外研版NSE一年级起点六年级上册Module 1 the Great Wall, Unit 1 How long is the GreatWall (第一课时)教学设计

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外研版NSE一年级起点六年级上册Module 1 the Great Wall, Unit 1 How long is the GreatWall (第一课时)教学设计_第1页
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外研版NSE一年级起点六年级上册Module 1 the Great Wall, Unit 1 How long is the GreatWall (第一课时)教学设计_第2页
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外研版NSE一年级起点六年级上册Module 1 the Great Wall, Unit 1 How long is the GreatWall (第一课时)教学设计_第3页
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一、学科:英语二、课例名称:NSE一年级起点第十一册Module 1 the Great Wall, Unit 1 How long is the GreatWall? (第一课时)五、课型:新授课六、年级:六年级七、教材版本:外语教学与研究出版社八、教学设计:(一)、教材分析:本课的题材内容是Simon有一个到中国参观长城的愿望,因此他向Daming了解长城的相关信息,为自己将来的旅行做准备。主要的语言功能是能用how long, how old来询问并获取信息。(二)、学情分析:孩子们已经学习了五年英语,对学习英语有着浓厚的兴趣,他们思维活跃,乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,对所学习内容能主动练习和实践,对于疑难问题能主动请教,并能将课堂上的这些好习惯延伸到课后。学生从一至五年级都反复学习一般疑问句(由be, do, have, can引导)和特殊疑问句(who, what, where, when, why, how)这两种疑问句式,对于如何正确回答问题并不陌生,在这种基础上让学生学习用how long, how old来询问并获取信息的难度并不大。(三)、设计意图:本课我主要采用“任务型语言教学途径”,通过设置运用任务“Finding Our Friends Travel Places”及”Talking about Our Friends Travel Places”,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,能运用本课所学的目标语言如:How long is it? How old is it?了解朋友旅游景点的相关信息,从而完成了解朋友旅游景点的任务,感受英语学习的乐趣和成功的喜悦,从而提高学生综合运用语言的能力。为了使学生能顺利完成运用任务,我还设计了一系列围绕主题任务开展的真实学习任务,如通过阅读课文文本了解长城的相关信息,通过阅读排序活动“Envelope Maze”了解更多有关长城的信息,在Mind-map的提示帮助下谈论长城;并注意这些活动的阶梯性,使学生在完成学习任务的过程中也为完成运用任务做好了相关的语言知识和技能的准备。同时,在本课教学中我还采用KWL(“What I know”/ What I want to know”/“What we have learned”)阅读教学法,注重培养学生的阅读能力。在新授课之前,通过Brainstorming的方式获悉学生对Famous Places的了解程度,而后,通过询问得出学生想要了解有关长城哪些方面的信息,并采用Mind-map的形式呈现这些问题,引起学生对长城的兴趣,激发了学生的求知欲;最后,又利用这个Mind-map总结、回顾本课所学的有关长城的信息,帮助学生掌握该课主题的主体脉络。在教学中我还设计了形式多样、趣味活泼的阅读活动,以激发和保持学生学习和运用英语的兴趣和动力,如在复习环节中设计的Guessing Game,让学生通过阅读一小段对某地点的描述并快速猜出该地点的游戏,既帮助学生复习已学过的中外著名景点名称,激活学生永久记忆中相关的知识网络,同时通过快速阅读,寻找关键信息的方法帮助学生形成有效、正确的阅读策略。在任务准备过程中,我采用问题策略,引导学生对文本进行两次阅读,引导他们通过浅层阅读获取初步信息,形成对文本的初步框架,再通过深层阅读,获取关于文本的详尽的信息,帮助学生掌握阅读技巧;在阅读排序活动“Envelope Maze”中,让学生通过拓展阅读获取更多信息,开拓他们的文化视野,通过排序培养了学生的逻辑思维能力。阅读教学让学生在信息传递和交流的活动中发现和总结语言运用的规律,并加以掌握运用,从而达到发展学生综合运用语言能力的目的。(四)、学生学习形式:根据以上分析,我将设计一系列学习活动,让学生进行自主学习、小组学习和同桌互相学习三种学习形式。(五)、 教学目标:1、知识技能目标:1)能听懂、会说、会认读单词thousand, kilometer, million, place,并能根据拼读规律加以识记。区分“thousand与million”、“kilometer与li”的不同并能正确使用,这是本课的教学难点。2)能听懂、会说、会认读句型How long is the Great Wall? Its ten thousand li long. How old is the Great Wall? Its more than two thousand years old.能正确区分“how long, how old”,并在情境中运用。这是本课的教学重点。3)能借助图片和文字听懂、读懂和朗读课文。这是本课的教学重点。2、运用能力目标:能在“Finding Our Friends Travel Places”的活动中,运用“how long, how old”获取所需信息完成任务,并能在反馈环节中运用所学语言“Talking about Famous Places”。3、学习策略:1)通过pair work, group work等教学活动组织形式,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务的学习策略;2)通过完成一个排序任务“The Great Wall”、“Finding our friends travel places”及”Talking about our friends travel places”等活动,培养学生对所学习内容能主动练习和实践的学习策略;3)师生互动、生生交流的活动贯穿整节课,旨在培养学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流的学习策略;4、情感态度:1)有兴趣听英语、说英语;2)乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。3)树立民族自豪感,增强祖国意识。5、文化意识:1)了解The Great Wall是中国的重要标志物;2)复习再现已经学过的一些中国和英国的著名景点。(六)、 教学资源:1、教学课件;2、Flash cards.3、活动材料:1)排序活动“The Great Wall”中的阅读材料。2)运用任务活动“Finding our friends travel places”中的worksheets。3)任务反馈活动”Talking about our friends travel places”中的worksheets。(七)、板书设计:Module1TheGreatWallPLACEUnit1How long is theGreatWall? HaicangBridge1. How long is the Great Wall? TowerBridge Its ten thousand li long. River Thames2. How old is the Great Wall?the Changjiang River Its more than two thousand years old the London Eye3. How old is the moon? the Summer Palace. Its millions of years old.Stonehenge Big Ben Huandao RoadChatting and have a puzzle solving game.任务呈现复习巩固1.Lead in-Find out what the Ss want to knowabout the Great Wall.2.Present the task.呈现任务Find some information about the Great Wall by reading the text.任务准备任务活动2Talk about the Great Wall by the help of the mind-map.任务活动3Find out our friends travel places.运用任务任务反馈任务延伸反馈评价(九)、教学过程设计:StepsTeachers ActivitiesStudentsActivitiesPurposeNotes.Warmer. (3m)1. Greet the whole class. (1m)eg. Hello, how are you?2. Chat with the students. (1m)eg. You are back to school. Are you happy?3. Get the Ss solve the puzzle (place). (1m)_ _ _ _ _1. Greet the teacher. (Whole class)2. Chat with the teacher. (Whole class)3. Solve the puzzle. (Whole class)To build a relaxed atmosphere and arouse the interest of the Ss.Board writing._ _ _ _ _.Revision. (3m)1. Have the Ss brainstorm and call out the famous places. (1m)2. Get the Ss guess some famous places by reading the riddles, then stick the flash cards on the blackboard. (2m)eg. Its a very famous bridge in London. Its over River Thames. There are two towers on it. People always visit the bridge and walk on it when they go to London.1. Think and call out the famous places. (Individual work)eg. Tiananmen Square, Big Ben, the London Eye2. Read the riddles and guess out some famous places. (Whole class)S1: Its Tower Bridge.To review some famous places that theyve learnt.To provide an opportunity to develop reading skills.To elicit “The Great Wall”Stick the cards.(Cards: Tower Bridge, Haicang Bridge, River Thames, the Changjiang River, the London Eye, the Summer Palace, Stonehenge, Big Ben, Huandao Road, the Great Wall).Present the task. (1m)1. Lead in (Brain storming) ask for what the Ss want to know about the Great Wall. (0.5m)2. Present the task Talking about some famous places. (0.5m)1. Listen to teacher and tell the teacher what they want to know about the Great Wall. (Whole class)2. Listen to the teacher.Elicit what the Ss want to know about the Great Wall.Focus the Ss minds on the task.Board writing:. Prepare for the task.(25m)Task 1-Get some information about the Great Wall. (17m)1. Get the Ss read and find how long and how old the Great Wall is. (7m)lPresent the questions and get the Ss focus on them. (1m)lGet the Ss listen and try to find out the answer. (1m)lElicit plenary feedbackand present the new words and sentences. (5m)2. Get the Ss read the text again and circle True or False. (5m)lCheck understanding of some sentences. (1m)lGet the Ss do it individually. (1m)lForm groups of four and get them discuss together. (1m)lElicit plenary feedbackand present the new words and sentences. (2m)3. Get the Ss experience a quick response game. (3m)lGive out a question or an answer and get the Ss respond it quickly. (1m)lShow some pictures and get the Ss ask and answer about them. (2m)4. Get the Ss listen and repeat the text.(2m)1. Read and find how long and how old the Great Wall is.lFocus on the questions. (Whole class)lListen, read and find the answer. (Individual work)lContribution to elicitation and learnnew words and sentences. (Whole class)2. Read the text again and circle True or False.lFocus on the nine sentences. (Whole class)lRead, then circle True or False. (Individual work)lDiscuss in groups of four. (Group work)lContribution to elicitation and learnnew words and sentences. (Whole class)3.Experience a quick response game.lAnswer or ask the questions with the teacher. (Whole class)lAsk and answer about some pictures. (Group work)4. Whole class: Listen and repeat the text.To provide an opportunity to develop listening and reading skills.To teach the new language in real situation.To elicit the new words and make Ss to understand it.To provide an opportunity to develop reading skill, and focus on critical thinking.To provide a chance to co-operate.To practise the main points and the difficult points of this lesson.To make Ss get easy to read and memorize the new sentences.To provide a chance to consolidate the text.Questions:A. How long is the Great Wall?B. How old is the Great Wall?Stick four cards.(How long is the Great Wall? Its ten thousand li long. / How old is the Great Wall? Its more than two thousand years old.)Question:A. How old is the moon?Stick the cards.(Cards: How old is the moon? Its millions of years old.)PPT show:New sentences.PPT show:the Great Wall, the moon, the Summer Palace, Big Ben, the London Eye, Xiamen, the Great WallTask 2Get more information about the Great Wall from supplementary reading material (Envelope Maze). (4m)1. Give a demonstration and guide the Ss to do this activity. (1m)2. Get the Ss do this activity in groups.(1m)3.Elicit plenary feedback.(2m)1.Watch and listen to the teacher.(Whole class)2. Put the sentences in order. (Group work)3.Contribution to elicitation. (Whole class)To provide an opportunity to co-operateand develop critical thinking and enrich the new language.Do remember toprepare someenvelopesTask 3Talk about the Great Wall (4m)1.Focus the Ss mind on the mind-map and check if the Ss have got all the information about the Great Wall.(2m)2. Get the Ss talk about the Great Wall.(2m)1.Focus on the mind-map and check if they have got all the information about the Great Wall.2. Talk about the Great Wall. (Individual work) S1: This is the Great wall. Its To consolidate what has been learned in this lessonTo provide other ways for the Ss to study English.Complete the task.(7m)1. Find out Amys, Lilys and Toms Travel Places (Information-gap activity). (4m)lShow one sheet, give a model and guide the Ss to do this activity.(2m)lGet the Ss find two partners from other groups and communicate with them. (1m)lElicit plenary feedback. (1m)2. Talk about Amys, Lilys and Toms Travel Places. (3m)lShow Sheet 4 and guide the Ss to talk about their friends travel places by using it. (1m)lGet the Ss talk about their friends travel places. (1.5m)lSet the homework (Guide the Ss to write a famous place) (0.5m)lWatch and listen, then communicate with the teacher. (Whole class)lFind two partners from other groups and communicate with them, then fill in the form.(Group work)lContribution to elicitation. (Whole class)lListen to the teacher. (Whole class)lTalk about their friends travel places. (Individual work)lListen to the teacher. (Whole class)To provide an opportunity to develop the writing skills and speaking skills.To use the language for real communication.To provide a chance to enrich the new language.Wait for the best opportunity to set the homework.Sheet B (PPT show)Sheet ASheet 1, 2 & 3Sheet 4. Summaries and assignments.(1m)1. Ask the students to reflect on the topic theyve talked about this lesson2. Show the homework and guide the Ss how to do it.1. Reflect on the topic theyve learnt. (Whole class)2. Read and copy the homework. (Whole class)To consolidate what has been learned in this lessonRemember to show the homework.1. Listen and repeat the text 3 times. 2. Exercise 3 & 4 on Page 3of activity book. *3. Writing: A Famous Place九、教学反思:(一)、把学习的主动权交给学生,充分发挥学生的学习主动性。在教学过程中,教师应始终坚持“以学生为主体”的原则。在本课“Task Presenting”教学环节中,我通过了解学生想要获取长城的哪些信息,让学生表达出自己真实的想法,培养他们的主体意识和参与意识,让学生成为学习的主人,再根据学生的这些需求,生成课堂,从而自然而然地过渡到新的教学内容。接着,再通过教学各环节一系列的教学活动,让学生们以“主人”的身份去感知、体验、思考、讨论、调查、交流、合作,自主地运用所学语言完成本节课的运用任务“Finding Our Friends Travel Places”并”Talking about Our Friends Travel Places”。此外,作业的布置也充分体现了以学生为主体的理念,我注意把握布置作业的时机,依据教学实际生成作业;充分考虑各层次学生的能力与需求,将作业设计成为分层作业,让各层次的学生都能得到发展;同时,还认真、细致地指导学生如何完成作业,消除学生的疑虑与困惑,帮助学生能顺利完成课外作业。(二)、让学生在活动中实践语言,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。从人类的认知规律看来,学生能力的形成不是依赖于教师大量的“填鸭式”的讲解,而是在自身的学习实践活动中逐步形成并发展起来的。因此,在本课中,我着力于提高课堂教学的实效性,设计有效的课堂教学活动,消除学生学习过程中的盲目性,使学生的能力通过大量的语言输入与大量的语言输出得到真正的发展。例如,“Quick Response”这个教学活动,就是让学生根据已经创设好的情景进行快速问答,让学生在熟练掌握课内知识的基础上,将语言活用到真实的语境当中,让学生的能力在语境中得到实践,在运用中得到发展;又如,“Talking about the Great Wall”的这个教学活动,是为了让学生真实表达自己的看法、观点,因为有之前大量的语言输入的铺垫,这一设想成为了可能;再如,“Finding our friends travel places”这个教学活动,是为了引导学生运用语言“how long, how old”获取自己所需信息,进而综合分析这些有效信息,找出答案,这个活动既发展他们的听、说、读、写等各方面的能力,又培养了他们运用语言“做事”的能力。(三)、开展多形式阅读活动,发展学生的阅读能力。许国璋教授曾说过,只有通过读,你才能获得最大的实践量,才能享受到学习外语的甜头;读,给你带来了一个崭新的世界。因此我在高年级的教学活动中重视培养学生的阅读能力。例如,指导学生凭借阅读的方式来猜谜语就是很巧妙的一种尝试,既发展了学生的思维能力,又培养了他们的阅读能力;又如,引导学生通过文本的多次阅读(浅层阅读及深层阅读),培养学生如何获取信息、解难答疑的能力;再如,设计排序任务(Envelope Maze)这一活动,也是要让学生通过阅读来完成的,一方面,Supplementary Reading Material可以丰富学生的语言,发展他们的阅读能力、分析能力,养成严密思维的习惯,另一方面,它又能帮助学生了解“The Great Wall”是中国的重要标志物,培养学生的祖国意识和民族自豪感,又有助于培养学生的国际视野和跨文化意识。(四)、巧妙利用各种教学资源,拓展学生学习和运用英语的渠道。在教学中充分利用图片、教学卡片(如Flash Cards)等直观教具,多媒体课件等现代化教学手段,往往能充分刺激学生的感官,加深学生的感性认识,调动学生的学习兴趣。例如在本课中,我制作、利用各种教学卡片(Flash Cards)辅助教学,既能吸引学生的注意力,又为教学提供有效途径;我通过CD-Rom呈现课文,刺激学生的感官,吸引学生的注意力,加深学生对课文的理解;利用PPT直观形象的优势,帮助学生区分“thousand与million”、“kilometer与li”的不同,突破了教学难点;我还引导学生利用图书馆和网络查找资料,帮助学生将学习活动延伸到课堂以外的学习和生活之中。此外,我还充分利用黑板这个有限的空间,将本课教学重难点及设计思想浓缩于这方小小的黑板之中。在黑板的最上方体现的是该课的课题;在黑板最突出的位置(黑板的正中)呈现的是本课的教学语言结构,一方面,是为了突出重点,另一方面,也为了培养学生的概括能力;在黑板的左边画的一个根据学生学习实际而形成的Mind-map,用于培养学生找准Key Words进行思考,帮助学生更透彻地理解所学语言,并有效提升他们的思维技巧、记忆方法;在黑板的右边展示的则是该课的主线索“Place”和各个具体的、贯穿于整个教学始终的“Famous Places”。Sheets for “Envelope Maze”E. Theres a wonderful place inChina. Its thesymbol(标志)of China. What is it?A. Yes, its the Great Wall. Its in the north ofChina.B. Its very old. Its more than 2,000 years old. Thousands of people built it.D. And the Great Wall is very, very long. Its 5,000 kilometres long. It looks like ahuge(巨大的)dragon from the air.C. Its amazing. Every year many people visit the Great Wall. Alltourists(观光者)now know thesaying(谚语)“You are not a real person until you have climbedthe Great Wall.”An Information-gap Activity: (Sheets for demonstration)Sheet APlacesHow longHow oldWhereWhatHaicangBridgemore than 5,900m9 yearsXiamenbridge_SheetBPlacesHow longHow oldWhereWhat_The Great Wall5,000 km longmore than 2,000 years oldChinawallAn Information-gap Activity: (Sheets for students work)Famous Places Sheet 1NamePlacesHow longHow oldWhereWhatAmythe Changjiang River6,300kmlong3,000,000 years oldChinariverLily_Tom_Famous Places Sheet 2NamePlacesHow longHow oldWhereWhatAmy_LilyTowerBridge76mlong114 years oldLondonbridgeTom_Famous Places Sheet 3NamePlacesHow longHow oldWhereWhatAmy_Lily_TomHuandao Road48kmlongabout 9 yearsXiamenroadSheet for feedback Famous Places Sheet4NamePlacesHow longHow oldWhereWhatAmythe Changjiang River6,300kmlong3,000,000 years oldChinariverLilyTowerBridge76mlong114 years oldLondonbridgeTomHuandao Road48kmlongabout 9 yearsXiamenroad十、课例点评:教师在授课中采用真实任务教学法,以任务“Finding our friends travel places”为主线贯穿整课教学。课堂上设计的各种活动如,Puzzle solving, Guessing game, Quick Response, Envelope Maze等,让学生在游戏中、在合作学习的体验中,轻松愉快地学习语言,达到教学的目的。教师还恰当地使用多媒体课件进行数字教学,让学生对thousand, million, li, kilometre的概念更清晰,突破本课的教学难点。本节课的教学突出以下几个特点:(一)、KWL阅读教学法贯穿课堂教学 KWL是Ogle于1986年提出的一种指导阅读的策略。K指“What I know”,W是指“What I want to know”,“L”是指“What we have learned”。在课堂中,授课教师能利用这一教学法有效渗透、培养学生的阅读习惯。如热身活动时以阅读后猜谜的形式复习所学的地名,唤醒学生的旧知,同时培养了学生在阅读时抓关键词,捕捉关键信息的阅读方法。导入任务时,教师让学生提出所渴望知道的有关长城的知识,学生所提出的问题便成为他们课内、课外阅读和学习的方向。在任务活动中,通过Envelope Maze的游戏让学生重新排列所给句子的顺序,学生在排列、阅读中开阔了文化视野,培养了逻辑思维能力。在理解课文内容后教师还让学生尝试着从所学知识中找到上述自己感兴趣的问题答案,同时从别人的描述中总结、增进有关长城的知识。(二)、Mind-map思维导图启发学生思维能力思维导图是一种将放射性思考具体化的方法,是一种展现个人智力潜能极致的方法,可提升思考技巧,大幅增强记忆力、组织力与创造力。教师在教学中巧妙挖掘课程资源,利用mind-map了解学生的学习需求,由于学生所要学习、了解的内容是他们自己提出的、感兴趣的东西,如How long is the Great Wall? How old is it? Who built it? How is it?等,这些问题有效激发了其求知欲,提升了其英语学习的效果。mind-map所建立的知识框架体系对课内、课外信息进行有效整理和组合,加深了学生对课文知识理解,同时为课后让学生组织语言材料进行写作提供了有效的指导。(三)、信息差活动引导学生真实交际人们之间进行谈话交流,是因为谈话双方之间有了信息差,彼此都想了解对方的信息,才产生了交流的愿望和想法。在英语教学中,要想让学生运用英语进行有意义的会话交流,就必须在会话双方之间制造信息差,使他们产生想从对方那里了解到有关信息的迫切愿望和需求,有开口讲英语的动机。在完成任务的环节中,教师设计了信息差活动“Finding Amys Lilys and Toms Travel Places”,学生在老师的引导下学会了如何用所学的语言获取信息,如”Whats the place? How long/old is it? Where is it?”,并能根据所获取的信息用描述性语言来描述该旅游景点,顺利完成本课学习任务。在此活动中学生创造性地运用所学的语言知识,通过真实的交流来获取对方的信息,使语言的学习过程更自然、真实,学生的创造精神在语言的实践中得以展示。(四)、适时的作业布置与指导体现以学生为主体作业布置作为教学中必不可少的一个环节,既是课堂教学的有机组成部分,又是课堂教学的延续。教师在教学活动中,能从学生的实际出发,分层布置作业,因材施教。另外,作业不仅是教学内容的延伸和补充,而且是对某一教学阶段重点知识的巩固和教学效果的评价,因此它具有时效性。授课教师能牢牢抓住这一点,在教学过程中适时进行作业指导及布置,培养了学生自主学习的能力、创新能力,发展了学生的智力,此乃其独到之处。总之,本堂课采取任务型教学途径,让学生在活动中快乐地学习知识,充分地体现了新课标精神。授课教师在教学中已形成了自己独特的教学风格,全面培养了学生的听、说、读、写能力,学生真正能有所收获,课堂活而不乱。


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