论坛C. any artificially created subspecies would be our enemy: 9 Y+ I; G- z! B4 T$ E考博论坛D. the real or imagined existence of an opposing subspecies is inherent in mans sctivities.: G2 B5 t) Lg& l; m. 考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.org10. The author believes that a religious explanation for the war in Northern Ireland is _.考博论坛9 n& ( r9 M0 s/ D# l1 f4 k6 A. founded in historical fact B. deceptive C. apparent D. accurate R0 5 E. A1 |2 / a考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.orgPart Cloze (10%)6 / x2 # L+ o. d3 fd3 o- F% 8 Y Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. X, p! z) F- 5 w4 l3 O1. Most of the young people hold the mistaken belief that goods produced in our own country are _ to imported ones.3 b- B* r: ; r3 A. inadequate B. inappropriate C. inferior D. interior: J A/ M+ _; n I( Z4 m考博论坛2. It is not a question of how much a man knows, but what use he _ what he knows.5 g4 c/ & I1 u7 d9 J- b1 fA. makes for B. makes of C. makes up D. makes out1 e9 z; 4 a( 6 aw. l考博论坛3. Throughout the empire of Kublai Khan, money made of paper was used for business _, something unheard of in Europe.4 . e3 G; w6 C5 x8 F; E% DA. Transformations B. transmissions C. transitions D. transactions考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.org1 _9 f5 ( K* b5 D1 h4. As the pressure _ the liquid rock is forced up through channels in the resistant rock to the earths surface.考博论坛, j8 sN1 e) NSA. intensifies B. magnifies C. heightens D. deviates# y) V& # T. , C+ E* / # G: X, E5. The strong scent of Kates perfume _ the air in the small room.! B9 o; r; A! ?% a6 P6 y g( 8 O. V考博论坛A. radiated B. permeated C. extracted D. dispersed) T/ x% v! v: X& d& 6. The scientific and medical prizes have proved to be the least _, while those for literature and peace by their very nature have been the most exposed to critical differences.0 P TdE4 Z) C3 x考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.orgA. radical B. prominent C. confidential D. controversial考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.org O/ ? a. & A5 H7. They are _ to industrialists, who need the valuable copper and nickel in them. D& # U0 7 v0 c# 考博论坛A. tempting B. tickling C. tormenting D. tricking* : x: 8 i2 r& J8. Another popular misconception is the _ that great talent is usually highly specific., $ D# ! N1 Q$ H- JA. notion B. dilemma C. domain D. analogy考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.org- R) E c$ Y|& d; N+ r8 w2 T9 P3 g1 : t9. You can _ the loudness of the radio by turning the knob to right or left.7 W: a3 v- w V( IA. change B. vary C. alter D. transform考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.org* c! u8 N. 5 Z2 J( Q) 10. The distance between the earth and the sun may be said to be _.4 I$ o! t. n4 y4 Z e6 5 YA. enormous B. huge C. vast D. immense2 G3 U+ G5 l, h) C1 R: D: V& jPart Error Correction (10 points)6 2 ?/ a9 ; c* M* l i7 K# z- b$ - L4 Directions: In the following passage, there are 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to add a word, cross out a word, or change a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you cross out a word, put a slant (/) in the blank.2 c& 2 L7 d8 I9 2 DWhen a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is in faulty or in 1._ _, D7 + u$ Ic) I5 E, p4 c* Hsome other way does not live to the manufacturers claim for it, the first? 2._ _* M2 Y- i9 F8 K* v考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.orgstep is to present the warranty or any other records which might help, at the考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.org8 N( m4 r, L! p) V& h4 cstore of purchase. In most cases, this action will produce results. Moreover, 3._ _% , y6 W. a Z& Oif it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.org; F V* R* S9 u% Y1 s, f9 uA simple and common method used by many consumers is to complain7 % F; M: o1 a8 # udirectly to the store manager. In general, the “high up” the consumer? 4._ _! f# x/ M* X; I0 N% I& M考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.orgtakes his or her complaint, the faster he or she can expect to be settled.? 5._ _1 % # ! K/ z8 DIn such case, it is usually settled in the consumers favor, assumed he 6._ _ or she has a just claim. Consumers should complain about in person 7._ _) , n) C: l, x3 O$ L, t& M. d: 考博论坛:最早最大的中文考博论坛,kaobo.orgwhenever possible, but if it cannot get to the place of purchase, it is 8._ _0 K* C! L% z* ( iacceptable to phone or write the complaint with a letter.? 9._ _+ L% : s/ T2 j( 考博,考博网,考博论坛,考博英语,考博试题,考博试卷,考博辅导,kaobo.orgComplaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate that is wrong? 10._ _! F8 w8 y3 8 _$ g8 v4 f9 考博论坛with the item in question.9 K6 M$ D+ I0 XPart Writing (10 points)& P5 i- - ?Q3 O2 P9 c略 08年一、听力(1分20=20分)二、词汇(0.5分20=10分)三、阅读(1-10题1分,11-30题1.5分,共1分10+1.5分20=40分)(A) To many web-building spiders, most of whom are nearly blind, the web is their essential window on the world: their means of communicating, capturing prey(猎物), meeting mates and protecting themselves. A web-building spider without its web is like a men cast away on an island of solid rock,totally out of touch and destined to starve to death. by controlpanel So important is the web to an orb-web spiders survival that the animal will continue to construct new webs daily even if it is being starved. For 16 days the starving spider builds completely normal webs. Then, as the animal gets scrawnier(憔悴的), it constructs a wider-meshed web using fewer strands(线). Such webs would only trap larger prey, which is more economical from the perspective of a starving spider. by controlpanel The spider stores energy by recycling web protein. It simply eats its own web each evening and reuses it to produce new silk. In studies with radioactively,labeled materials, it was found that 95 percent of web protein reappears in the next day web. Most of the energy needed for web-building is used in walking over the strands as they are laid downby controlpanel Scientists are impressed by the adaptability of the spiders highly preprogrammed brain, which is larger for its size than the brain of any other invertebrate(无脊推动物)If web-building is interrupted, or if some of the existing strands are destroyed,the spider simply goes back to see where the web is left off and then finishes building a normal web. One spider will finish building the incomplete web of another. by controlpanel1. A title that would best express the main idea of the passage would be . A. Secrets of Spiders. B. Secrets of the WebC. Secrets of Nature D. A New Discovery of Scientists2. According to the passage which of the following statements is true A. All web-building spiders are blindB. Most spiders are blindC. Only a small part of web-building spiders can see.D. All spiders can weave webs.3. Without its web a web-building spider would NOT be able to .A. walk quickly B. see the prey clearly C. conserve its energy D. survive4. A spider conserves its energy .A. because it constructs new webs dailyB. as it walks over the strands it laysC. by eating its own web protein and then re-using it in the new webD. by eating only in the evening5. That a spider is able to finish an incomplete web of another proves that .A. a spider re-uses its web energy to reproduce new silkB. spiders have a highly preprogrammed brainC. the web is everything to a spiderD. a spider is able to remedy a destroyed web.(B) Large animals that inhabit the desert have evolved a number of adaptations for reducing the effects of extreme heat. One adaptation is to be light in color, and to reflect rather than absorb the Suns rays. Desert mammals also depart from the normal mammalian practice of maintaining a constant body temperature. Instead of trying to keep down the body temperature deep inside the body, which would involve the expenditure of water and energy, desert mammals allow their temperatures to rise to what would normally be fever height, and temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius have been measured in Grants gazelles. The overheated body then cools down during the cold desert night, and indeed the temperature may fall unusually low by dawn, as low as 34 degrees Celsius in the camel. This is an advantage since the heat of the first few hours of daylight is absorbed in warming up the body, and an excessive buildup of heat does not begin until well into the day. by controlpanelAnother strategy of large desert animals is to tolerate the loss of body water to a point that would be fatal for non-adapted animals. The camel can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight as water without harm to itself, whereas human beings die after losing only 12 to 13 percent of their body weight. An equally important adaptation is the ability to replenish this water loss at one drink. Desert animals can drink prodigious volumes in a short time, and camels have been known to imbibe over 100 liters in a few minutes. A very dehydrated person, on the other hand, cannot drink enough water to rehydrate at one session, because the human stomach is not sufficiently big and because a too rapid dilution of the body fluids causes death from water intoxication. The tolerance of water loss is of obvious advantage in the desert, as animals do not have to remain near a water hole but can obtain food from grazing sparse and far


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