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Warming UpWarming UpA robot is basically a computer-controlled machine that is programmed to move, manipulate (操操纵纵) objects, and accomplish work for us human beings. It is able to perform repetitive tasks more quickly, cheaply, and accurately than humans.Exercise1What is a robot? What is a robot? DiscussionDiscussionRobotsPlay with humansDo researchTalk with humansDo the houseworkAnd so onTake care of childrenAct as a policeman/a sellerDo some shoppingWhat can a robot do? Exercise2Domestic robots家用机器人家用机器人The robot which can mow the lawn (除草机器人除草机器人)The robot which can dance with menEntertainment Robot Nowadays robots can be made into various shapes for various uses.Why use Robots?Why use Robots?There are many benefits to using robots instead of humans. The good thing about robots is that they will never get bored, and they will do things more efficiently than people. Also, robots never get sick, or need to rest. They will never need time off, or lunch breaks. Sometimes, when a task is too dangerous or difficult for a human, a robot will be able to do it without any risks or problems. Search enginesLaborScienceMedicine/DiagnosisAppliancesWhat else?诊诊断断Lets look at some movie Lets look at some movie posters below which are posters below which are about robots. Do you know about robots. Do you know the names of these movies?the names of these movies?I, Robot 机械公敌机械公敌Terminator 终结者终结者Edward Scissorhands 剪刀手爱德华剪刀手爱德华 The Matrix 骇客帝国骇客帝国 AI - Artificial Intelligence 人工智能人工智能 Robots 机器人历险记机器人历险记Doraemon 机器猫机器猫 Do you know who he is?Do you know who he is?Whats the relationship between Isaac Asimov and robots?Isaac AsimovDo you think it is Do you think it is possible for a possible for a robot to:robot to:1. What is the main idea of the story? 2. What are the main characters in the story?Skimming Skimming Exercise1Exercise1Larry Belmont ClaireTonyGladys ClaffernMain characters in the story:Main characters in the story:- Larrys wife, a housewife- a robot - works in a company that makes robots- a woman that Claire enviesCareful reading Exercise1Claires feelings towards Tony changedOccasionClairedislike himwas alarmedfelt embarrassedadmired himBefore he arrivedWhen he arrivedWhen he offered to help her dressWhen he offered to help her improve her house and herselfcomprehendingcalled him a dearfelt his warmthfelt being enviedcried all nightWhen he helps her with the salesmanWhen she fell off a ladder and caught by TonyWhen she heard Gladys whisperingShe remembered Tony was just a machineFind out the information about Tonytallhandsomefacial expressionsnever changedsmooth and black hairdeep voicesoft and warm skinquick clevercapableSummary


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