冀教版九年级英语Unit 2 Lesson11To China, with love

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Lesson 11To China, with loveNinetynine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right. Chinas most famous farmerFather of Hybrid Rice.Albert EinsteinYuan Longping the wellknown writer and educatorJack ChenZhang ZiyiWho do you most admire? Why?Do you know who is the person I admire most?教学目标教学目标 22、技能目标、技能目标 1)发展学生的听、)发展学生的听、说、识记及阅读能说、识记及阅读能力力 2)培养学生语言培养学生语言综合运用能力。综合运用能力。 33、情感目标、情感目标通过本节课的学习,使通过本节课的学习,使学生了解白求恩大夫的学生了解白求恩大夫的生平事迹,激发他们学生平事迹,激发他们学习白求恩大夫毫不利己,习白求恩大夫毫不利己,专门利人,对工作极端专门利人,对工作极端负责的的高尚品德的学负责的的高尚品德的学习兴趣。习兴趣。11、认知目标、认知目标 1)掌握本课关键词掌握本课关键词和常用短语和常用短语 VocabularyVocabulary诺尔曼诺尔曼白求恩白求恩 war n. 北方的;北的北方的;北的 状况;形势;处境状况;形势;处境.动手术;做手术动手术;做手术和平和平杀死杀死 血血受伤的;受损害的受伤的;受损害的战士;士兵战士;士兵 肺结核肺结核 埋葬埋葬 v. 偶然地;意外地偶然地;意外地 Norman Bethune战争战争northernadj.situation noperate v.peace n.kill v. blood n. wounded adj.soldier n.tuberculosis n. buryaccidentally adv.Step1:Listening Task: True or False(小组展示)(小组展示)Norman Bethune was a famous doctor.He went to china in 1939.The Bethune Medical School is in Tang County, Hebei province.Step2: Read carefully and find the answers: (合作探讨合作探讨) 1.Why is Norman Bethune famous? 2.Where and why did he come to China? 3.How did he help Chinese people?Because he found new ways to help people with T.B. , invented tools that doctors still use today and help Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese War . He went to northern China , as he knew many people were dying in the Anti-Japanese War .He organized hospitals , taught doctors and nurses , and showed people how to give first aid . Step3 Group learning (分组学习分组学习)组长带领组员学习这些知识点,要求组员进行讲解!组长带领组员学习这些知识点,要求组员进行讲解!1. be famous for2. be famous as3.give first aid4. die of5. die from.6.operate on sb.7. day after day8. be buried 以以而闻名而闻名作为作为而闻名(后加职业而闻名(后加职业)进行急救进行急救死于死于(指内部原因,如疾病等(指内部原因,如疾病等)死于(死于(指外部原因如车祸等指外部原因如车祸等)对某人进行手术对某人进行手术一天又一天一天又一天被埋葬被埋葬 Step4 LANGUAGE POINTS(质疑解惑(质疑解惑 )working as a bus driver for six months as是介词是介词,常用来说明某人或某物的职业常用来说明某人或某物的职业,职务职务,用途用途,作用。意思为作用。意思为“作为作为” 。e.g. He worked as a bus driver for six months. People remember how hard he worked to help others,day after day in a difficult situation.remember to do sth 记住要作某事remember ding sth记得做过某事 3.Finding new ways to help people with T.B. a disease that damages the lungs. a way to do sth. = a way of doing sth. T.B. = tuberculosis.肺结核肺结核 4.the Anti-Japanese War 抗日战争抗日战争 Anti是是前缀前缀 ,意思是,意思是 “反,反对,抵抗反,反对,抵抗” 如如 antibody “抗体抗体” 5. Without n./v. ving e.g. We can not finish the work without your help. Step4 当堂检测当堂检测The doctors decided 实行手术her at once.Bethune showed people how to _ _ _ 实施急救.He is famous for _workas a doctor in War.The hero_ _buryat the foot of the mountain.to operate on givefirst aidworking is buried practise1. The doctor _ the wounded soldier at once.2. Many people _ hunger in the old society.3. Zhong Nanshan _ his work in fighting against SARS.4. The farmer works in the field _. operated on died of is well-known for day after day 从方框中选出恰当的短语,用其正确的形式填空。从方框中选出恰当的短语,用其正确的形式填空。 day after day, be well-known for, die of, operate on, Step4 总结反馈总结反馈1.New words: war northern situation operate peace kill blood wounded solider 2.Phrases: give first aid day after day day by day die of work as in a difficult situation without n /v. ing 3. Sentence Patterns: Norman Bethune is buried in Tang County. and show people how to Who can tell me about Norman Bethune? (每组每组至少说一句话至少说一句话,先写出来)先写出来)He is famous for finding new ways to help people with T.Bworking as a doctor in wars.inventing tools that doctors still use today.traveling to china to help Chinese people in the Anti-Japanese war.Missing!Norman Bethune We all love you, you will live in our hearts forever!课文课文纪念白求恩纪念白求恩节选节选.是加拿大共产党员,为了帮助中国的抗日战争,不远千里,来到中国,不幸以身殉职。.毫不利己,专门利人,对工作极端负责任,对同志对人民极端的热忱。Write an e-mail to a student in Canada. Tell him or her something about one of the most famous people in Chinese history, such as Lin Zexu or Sun zhongshan Remember, they might know nothing about China! You should include many important details.Homework


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