ChineseEnglish Trademark Translation中英商标翻译

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Chinese-English Trademark Translation一、 课题(论文)提纲0. 引言 1. 中英商标翻译的重要性 2. 中英商标翻译的原则 3. 中英商标的翻译策略 3.1音译法 3.2意译法 4. 中英商标翻译的误区 5. 商标翻译的文化禁忌 6. 结束语 二、内容摘要商标宣传是国际市场推销商品和进行竞争的一种重要手段,而培养名牌商标是进一步开拓国际市场的重要环节。因此,做好商标的翻译,其重要意义是不言而喻的。随着世界经济体系的全球化和中国加入WTO,产品的进出口日益增强,因此也导致了商标的翻译越来越受到重视, 在翻译理论和实践的基础上不断得到丰富和发展,尤其是更加注重了中西方的文化差异。本文通过中英商标翻译的重要性、其翻译原则、策略、误区以及商标翻译的文化禁忌这几个方面初步探讨了如何进行中英商标的翻译。从而使翻译出的商标名称与原文的商品在音、形、意和美等珠联璧合、异曲同工,在商品交流的同时亦可实现文化的交流。三、 参考文献1234史玉娟.从文化差异看商标翻译的方法及原则J.沈阳工程学院学报(社会科学版).20055腾延江.商标英译中的文化失语现象J.山东外语教学.2004Chinese-English Trademark Translation Abstract: The trademark propaganda is an important means of selling goods and ways of competition in international market, cultivate famous brand serves as an important links in opening up the international market. So the importance of a good trademark translation is evident. With the globalization of the word economic system and Chinas entering into WTO, the product import and export are growing day by day, therefore, there are more and more emphasis on the translation trademark, and is a continuously enriched and developed on the basis of translation theory and practice, especially paying more attention to the Sino-Western cultural differences. This paper mainly discusses the importance of the Chinese-English trademark translation, the translation of the principles, tactics, errors and trademark translation of cultural taboos. That has a preliminary study about several aspects. Let us know how to translate the Chinese trademark into English. Thus, commodity exchanges and cultural exchanges can also be achieved.Keywords: trademark; translation; method; culture0. Introduction:A commodity wants to win the competition in the market to get a large market share, besides its own quality, its much more depends on the ability of consumers to understand and acceptable, and how they like it and publicizes it. So, trademark has become more important. A good trademark can be a valuable asset to the enterprise. On the other hand, a bad trademark can bring heavy losses to the enterprise. Therefore, the trademark translation relates to the survival of enterprises.1. The importance of the trademark translation in ChineseTrademark for some people might be an unfamiliar conception. Some people think that their companys own products do not need to take much attention to the translation of a trademark, as long as consumers buy their products! But everyone knows that in this ear of information industry, enterprises have strong brand awareness. Trademarks are an important thing in business.With foreign goods flooded the Chinese market, trademark translation is become more important. Due to the difference of geographical location, customs and culture, religion, consumer attitudes between foreign country and China, the translation of English trademarks involves cultural differences. Foreign goods want to enter China, and let the Chinese customers like it, firstly they should let the Chinese customers willing to accept the information of product. It means that they need to in accord with customers aesthetic psychology. The translated trademark should be both of cultural habits and aesthetic psychology. Trademark translation should also be possible to display imagination and creativity, digging out the goods and Chinese culture on the common characteristics, closing to the Chinese culture as possible to obtain others consensus. Therefore, trademarks can show its property, and also is an important social culture. Its like a bridge to combine with the eastern and western cultures, businesses, and consumers of goods closely.2. The principles of Sino-British trademark translation 2.1 Respect the consumer habits of the culture and aesthetic psychology, all aspects of life will be affected by cultural influence, which restrict our feelings and to form the process of ideas, thus formed by culture perception mode. The impact of these perceptions will influence peoples values and consumer psychology. Trademark translation, must consider how to face the culture of the consumer habits and aesthetic psychology, it is not just a simple and free transliteration. The Importation of trademark translation needs combine with our Chinese nations traditional culture, and be attention to the consumer psychology. For the Chinese people since ancient times the names of people or things are very seriously and pay attention to, and have a strong sense of rectification of names. Foreign goods entering the Chinese market want to set a good product image and were deeply loved by Chinese consumers, should have a name conforms to Chinas consumer culture and aesthetic psychology. For example, the Coca-Cola, in the first trial, a Chinese translator use several homophonic Chinese Characters as its trade name, the result is no one interested, because these words are reminiscent of poor meaning, “啃蜡蝌蝌”. One was called the Chiang Yee translators think carefully and translate it as “可口可乐”, not only retained the pronunciation, but also cater to the Chinese consumer psychology; the name point out its delicious flavor, but also tells of its Coke effect. In a sense, Coca-Cola can be sold well in the Chinese market; the translated name played a great role. Coke has become Chinas modern society drinks. Coca-Cola translation also reveals another kind of habit of the Chinese language and culture, namely, Chinese like to use lucky words. In translation, choose import brand name must consider carefully to choosing the name, with Chinese consumer pursuit of lucky. Such as Lactov(drink)-乐口福,Konka(electric appliance)-康佳,Safeguard(fancy soap)-舒肤佳,Virtune(shirt)-富绅,Foster(cigarette)-富士达,Consumers generally like the lucky words as福, 乐, 富, 佳, 宝 . Cater to consumer psychology, will leave a good impression on consumers, play a promotional role. 2.2 Language concise, easy to remember Translation should be concise, easy, eye-catching and easy to remember. Because there are have much differences about pronunciation, word-building historical background and cultural traditions between English and Chinese, one a terse and powerful trademark may be translated into another intricate name, its makes people difficult to remember. For example, 黄鹤楼was translated into “Huang He Lou”. Fairchild was translated into “费尔紫尔德”,this Chinese name is lengthy, difficult understanding and remember. Trademark translation should use two or three words. Dissyllabic is suit for Chinese consumers habits and aesthetic psychology of phonology. In Chinese, there are many trademarks use two syllable as their name, such as 创维、美菱and so on. But the name which use three words was the traditional trademark in Chinese, for example, 全聚德、同仁堂etc. When import trademarks are translated into Chinese should in keeping with the Chinese consumer habits. If the name in English has more than three syllables, we can delete some when we translate it. So the name can easy to be remembered. For example, Budweiser(beer), original Chinese name is “百德威瑟”,now its name is “百威”;McDonald(fast-food), the original name is “麦克唐纳”,now its name is “麦当劳”,this name is simple and easy to remember, it is well-known in China. And Hewlett-Packard(electric equipment), once was translated as “休利特帕卡德” in mainland china, but in recent years its name was changed as “惠普”,seem with Hong Kong and Taiwan. Therefore, in the trademark translation should remember that the trademark translation memory function, concise and easy, convenient and simple, to avoid the name without real meaning, difficult to read and remember. 2.3 Translated trademarks connotation When doing trademark translation work except to make the name be simple and easy to remember, but also combine with phonology and verve, to show its connotation of the commodity. For example, the famous toothpaste “Colgate” was translated into “高露洁”。The translated name not only similar to its original name in verve, but also the more important is “洁” gives the prominence to the goods function and has a clear meaning. There is another example, the export cosmetic “美加净” translated into English was “MAXAM”, taking the meaning by homophonic and combine with phonology and verve. It is also full of aesthetic. Imported pharmaceutical products, “Function ”,was translated into “芬格欣”。The “芬” and “欣” both can incite peoples imagination and shows the verve. As “Head and Shoulders”(shampoo), was translated into “海飞丝”。In this name, “海”was the translation of “Head”, let people reminiscent of the sea. “丝”was the translation of “Shoulder”, and makes people reminiscent of the hair, and “飞” make people think of the hair is elegant. There is an example, “Sprite”. It was translated as “雪碧”. It is not only colorful and rich in content. During the hot summer months, people see the word would be associated with cold white snow and vibrant green and not help to buy a bottle to drink. Such translation is not only retained the essence of the original trademark phonology, but also make some improvement on the bases, and reflect the products performance and personality connotation. It can be an excellent example of the trademark translation. Anyhow, the trademark translation is not easy, it need translators can not only familiar with their cultural background and the historical tradition, but also have rich artistic imagination.3. Chinese-English trademark translation strategiesChinese-English translation of trademarks are usually has two ways to use, one is transliteration and the other is translate by meaning. However, Chinese-English translation has a lot of details and rules are different from the English-Chinese translation. 3.1 TransliterationTransliteration methods which retain their English pronunciation in Chinese pinyin then become trademark or use the same pronunciation and lucky words. For example, “海尔”. Its English name is “Haier” which is same with Chinese pinyin. And also the pronunciation of “Haier” has the same with “higher”. It shows that “Haier” will be better and better In Europe and other overseas markets. A famous clothing brand “雅戈尔”,its English name was “Younger”, which has the same pronunciation of English word. And this name express that wearing “Younger” can makes you looks younger. 3.2 Translate by meaningTranslate by meaning was a very common way to do Chinese-English trademark translation. It uses the English meaning of its Chinese name as its English name. Such as grape wine “王朝”,it means the “Dynasty”, and it is the English name. The word “Dynasty” expressed “history” means attracting consumers to buy. The bicycle “永久” made in Shanghai also has a English name “Forever”. It shows this product has a very good quality.However, this translation method will bring some unexpected problems. For example, White Elephant(白象), the dry cell. This name was brought some problem on sale. 4. Chinese-English trademark translation errors Trademark as part of the language should be a reflection of culture. Our understanding of trademarks can not be limited to the literal meaning, but also understand its extended meaning and rich cultural implication. In particular, the translation of some of our trademark if it is only literally translated into English, and not take the audience, language and cultural factors into account, then translated out would be contrary to the countrys culture. Trademark Translation is a cross-cultural work, if not well versed in two languages, cultural differences, and then make appropriate cultural transformation; we can not achieve the purpose of cultural information transfer. 4.1 Ignore the countrys religious beliefs and customs A very important problem in trademark translation is to prevent the words lose effectiveness. It not means that using wrong words in translation, but means the translation or expression was not suitable for the habits or time, and then make mistake in communication. 4.2 Ignore the audience language cultural connotation In the trademark translation if you ignore the cultural conflict exists, the trademark translation in foreign country will unpopular and affect the products sales. Some Chinese brand in Chinese is good image and symbolic significance, but the literal translation into English, its cultural meaning is quite opposite. 4.3 Ignore cross-cultural language meaning of migration Our products “白象” battery has also been a direct translation for the “White Elephant”, and the word in English means the rubbish, waste. Also, “五羊”bicycles “羊”(goat)in English are often used to describe the wicked man, maniac. Thus, the translator can not be satisfied with the surface of the material allegations of trademark, simple to use transliteration or translation method from the sound or word to translate trademarks, but should be considered from a cultural structure to doing translation. Therefore, trademark and translator should standing in the angle of intercultural communication, grasping the surface culture and deep culture, then, we can surmount the trademark translation errors and promote publicity and the international trade.5. The cultural taboos in trademark translation 5.1 Animals Using Dragon(龙) and Phoenix(凤凰) as an example. In China and the West, they have a different metaphorical. Dragon is an auspicious symbol in China, but in Western culture, dragon is usually representative of evil. If you say someone has a bit like dragon, is said he trespassed annoying. Phoenix is a miraculous animal in China. In ancient times, if you see a Phoenix, it means we have a peace and happy world. But in west Phoenix is not a dead bird, it means renewable resurrection. 5.2 Plant In china, the chrysanthemum means virtuous unchangeable. There are many products use chrysanthemum as their brand name. But the Italian and Spanish are like rose and hate chrysanthemum, Many countries in Latin America and Japan are also dont like chrysanthemum. 5.3 Color Most of American people are not like purple. French people hate green and like blue. Belgium and the Egyptians think blue are unlucky. In Malaysia, green is the symbol of the disease. Western think white is pure; black is death, and so on. In China, the red symbolize enthusiasm, white symbolizes purity, black symbol solemn.6. Conclusion:Trademark Translation is not just a language translation, but also a cultural translation. Trademark translation is not a simple exchange between two languages. We should combine two different languages and cultures from a cross-cultural perspective. A trademark is the unity of language and culture from its very beginning, and are closely related to culture and background, therefore the translation without any consideration of cultural relevance is not a good translation. When we translate trademarks, we should following two languages translation principles and rules, getting to know the culture of two languages, especially the cultural factors related to the target language culture. Only we knowing the target language culture and successfully handled in cross-cultural communication, the translated trademark will meet consumer aesthetics and psychological needs. So we can expect to get recognition with the target market and be successful.Bibliography: 1234史玉娟.从文化差异看商标翻译的方法及原则J.沈阳工程学院学报(社会科学版).20055腾延江.商标英译中的文化失语现象J.山东外语教学.200413


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