How was your trip?It was wonderful. Thanks.Whose pencil is this?Its not mine.Whose dog is this?Its mine.Look at the pencil box, is it yours?Yes, it is.Look at this skirt, is it yours?No, it isnt.?It was wonderful. Thanks.Whose is this?Its not mine. cat is this?Its mine.?Its not mine.Look at the , is it yours?Yes, it is.Look at the jacket, ?Yes, it is.Look at the T-shirt, is it yours?, it is.Look at the cap, is it yours?, it isnt.Answers1, How was your trip?2, bag3, Whose4, Whose book is this?5, eraser6, is it yours?7, Yes8, No.Homework: Please copy the new words five times and read the text after class.The end !Thanks.