定语从句讲课 (校优质课课件获奖课件)

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the Attributive Clause 定语从句定语从句Revision for先行词是物先行词是物先行词是人先行词是人定语定语地点地点状语状语原因原因状语状语时间时间状语状语主主宾宾主主宾宾关系代关系代词词which thatwhowhomwhose关系副关系副词词wherewhywhen 准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分(主、谓、宾、主、谓、宾、定、状定、状),能正确选择出关系代词,能正确选择出关系代词/关系副词关系副词。1.Is this the museum _ you visited a few days ago?A. where B. that C. on which D. the one2. Is this the museum _ the exhibition was held.A. where B. that C. on whichD. the one宾宾状状1. Which /who /whom/ that 在从句中在从句中作主语或者宾语,指人或物作主语或者宾语,指人或物1.He _ is not a true man.不到长城非好汉不到长城非好汉.2.He _laughs best . 笑到最后的才是英雄。笑到最后的才是英雄。3.The old town has narrow streets and small houses _each other.这古老的城镇街道狭窄,修建的房子彼此挨这古老的城镇街道狭窄,修建的房子彼此挨的很近。的很近。(build)which are built close towho doesnt reach the Great Wall who laughs last 当先行词当先行词the way 在从句中作方式状语时,定语在从句中作方式状语时,定语从句一般用从句一般用in which/that/x引导;但当其做主语引导;但当其做主语或者宾语时或者宾语时 ,则用,则用that/which引导。引导。 The way _to solve this problem proves to be practical.(我想出来我想出来) I dont like the way_ the problem.(你解决)(你解决)that/which I thought ofthat/in which you solveIt is not what you say, it is _. (way)问题不在于你说什么问题不在于你说什么,而在于你怎么说。而在于你怎么说。the way that/in which you say it2. whose 在从句中作定语,指人或物在从句中作定语,指人或物 Whose + n=the +n +of which/whom = of which/whom + the +nChildren _or_will gain weight quickly.(rich)不活跃或饮食富含脂肪的孩子不活跃或饮食富含脂肪的孩子体重会增加很快。体重会增加很快。who are not activewhose dietis rich in fatDo you know the girl? + Her mother works here. = Do you know the girl _ mother works here?I live in a room + its window faces south.= I live in a room _ window faces south.whosewhose= I live in a room the window of which faces south.of which the window3. When/where/why先行词作先行词作关系副词关系副词地点状语地点状语时间状语时间状语原因状语原因状语where=in/at+whichwhen=in/at/on+whichwhy=for+whichThis is the house. + I was born in the house.(介词短语介词短语)= I was born there(副词副词).= This is the house_ I was born.=_ which注意区别:注意区别:This is the house _ I was born in.(which/ that)wherein.where.当先行词为表示抽象地点的名词时,如当先行词为表示抽象地点的名词时,如point/ case/situation/position/stage 等等,如如果先行词在从句中做状语,定语从句通常用果先行词在从句中做状语,定语从句通常用where引导引导;如果不是,则用如果不是,则用that/which引导引导1.Remember that there is still one point _at the meeting tomorrow.(make)记得在明天的会议上有一点我们要搞清楚记得在明天的会议上有一点我们要搞清楚.2.Her parents relation reached a point _. (get)她父母的关系到了不得不离婚的地步。她父母的关系到了不得不离婚的地步。which we must make clearwhere they had to get divorcedWe will never forget the day +We will hold the Olympic Games on that day.= We will never forget the day _ we will hold the Olympic Games. _ which注意区别:注意区别:I will never forget the day _ I spent with you last year.(which / that)whenon.when.1. The reason _he told me is that his bike was broken.2.I dont know the reason _he left here.why.that/whichwhy4. 介词介词 whom/ which 3.The company sales had surpassed $5 million, _to the artists directly.(pay)这家公司的销售额超过了五百万美元,其中的三分之一这家公司的销售额超过了五百万美元,其中的三分之一直接付给那些艺术家们。直接付给那些艺术家们。4.A healthy diet should include a variety of food ,_nutrients. (rich)健康饮食应该包括多种多样的食物,其中大部分富含营养健康饮食应该包括多种多样的食物,其中大部分富含营养。名词名词/代词代词/数词数词/最高级最高级of whom/ which 结构结构,表所属关系,表所属关系,意为意为“其中的其中的”,如如most/many/some/both /70%/the largest/two thirds/the rest + of which/whom1.There are two buildings, _is about 50meters.2.I have many friends, _are teachers.one third of which was paidmost of which is rich inthe larger of whichsome of whom1. I will never forget the day _ which I reached the Great Wall.根据先行词来判断根据先行词来判断onat4.Finally,we climbed up the mountain, _stood an old temple . (top)我们最后爬上了山顶,上面有座旧寺庙我们最后爬上了山顶,上面有座旧寺庙。3.My friend dreamed of earning a big sum from the stock market_ his own business. (start)我的朋友梦想在股票市场赚一大笔钱,他可以用此来自己创业我的朋友梦想在股票市场赚一大笔钱,他可以用此来自己创业。with which he could starton the top of which2.Tell me the time _ which the train leaves.根据从句中谓语动词的固定搭配来判断根据从句中谓语动词的固定搭配来判断1.This is the hero _ we are proud. 2.In the dark street, there wasnt a single person _ she could turn for help.3.Investors clearly prefer partners with whom _.(common)投资者明显喜欢与他们有共同之处的合作者投资者明显喜欢与他们有共同之处的合作者.4.It was a pity that the book to _ should not have attracted her students attention .(importance)遗憾的是,她认为有意义的那本书竟然没有引起学生们的注意。遗憾的是,她认为有意义的那本书竟然没有引起学生们的注意。they have something in commonwhich she attached importance of whomto whom.as 引导限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,宾语引导限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,宾语或者表语。如或者表语。如the same as/suchas/soas They can only read such stories as is written in simple English. These house are sold at so low a price as people expected.Im afraid that I have no time to go thereThats such an important area_. (visit)我恐怕没有时间去那儿。我恐怕没有时间去那儿。那是一个如此重要以至于你应当参观的地方那是一个如此重要以至于你应当参观的地方。5. Asas you should visit2. the same as 表同类事物表同类事物 the same that 表同一个事物表同一个事物 This is the same knife as I lost. This is the same knife that I lost.1.So/suchas (定语从句定语从句) 像像那样那样 So/suchthat (状语从句状语从句) 如此如此以至于以至于 He is so buried in reading _ (像他往常一样像他往常一样) He is so buried in reading _ _ (以至于没有注意到我的到来以至于没有注意到我的到来)注意区别:注意区别:as he was.that he doesnt notice my coming.as 引导非限制性定语从句意为引导非限制性定语从句意为“正如正如”,后面,后面的谓语动词多为的谓语动词多为 see/ know/ expect/ say/mention/ report/ announce等等,可以置于句首可以置于句首,句中和末;句中和末;which则放在主句后,意为则放在主句后,意为“这点这点”。 The air quality in the city, _, has improved over the past two months. (show) 这个城市的空气质量正如报道中的那样在过去的两年里改善了。这个城市的空气质量正如报道中的那样在过去的两年里改善了。 After the explosion of poisonous capsules, the safety of medicine ,_, caught their eyes .(overlook)在毒胶囊被曝光后,曾经被忽视的药品安全问题引起了人们的注意在毒胶囊被曝光后,曾经被忽视的药品安全问题引起了人们的注意。as is shown in the reportwhich had been overlooked 1.Study and the pursuit of truth and beauty is a kind of activity _to remain children all our lives. (permit) 学习,对真理与美的追求,是一种让我们能一辈子当个孩童的活动学习,对真理与美的追求,是一种让我们能一辈子当个孩童的活动。2.He used only half the money , _for other purposes .(save)他仅用了一半的钱,其余的节省下来留作他用他仅用了一半的钱,其余的节省下来留作他用。3. He owns his own publishing company, _ three books in last two years. (publish)他拥有自己的出版公司他拥有自己的出版公司.通过公司他在最近的两年中已经出版了三本书。通过公司他在最近的两年中已经出版了三本书。4. Last but not least ,my physics teacher is my model, _had a lot to do with my decision. (influence)最后也是最重要的,物理老师是我的典范,他对我的影响与我的决定有很最后也是最重要的,物理老师是我的典范,他对我的影响与我的决定有很大的关系。大的关系。5. Global warning has become a serious problem _ more attention. (pay)全球变暖已经成为了一个严重的问题,对此我们应该给予更多的重视。全球变暖已经成为了一个严重的问题,对此我们应该给予更多的重视。where we are allowed the left of which was savedthrough which heto whichhas publishedwhoseinfluence on mewe should payexercise 6.I wish to thank professor Smith , _ _this so far. (get) 我希望很谢谢史密斯教授,没有他的帮助我现在就不会得到这个我希望很谢谢史密斯教授,没有他的帮助我现在就不会得到这个。 7.If you drive like this , you may find yourself in a situation _of the car. (lose) 如果你那样开车的话,你可能会发现自己陷入无法驾驭汽车的境地。如果你那样开车的话,你可能会发现自己陷入无法驾驭汽车的境地。 8.Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to them, _be going back to their villages after year 8.(most) 有时候我真想知道化学对他们究竟有多大用处,他们中的大多数读完有时候我真想知道化学对他们究竟有多大用处,他们中的大多数读完8年级就年级就要回到他们的村庄去要回到他们的村庄去。 9.The reason _ is that he often tells lies. (trust) 我不信任他的原因是他经常撒谎我不信任他的原因是他经常撒谎。 10._ many times ,“serve the people” is our first policy. (stress) 正如我们反复强调的那样,为人民服务是我们的宗旨正如我们反复强调的那样,为人民服务是我们的宗旨。where you lose control most of whom will without whose help I wouldnever have gotwhy I dont trust himAs we have stressed众所周知,地球是一个美丽的水球,其众所周知,地球是一个美丽的水球,其70%是由水所覆盖着。然而很多时候,人们到处是由水所覆盖着。然而很多时候,人们到处乱砍滥伐(乱砍滥伐(deforest . V),这使得大自然的,这使得大自然的生态平衡遭到破坏。日复一日,年复一年,生态平衡遭到破坏。日复一日,年复一年,蓝色的海洋,清澈的江河不再是往日的样子。蓝色的海洋,清澈的江河不再是往日的样子。我们赖以生存的地球在哭泣。现在,到了要我们赖以生存的地球在哭泣。现在,到了要采取措施保护地球的阶段了。采取措施保护地球的阶段了。Translate the following passage by using Attributive Clauses 23As is known to usAs is known to us , the earth is a beautiful , the earth is a beautiful water planet,water planet, 70% of which is covered by 70% of which is covered by waterwater. . However, there are many timesHowever, there are many times when people deforest everywherewhen people deforest everywhere , , which which leaves the balance of nature disturbedleaves the balance of nature disturbed. . Day after day, year after year , blue Day after day, year after year , blue oceans and clear rivers are no longer whatoceans and clear rivers are no longer what they used to be. The earththey used to be. The earth on which we on which we depend to livedepend to live is sobbing. Here comes theis sobbing. Here comes the stagestage where measures should be taken to where measures should be taken to protect the earthprotect the earth.Goodbye!


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