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31010Loss Preventions 防损措施之 10-Minute Safety Trainer 10分钟安全培训员Suspicious Activity 可疑行为Leaders Guide 负责人指南This program addresses the importance of being watchful and alert for suspicious persons, vehicles & activities. 本课程介绍了注意并警惕可疑人员、车辆及行为的重要性。Target Audience 目标对象n All Employees全体员工1. As a hotel employee, you are an integral part of our security team. Your alertness, observations and actions directly impact hotel security. One example of this is Suspicious Persons & Activities. 作为一名酒店员工,你是我们保安团队不可缺少的一份子。你的警惕、观察和行为直接影响到酒店的安全。其中一个方面就是针对可疑人员及行为。2. It is important to note that the vast majority of people visiting hotels have legitimate reasons for being in the hotel. However, from time to time, persons who have no legitimate reason may try to enter the hotel. These persons may or may not be intending to commit a crime, however they are trespassing. 值得注意的是,大多数来到酒店的人员都有呆在酒店的合理理由。但是,有时某些无理由的人员也试图进入酒店。这些人可能或不会犯罪,然而他们却侵入了酒店。Training Tip 培训技巧:Try role-playing the discussion between an employee and guest or trespasser. 尝试角色扮演一名员工与客人或外来者之间的讨论。3. Believe it or not, one of the best defenses is your smiling face. While you are working, make eye contact, smile, and greet each guest that comes within five feet of you. Being friendly and greeting each guest serves two important purposes. It instills a warm, positive feeling of customer service with our guests. It also informs any would be criminals that our staff is alert and observant and could identify them later. 信不信有你,你的微笑是一种最佳的防卫。工作时与距你1.5米之内的每位客人进行目光接触,微笑并问候他们。友好问候每位客人有两个重要的目的。这样可以向我们的客人传递一种温馨、积极的客服感受。另外,还向可能的犯罪人员表示,我们的员工有警惕并密切注意着,可能不久将识破他们。4. If you observe persons loitering in the lobby, guest corridors, the back of the house, or other areas, approach the person and identify yourself as an employee. Be professional and courteous. Ask how you may be of assistance and if the person is registered as a guest. 如果你注意到有人在大堂、客房走廊、酒店后勤区或其他区域闲逛,那么就走向此人并表明你的员工身份。要体现出职业性并有礼貌。如果此人是已登记的客人,则询问他需要怎样的帮助。5. If the person claims to be a guest, ask to see their room key. If the person claims to be visiting a guest, ask for the guests name and room number. Use a house phone to verify this information. When PBX confirms the name and room number, escort them out of any unauthorized areas and allow them to proceed. 如果此人声称自己是客人,那么就要求他出示其房间钥匙。如果是拜访客人,则询问客人的姓名及房间号。拨打酒店内部电话确认信息。电话确认姓名及房号后,陪同他们离开不得进入的区域并让他们走开。6. When the person can give no legitimate reason for being on the property, or the front desk cannot confirm the registration, consider the person to be a trespasser. Ask the individual(s) to leave the premises and notify security or the MOD. 如果来人无法提供在酒店的合理原因,或前台不能确认登记,则认为此人是一外来人员。让其离开酒店区域并通知保安部或值班经理。7. If you ever feel uneasy or endangered by a suspicious person, leave the area and notify security or the MOD immediately. Note any details about the person such as their height, weight, clothing, hair color, ethnicity, gender, location, etc. Never put yourself at risk. 如果某个可疑人员让你感到不自在或有危险,那么你就离开此区域并立即通知保安部或值班经理。留意有关此人的所以细节,如身高、体重、衣着、头发颜色、种族、性别、位置等等。决不要让自己陷入危险。8. Vehicles left unattended at the lobby entrance, unattended luggage and suspicious packages are also of concern and should be immediately reported to security or the MOD. 停放在大堂入口处无人看管的车辆,无人看管的行李及可疑包裹也都是值得注意的事项,应立即报告保安部或值班经理。9. It is important that we block access to back of the house areas for unauthorized persons. This can be easily accomplished by closing and locking all storage and mechanical room doors. 阻止未经许可人员进入酒店后勤区的做法很重要。通过锁闭所有的储藏室和机械设备间的房门就可轻而易举的做到这一点。10. With your help, your alertness and your smiling faces, we can deter would be criminals and provide a warmer more friendly environment for our guests and fellow employees. 有了你的帮助、你的警惕和你的笑脸,我们就能够阻止任何可能的犯罪分子,为我们的客人及同事提供一个更友好的环境。QUIZ 测验For additional information contact the Asia Pacific Risk Management Department at 65-6395-61521. Hotels provide: 酒店提供a. An open, friendly environment. 一个开放、友好的环境b. A restricted access environment. 一个限制进入的环境。c. A hazardous environment. 一个危险的环境。2. Many people enter and exit the hotel daily. 每天有许多人进出酒店。a. True 正确b. False 错误3. Thieves may be intimidated by alert, watchful employees. 有戒备、警惕的员工会让小偷胆怯。a. True. 正确b. False. 错误4. What is an example of a trespasser? 外来者是指哪类人?a. A guest. 客人b. A meeting attendee 出席会议者c. A friend of a guest 客人的朋友d. Someone who has no legitimate reason for being in the hotel. 没有合理理由而呆在酒店的人。5. Hotel employees are important in preventing unauthorized persons from gaining access to the hotel. 酒店员工在防止未经许可人员进入酒店方面起着重要的作用。a. True. 正确b. False. 错误6. Hotel employees should be friendly and greet all guests. 酒店员工应友好的问候所有的客人。a. True. 正确b. False. 错误7. An individual loitering in the lobby should be approached and a determination made that they are not trespassing. 应走向在大堂内闲逛的人员并确定他们是否是外来者。a. True. 正确b. False. 错误8. Unattended vehicles at the hotel entrance are normal and should be ignored. 停放在酒店入口处无人看管的车辆很正常,不应予以理睬。a. True. 正确b. False. 错误When you have completed this quiz, turn it in to your supervisor.当你完成本测验后,请将其交给你的主管。Name 姓名: _Date 日期: _QUIZ ANSWERS 测验答案1. (a) An open, friendly environment. 一个开放、友好的环境。2. (a) True. Many people enter and exit a hotel daily. 正确。每天有许多人进出酒店3. (b) True. Thieves desire to be unseen. They may be deterred by an alert staff. 正确。小偷希望自己不被发现。警惕的员工会阻止他们进入酒店。4. (d) Someone who has no legitimate reason for being in the hotel. 没有合理理由而呆在酒店的人。5. (a) True. Watchful and alert employees are helpful in identifying suspicious persons. 正确。小心并有戒备的员工有助于识别可疑人员。6. (a) True. Hotel employees should be friendly and greet all guests. 正确。酒店员工应友好的问候所有的客人。7. (a) True. When done correctly, guests will appreciate the attention and trespassers will be driven off. 正确。客人会感激酒店的正确服务而且外来者会被拒于酒店之外。8. (b) False. Unattended vehicles should not remain unattended for any period longer than it takes to check-in. 错误。无人看管的车辆的停放时间不应超过入住登记的时间。Employee Sign-Off 员工签名_Date日期 _Hotel酒店 _Training Facilitator培训员Today I participated in a training program designed to help improve hotel security. I agree to observe and follow the safe work practices described to me in this training. In the event of an injury, I understand that I am to report it to my supervisor immediately. I understand that should I have any further questions regarding this program or any safety issue, I should ask my supervisor. 今天我参加了帮助提高酒店保安措施的培训课程。我同意遵守并遵循本培训中所描述的安全工作准则。如果发生伤害,我知道应立即将事故报告给我的主管。我明白如果自己对本课程或任何安全事宜有任何问题,我都应咨询我的主管。


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