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英语时态表时态名称结构常连用的词主要用法例句一般现在时1 be动词用am/is/are表示,之后接名词,形容词或介词。often;usually;every;sometimes;always;never;once/twice/ a week/month/year;on Sundays/Mondays/.;一般现在时表示没有时限的持久存在的习惯性的动作或状态,或现阶段反复发生的动作或状态陈述句:I am an office worker.He is so lazy.They are at home now.否定句: I am not Tim.She is not very beautiful.They are not in the office.一般疑问句:Are you an office assistant? Is she beautiful?2 行为动词用V原形或V-s/es,引导疑问句和否定句,用do或dont;第三人称时用does或doesnt,有does出现动词用原形;第三人称陈述句V后加s或es.陈述句:I work in Shanghai.He works at home.Davy never watches TV at home.否定句: I dont like the food in KFC.Davy doesnt like the food in KFC either.一般疑问句:Do you want a cup of coffee? Does she live near the subway station?一般过去时。1be动词用过去式was或 were表示。yesterday;the day before yesterday;last week/month/year/.; ago;a moment ago;just now;on/in+过去的时间;在过去时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。陈述句:I was a big boss.He was beautiful.We were in Beijing last year.否定句: I was not at home at that moment.We were not at work yesterday.一般疑问句: Were you a teacher?Was she in the office last week?2行为动词用V-ed,陈述句,疑问句和否定句借助于did,有did出现动词用原形。陈述句:I worked in Sunmoon.We studied English there. He lived in HongKong.否定句: I didnt work here.They didnt see me. She liked English a lot.一般疑问句: Did you go to America?Did he work in Sunmoon?时态名称结构常连用的词主要用法例句一般将来时1 任何人称+will+V原形.tomorrow,the day after tomorrow;soon;next week/month/year/.;the week/month/year/. after next;on/in +将来的时间;in+一段时间;.即将发生动作或状态。陈述句:I will fly to KongKong tomorrow.He will go with us.We will arrive in Shanghai next week.否定句:I will never believe you again.He will not come tonight.We will not buy a car next year.一般疑问句:Will you go there by train?Will he come tomorrow?Will they live a five-star hotel?2 is/am/are+going to+V原形,表示计划打算做什么事情。陈述句:Im going to go to Kongkong by air.否定句:We are not going to buy a house here.一般疑问句:Are they going to change their jobs?特殊疑问句:How are you going to tell him?过去将来时was/were going to +V原形多用在宾语从句中在过去将会发生的动作。陈述句:I was going to buy a computer.They told me that they were not going to go abroad.否定句:I was not going to buy a computer.任何人称+would +V原形He said he would come in in Shanghai.I said I would buy you a car one day.时态名称结构常连用的词主要用法例句现在进行时is/am/are+V-ingnow;at present;at the moment;Look!(放在句首);Listen! (放在句首);表示现在( 指说话人说话时) 正在发生的事情。陈述句:Im waiting for my boy friend.He is doing the housework at home now.We are enjoying ourselves.否定句:He is not playing toys.一般疑问句:Are you having dinner at home?Is Tim cooking in the kitchen?特殊疑问句:What are you doing now?Where are they having a meal?过去进行时was/were+V-ingat that time;at this time yesterday;at+时间点+yesterday/last night;at that moment;过去一段时间正在发生的动作。陈述句:I was doing my homework at that time.We were having a party while he was sleeping.否定句:He was not sleeping at 11 oclock last night.一般疑问句: Were you watching TV at that time?特殊疑问句: What were you doing at that moment?时态名称结构常连用的词主要用法例句现在完成时have/has+ p.p(过去分词)already;just;before;yet(否定句中);ever;never;once/twice/for+一段时间;since +时间点;since+一段时间+ago;by+现在时间;so far; up to now; till now; until now;recently/lately;during/over/in the past/last.用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,其结果的确和现在有联系。动作或状态发生在过去但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或状态。简单的说,就是动作已经发生对现在造成明显的影响。陈述句:I have already told Davy. Davy has known this matter.He has lived here for nearly 10 years.否定句:I havent finished my homework.Tim hasnt come yet.We havent heard any news about him一般疑问句: Has he worked here since he came here?特殊疑问句: How long have you worked in this company?特别注意:1. have/has always been+名词/形容词/介词:总是或一直是什么样子。He has always been a good father. I have always been busy.They have always been in America.2. have/has gone to:去了。He has gone to Beijing.They have gone to the cinema.3. have/has been to:表示去过或到过。I have been to Canada. Have you been to Hongkong?Where have you been? I have never been here.过去完成时had + p.p(过去分词)过去的过去:by+过去的时间;表“过去某动作或时间以前”的时间状语。动作发生在过去的过去。陈述句:He said he had told Davy.They told us they had finished the work.He left the office after he had called Davy.否定句:She hadnt had dinner before she went out.一般疑问句:Had she learnt English before she moved here?特殊疑问句:how many English words had he learnt by the end of last year?补充: 一、情态动词can, must, may。may没有否定形式。陈述句: I can drive a car. He must tell the truth. We may get there on foot.否定句:I cant swim at all. You mustnt(表示禁止) smoke in the office.一般疑问句: Can you wait a minute? Must I stay at home? May I use your phone?特殊疑问句: How can I get there? What must I do now?由情态动词的过去式构成,cancould.She could walk when she was one year old.I could not speak English one year ago.二、各种时态用法补充:1、一般现在时(1)在由after, until, befor, once, when, even if ,in case, as long as, as soon as, the moment以及if, unless等引导的时间状语从句或条件状语从句中,通常用一般现在时代替将来时。例:I will tell him the news as soon as I see him.我一看见他,就把消息告诉他。(2)某些表示起始的动词,可用一般现在时表示按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,这类动词有:be, go, come, start, depart, arrive, begin, leave等。(3)在由why, what, where, whoever, who, that,as等引导的从句中,也常用一般现在时代替将来时。例:Tomorrow at this time well give $500 to any one who brings him to justice.2、一般将来时(1)be going to +v在口语中广泛使用,表示准备做或即将发生的事情。例:Im going to buy a house when weve saved enough money.(2)be to +v表示计划安排将要做的事。例:There is to be a rail strike on July 18th.(3)be about to+v表示即将发生的事情。例:We are about to start.(4)be due to+v表示预先确定了的、必定要发生的事。例:His book is due to be published in October.他的书预定10月份出版。(5)be on the point/verge of +(v-ing)sth.强调即将发生的某种事态。例:The country is on the verge of civil war.这个国家就要打内战了。3、现在进行时(1)表示现阶段经常发生的动作,常与always, continually, constantly等连用(多表示赞扬或厌恶等语气)。例:John is always coming late. 约翰总是迟到。(2)表示根据计划或安排在最近要进行的事情。具有这种语法功能的动词仅限于过渡性动词,即表示从一个状态或位置转移到另一个状态或位置上去的动词。常用的有;go, come, leave, start, arrive,return等。例:They are leaving for Hongkong next monty.他们下个月去香港。(3)有些动词一般不能使用进行时,这是一类表示“感觉”、“感情”、“存在”、“从属”等的动词。如:see, hear, smell, taste, feel, notice, look, appear(表示感觉的动词);hate, love, fear, like, want, wish, prefer, refuse, forgive(表示感情的动词);be, exist, remain, stay, obtain(表示存在状态的动词);have, possess, own, contain, belong, consist of , form(表示占有与从属的动词);understand, know, belive, think, doubt, forget, remember(表示思考、理解的动词)。但是如果它们词义改变,有时也可使用进行时态。例:Jane looks pale.Whats wrong with him?珍妮看上去脸色苍白,她怎么了?(look在此为联系动词)例:Jane is looking for his books.珍妮正在寻找她的书。(look在此为实义动词)4完成进行时完成进行时是完成时的强调形式。5完成时态(1)现在完成时与与一般过去时的区别:现在完成时强调过去发生的动作与现在的关系,如所发生的结果、影响等;而一般过去时只表示动作发生在过去表示某一时刻,不表示与现在的关系。(2)完成时态可用在下列结构中:This(That,It)is(was )the first(second.)time+定语从句:This(That,It)is(was) the only (last)+名词+定语从句;This(This,It)is (was)+形容词最高级+名词+定语从句。如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句的谓语动词动词通常用现在完成时;如果主句谓语动词是一般过去时,从句的谓语动词通常用过去完成时。例1:This is the first time(that )Ive drunk Californian champagne. 这是我第一次喝加利福尼亚香槟酒。例2:There was a knock at the door.It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening. 有人敲门,这是当天晚上第二次有人打扰我了。6.动词expect, hope, mean, intend, plan, suppose, wish, want, desire等用过去完成时,表示过去的希望,预期,意图或愿望等没有实现。例1:I had meant to leave to on Monday, but have stayed on.我本来打算星期一离开,但最终还是继续留下来了。另外两种表示“过去想做而未做的事”的表达方式是:7.was / were+ to have done sth.例1:We were to have come yesterday, but we couldnt.我们本想昨天来的,但我们来不了。8.intended (expected, hoped, meant, planned, supposed, wished, wanted, desired)+ to have done sth.例:1I mean to have told you about it, but I forgot to do so.我本想告诉你这件事,但我忘掉了。9.过去完成时常用于以下固定句型:(1)hardly / scarcely / barely+过去完成时(倒装形式)+when +过去时例1:Hardly had I arrived when I had a new problem to cope with.我一到达就有新问题要处理。(2) no sooner+过去完成时(倒装形式)+than +过去时。例1:No sooner had the words been spoken than he realized that he should have remained silent.这话刚说出口,他就意识到他本该保持沉默的。(3)by(the end of )+过去时间,主句中谓语动词用过去完成时。例1:By the end of that year Henry had collected more than a thousand foreign stamps.到那年年底,亨利已收集了一千多张外国邮票一、概况一般时进行时完成时完成进行时一般现在时现在进行时现在完成时现在完成进行时一般过去时过去进行时过去完成时过去完成进行时一般将来时将来进行时将来完成时将来完成进行时一般过去将来时过去将来进行时过去将来完成时过去将来完成进行时二、十六种时态的谓语形势一般时态进行时态完成时态完成进行时态现在do/doesam/is/are doinghave/has donehave/has been doing过去didwas/were doinghad donehad been doing将来shall/will doshall/will be doingshall/will have doneshall/will have been doing过去将来should/would doshould/would be doingshould/would have doneshould/would have been doing英语共有十六种时态,其表现形式如下(以study为例) 一般时 进行时 完成时 完成进行时现在 study be studying have studied have been studying过去 studied be studying had studied had been studying将来 will study wil be studying will have studied will have been studying过去将来would study would be studying would have studied would have been studying时态(Tense)是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式。1. 一般现在时用法:A) 表示现在发生的动作、情况、状态和特征。B) 习惯用语。C) 经常性、习惯性动作。例:He always helps others. (他总是帮助别人。)D) 客观事实和普遍真理。尤其要注意,如果前后文不是一般现在时,则无法保持 主句、从句时态一致。E) 表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,(仅限于某些表示“来、去、动 、停、开始、结束、继续”等的动词 )可以与表示未来时间的状语搭配使用 。常见的用法是:飞机、火车、轮船、汽车等定期定点运行的交通方式。例:The next train leaves at 3 oclock this afternoon.(下一趟火车今天下午3点开车。)How often does this shuttle bus run? (这班车多久一趟?)F) 在时间和条件状语从句里经常用一般现在(有时也用现在完成时)表示将来事 情。例:When you have finished the report, I will have waited for about 3 hours.(等你完成这份报告的时候,我就已经等了将近3个小时了。)2. 现在进行时(be doing)用法:现在正在进行的动作。3. 现在完成时(have done)用法:A) 表示动作到现在为止已经完成或刚刚完成。例:I bought a new house, but I _ my old one yet, so at the moment I have two houses.A) didnt sell B) sold C) havent sold D) would sell答案是C) havent sold。B) 表示从过去某时刻开始,持续到现在的动作或情况,并且有可能会继续延续下去。此时经常用延续性动词。时间状语常用since加一个过去的时间点,或for加一段时间,或by加一个现在时间。例:Great as Newton was, many of his ideas _ today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.A) are to challenge C) have been challengedB) may be challenged D) are challenging全句的意思是:“虽然牛顿是个伟大的人物,但他的许多见解直到今天还在受到挑战,并且被现代科学家的工作所修正。”challenge是及物动词,在本句中应当是被动语态;其动作延续到今天,所以要用现在完成时态。可见答案是C) have been challenged。A) are to challenge和D) are challenging都是主动语态,不可能是答案。B) may be challenged虽然是被动语态,但意思与全句内容不合,所以不对。C) 表示发生在过去,但对现在仍有影响的动作或情况。通常用点动词,如:arrive, begin, find, give, lose等。例:John has broken his left leg.(约翰摔断了左腿。)注意事项:A) 现在完成时是联系过去和现在的纽带。现在完成时和过去时的区别在于:现在完成时强调动作的动态,或受动态的影响,是动态的结果,对现在有影响;过去时只表示过去的某个具体时间里发生的动作,与现在没有联系。例:He worked in that hospital for 8 years.(他曾经在那家医院工作了8年。这只是讲述一个过去的事实,他现在已经不在那家医院了。)He has worked in that hospital for 8 years.(他已经在那家医院里工作了8年。表示他从过去开始工作,一直工作到现在,现在仍在那家医院工作。)B) 因为含有for加一段时间或since加一个时间点这样的时间状语的完成时,有动态和延续性的特点,所以不能使用终端动词或瞬间动词。例:My sister has been married for 5 years.(过去分词做表语表示状态,可以延续)My sister has married. Dont disturb her.(终端动词)C) 在this is the first/ second/ third time that句型里要求用完成时。例:This is the second time that the products of our company have been shown in the International Exhibition.(这是我公司产品第二次参加国际展览会。)D) 句型It is/ has beensince所使用的两种时态都正确。例:It is/ has been 10 years since I last saw him.(从我上次见到他以来已经10年了。)E) 在no sooner than、hardly/ scarcely when、before、prior to等句型中,主句要求完成时。例:I havent met that professor prior to today.(以前我从未见过那位教授。)4. 现在完成进行时(have been doing)用法:表示某一动作开始于过去某一时间,延续或重复地出现至今,或将继续延续至将来。例:We have been working on this project for over a month now.(到目前为止,我们一直在处理那个项目,已经花了一个多月时间了。)注意事项:与现在完成时相比,现在完成进行时更强调:在从过去到现在的时间里,动作或状态一直持续或一直反复出现。例:It seems oil _ from this pipe for some time. Well have to take the machine apart to put it right.A) had leaked B) is leakingC) leaked D) has been leaking从本题上下文看,这两个句子的意思是:“看来,这个管道漏油已有一段时间了,我们将不得不拆卸机器排除故障。”第二句表示将要采取的措施。第一句动作发生在第二句之前,并且延续到现在为止仍在继续。因此,空格中需用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。D) has been leaking是现在完成进行时,因此是本题的答案。有11%的考生误选了B) is leaking。由于本句有时间状语for some time,表示谓语动作延续,谓语不能用现在进行时,必须用和完成时有关的时态。有些考生误选了C) leaked或A) had leaked。是因为他们没有注意到本题第二句是一般将来时,所以第一句的谓语不能用过去时或过去完成时。5. 一般过去时用法:A) 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或情况。B) 表示过去习惯性动作。特别是由would/ used to do表达的句型,本身表示的 就是过去时。例:The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and look at others for hours without doing anything or talking to anybody.(老人过去常常坐在宁静的公园里的一条长椅上,看着其他的人,一坐就是数个小时,什么也不干,也不和任何人交谈。)He used to visit his mother once a week.(他以前总是每周看望一次他的母亲。)C) 有时可代替一般现在时,表达一种婉转、客气、礼貌、商量的语气。例:I wanted to ask you if I could borrow your car?(我想向您借车用一用,可以吗?)Would you mind my sitting here?(您介意我坐在这里吗?)注意事项:A) 注意时间状语的搭配。一般过去时的时间状语应该是表示过去某个时间的词或词组,如:yesterday, last month, in 1999, two days ago等,绝对不可与recently, in the past 10 years, this month等连用,因为这样的时间状语都与现在有关系,应该用现在完成时或一般现在时。B) used to do的否定形式和疑问形式很特别:你怎么写都正确。以否定形式为例:used not to do, didnt used to do, didnt use to do都对。Used to do经常与 be used to doing sth/ sth结构进行对比。前者表示过去常常或过去曾经,要求加动词原形;后者表示习惯于时态结构剖析句子成分 主语 助动词 主动词 宾语 一般现在时 Mike is from America.We eat rice for lunch.He plays football with friends 一般过去时 She was at the theatre last night They went there by train. 一般将来时 Jenny is going to visit her grandma. The boys will travel to Xian next week. 提示: 1.英语中的否定句,疑问句都是要助动词来帮助完成的,上面所列的时态结构中,有的天生就带有助动词,方便之极。有的没有助动词,该咋办呢? 2.含有be动词的结构是否还需要添加其他助动词呢? 3.把它们变成否定和疑问句来看看。英语时态的讲解一共有八种:它们分别是: 一般现在时:主语+动词原形/单三人称+.。一般过去时:主语+动词的过去式+.。(表示过去发生的动作)一般将来时:主语+shall/will/be going to+动词原形 +.。(表示将要发生的动作)现在进行时: 主语+be(is/are/am)+doing+.。(表示正在发生的动作)过去进行时: 主语+be(was/were)+doing+.。 (表示过去某一时间正在发生的动作)现在完成时: 主语+has/have+动词过去分词+.。 (表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果)过去完成时:主语+had+动词过去分词 +.。 表示过去发生的动作以前,发生的动作,就是过去的过去)过去将来时:主语+would+动词原形+.。表示过去某一时间,将要发生的动作或存在的状态)。 短语动词的被动语态 短语动词是一个整体,不可丢掉后面的介词或副词。例如: My sister will be taken care of by Grandma. 我妹妹由奶奶照顾。 Such a thing has never been heard of before. 这样的事闻所未闻。 12.3 表示据说或相信 的词组,基本上由believe, consider, declare, expect, feel , report, say, see, suppose, think, understand等组成。例如: It is said that 据说 It is reported that 据报道 It is believed that 大家相信 It is hoped that 大家希望 It is well known that 众所周知 It is thought that 大家认为 It is suggested that 据建议 It is taken granted that 被视为当然 It has been decided that 大家决定 It must be remember that 务必记住的是 不用被动语态的情况 1) 不及物动词或不及物动词短语,如appear, die disappear, end(vi. 结束), fail, happen, last, lie, remain, sit, spread, stand, break out, come true, fall asleep, keep silence, lose heart, take place等没有无被动语态。例如: After the fire, very little remained of my house. 大火过后,我家烧得所剩无几。 比较:rise, fall, happen是不及物动词;raise, seat是及物动词。 (错) The price has been risen. (对) The price has risen. (错) The accident was happened last week. (对) The accident happened last week. (错) The price has raised. (对) The price has been raised. (错) Please seat. (对) Please be seated. 要想正确地使用被动语态,就须注意哪些动词是及物的,哪些是不及物的。特别是一词多义的动词往往有两种用法。解决这一问题唯有在学习过程中多留意积累。 2)不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语,如fit, have, hold, marry, own, wish, cost, notice, watch agree with, arrive at / in, shake hands with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk into, belong to等。例如: This key just fits the lock. 这把钥匙只配这把锁。 Your story agrees with what had already been heard. 你说的与我们听说的一致。 3)系动词无被动语态,如appear, be become, fall, feel, get, grow, keep, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn等。例如:It sounds good. 听上去不错。 4) 带同源宾语的及物动词如die/death, dream/dream, live/life等,以及反身代词,相互代词,不能用于被动语态。例如: She dreamed a bad dream last night. 她昨晚做了个恶梦。 5) 当宾语是不定式时,很少用于被动语态。例如: (对) She likes to swim. (错) To swim is liked by her.主动形式表示被动意义 1)wash, clean, cook, iron, look, cut, sell, read, wear, feel, draw, write, sell等。例如: The book sells well. 这本书销路好。 This knife cuts easily. 这刀子很好用。 2)blame, let(出租), remain, keep, rent, build等。例如: I was to blame for the accident. 事故发生了,我该受指责。 Much work remains. 还有许多活要干。 3) 在need, require, want, worth (形容词), deserve后的动名词必须用主动形式。例如: The door needs repairing.= The door needs to be repaired. 门该修了。 This book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。 4)特殊结构:make sb. heard / understood (使别人能听见/理解自己)等。例如: Explain it clearly and make yourself understood. 解释清楚些,让别人理解你的话。 被动形式表示主动意义,如 be determined, be pleased, be graduated (from), be prepared (for), be occupied (in), get married等。例如: He is graduated from a famous university. 他毕业于一所有名的大学。 注意:表示同某人结婚,用marry sb. 或get married to sb.均可。例如: He married a rich girl. 他与一个富妞结婚了。 He got married to a rich girl. need/want/require/worth 当 need, want, require, be worth后面接doing时,表示的是被动意义。例如: Your hair wants cutting. 你的头发该理了。 The floor requires washing. 地板需要冲洗。典型例题 The library needs_, but itll have to wait until Sunday. A. cleaning B. be cleaned C. clean D. being cleaned时态练习题1. Edward, you play so well. But I you played the piano. (09全国I) A. didnt know B. hadnt known C. dont know D. havent known 2. Progress_so far very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time. (09全国II) A. was B. had been C. has been D. will be 3.According to the literary review, Shakespeare _his charities live through their language in his plays.(09福建)A. will make B. had made C. was making D. makes 4.Scientists have many theories about how the universe _ into being. (09北京) A. came B. was coming C. had come D. would come 5.When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we _up, her voice had been full of life. (09北京) A. were hanging B. had hung C. hung D. would hang 6. John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather _ with them to school. (09北京) A. took B. had taken C.were taking D. would take 7.Excuse me, Marcia, a reporter from Vanity Fair _ all day. Could you speak to her now? (09辽宁) A. phones B. has phoned C. has been phoning D. phoned用请下载


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