建筑 土木工程 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 能源与高层建筑

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建筑 土木工程 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 能源与高层建筑_第1页
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建筑 土木工程 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 能源与高层建筑_第2页
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建筑 土木工程 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 能源与高层建筑_第3页
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Energy and the Tall Build The tall building is emblematic of the modern city. Tall buildings are symbolic; they are iconic celebrations of achievement for corporations , cities and entire nations. The tall building typology has reached a scale of enormity and diversity of use .Functionally, the tall building responds to variable conditions as a result of our rapidly changing world market economy. Infrastructure must support a scalable reconfigurable workplace that facilitates expanding information and communication networks and must be designed to perform at optimum impact on the environment. Buildings today consume far more resources than nature can sustain, causing an extreme imbalance in our natural ecosystems Sustainable design in architecture balances the ebbs and flows of natural ecosystems with economic and social mechanisms , so that what a building consumes in resources is balanced with the resources ability to recover ,leaving ample reserve for the needs of future generations.Globally, total energy demand is set to increase by 62% by the year of 2030 as rapid economic growth continues to expand the urban boundaries of cities around the world CO2 and smog-causing emissions from fossil fuel-based energy consumption Threaten the health of our cities and feed the intensifying environmental devastation caused by global warming .Neutralizing the harmful effects of such energy use and transitioning towards a low carbon economy appears to be a daunting task. The issue is economically sensitive and of an enormous scale that crosses international boarders .As architects can we really have a positive impact on this complex issue and help transit the world to a low carbon economy .?The building industry represents 10% of the world economy. Huge amounts of resources are consumed by the building industry: 17% of potable water, 25% of timber, and 50%of total global CO2 emissions, the most of any sector. This is where architects have a great opportunity. This is where architects have a great opportunity:Architects have a great opportunity: architects can control and reduce building energy consumption by design .The issues ranging from how we commute to work to the kind of light bulb we turn on when we arrive home from work. The Central plant and Mixed Use Standard energy delivery systems have become antiquated and grossly inefficient Conventional thermoelectric stations convert only about 30% of the fuel energy into electricity. The remaining 70% is lost into electricity. The remaining 70 % is lost in the form of waste heat. Moving energy production to a central plant within the building stars to reduce these inefficiencies. Adding tri-generation technology that provides simultaneous production of power heat and cooling from a single energy source yields additional savings .waste heat from energy production is recover and used for free domestic hot water and space heating ,or in warmer climates waste heat can be run through heat absorption chillers for supplemental cooling. Maximum reuse of waste energy depends on the building use.The typical tall building often function as a mono-use tower for either commercial or residential use. The single use typology has been driven for the most part by zoning and floor plates size requirements. Office floor plates are very deep to maximize structural efficiency while residential floor plates are shallower to allow for ample access to fresh air, daylight and views. With the new generation of super tower,We are now seeing multi-use programs with combined commercial office and residential components. The bottom third may contain offices, followed by condominiums, then topped with a hotel. While this can be a design challenge, the energy use profile of the mixed use tower yields great potential for energy sharing. Design processThe environmental impact of building is a global problem that must be addressed regionally. Unique climatic, social and economic conditions and their potential impact on a project must be carefully analyzed for unique design opportunities. For example, the arid climate of Spain is ideal for passive ventilation and cooling systems, while the pervasive humidity of Hong Kong may prove a technical challenge for such a strategy.At the design phase, the energy performance of a project must be approached intelligently and holistically. There is no single universal solution, and every project is unique. An integrated multidisciplinary approach that views the building as a system made up of interdependent architectural and engineering component yields higher performance and optimizes the management of energy and resources. In looking at the energy use profile of a typical office building, lighting, heating and cooling represent 2/3 of the total load. Targeting reductions in these categories yield the most value. However, indoor environmental quality for the occupant has a direct relationship to these loads, and occupant comfort must be not be compromised. Typical Building energy Use ProfileThe value of technology is often measured in terms of a cost benefit analysis, or payback period. As the payback extends for a specific design strategy these is less financial incentive for applying the technology. In regions where energy costs are low, Extended payback periods remain an obstacle to investing in many high performance system. However, there are several low tech/low cost strategies that can have significant impact on a buildings energy performance. Building form , orientation, and fenestration are component of every building. Proper building orientation alone can reduce a buildings cooling loads by 5%. Proper fenestration and shading can help protect a structure from unwanted heat gain caused by direct solar exposure during cold months .Well designed fenestration can also maximize daylight penetration and reduce use of artificial lighting. 能源与高层建筑高层建筑是现代城市的象征。它们是一种符号,标志着众多企业、城市乃至整个国家所取得的成就。其类型已经达到前所未有的数量。应用非常的广。高层建筑从功能上回应了外部环境的转变。这都是由急速变换的世界市场经济引起的。建筑的基础结构必须能够支持可灵活重新配置的工作场地。以利于扩张信息与通信网络,它还必须适应新的建筑技术。同时,高层建筑必需具有最优效能,尽可能降低对环境的影响。如今的建筑所消耗的能量比大自然能承受的要多的多,从而在我们的自然生态系统中造就了一种严重的不平衡状态。可持续性建筑设计可以平衡自然生态系统的盛衰与经济体系、社会机制之间的关系,以便使一座建筑所消耗的能源与自然界的恢复能力吻合,并为子孙后代留下充足的资源储量。由于经济的迅速增长导致世界众多城市边界的扩张,到2030年,全球总能源需求预计会增长62%。燃烧矿物燃料所释放出来的二氧化碳和烟尘正在威胁着城市居民的健康,并使由全球变暖引起的环境破坏加剧。消除能源利用的有害影响、转而发展低碳型经济,似乎是一项比较艰难的任务。该课题对经济影响很大。而涉及面很广,需要跨国合作。作为建筑师,我们真的能对这一复杂课题产生正面影响,并对全球经济转为低碳型经济做出贡献吗?建筑工业占据全球经济总量的10%。它消耗着大量的自然资源:17%的饮用水、25%的木材以及50%的能源。这些消耗可产生占全球一半的二氧化碳排放量,比其他任何产业都多。这正是建筑师发挥作用的所在:建筑师可以通过设计来控制并降低建筑能源消耗。这一课题虽然相当广泛,但是建筑是有能力来影响诸多方面的。中央设备和多功能设备标准的能源供应系统已经过于陈旧,而且效率很低。传统的电力发电站只能将燃料产生的能源得0%转化为电能,剩余锝0%都被当成废热浪费了。将能源生产集中到建筑的中央设备,可以有效的减少这些浪费。可从同一能源获得电力、热能和制冷能源的三联技术进一步实现了节能。能源中产生的废热得到了回收,并被用于免费加热生活用水和室内供暖;或者在较为温暖的气候条件下。废热可被输入热吸收冷却器进行辅助冷却。剩余能源的最大化再利用取决建筑本身的用途。典型的高层建筑通常只作为单一用途的大楼而存在,或者商用,或者住宅。这种单一的使用类型多数是受到了分区和楼板尺寸的限制。办公室楼板厚度很大。以最大化发挥结构功效,而住宅楼板相对较薄,以充分引进新鲜空气、阳光。并保证开阔的视野。如今从最新一代的高级大厦中。我们可以看到很多商住功能混合的例子。最下面的三层可以是办公空间。然后是公寓,顶部为酒店。虽然这种混合类型在设计上是一种挑战,但它的能源利用形式却可以体现强大的节能潜力。设计过程建筑物对环境的影响是一个普遍的问题。必须具体问题具体分析。对于某些设计,我们必须仔细分析当地独特的气候、社会及经济条件,以及他们对某个项目的潜在影响。例如.西班牙的干燥气候非常适用被动式通风和制冷系统。而香港地区的潮湿气候也许会使应用这一技术成为挑战。在设计阶段,必须深思熟虑地从整体上实现项目的可能性。从来就没有一个统一的解决方案。因为每个项目都各有特色。应该采取一种综合的多学科方法,将建筑看作由相副辅相成的建筑部件结构部件组成的系统,这种方法可以实现更高的建筑性能,并最优化能源和资源的管理。在考虑一座典型的办公楼的节能方式时,照明,供暖和制冷,所需的能源就占了总量的三分之二。对这三项进行有目的的耗能削减,具有极大的价值。然而,室内环境质量与这些能耗成正比,住户的舒适度决不能梢有降低。


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