六年级英语上册Lesson 6 Baby Becky at Home教案

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六年级英语上册Lesson 6: Baby Becky at Home教案一、教学目标:知识目标;学生听懂病理解这个简单的故事能力目标:能看懂故事,提高阅读能力。情感目标:渗透劳动意识,培养劳动习惯。二、教学用具:录音机、磁带、图片、小奖品、小黑板三、教学过程:1.Greeting2.ReviewUse the quiz in the student book as review. Observe the studentsclosely.3.Story Use the storybook and audiotape. Prepare to Read Here aresome questions I can use to prepare the students for the story. Use as muchEnglish as possible, but allow the discussion to take place in Chinese wherenecessary. Who remembers Baby Becky? What is Baby Becky doing in thisstory?. Read 可以利用录音带和故事书,让学生边听边阅读,阅读完毕能从故事中找出本单元的重点单词,并通过Find the words. 等形式,训练学生熟练拼写单词。4.Discuss Here are some questions I can use to reinforce the mainidea of the story. What does Baby Becky do at home? Does Baby Becky “help” her mother? DidBaby Becky have fun? Did her mother have fun? Why not? Where does Baby Becky “help” her mother cook? How does Baby Beckyget dirty? Where does her mother take Baby Becky when she is dirty? Do you likethis story? Why or why not? 四、板书设计:Lesson 6: Baby Becky atHome1. Are these dishes clean or dirty? The dishes are clean.2. What is Mr. Smith doing? Mr. Smith is washing the dishes in thesink.3.Wheres the toilet? Thetoilet is in the bathroom.4.What does Baby Becky do at home?5. Does Baby Becky “help” her mother?a精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载


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