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嘉兴英语教学网 收集整理 欢迎使用【2010高考单选错题审编】 例: The man who_ in the wheel-chair seemed_ the match very much. A: sitting; enjoying watch B: sat; to enjoy watching C: was sitting; to be enjoying watch D: sit; enjoy watching 试题解析:seem后面接动词时,该动词常用不定式结构,故可排除A、D两个答案;enjoy后接动词时,该动词应用动名词形式,故C不对。 1. Ill spend half of my holiday practising English and _ half learning drawing.A another B the other C others D other 【B】One (half) the other (half) 一半另一半2. _ the city center, we saw a stone statue (雕像)of about 10 meters in height.A Approaching B Approached C To approach D To be approached【A】动名词短语作补语:表示该动作伴随着主句的动作同时发生3. One reason for her preference for city life is _ she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. A that B how C what D why 【A】 The reason for is that 4. Wind power is an ancient source of energy _ we may return in the near future. A on which B by which C to which D from which 【C】Return to 表示恢复,回到 的意思 Return from 从回来 没有return on , return by 的组合5. _ our manger objects to Toms joining the club, we shall accept him as a member. A Until B Unless C If D After 【B】Object to something 反对某事6. You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _ you, I suppose. A agree with B agree to C agree on D agree about 【A】agree with (对某人的健康或胃口)适合 agree to 同意,愿意 agree on 就某事达成一致协议 agree about 在上一致;关于意见一致7. _ from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees. A Seen B Seeing C Having seen D To see 【A】非谓语动词的用法 句意:从塔顶上看,在南面的山脚下一片树的海洋。 该句的主语为the south foot of the mountain. 所以应为被看,故选seen 在文中作状语8. His first book _ next month is based on a true story. A published B to be published C to publish D being published 【B】非谓语动词的用法9. I have to see the doctor because I _ a lot lately. A have been coughing B had coughed C coughed D cough【A】10. May I take this book out of the reading room? No, you _. You read it here. A mightnt B wont C neednt D mustnt 【D】 11. It is reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster area. A are being built B were being built C was being built D is being built 【D】many a new house 作主语谓语动词应该用单数12. Dina, _ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency. A struggling B struggled C having struggled D to struggle 【C】非谓语动词的用法 根据时间关系,“奋斗”动作在先,而后才“任职”,用现在分词的完成形式作状语.13. Im tired out. I _ all afternoon and I dont be seen to have finished anything. A shopped B having shopped C had shopped D have been shopping 【D】考察动词时态 根据题干“Im tired”中的am 以及 all afternoon 可知说话者说的是现在的事情,现在完成进行时是现在完成时和现在进行时的组合,“进行时”可用来表示说话者的态度。本句中用进行时表示“抱怨”的态度。14. Thousands of people _ to watch yesterdays match against Ireland. A turned on B turned in C turned around D turned out 【D】turn on 打开(电器) turn in 上交 turn around 转身 turn out 证明是,结果是15. I _ all the cooking for my family, but recently Ive been too busy to do it. A will do B do C am doing D had done 【B】经常性动作,一般现在时16. I agree to his suggestion _ the condition that he drops all charges. A by B in C on D to 【C】on the condition that “条件是”17. The new movie _ one of the biggest money-makers of all time. A promises B agrees C pretends D declines 【A】promise (to be) 有希望,有可能18. In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained _ abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud. A sticking B stuck C to be stuck D to have stuck 【B】非谓语动词作表语 remain + 过去分词 表状态 remain to be done 表示将来19. Guess what, weve got our visas for a short-term visit to the UK this summer. How nice ! You _ a different culture then. A will be experiencing B have experienced C have been experiencing D will have experienced 【A】 then 表示将来的某个时间点,故用将来进行时.20. Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program? _ , does it? A It takes no time. 要不了多少时日 B It counts for nothing. 这不重要 C It doesnt hurt to ask. 问问无妨 D It doesnt make sense. 不合情理,讲不通 【C】21. Bob would have helped us yesterday, but he _. A was busy B is busy C had been busy D will be busy 【A】22. It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village _ the hostess cooked such a nice dinner. A where B that C when D which 【B】-仅从村里买了很少的东西,女主人就做了那么丰盛的一顿大餐。 -本句考察强调句型 被强调部分为from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village 23. He had a wonderful childhood, _ with his mother to all corners of the world. A travel B to travel C traveled D traveling 【D】非谓语动词作伴随状语24. _, she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile. A Shy and cautious B Serious and thoughtful C Honest and confident D Lighthearted and optimistic 【D】Lighthearted 无忧无虑的 Cautious 小心的 Optimistic 乐观的25. Jack described his father, who _ a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-willed man. A would be B would have been C must be D must have been 【D】情态动词表示推测的用法 此处表示推测,且很有把握,应使用must. 根据many years ago 以及主句谓语动词described 可知,表示的是对过去情况的推测,对过去情况的推测应使用“情态动词 + 完成结构”。26. Just use this room for the time being, and well offer you a larger one _ it becomes available. A as soon as B unless C as far as D until 【A】as soon as 一就 引导时间从句 -目前就住在这个房间吧,我们一有更大的房间就提供给你。 -时间状语从句 available 现有的,可得到的27. The school was moved out of downtown as the number of students had grown too _. A small B few C large D many 【C】表数量多少用large/ small 修饰28. In many peoples opinion, though relatively small, is pleasant _. A to deal with B dealing with C to be dealt with D dealt with 【A】-很多人认为那家公司虽然相对比较小,但相处起来却令人愉快。 -非谓语动词作主语补语 -“主语 + be + 性质形容词 + 动词不定式”结构中,主语和不定式构成逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式需用及物动词形式29. Such poets as Shakespeare _ widely read, of whose works, however, some _ difficult to understand. A are; are B is; is C are; is D is; are 【A】主谓一致30. Youve failed to do what you _ to and Im afraid the teacher will blame you. A will expect B will be expected C expected D were expected 【D】被动31. If you have a job, _ yourself to it and finally youll succeed. A do devote B dont devote C devoting D not devoting 【A】祈使句 句型结构:祈使句 + and/or + 陈述句 “do devote” 千万要致力于它 , 为加强语气在原型前加do32. In this lecture, I can only give you a purely _ view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the future. A unique B private C personal D different 【C】33. Mistakes dont just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason, and then making the mistake becomes _. A worthwhile B essential C precious D favorable 【A】-错误并非偶然造成;皆是事出有因的,查明错误的原因,犯错常常就变得值得了。 -previous 有利的 previous for/ to34. You _ park here ! Its an emergency exit. A wouldnt B neednt C couldnt D mustnt 【D】must 用于否定句表示 “禁止,不许”。35. Everything comes with _ price; there is no such _ thing as a free lunch in the world. A a; a B the; / C the; a D a; / 【D】冠词 “no such + 单数名词” 结构中,在此结构中,单数名词前需用零冠词。 零冠词:零冠词(Zero articles )是指名词前面没有不定冠词( a、an )、定冠词( the ),也没有其他限定词的现象。零冠词也是是冠词的一种,一般表示为“/”而在文法中则根本不表示,“/”是英语词汇中最特殊的词,它没有拼写,没有读音,通常在口语表示时只是很短的停顿,但它的用法确实起着重要作用。 price 为单数名词,本句中泛指,故用不定冠词 不定冠词:a / an36. In china, the number of cities is increasing _ development is recognized across the world. A where B which C whose D that 【C】 -在中国,城市的数量在快速增加,其发展被世界所公认。 -定语从句 先行词为cities ,在从句中作定语。37. The news shocked the public, _ to great concern about students safety at school. A having led B led C leading D to lead 【C】非谓语动词做结果状语38. At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River _, one of the ten largest cities in China. A lies Chongqing B Chongqing lies C does lie Chongqing D does Chongqing lie 【A】 表地点的介词短语置于句首,句子主谓要用完全倒状语序。39. The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already _ for a meal to be looked. A laid B laying C to lay D being laid 【A】with 的复合结构 lay a table 固定词组摆桌子(准备吃饭)40. It rained heavily in the south, _ serious flooding in several provinces. A caused B having caused C causing D to cause 【C】后半句是伴随状语,主动关系,故causing41. As a new graduate, he doesnt know _ it takes to start a business here. A how B what C when D which 【B】宾语从句 42. Many lifestyle patterns do such _ great harm to health that they actually speed up _ weakening of the human body. A a; / B /; the C a; the D /; / 【B】 harm 不可数名词,不加冠词43. If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you _ fresh watermelon in the fall. A eat B would eat C have eaten D will be eating 【D】 条件句用一般现在时而主句用将来的任何事态44. I have been convinced that the print media are usually more _ and more reliable than television. A accurate B ridiculous C urgent D shallow 【A】 A 精确的 B 可笑的 C 紧迫的 D 肤浅的45. I guess weve already talked about this before but Ill ask you again just _. A by nature B in return C in case D by chance 【C】 A 生来 B 回报 C 万一 D 偶然46. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if _ regularly, can improve our health. A being carried out B carrying out C carried out D to carry out 【C】省略句 本题中完整的条件状语从句应为 if it is carried out regularly.47. _ thats important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction. A One B All C Everything D Anything【B】48. For many years, people _ electric cars. However, making them has been more difficult than predicted. A had dreamed of B have dreamed of C dreamed of D dream of 【B】 根据时间状语for many years 可知句子时态为完成时态 句子并没有过去的时间或过去的动作,因此不是“过去的过去” 过去完成时49. The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they dont give you the direct _. A solution B target C measure D function 【A】 B 目标 C 测量 D 作用50. According to my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold. _, scientists agree with her. A Sooner or later B Once in a while C To be exact D Believe it or not 【D】sooner or later 迟早 Once in a while 偶尔【A】51. Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isnt it rather risky, _? A though B also C either D too 然而不是很冒险么? 副词though放在句末 , 翻译成【然而】【D】52. The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and _ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat. A being weighed B to weigh C weighted D weighing 非谓语动词; 现在分词作定语【C】53. Smell the flowers before you go to sleep and you may just _ sweet dreams. A keep up with B put up with C end up with D catch up with Keep up with 跟上 put up with 忍受 end up with 以结束/ 告终 catch up with 赶上【A】54. Not until he left his home _ to know how important the family was for him. A did he begin B had he begun C he began D he had begun 时间顺序是先离家再理解 部分倒装【B】55. The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good _. A expectation B reputation C contribution D civilization A 预料、期望;前程 B 名声名誉 C 贡献 D文明 【B】56. I havent got the reference book yet, but Ill have a test on the subject next month. Dont worry. You _ have it by Friday. A could B shall C must D may “ shall” 表将来,多用于第一人称 用于第二、三人称时,则有强调之意,意为“一定,绝对会”【C】57. The experiment has _ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets. A found out B pointed out C ruled out D carried out A 发现 看穿 揭发 查明 B 指出,把注意力引向 C 宣布不可能;排除的可能性D 实施 贯彻,执行【A】58. The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu, _ the students to return to their classrooms. A enabling B having enabled C to enable D to have enabled 非谓语动词作状语【B】59. George is going to talked about the geography of his country, but Id rather he _ more on its culture. A focus B focused C would focus D had focused 虚拟语气 would rather 后加从句,表示现在或将来的动作则用过去时态【A】60. I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays. Thats _ I dont agree. You should have a more active life. A where B how C when D what 表语从句【A】61. In the spoken English of some areas in the US, the “r” sounds at the end of the words _. A are dropped B drop C are being dropped D have dropped “ 在美国一些地方的口语中,单词结尾的字母r 的发音通常被省略 ”【A】62. Im calling to enquire about the position _ in yesterdays China Daily. A advertised B to be advertised C advertising D having advertised 非谓语动词作后置定语【D】63. Im sorry, but I dont quite follow you. Did you say you wanted to return on September 20? Sorry, I _ myself clear. We want to return on October 20. A hadnt made B wouldnt make C dont make D havent made 根据句意可以看出“没有表述清楚”是当前的一种情况,是说话者做过的事情对现在的一种影响 所以用现在完成时【D】64. _ they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures. A As B While C Until D Once 【一旦他们决定了要去哪所大学,学生们就应该研究该大学的录取程序】【C】65. I want to be liked and loved for _ I am inside. A who B where C what D how【C】66. First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get _ second chance to make _ first impression. A a; the B the; the C a; a D the; a 【第一印象最持久。毕竟,你永远都不会有第二次机会来塑造初印象】【A】67. Tom was about to close the window _ his attention was caught by a bird. A when B if C and D till 考察句型:sb. was about to do sth. when did【C】68. Have you finished the book? No. Ive read up to _ the children discover the secret cave. A which B what C that D where where 引导定语从句,在从句中充当地点状语【D】69. The island is _ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons. A partly B merely C nearly D equally 此岛屿春秋两季气候宜人。因此,这两个季节同样有吸引力 partly 部分地 merely 只是,仅仅 nearly 几乎,差不多 equally 同样地,平等地【C】70. Linda, make sure the tables _ before the guests arrive. A be set B set C are set D are setting 【B】71. I refuse to accept the blame for【something _ was someone elses fault】.(定语从句) A who B that C as D what 定语从句 something是先行词,在从句中作主语,是物。所以用that 以下15道题是易错题型,多属交际用语 【A】72. Oh, its you! I _ you.Ive just had my hair cut, and Im wearing new glasses. A: didnt recognize B: hadnt recognized C: havent recognized D: dont recognize “认出”的动作是在对话之前,即过去的动作,在说话时已经终止,所以应用过去时态。【C】73. What do you think of the book?Oh, excellent. Its worth _ a second time. A: to read B: to be read C: reading D: being read 试题解析:be worth 后接动名词的主动式表示被动含义,不接不定式。 【C】74.:Have a _ trip. Thanks. A: pleasing B: pleased C: pleasant D: pleasure 试题解析:pleasant为形容词,意为“(事物)愉快的,喜悦的”,a pleasant voice意为“悦耳的声音”;pleased也是形容词,意为“(人)感到高兴的,满意的”,如:She was pleased with her new car她对新车颇为满意。pleasing也是形容词、意为“讨人喜欢、快乐的”。当有人外出时、我们常说Have a pleasantnice trip祝旅途愉快。 【A】75.: Did any of the students give the correct answer? _.A: None B: No one C: Not many ones D: No many 试题解析:none用于人、动物、事物均可,而且往往有固定范围。如:none of them, none of the people, none of the books。 【B】76.:“Do you know our town at all?” “No, this is the first time I_here. ” A: was B: have been C: came D: am coming 试题解析:这道题的答案涉及到惯用句型“It is the first time that.”在这一句型中,主语it可根据需要换用this或that。使用此句型时应注意:若主句的动词是iswill be,that引导的定语从句中的动词常用现在完成时表示总结动作发生的次数;但若主句的动词是was,则从句的动词须用过去完成时。如:I was lucky actually,because that was the third time Id visited China 【A】77.:“We could have walked to the station; it was so near.”“Yes, a taxi_at all necessary.A: wasnt B: hadnt been C: wouldnt be D: wont be 试题解析:从对话情景看,第一位说话者为当时乘了“的士”去车站而感到惋惜(因为本来可以步行去),带有虚拟的意味。而答话者则是对当时事实做出肯定的认可。即:当时的确不必乘“的士”。答语是个陈述句,与虚拟语气无关。所以答案应为A。 【D】78.:I usually go there by train.Why not _ by boat for a change?A: to try going B: trying to go C: try to go D: try going 试题解析:why not后跟动词原形,因此答案在C、D项中选。try doing sth.意为试着做某事;try to do sth.意为尽力做某事。根据题意,正确答案应为D。 【D】79.:Dont all speak at once! _. A: Each at one time B: One by one time C: One for each time D: One at a time 试题解析:原题中的at once是at the same time的意思,A项at one time是“曾经,一度”的意思。B、C项无意义。D项 at a time(每)一次。因此一次一个人与原题相符。 【D】80.:Can I help you, sir?Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it _.A: didnt work B: wont work C: cant work D: doesnt work 试题解析:从这个对话可知,对话是发生在商店里,答语中用了一般过去时,I bought this radio here yesterday,后面


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