三年级英语上册Lesson 8 TV and phone教案分析

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三年级英语上册Lesson 8 TV and phone教案分析教学目标:知识目标 :1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:watch, TV2.学生能认读、理解并运用句子 I help my mum and dad.I talk on the phone with my friends.I watch TV after dinner.I play on the computer.能力目标 :在日常生活中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话。养成听录音和跟读句子的习惯。情感目标 :在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。重点: 同知识目标12难点 :单词watch,computer的读音、意义理解和识记。教具:教学光盘、课件。教学过程一. Class opening and review1.Greeting.2.Lets sing .This is the Way I Wash My Clothes.Lesson hook:我们在家还能做什么事情?。我们今天来学习Jenny在家做的事情。二. New concepts:1 (1)课件出示图片1,师问:What can you see, in this picture?生答:This is dad. This is mum. This is Jenny.师问:If you are Jenny ,what do you do at home ?引出:I help my mum and dad .师领读。按行读。指名读。(2)课件出示图片2,师问:What can you see, in this picture?师问:(指着电话)Whats this?生答:电话。学习phone这个单词,引出talk on the phone短语。师问:If you are Jenny ,what do you do at home ?引出:I talk on the phone with my friends.师领读。按行读。指名读。(3)课件出示图片3,师问:What can you see, in this picture?师问:(指着电视)Whats this?生答:电视。学习TV这个单词,引出 watch TV短语。师问:If you are Jenny ,what do you do at home ?引出:I watch TV after dinner.师领读。按行读。指名读。(4) 课件出示图片2,师问:What can you see, in this picture?师问:(指着电脑)Whats this?生答:电脑。学习 computer这个单词,引出 play on the computer短语。师问:If you are Jenny ,what do you do at home ?引出:I play on the computer.师领读。按行读。指名读。2.播录音跟读。3.同桌之间互读。三 Lets do it!(1) Look and write.看图片完成句子。a. The phone is _ the chair.b. The _ is _ the box.c. The _ is _ the desk.(2) Pair work. Ask and answer. Then tick.板书设计Lesson 8 TV and phonetalk on the phonewatch TVplay on the computer精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载


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