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英文文献: Personnel management system development and design By Dustin MarxSummary With the rapid development of computer technology, computer applications in the popularity of business management, personnel management of enterprises using computers is imperative. For medium-sized enterprises, enterprises and efficient use of computer support to complete the daily affairs of labor and personnel management is to adapt to the modern enterprise system, encourage enterprises to labor and personnel management to scientific, standardized, a necessary condition; incomparable advantage of the computer to retrieve managementrapid, easy to find, high reliability, large memory capacity, security and good, long life and low cost. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of personnel management, but also corporate scientific and standardized management, an important condition for integration with the world. Different companies have different human resources management system, which determines the different companies need different personnel management system. choice of development tools Now, the market can buy a lot of application development products, popular, and dozens. Currently the most popular in our market, the most used, most advanced development tools can be used as enterprise-level products: Microsofts Visual Basic Microsofts Visual C Borlands Delphi Java, etc. In the current market, many application development tools for these, some stressed that the implementation of process flexibility and efficiency of language; and some emphasis on the visual application development tools to bring convenience and efficiency high, each with its own advantages and characteristics, but also to meet the needs of different users. However, the language of the flexibility and convenience tools are inextricably linked, and only a convenient tool, but did not support the language of flexibility, many specialized processing actions will need to spend several times the effort to deal with, so the efficiency of the original advertisedloss of a role in improving the advantage; the contrary, if the language only emphasizes the flexibility of process continued, but no convenient tool for co-ordination will make some very simple interface, even if the deal moves, programmers will be a serious waste of valuable time. As the database system development, Visual Basic is an ideal choice. MIS database is an important enabling technology in the MIS development process, how to choose the database management is an important issue, at present, the database more products, each product has its own characteristics and scope, therefore, the choice of database should consider the characteristics of database applications and application, the systems database language used Visual Basic language, the development tool has many advantages: Visual Basic is a visual, object-oriented and event-driven article by the way of structured high-level programming, can be used to develop the type of Windows environment applications. It is easy to learn, efficient, and powerful, with professional development tools, Windows SDK comparable to, and application developers do not have the C / C + + Programming. In the Visual Basic environment, the use of event-driven programming mechanism, novel-to-use visual design tools, the use of Windows internal application program interface (API) functions, and dynamic-link library (DLL), Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), Open Data Access (ODBC) technology, can efficiently and quickly developed a Windows environment, powerful, rich graphical user interface application software system. In general, Visual Basic has the following characteristics: Visual Programming: Traditional programming language design program, are designed by writing code to the user interface, the interface design process do not see the actual display, run the program to be compiled can be observed. If you are not satisfied with the effect of the interface, but also return to the program changes. Sometimes, this programming - Compiler - Change the operation may be repeated several times, greatly affected the efficiency of software development. Visual Basic provides a visual design tool, the complexity of the Windows interface design package together, developers do not have a lot of interface design and write code.Just press the screen layout design, using system tools to draw on the screen various parts, that is, graphical objects, and set the properties of these graphical objects. Visual Basic code automatically generated interface design, programmers need only write the part to achieve functionality of the program code, which can greatly improve the efficiency of program design. Object-oriented programming Visual Basic 4.0 support for future object-oriented programming, but it is the general object-oriented programming language (C + +) are not identical. In general object-oriented programming language, object code and data from the composition of an abstract concept; and Visual Basic is the application of object-oriented programming methodology (OOP), the programs and data encapsulated as an object and should be given for each object the attributes of the object as something real. In the design of objects, without writing to establish and describe each object code, but with the tool to draw the interface, Visual Basic automatically generates the object code and package it. Each object is displayed graphically in the interface are visible. Structured programming language Visual Basic is based on the BASIC language developed, high-level programming language with sentence structure, similar to the logic of natural language and human thinking. Visual Basic statements easy to understand, its editor supports color code, can automatically check for syntax errors, but also has powerful and flexible to use debugger and compiler. Visual Basic is an interpreted language, enter the code at the same time, decomposition of high-level language interpretation system will be translated into machine instructions the computer can recognize and judge each statement syntax error. Visual Basic procedures in the design process, you can always run the program, and in the whole process a good design, you can compile an executable file (. EXE), from the Visual Basic environment, directly in the Windows environments. Event-driven programming mechanism Visual Basic object through the event to perform the operation. An object may have multiple events, each event are available through a program to respond. For example, the command button is an object, when the user clicks the button, will generate a click (CLICK) event, but in the production of the event will execute a program used to implement the specified operation. In the design of large-scale applications using Visual Basic software, without creating a clear beginning and end of the procedure, but the preparation of a number of small subroutines that process. These processes are aimed at different objects, an event triggered by the user to drive the completion of a particular function or procedure called by the generic event-driven process to perform the specified operation, so that programmers can easily and improve efficiency. Access to the database Visual Basic has a powerful database management features, the use of data control and database management window, you can directly create or deal with Microsoft Access database format, and provides powerful data storage and retrieval capabilities. At the same time, Visual Basic can also directly edit, and access to other external databases, such as DBASE, FoxPro, Paradox, etc. These database format can be edited and processed using Visual Basic.Visual Basic provides an open data connection, the ODBC functions, can be established through direct access or use the connection and operation of large-scale network database backend such as SQL Server, Oracle and so on. In the application, you can use structured query language SQL data standards, direct access to the server database and provides a simple object-oriented database instructions and multi-user database access locking mechanism and network programming SQL databasestechnology for stand-alone databases running on the SQL network interface to a distributed environment, fast and effective implementation of client / server (client / server) programs. Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Using Dynamic Data Exchange (Dynamic Data Exchange) technology, an application can dynamically link the data to another application, so that two completely different applications, establish a dynamic data link. When the original data changes, you can automatically update the linked data. Visual Basic provides the programming dynamic data exchange technology, the application program with other Windows applications to create dynamic data exchange between different applications to communicate. Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) to each application as an object (object), to link different objects (link) up, and then embedded (embed) an application, which can be a sound, image, image, animation, text and other information collection style files.OLE technology is Microsofts strategic corporate object technology, which the multiple applications into one, as each application for an object linking and embedding, is an application integration technology. Using OLE technology, you can easily build composite documents (compound document), this document from a number of different application objects, each object in the document and linked to the original application, and perform with the original application the same operation. Dynamic link library (DLL) Visual Basic is an advanced programming language, do not have low-level language functions, the operation of the access to the machine hardware is not easy to implement. But it could be dynamic link library technology will C / C + + or assembly language programs to Visual Basic applications, you can call the same function as the internal call functions written in other languages. In addition, the dynamic link library, you can call the Windows application program interface (API) function has the function to achieve SDK. systems research and feasibility analysis Research Before the formal development of management information system is necessary for research, the need for mainly the following aspects. (1) to the users request to conduct a feasibility analysis of the survey results confirm the feasibility of system development. (2) The staff of the new system not all systems researchers, some people process data for its function and no clear understanding of the method. They only work according to their business needs requests, system developers to conduct a detailed survey and analysis to confirm the users requirements can be achieved through the existing computer technology to ensure the development of management information system functions and user submitted required match. (3) the existing business system may be a manual system, it could be used and the computer system, no matter the circumstances, the current system should be investigated in detail the specific circumstances of information processing, functional structure within the system in order to design a reasonable, good new system logic model for the design of the new system to lay the foundation to ensure the quality of the entire system development. In short, the current system is necessary to conduct a detailed investigation, a clear user needs, to ensure the development of new system functions consistent with the users requirements and avoid a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, the development of the new system is the failure of the tragedy. Overview of Feasibility Study Feasibility analysis is the users requirements and system on the basis of research conducted on the development of new systems of social, technical, economic, management, analysis and development of new systems come feasible, not feasible, need to modify , additional investment, the suspension of development, step by step and other programs and conclusions, and finally complete the feasibility analysis. Feasibility analysis of the general can be defined as: a feasibility analysis early in the construction of a project study and appraisal of the proposed project to conduct a comprehensive and integrated technical and economic capacity of the investigation to determine whether it is feasible. (1) the feasibility study stage of the work include the following: Objective analysis of whether the new system status and business development needs. social feasibility analysis: Social feasibility analysis mainly refers to the management information system development is consistent with national law, bad policy, whether we can achieve a good social system and docking. technical feasibility analysis: Technical feasibility analysis is based on the new system aims to measure whether they have the required technology, including the number and level of system developers, hardware, software and other application technologies. economic feasibility analysis Economic feasibility analysis is mainly on the development of capital invested in new systems and systems put into use to compare the economic benefits to confirm whether the new system will bring some economic benefits companies. management feasibility analysis: Management feasibility analysis is to analyze existing enterprise management system and whether the business leaders of modern management awareness and management.Technical feasibility analysis Technical feasibility analysis includes four aspects: the current technology can support the new systems developed; the new system the number and level of developers, namely, human resources; hardware and software resources. (1) Technical Support: First, the target under the new system, considering the current technology can support the new systems developed. Technology must be discussed here has been widely used, not to be studied or are studying. (2) hardware resources: Development of management information system hardware resources needed to contain the following two aspects: System developers in the management of information systems development process needed computer equipment and related peripheral equipment; management information system used successfully, use the unit should have the computer equipment and related peripherals. Feasibility analysis of the hardware resources, the main consideration for the host computer memory, the type, function, network capacity, security measures and the input / output devices, external storage and data communication networking equipment configuration, function, efficiency, compliance with system solutions and other indicators design requirements, but also consider the computers performance / price ratio. (3) software resources Feasibility of software resources are the main consider the following to meet user requirements: Select the operating system; build system choice; choice of database management system; high-level programming language of choice; character processing system selection; application package choice. In the development of this system before, with the centers leadership and the close communication operators, seriously listen to their views and absorb their positive view of the development of the system to a large extent, has some advanced and reasonable . 中文翻译: 人事管理系统的开发和设计 原作者:Dustin Marx 摘要:随着计算机技术的飞速发展,计算机在企业管理中应用的普及,利用计算机实现企业人事管理势在必行。对于大中型企业来说,利用计算机支持企业高效率完成劳动人事管理的日常事务,是适应现代企业制度要求、推动企业劳动人事管理走向科学化、规范化的必要条件;计算机管理所无法比拟的优点检索迅速、查找方便、可靠性高、存储量大、保密性好、寿命长、成本低等。这些优点能够极大地提高人事管理的效率,也是企业的科学化、正规化管理,与世界接轨的重要条件。不同的企业具有不同的人事管理制度,这就决定了不同的企业需要不同的人事管理系统。开发工具的选择现在,市场上可以选购的应用开发产品很多,流行的也有数十种。目前在我国市场上最为流行、使用最多、最为先进的可用作企业级开发工具的产品有:Microsoft公司的Visual BasicMicrosoft公司的Visual CBorland公司的Delphi Java等等在目前市场上这些众多的程序开发工具中,有些强调程语言的弹性与执行效率;有些则偏重于可视化程序开发工具所带来的便利性与效率的得高,各有各的优点和特色,也满足了不同用户的需求。然而,语言的弹性和工具的便利性是密不可分的,只有便利的工具,却没有弹性的语言作支持,许多特殊化的处理动作必需要耗费数倍的工夫来处理,使得原来所标榜的效率提高的优点失去了作用;相反,如果只强调程续语言的弹性,却没有便利的工具作配合,会使一些即使非常简单的界面处理动作,也会严重地浪费程序设计师的宝贵时间。作为数据库系统的开发,Visual Basic是一个非常理想选择。数据库是MIS中的重要支持技术,在MIS开发过程中,如何选择数据库管理是一个重要的问题,目前,数据库产品较多,每种产品都具有各自的特点和适用范围,因此,在选择数据库时,应考虑数据库应用的特点及适用范围,本系统选用的数据库语言Visual Basic语言,该开发工具具有很多长处:Visual Basic是一种可视化的、面对对象和条用事件驱动方式的结构化高级程序设计,可用于开发Windows环境下的种类应用程序。它简单易学、效率高,且功能强大,可以与Windows的专业开发工具SDK相媲美,而且程序开发人员不必具有C/C+编程基础。在Visual Basic环境下,利用事件驱动的编程机制、新颖易用的可视化设计工具,使用Windows内部的应用程序接口(API)函数,以及动态链接库(DLL)、动态数据交换(DDE)、对象的链接与嵌入(OLE)、开放式数据访问(ODBC)等技术,可以高效、快速地开发出Windows环境下功能强大、图形界面丰富的应用软件系统。总的来说,Visual Basic具有以下特点:可视化编程:用传统程序设计语言设计程序时,都是通过编写程序代码来设计用户界面,在设计过程中看不到界面的实际显示效果,必须编译后运行程序才能观察。如果对界面的效果不满意,还要回到程序中修改。有时候,这种编程-编译-修改的操作可能要反复多次,大大影响了软件开发效率。Visual Basic提供了可视化设计工具,把Windows界面设计的复杂性“封装”起来,开发人员不必为界面设计而编写大量程序代码。只需要按设计要求的屏幕布局,用系统提供的工具,在屏幕上画出各种“部件”,即图形对象,并设置这些图形对象的属性。Visual Basic自动产生界面设计代码,程序设计人员只需要编写实现程序功能的那部分代码,从而可以大大提高程序设计的效率。面向对象的程序设计4.0版以后的Visual Basic支持面向对象的程序设计,但它与一般的面向对象的程序设计语言(C+)不完全相同。在一般的面向对象程序设计语言中,对象由程序代码和数据组成,是抽象的概念;而Visual Basic则是应用面向对象的程序设计方法(OOP),把程序和数据封装起来作为一个对象,并为每个对象赋予应有的属性,使对象成为实在的东西。在设计对象时,不必编写建立和描述每个对象的程序代码,而是用工具画在界面上,Visual Basic自动生成对象的程序代码并封装起来。每个对象以图形方式显示在界面上,都是可视的。结构化程序设计语言Visual Basic是在BASIC语言的基础上发展起来的,具有高级程序设计语言的语句结构,接近于自然语言和人类的逻辑思维方式。Visual Basic语句简单易懂,其编辑器支持彩色代码,可自动进行语法错误检查,同时具有功能强大且使用灵活的调试器和编译器。Visual Basic是解释型语言,在输入代码的同时,解释系统将高级语言分解翻译成计算机可以识别的机器指令,并判断每个语句的语法错误。在设计Visual Basic程序的过程中,随时可以运行程序,而在整个程序设计好之后,可以编译生成可执行文件(.EXE),脱离Visual Basic环境,直接在Windows环境下运行。事件驱动编程机制Visual Basic通过事件来执行对象的操作。一个对象可能会产生多个事件,每个事件都可以通过一段程序来响应。例如,命令按钮是一个对象,当用户单击该按钮时,将产生一个“单击”(CLICK)事件,而在产生该事件时将执行一段程序,用来实现指定的操作。在用Visual Basic设计大型应用软件时,不必建立具有明显开始和结束的程序,而是编写若干个微小的子程序,即过程。这些过程分别面向不同的对象,由用户操作引发某个事件来驱动完成某种特定的功能,或者由事件驱动程序调用通用过程来执行指定的操作,这样可以方便编程人员,提高效率。访问数据库Visual Basic具有强大的数据库管理功能,利用数据控件和数据库管理窗口,可以直接建立或处理Microsoft Access格式的数据库,并提供了强大的数据存储和检索功能。同时,Visual Basic还能直接编辑和访问其他外部数据库,如DBASE,FoxPro,Paradox等,这些数据库格式都可以用Visual Basic编辑和处理。Visual Basic提供开放式数据连接,即ODBC功能,可通过直接访问或建立连接的方式使用并操作后台大型网络数据库,如SQL Server,Oracle等。在应用程序中,可以使用结构化查询语言SQL数据标准,直接访问服务器上的数据库,并提供了简单的面向对象的库操作指令和多用户数据库访问的加锁机制和网络数据库的SQL的编程技术,为单机上运行的数据库提供了SQL网络接口,以便在分布式环境中快速而有效地实现客户/服务器(client/server)方案。动态数据交换(DDE)利用动态数据交换(Dynamic Data Exchange)技术,可以把一种应用程序中的数据动态地链接到另一种应用程序中,使两种完全不同的应用程序建立起一条动态数据链路。当原始数据变化时,可以自动更新链接的数据。Visual Basic提供了动态数据交换的编程技术,可以在应用程序中与其他Windows应用程序建立动态数据交换,在不同的应用程序之间进行通信。对象的链接与嵌入(OLE)对象的链接与嵌入(OLE)将每个应用程序都看作是一个对象(object),将不同的对象链接(link)起来,再嵌入(embed)某个应用程序中,从而可以得到具有声音、影像、图像、动画、文字等各种信息的集合式的文件。OLE技术是Microsoft公司对象技术的战略,它把多个应用程序合为一体,将每个应用程序看作是一个对象进行链接和嵌入,是一种应用程序一体化的技术。利用OLE技术,可以方便地建立复合式文档(compound document),这种文档由来自多个不同应用程序的对象组成,文档中的每个对象都与原来的应用程序相联系,并可执行与原来应用程序完全相同的操作。动态链接库(DLL)Visual Basic是一种高级程序设计语言,不具备低级语言的功能,对访问机器硬件的操作不太容易实现。但它可以通过动态链接库技术将C/C+或汇编语言编写的程序加入到Visual Basic应用程序中,可以像调用内部函数一样调用其他语言编写的函数。此外,通过动态链接库,还可以调用Windows应用程序接口(API)函数,实现SDK所具有的功能。系统调研及可行性分析31 系统调研正式开发管理信息系统之前进行调研是非常必要的,其必要性主要表现在以下几个方面。(1)明确用户的要求,以根据调查结果进行可行性分析,确认系统的开发是否可行。(2)提出新系统的人员并不都是系统研究人员,有些人对于其功能和处理数据的方法没有明确的认识。它们只是根据自己业务工作的需要提出了要求,系统开发人员要对此进行详细的调查和分析,确认用户的要求可以通过现有的计算机技术实现,保证开发的管理信息系统的功能与用户提出的要求相吻合。(3)企业的现行系统可能是手工系统,也可能是使用和计算机的系统,无论是何种情况,都要详细地调查现行系统中信息处理的具体情况,系统内部功能结构,以便设计出一个合理的、好的新系统逻辑模型,为新系统的设计工作打好基础,保证整个系统开发的质量。总之,必要对现行系统进行详细的调查,明确用户需求,保证开发的新系统的功能与用户的要求相吻合,避免耗费大量的人力、物力、财力,新系统的开发却失败的悲剧发生。32 可行性分析概述可行性分析是在用户的要求和系统调研的基础上进行的,对新系统的开发从社会、技术、经济、管理等方面进行分析,并得出新系统的开发工作可行、不可行、需要修改、追加投资、暂缓开发、分步实施等方案和结论,最后完成可行性分析。可行性分析一般可定义为:可行性分析是在建设的前期对工程项目的一种考察和鉴定,对拟议中的项目进行全面与综合的技术、经济能力的调查,判断它是否可行。(1)可行性分析阶段的主要工作包括以下几个方面:新系统目标可行性分析:分析新系统的目标是否符合企业的现状和发展的需要。社会可行性分析:社会可行性分析主要是指管理信息系统的开发


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