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北京课改版小学英语三年级上-听写必备(课文,单词 翻译)Lesson 1Listen and sayWelcome back to school,boys and girls. 欢迎回到学校,孩子们.Nice to see you again,Miss Wang. 很高兴又见到您,王老师.Today is the first day of September. 今天是九月的第一天.Its our first day of school. 是我们开学的第一天.Look and read. the first day第一天 the fourth day第四天the second week第二周 September九月Listen and writePlease look at the first lesson of the book. 请看课本第一课.We all go back to school on September second. 我们都在9月2号回到学校.My birthday is on the first day of this month. 我的生日在这个月的第一天.We have two new students,one boy and one girl. 我们有两名新学生,一个男孩,一个女孩.Lets say.One,two,put on your shoe.一,二,穿上鞋子.Three,four,open the door.三,四,打开门.Five,six,pick up sticks.五,六,捡起木棍.Seven,eight,and youre too late.七,八,你太晚了.Nine,ten,nine,ten,say it again.九,十,再说一次.Lets read the word.阅读单词. boy男孩 girl女孩 first第一 September九月 fourth第四 second第二Lesson 2Listen and say.Its our second English class. 这是我们的第二节英语课.We have two new students.我们有两名新学生.My name is Sara.我叫莎拉.Im from America.我来自美国.Im Mike.我叫迈克.I come from Canada.我来自加拿大.This is my third day in China. 这是我来中国的第三天.Welcome to our class,Sara and Mike. 欢迎来我们班,莎拉,迈克.Look and read.first第一 second第二 third第三 fourth第四 fifth第五Listen and writeIts our fifth day of school.这是我们开学第五天.Its Mikes third day in China.是迈克在中国的第三天.We have PE today.今天我们上体育课.I am the fifth student to come to school today.今天是我第五个来学校的学生.Lets say.Two little boys playing on the hill,One named Bob,one named Bill.There goes the bell,Bob and Bill.铃声响起了,鲍勃,比尔.Come back Bob,come back Bill.快回来,鲍勃,比尔.Lets read the words. have有,已经 come来 third第三 fifth第五Lesson 3Listen and sayWhen is TeachersDay,教师节是什么时候,September eighth or ninth?9月8号还是9号?Its not the eighth or the ninth.不是8号和9号,Its September tenth.是在9月10号.What can we do for our teacher?我们能为老师做些什么?Lets make some cards for them.我们来为他们做些贺卡吧.Look and read.sixth第六 seventh第七 eighth第八 ninth第九 tenth第十Listen and writeSara,can you read these new words to me,please?莎拉,你能读这些新单词给我听吗?Yes.Sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth and tenth.是的,第六,第七,第八,第九,第十.What will you do for your teacher?你会为你的老师做什么?I will make cards for them.我会给他们做贺卡.Lets say.Apples,peaches,pears,and plums苹果,桃子,梨和李子Tell me when Teachers Day comes.告诉我教师节什么时候来到.September 10th,September 10th,九月十号,Thats when Teachers Day comes.那时就是教师节.Lets read the words.阅读单词. teacher老师 ninth第九 do做 make制作Lesson 4Now I can read.现在我会读.oo foot脚 wood木材 book书 cook厨师 good好 look看u put放 push推Look!This cook put his foot on the wood.这个厨师把他的脚放在了木头上.Look!That cook has a cookbook.那个厨师有一本食谱.Lets sing a songThe more we get together当我们同在一起The more we get together,together,together,the more we get together,the happier well be.For your friends are my friends,and my friends are your friends.The more we get together,the happier well be.The more we get together,together,together,the more we get together,the happier well be.For your friends are my friends,and my friends are your friends.The more we get together,the happier well be.Lesson 5Listen and say.Who knows the tenth month in English?谁知道英语中的第十个月?I do,Its October.我知道,是October.October 1st is our National Day.10月1号是国庆节.I know the eleventh month.我知道第十一个月.Its November.是November.The twelfth month is December.第十二个月是Decmber.Look and readOctober十月 National Day 国庆节 November十一月 December十二月Listen and writeOctober is the eleventh month of the year.十月是一年的第十一个月.No,it isnt.不,不是.Its the tenth month.是第十个月.Who is your English teacher?你的英语老师是谁?Lets sayOctober the first,is our National Day.十月一号是我们的国庆节.Long live the motherland is what we all want tosay.我们都想说祖国万岁.Lets read the words.阅读单词. who谁 month月 is是Lesson 6Listen and say.We are going to have our sports meet on November14th and 1th.I want to run in the race.我想参加赛跑.I run fast.我跑得很快.Im going to do the high jump.我要去跳高.Im good at it.我很擅长跳高.Lets run to the sports ground now.我们现在就去运动场吧.Look and read.看读.the long jump 跳远the high jump 跳高a race 赛跑a relay race 接力赛跑Listen and writeWe will all go to the sport meet this week.这周我们都会去运动会.Some of us will run in the race.我们中的一些人会参加赛跑.He is the first in the high jump.他是跳高的第一名.Lets saySports ground,sports ground,运动场,Thats where we run around.那是我们跑步的地方.Sports ground,sports ground,Thats where we chase around.那是我们追逐的地方.Lets read the words.阅读单词. sport运动 meet会 run跑 high高Lesson 7Listen and sayDecember st is my birthday月号是我的生日.When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?Its on December 30th.是12月30号.Oh,great!噢,太好了!We will have two birthday parties.我们会有两个生日聚会.Well have a lot of fun.我们会玩得很开心的.Look and read.看读.September 26th 9月26号October 14th 10月14号November 12th 11月12号December 31st 12月31号Listen and writeThe twelfth month of the year is December.一年的第十二个月是12月.My birthday is on November thirtieth.我的生日在11月30号.Your birthday is on October thirty-first.你的生日在10月31号.The boys and girls have a lot of fun at the zoo.孩子们在动物园玩得很开心.November comes after October but before December11月在10月之后而在12月之前.Lets sayApples,peaches,pears,and plums苹果,桃子,梨和李子Tell me when your birthday comes.告诉我你的生日何时到来.November 10th,November 10th,11月10号,11月10号,That is when my birthday comes.那时就是我的生日.Lets read the words.阅读单词 December12月 my我的 your你的 fun快乐 October10月 November11月Lesson 8Now I can readir girl女孩 bird鸟 first第一 third第三 skirt裙子or work工作My bird is the first.我的鸟是冠军.Your bird is the third.你的鸟是第三名.They are both at work.他们都在工作.My little girl is wearing a skirt.我的小姑娘穿着一条裙子.My little girl likes the work.我的小姑娘喜欢这个工作.Lets sing a song.The little Indians 十个小印第安人One little,two little,three little Indians;Four little,five little,six little Indians;Seven little,eight little,nine little Indians;Ten little Indian children.Ten little,nine little,eight little Indians;Seven little,six little,five little Indians;Four little,three little,two little Indians.One little Indian child.One little,two little,three little fingers;Four little,five little,six little fingers;Seven little,eight little,nine little fingers;Ten little fingers on your hands.Ten little,nine little,eight little fingers;4Seven little,six little,five little fingers;Four little,three little,two little fingers.One little finger on your hand.Lesson 9Listen and say.Its sunny and warm today.今天晴朗又暖和.The weather is nice in the fall in Beijing.北京的秋天天气很好.Its warm.很暖和.I like fall.我喜欢秋天.Look and read.看读.hot热 cold冷 rainy多雨,下雨的 snowy多雪,下雪的Listen and writeIts sunny and warm today.今天晴朗又暖和.Lets go out to play.我们出去玩吧.Its very hot in summer and very cold in winterhere.这里夏天很热,冬天很冷.Lets sayBright day,sunny day,天气晴朗,阳光灿烂,We are happy every day.我们每天都开心.Study well and work well.学习和工作都好.We do better day by day.我们一天比一天好.Lets read the words.阅读单词. sunny晴朗的 warm暖和 hot热 cold冷Lesson 10Listen and sayWhats the weather like today,Mom?妈妈,今天的天气怎么样?Its cloudy and rainy.多云,有雨.Great!太好了!I can put on my new raincoat.我可以穿我的新雨衣了.Its very wet.天气非常潮湿.Please dont play outside.不要出去玩.Look and read.看读.cloudy多云的 windy多风的 foggy有雾 chilly寒冷的Listen and writeOn rainy days,we dont have PE on the playground下雨天,我们不在操场上体育课.Its only cloudy.只是阴天.Lets go and fly our kites in the park.我们去公园放风筝吧.Whats the weather like in Canada in winter?加拿大冬天的天气怎么样?Its rainy and wet today.今天下雨很潮湿.We cant go out.我们不能出去了.Lets sayRain,rain,go away,雨水快走开,Little Kate wants to paly.小凯特要做游戏.Rain,rain,go away,Come again another day.改天再回来.Lets read the words. weather天气 cloudy多云 rainy多雨的 wet潮湿Lesson 11Listen and sayIts windy today.今天有风.Its very dry.天气很干燥.Yes.Winter begins in November here.这里11月就开始进入冬天了.It gets cold soon.很快就要冷了.Do you get a lot of snow in Beijing?北京经常下雪吗?Not a lot.不是很多.But sometimes its chilly and snowy.不过有时很冷,会有雪.Look and say.rainstorm暴风雨 snowstorm暴风雪windstorm风暴 sandstorm沙尘暴Listen and writeIts windy in spring in Beijing.北京的春天多风.It can be very dry.会非常干燥.They dont get snow in winter in Kunming.昆明冬天不下雪.It is snowy in many cities in winter in Canada.在加拿大的冬天,许多城市都下雪.Lets say.I like winter,I like snow,我喜欢冬季,我喜欢雪,I like the icy winds that blow.我喜欢寒风吹拂.Seasons come and seasons go.季节流转.I like winter,I like snow.我喜欢冬季,我喜欢雪.Lets read the words. windy多风的 dry干燥 get得到 snow雪 snowy多雪的Lesson 12Now I can read.ear ear耳朵 beard胡须 near附近 year年 hear听eer deer鹿 beer啤酒 cheer愉快,欢呼ere here这里Brown deer,brown deer,棕色小鹿,Will you come here?你能来这里吗?Will you come near?你能走近点吗?Do you want a beer?你想要杯啤酒吗?Lets sing a songWhen the snow is on the ground 当白雪覆盖大地When the snow is on the ground,little robin red-breast grieves;For no berries can be found,and on the trees there are no leaves.The air is cold,the worms are hid,for this poor bird what can be done?Well strew him here come crumbs of bread,and then hell live till the snow is gone.第四单元复习Lesson 13第13课Do you understand? Write the number.你明白吗?写出序号。1.Mike is from Canada.迈克来自加拿大。The sports meet is on November 14th and 1th.运动会在11月14,1日举行。3.Sara comes from America.萨拉来自美国。4.Teachers Day is on September 10th.教师节在9月10日。.School begins in September.学校九月份开学。6.October comes before November.十月在十一月之前。Can you read?你能读吗?We go back to school on September 1st.我们9月1日返校。We have two new students in our class.我们班有两个新生。They are Sara and Mike.Sara is a girl from America.他们是萨拉和迈克。萨拉是一个来自美国的女孩。Mike is a boy from Canada.We are going to make some cards for our teachers.迈克是一个来自加拿大的男孩。我们要为我们的老师做一些卡片。September 10th is Teachers Day.九月十日是教师节。October 1st is our National Day.We are happy to sayLong live our motherland!十月一日是我们的国庆节。我们高兴地说“祖国万岁!“We will have a sports meet on November 14th and 1th.我们将在11月14,1日举行运动会。Maomao will run in a race.He runs fast.毛毛将会短跑。他跑得快。Yangyang will do the high jump.He is very good at it.9杨扬将会参加跳高。他擅长跳高。We go back to school on September 1st.9我们9月1日返校。We have two new students in our class.我们班有两个新生。They are Sara and Mike.Sara is a girl from America.他们是萨拉和迈克。萨拉是一个来自美国的女孩。4Mike is a boy from Canada.We are going to make some cards for our teachers.迈克是一个来自加拿大的男孩。我们要为我们的老师做一些卡片。September 10th is Teachers Day.73九月十日是教师节。October 1st is our National Day.We are happy to sayLong live our motherland!十月一日是我们的国庆节。我们高兴地说“祖国万岁!“We will have a sports meet on November 14th and 1th.我们将在11月14,1日举行运动会。Maomao will run in a race.He runs fast.毛毛将会短跑。他跑得快。Yangyang will do the high jump.He is very good at it.杨扬将会参加跳高。他擅长跳高。Lesson 14.40Do you understand? Write the number.76你明白吗?写出序号。1.Winter begins in November.冬天从十一月开始。We have a lot of snow in winter.我们这儿冬天多雪。3.Its very wet on rainy days.下雨天非常潮湿。4.Its sunny and warm today.今天天气晴朗暖和。.Maomao will run in a race at the sports meet.毛毛在运动会中将会参加短跑。6.Linglings birthday in on December st.玲玲的生日是12月日Can you read?你能读吗?The weather is nice in spring.It is warm.春天天气好。很温暖。We see flowers and green grass.我们看到鲜花绿草。In summer it is very hot.Sometimes it is rainy and wet.夏天非常热。有时有雨空气潮湿。Fall is from September to November.秋天从九月到十一月。We get a lot of wind so it is windy and dry.多风所以天气经常刮风而且干燥。Winter comes after fall.It gets very cold.We have a lot of snow.秋天之后是冬天。天气非常寒冷。多雪。Linglings birthday is on December st and Saras is on December 30th.玲玲的生日是12月日萨拉的生日是12月30日There are two birthday parties in December.十二月份有两个生日宴会。We will have a lot of fun.我们将有许多的乐趣。The weather is nice in spring.It is warm.春天天气好。很温暖。We see flowers and green grass.我们看到鲜花绿草。In summer it is very hot.Sometimes it is rainy and wet.夏天非常热。有时有雨空气潮湿。Fall is from September to November.秋天从九月到十一月。We get a lot of wind so it is windy and dry.多风所以天气经常刮风而且干燥。Winter comes after fall.It gets very cold.We have a lot of snow.秋天之后是冬天。天气非常寒冷。多雪。Linglings birthday is on December st and Saras is on December 30th.玲玲的生日是12月日萨拉的生日是12月30日There are two birthday parties in December.十二月份有两个生日宴会。We will have a lot of fun.我们将有许多的乐趣。Lesson 15Listen and say.May I borrow your markers,please?请问,我可以借你的彩笔吗?Here you are.给你.I collect markers.我收集彩笔.I have fifty of them.我有0个.I collect pencils.我收集铅笔.I have thirty pencils.我有30支铅笔.Great!太棒了!Look and read.a ruler一把标尺 a pencil一支铅笔a backpack一个背包 glue胶水Listen and writeDo you like markers,Guoguo?你喜欢彩笔吗,郭郭?Yes,I do.是的,我喜欢.But I have only ten.但是我只有10支.Baobao has fifty of them.宝宝有0支.Mom,can I have that green pencil,please?妈妈,我可以要那支绿色的铅笔吗?OK,you have thirty now.好的,现在你有30支了.Lets sayOne,two,three,four,一,二,三,四,Come in please and shut the door.请进,关上门.Five,six,seven,eight,五,六,七,八,Its time for school,该上学了,and youre very late.你太晚了.Nine,ten,nine,ten,九,十,九,十,Dont be late for school again.下次别再迟到了.Lets read the words.阅读单词. marker彩笔 fifty五十 pencil铅笔 thirty三十Lesson 16Listen and sayYou have so many erasers.你的橡皮真多.I collect erasers.我收集橡皮.I have forty erasers.我有40块橡皮.What do you collect,Guoguo?你收集什么,郭郭?I colect rulers.我收集格尺.I have twenty.我有20把.I like them all.我都很喜欢.Look and read.看读.a pencil-case 一个铅笔盒 a sticker一张粘贴标签scissors一把剪刀 a book一本书Listen and writeMay I borrow your eraser,please?请问,我可以借你的橡皮吗?Here you are.给你.I have forty of them.我有40块.This ruler is very long.这把标尺非常长.I like your backpack.我喜欢你的背包.And all our backpacks are very cute.我们的背包都很可爱.Lets say.Im tall and thin.我又高又瘦.You can peel off my skin.你可以剥去我的皮.Without me,you cant write.没有我,你不能写字.Can you guess me right?你能正确猜出我是什么吗?Lets read the words.阅读单词. eraser橡皮 forty四十 ruler标尺 like喜欢 all所有Lesson 17Listen and say.Look at the numbers on the blackboard:看黑板上的数字:0,40,60,0,60,70,80,Who can guess the missing numbers?谁能猜到缺的数字?Its easy.很简单.Fifty minus ten is forty.0减10是40.Forty plus twenty is sixty.40加20是60.And sixty minus ten is fifty.60减10是0.Fifty plus twenty is seventy.0加20是70.So the missing numbers are 70,80,90,and 1.因此缺的数字是70,80,90和1.Look and read.Eighty minus twenty is sixty.80减20是60.One hundred minus thirty is seventy.1减30是70.Seventy plus ten is eighty.70减10是80.One hundred minus ten is ninety.1减10是90.Listen and write.What is the missing word?缺的单词是什么?Can you guess?你能猜到吗?There are sixty girls and seventy boys in ourgrade.我们年级有60个女孩和70个男孩.One hundred minus ten is ninety.1减10是90.Fifty plus thirty is eighty.0加30是80.Lets say.High,high up in an oak tree,在高高的橡树上,A little bird is singing to me.一只小鸟对我唱.Hes singing all his songs to me,唱了一首又一首High,high up in an oak tree.在那高高的橡树上. Lets read the words.阅读单词.sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十guess猜 missing缺少的 ninety九十Lesson 18Now I can read.现在我会读.oil油 coin硬币 join参加 boil煮沸 noisy吵闹的oy boy男孩 toy玩具 joy欢乐,高兴That noisy boy has many toys.那个吵闹的男孩有许多玩具.The toys give him great joy.玩具给了他很大的快乐Lets sing a song.Can I borrow yours?我可以借你的吗?Oh,where have you been,Billy Boy,Billy Boy?Oh,where have you been,my friend?I forgot my pen at home.Can I borrow yours?Sure.I will lend you mine.Oh,where have you been,Billy Boy,Billy Boy?Oh,where have you been,my friend?I forgot my pen at home.Can I borrow yours?Sure.I will lend you mine.Lesson 19Listen and say.What day is today,Lingling?今天是周几,玲玲?Its Friday.周五.Tomorrow is Saturday.明天是周六.What is the date?今天是几号?Its November twenty-second.是11月号.Tomorrow is the twenty-third.明天是23号.Look and readSeptember twenty-first 9月号September twenty-second 9月号October eleventh 10月11号October twelfth 10月12号Listen and write.Today is October twenty-fifth.今天是10月2号.They are going to see the monkeys in the zoo.他们要去动物园看猴子.Tomorrow is Saturday.明天是周六.I am going to see my grandpa and grandma.我要去看望爷爷奶奶.What is the date today?今天是几号?Its October tenth.是10月10号.Lets say.Do what you should today,今天的事情今天做Never leave it till another day.不要留到另一天.Do what you can today 今天的事情今天做Tomorrow is another day.明天又是新的一天.Lets read the words.阅读单词. what什么 tomorrow明天 date日期Lesson 20Listen and say.When were you born,Mike?迈克,你什么时候出生的?I was born on January 29th.我在1月29号出生.How old are you?你多大了?Im eight.我8岁了.When was Yangyang born?洋洋什么时候出生的?He was born on December 30th.他在12月30号出生.Look and read.sixty-six 66 sixty-two 62forty 40 thirty-eight 38Listen and write.When was your father born?你父亲什么时候出生的?He was born in January.他在1月出生.How old is your grandmother?你奶奶多大年纪?She is sixty-two.她62岁.Lets say.Look at the moon,看看月亮,Like a silver spoon.像银勺子So round and so bright.又圆又亮.In the sky and in the night.挂在夜空上.Lets read the words.阅读单词. when什么时候 born出生 January 1月Lesson 21Listen and say.We have our winter vacation in Januaryand February.It begins in the middle of January.在1月中旬开始.What do you do in the winter vacation?在寒假里你都做什么?I do many things.我做许多事情.I skate,I play ball games.我滑冰,打球.Sometimes Dad and Mom take me to the museum.有时爸爸妈妈还带我去博物馆.Look and read.看读.January 一月 February 二月winter vacation寒假 a museum一个博物馆Listen and writeYangyang likes playing ball games.洋洋喜欢打球.School begins in February.2月开学.Guoguo goes skating in the winter vacation.郭郭在寒假去滑冰.Lets say.First comes January.1月在前.Second comes February.2月在后.Everybodys so merry.大家都很开心.Lets read the words.阅读单词. vacation假期 February2月skate滑冰 ball球Lesson 22Now I can read.现在我会读.air air空气 chair椅子 pair一双 hair头发ear bear熊 wear穿 pear梨are square正方形 care小心ere where哪里 there那里Please take care of my teddy bear.请照顾我的


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