《美丽中国》第一集3 龙之心

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The Chinese alligatorChinese alligator (simplified Chinese: 扬子鳄; traditional Chinese: 揚子鱷, (yng z ) Alligator sinensis) is one of two known living species of Alligator, a genus属in the family Alligatoridae. It is native only to eastern China.The Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana), also known as the Chinese stump-tailed macaque or Milne-Edwards macaque, is found from eastern Tibet east to Guangdong and north to Shaanxi in China. It has also been reported from northeastern India, but this is disputed. This species lives in subtropical forests (mixed deciduous to evergreen) at altitudes from 800 to 2,500 m (2,600 to 8,200 ft) above sea level.ancestral nsestr()l adj. 祖先的;祖传的Each group carried only a subset of the genetic variation from its ancestral population. 每个族群只携带有他们祖先群体中遗传变异的一部分。 reptile reptal adj. 爬虫类的;卑鄙的n. 爬行动物;卑鄙的人Bird evolved from reptiles, so the first bird must have come out of an egg-laid by a reptile. 禽类是由爬虫类进化而来,所以,第一只禽鸟肯定是从爬虫类孵化的蛋里出来的。 membrane membren n. 膜;薄膜;羊皮纸So now in my box I have my partition, my membrane here. 所以现在在盒子里有隔板,在这里有薄膜。For the past 20 years, small-scale conservation projects like this are all that have kept Chinas 150 wild alligators from extinction. 同根词同根词词根: conserve adj. conservatory 有保存力的;保存性的 conserved 保守的 conserving 保存的 adv. conservatively 谨慎地;保存地;适当地 n. conservation 保存,保持;保护 conservatory 温室;音乐学校 conservancy 管理;保护;保存 v. conserved 保存;保全(conserve的过去式) conserving 保护;保藏;糖渍(conserve的ing形式) conserve, reserve, preserve conserve 保存,储藏,强调采取措施精心保护某物,防止不必要的浪费,损失或变化。如:He is conserving his energy for the last twenty-meter dash.(他正在为最后20米冲刺保存实力。)reserve 留存(在资金,人力,原料等),保留(权力等)。如:Reserve enough money for your home fare.(留足你回家的路费。)preserve 坚持,后面常接介词in。如:The ship is equipped with special refrigerating devices to preserve food for the whole voyage.(船上设有特殊冷藏设备,在整个航程中保存食物。)conserve, reserve, retain, withhold, preserve, keep 这组词都有“保持,保存”的意思,其区别是:conserve 一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。reserve 正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留。retain 指继续保持。withhold 指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。preserve 主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。keep 最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持或保存。conserve, store, save, maintain, preserve 这组词都有“保存,储藏”的意思,其区别是:conserve 较正式用词,指小心地使用难以补充的资源或贵重物,免遭浪费或毁坏,以备不时之需。store 普通用词,指将物品存放,以备将来使用。save 普通用词,指尽量少用,以争取数量上有所增加。maintain 指保持原样,不增不减preserve 侧重将物品完好无损地保存下来。Just south of the alligator country, dawn Just south of the alligator country, dawn breaks breaks over over a very different landscape. a very different landscape. 词组短语词组短语break through 突破;突围;有重要创见 break up 打碎,破碎;结束;解散;衰落 break down 分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服 take a break 休息一下 break out v. 爆发;突发 break in 打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯 break away 脱离;放弃;逃跑 break into 闯入;破门而入 break away from vt. 放弃;脱离 break of v. 放弃;改掉(习惯) break from v. 决裂 break with v. 结束;与绝交,和断绝关系;和决裂 break off 折断;突然停止,暂停 break out of 摆脱(束缚等);突破 elongation at break 断裂伸长;断裂延伸率;破坏时伸长量 break up with 跟分手;与断绝关系 break the law 违法 give me a break让我休息一下 could break 可能破碎 make or break 要么成功要么毁灭 词语辨析词语辨析 break, crush, crack, shatter, smash, burst, fracture break, crush, crack, shatter, smash, burst, fracture 这组词都有“打破、弄碎”的意思,其区别是:break 常用词,含义广泛,多指猛然用力将坚硬物打破或损坏。crush 指用力把东西压破或变形。crack 多指因长期使用或经受压力,物体表现呈现裂纹、裂口或破裂、裂开,但一般没成碎片。shatter 指破裂为许多支离破碎的碎片,多用指易碎事物。smash 指突然而猛烈地重击某物,使之破碎或完全变形。burst 指某物因内部外部压力过大而出现严重破裂、爆开或账破。fracture 比crack的破裂程度更深更严重,常指断裂,医学上指骨折。destroy, break, wreck, ruin, spoil, damage destroy, break, wreck, ruin, spoil, damage 这组词都有“破坏,损坏”的意思,其区别是:destroy 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。break 普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏。wreck 侧重指船只、车辆、房屋等受到严重破坏或完全毁坏,也可指计划、健康受到损害。ruin 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义。spoil 强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭。damage 多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果。They use this specific alarm call to warn each other whenever a snake is spotted.warn, caution, advise, admonish, counsel warn, caution, advise, admonish, counsel 这组词都有“劝告、忠告、警告”的意思,其区别是:warn 含义与caution相同,但语气较重,尤指重后果。caution 主要指针对有潜在危险而提出的警告,含小心从事的意味。advise 普通用词,泛指劝告,不涉及对方是否听从劝告。admonish 一般指年长者或领导对已犯错误的或有过失的人提出的忠告或警告以避免类似错误。counsel正式用词,语气比advise强一些,侧重指对重要问题提出的劝告、建议或咨询。The beauty of this farming method is that it delivers two crops from the same field at the same time.词组短语词组短语deliver the goods 交货;履行诺言 deliver goods交货 deliver a speech 发表演讲;发表讲话 deliver up 交出,放弃 deliver from 从处释放出来 transmit, send, forward, deliver, ship, dispatch transmit, send, forward, deliver, ship, dispatch 这组词都有“送出,发送,传送”的意思,其区别是:transmit 指将文件、消息等的内容或类似的东西发至某地或传达给他人。send 普通最常用词,含义广。指把人或物由一地送往另一地,而不涉及事物的内容或 送的方式。forward 指经过其他人或手段把东西转送给某人。deliver 指把信件、包裹等物寄发出去或交到某地,或直接交与某人,着重发送这一行为。ship 把通过水运、陆运或空运等方式运送东西。现常指商业上的运货,或将物品托运。dispatch 指为特殊目的而发送或派遣,强调紧急或快速。1.What has She Shuzhen been doing and 1.What has She Shuzhen been doing and what are she and her son going to do?what are she and her son going to do? She Shizhen and her son live nearby. She has been caring for her local _for over 20 years, so she had a fair idea when the eggs were likely to_. Back home, shes built a _surrounded by netting to keep out_, where her charges will spend the next six months until theyre big enough to _ for themselves.charges alligators pond hatch predators fendalligatorshatchpredatorsfendpond2.What does the narrator say about 2.What does the narrator say about Huangshan macaques? Huangshan macaques? 3.How does the narrator describe the 3.How does the narrator describe the rice cultivation in China?rice cultivation in China?By late summer, the rice fields of southern China have turned to gold. The time has come to bring in the harvest. Nowadays, modern _strains菌株are grown throughout much of the rice lands, _by chemical fertilizers and reaped by combine_. This is the great rice bowl of China, producing a quarter of the worlds rice. Mechanized farming works best in the flat-bottomed valleys of the_. To the south, in the _hills of Zhejiang Province, an older and simpler lifestyle persists. harvesters high-yield boosted fertilizers terraced lowlandshigh-yieldboostedharvesterslowlandsterraced4.How did Yang harvest the golden carps?4.How did Yang harvest the golden carps?The baskets hes carried up the hillside give a clue to Yangs business. But before he starts work, he needs to let some water out of the system. As the water level drops, the mystery is_._. Longxian villagers discovered the benefits of transferring wild caught carpin to their _long ago. The tradition has been going on here for at least 700 years. As the water level in the paddy drops, bamboo gates stop the fish escaping. The beauty of this farming method is that it _two crops from the same field at the same time._.Fish and rice revealed delivers Golden carp paddy fieldsrevealedGolden carppaddy fields deliversFish and rice5.What symbolizes the completion of 5.What symbolizes the completion of “the rice growing cycle” in Longxian “the rice growing cycle” in Longxian Village?Village?Back in the village, Yang has his own _ where he preserves his fish ready for market. Longxian _have unusually soft scale sand a very delicate_, perhaps as a result of the local water. Meanwhile, outside the smokehouse, theres something fishy going on. To mark the harvest, the village is staging a party. Children from Longxian school have spent weeks preparing for their big moment. Everyone from the _is here to support them. The rice growing _is munity smokehouse carp fishy cycle flavoursmokehousecarpflavourcommunitycycle 6.What is “the rice growing cycle”?6.What is “the rice growing cycle”?7.Why the Tundra swans are called 7.Why the Tundra swans are called “long migrants”?“long migrants”?The last birds to arrive at Poyang are those which have made the longest journey to get here, all the way from the _coast of Siberia. The Siberian crane, known in China as the_, is seen as a _of good luck. Each year, almost the entire world population of these critically _ birds makes a 9,000-kilometre _to spend the winter at Poyang.roundtrip Arctic Siberia symbol white crane endangeredArcticwhite cranesymbol endangeredroundtripOpen-ended question.1.For the past 20 years, small-scale ( )projects like this are all that have kept Chinas 150 wild alligators from extinction. 2.Just south of the alligator country, dawn ( )over a very different landscape. 3.Like so much monkey business, what ( )off as a bit of playful rough-and-tumble, soon begins to get out of hand. conservationbreaksstartsendangered brink conservation Mechanized breaks delivers starts harvest result relatively warn4.They use this specific alarm call to ( )each other whenever a snake is spotted.5.The time has come to bring in the( ).6.( ) farming works best in the flat-bottomed valleys of the lowlands.7.The beauty of this farming method is that it ( )two crops from the same field at the same time.warnharvestMechanizeddeliversendangered brink conservation Mechanized breaks delivers starts harvest result relatively warn 7.Longxian carp have unusually soft scale sand a very delicate flavour, perhaps as a ( )of the local water. 8.But the south is still ( )warm and welcoming.9.Each year, almost the entire world population of these critically ( )birds makes a 9,000-kilometre roundtrip to spend the winter at Poyang. 10.Given the right help, even the rarest creatures can return from the( ).resultrelativelyendangeredbrinkrelatively endangered brink conservation Mechanized breaks delivers starts harvest result warndistinctly, relatively, migrants, essence, distinctly, relatively, migrants, essence, refuge, creating, arrive, symbol, population, refuge, creating, arrive, symbol, population, roundtriproundtripBy November, northern China is becoming( ) chilly. But the south is still ( )warm and welcoming. Across the vast expanse of Poyang Lake, the birds are gathering. Tundra swans are long-distance ( )from northern Siberia. distinctlyrelativelymigrantsVII.Choose the best word or expression with its proper form from the the list given to each blank.essencerefugecreatingarrivesymbolpopulationroundtripdistinctly, relatively, migrants, essence, refuge, creating, arrive, symbol, population, roundtrip夏末夏末, ,中国南部是一片璀璨的金色稻海中国南部是一片璀璨的金色稻海. .如今是丰收如今是丰收的季节的季节。如今现代高产人工田占据了中国的大片土如今现代高产人工田占据了中国的大片土地地, ,受化学肥料的滋养受化学肥料的滋养, ,并用联合收割机进行大规模并用联合收割机进行大规模收割收割, ,这里是世界上最大的水稻种植区,占据世界水这里是世界上最大的水稻种植区,占据世界水稻产量的四分之一。稻产量的四分之一。By late summer, the rice fields of southern China have turned to gold. The time has come to bring in the harvest. Nowadays, modern high-yield strains are grown throughout much of the rice lands, boosted by chemical fertilizers and reaped by combine harvesters. This is the great rice bowl of China, producing a quarter of the worlds rice.Directions: For this part, you are Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Fascinating composition on the topic: Fascinating China. You should write at least 120 China. You should write at least 120 words according to the situation given words according to the situation given below in Chinese:below in Chinese:一位外国朋友第一次来中国,他想让你介绍两一位外国朋友第一次来中国,他想让你介绍两三样极具中国特色的事物三样极具中国特色的事物( (可以是风俗文化等可以是风俗文化等) ),你会向他介绍什么,你会向他介绍什么? ?如何介绍如何介绍? ?


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