外研版英语七年级下册Module 6 Unit 1 导学案

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Module 6 Unit 1 导学案 一预习作业1.根据音标自学课本P107 Module 6 Unit 1 (32)的单词,并根据根据首字母和汉语提示,写出正确的单词。(1) My mother works in the science m_ (博物馆). (2) Where are you going, Dad? Im going to the b_ (银行) to get some money.(3) Look! A little dog is running a_ (沿着) the street.(4)Where is your mothers clothes shop? Its o_ (在的对面) the cinema.(5)You can take the_(地铁) or take a bus to get there . 2预习方位的表达方式本模块需要注意的有两点,一是方位介词的使用,二是问路与指路的表达方式。(1)方位介词:我们可以用介词表达方位,常用的表达方式有on the left/right 在左边/在右边 opposite在、的对面next to与、紧挨着 behind在、的后面on the corner(of) 在(、的)拐角处 betweenand在、和、之间(2)根据句子和中文意思,用上面的方位介词填空。Her house is_ of the street . 她的房子在街道的右边。The bank is _the market . 银行在市场的旁边。The supermarket is _the restaurant . 超市在饭店的对面。I get my newspaper from the shop _ . 我在拐角处的商店里买报纸。The bookshop is _ the cinema_ the hotel . 书店在电影院和旅馆之间(3)问路与指路。问路:以南湖公园(Nanhu park)为例 Excuse me .Can you tell me the way to the Nanhu park? 打扰您了,请问到南湖公园怎么走? Would you please tell me the way to the Nanhu park ? 您能告诉我到南湖公园怎么走吗? Where is the Nanhu park ? 南湖公园在什么地方? How can I get to the Nanhu park? 到南湖公园怎么走? Do you know the way to the Nanhu park ? 你知道到南湖公园怎么走吗? Can you show me the way to the Nanhu park ?您能告诉我到南湖公园怎么走吗?指路 Take the NO.2 bus .乘坐2路公共汽车。 Go along the main street . 沿着主街走。 Turn left/right at the first crossing . 在第一个十字路口转左/转右。 Go straight and turn left/right at the .直走,然后在、转左/转右 and its on your right/left side . 它就在你的左边/右边3.预习课文并完成课本Activity1.Activity2. Activity3和Activity4。二 课堂活动1.Check the new words . 2.Listen and number the place as you heat them .bank_ museum _ station_ restaurant_3. Listen and choose the best answers . (1)Which places is near Tiananmen Square ? ( ) A . bookshop B. Wangfujing Dajie C. National Stadium D. The Great Wall (2) Where is the bookshop ? ( )A . opposite the bank B. near the bank C. behind the bank D. in front of the bank (3)Who does the tourist ask for the way to the National Stadium? ( )A .worker B. student C. policeman D. bus driver (4)How can the tourist get to the Olympic Sports ? ( )A . take the Underground B. take a bus C. take a taxi D. both A.B and C4.Do some reading:Read with the video in low voice(小声跟读). Read together in your group . Read in roles.5. Do the activity 3 : Complete the questions . 6.Show out the languages points. ( 展示语言点,补充好笔记)7.Do some speaking ( Activity7).Work in pairs : This can help you:A: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to ? B1: Go this street and turn . Its on your B2: Its just the school8随堂小测根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1. 你想什么时候到达公共汽车站? When do you want to _ _ the bus station?2. 你不能在这里左转弯。 You cant _ _ here. 3. 打扰了!你是王霞的英语老师吗? _ _! Are you Wang Xias English teacher? 4. 那边那个穿红衣服的女孩是詹妮吗? Is the girl in red _ _ Jenny?5.小迈克正站在一辆黑色轿车前面。 Little Mike is standing _ _ _ a black car. 三Homework Module 6 Unit2 导学案一、 预习作业1、预习课本P107 Module 6 Unit 2 (34-36)的单词,并根据根据首字母和汉语提示,写出正确的单词。(1). This weekend I want to have a short _ (参观) of the city. (2). How tall is your brother? He is 1.76 _ (米) tall. (3). Its _ (晴朗的) today. Why dont you go out for a walk?(4). Tony, do you know Mo Yan? Sure! He is very _ (出名的) in the world. (5). Whats that _ (在上方) your bed? Its a photo of my family. 2、预习课文并完成Activity1, Activity 3 , Activity 4 的习题。3、查找相关资料,找出Unit2 你认为较重要的语言点和短语:二、 课堂活动1) Check the new words and lead in the passage .2) Activity2: (课堂活动)(1) Read paragraph 1, fill in the blanks.(读第一段填空)The square is _ of London. _ is a museum called National Gallery. _ the red street to Buckingham Palace.(2) Read paragraph 2, check T or F.1.Turn right and you can go to Houses of Parliament.( ) 2.The Big Ben is next to the Houses of Parliament.( ) 3.The London Eye is opposite the Big Ben.( ) (3) Read paragraphs 3 and 4, choose answers.1. When youre tired, the best way to see London is _ A. by train B. by bus C. by boat 2. The Tower of London is _ Tower Bridge. A. opposite B. next to C. behind(4).Read paragraph 5, finish the route.(do it on the screen)3).Do some reading.4) Show out the languages points. ( 展示语言点,补充好笔记)5) Check Activity1、Activity 3 and Activity 4.随堂小测:(1)、用适当的介词填空. There is a beautiful bridge _ the river. Lets walk _ the beach. Maybe we will find some beautiful stones. Why not go cycling _ a sunny day?. This is a big library _ all kinds of books. How can I get to the bookshop, Lucy? _bike. Its not far from here.(2)根据所给汉语完成句子。 欢迎来我们学校。 _ _our school. 沿着这条街走可以到公园。 _ _ the street to the park. 沿河行进时,伦敦眼在你的右边。 _ you go along the river, the London Eye is _ _ _. 乘船沿河回去,下船后走过火车站,在沿着街道向前走 _ the boat back _ the river. _ _ the boat and go _ the station and _ _ the street.(3)单项选择. Now York is famous_ its high buildings. A. in B. for C. as D. to. Lu Xun was famous _a writer. A. as B. for C. be D. to. Jim is from England and he speaks English very _. A. good B. well C. bad D. badly. He wont go to bed _ he finishes his homework. A. when B. before C. until D. after. 书面表达(共10分)观察下面的地图,假如你的朋友Jack在图中的箭头处,他想去机场接他的叔叔,但是他不认识路。请你根据地图用英语给他指出去机场的两条路线。要求思路清晰、表达正确,不少于60词。提示:straight 笔直地三Homework5


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