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总第_课时Starter unit Good to see you again第 1 课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 1Teaching Aims:1、 Ss can sing the song “Welcome,welcome,welcome back”.2、 Ss can speak instruction phrases and do them: Clap your hands. Jump up high. Shake your arms and legs.Bend your knees. Stand nose to noseImportant points:一类短语:Clap your hands. Jump up high. Shake your arms and legs. Bend your knees. Stand nose to noseDifficult points:理解并能有感情地唱这首英语歌。【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-up1、 Sing a song“Alphabet song”.2、 Greetings and lead in.T:Good morning,boys and girls.Is the winter holiday fun?Good to see you again. Procedures1、 Listen to the song for three times .Then guess the meaning.2、 Show the instruction phrases cards.The teacher makes the corresponding action when each card shows.Ss do it follow T. 3、Read these instructions phrase teaching.4、Listen to the instructions with the class.5.Listen to the song again and learn to sing.6、Team game,which one is better.7、Review the words and songs.8、Expand.Touch your nose.(eyes, ears, mouth, knees)Stand nose to nose(arm in arm, back to back)Practices1、 Lisen and sing the song.Then colour the frames.2、 Do the action. Homework1.Listen to the song and sing for 5 times.2.Copying phrases each again. board writing Starter unit Good to see you againClap your hands. Jump up high. Shake your arms and legs.Bend your knees. Stand nose to nose. (arm in arm, back to back)总总第_课时第 2 课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 2a, Part 2b, Part4, Part5Teaching Aims:1、 能在不同场景下用Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!Good night!进行简单的交际。2、 能根据对话找出不同的场景。Important points:1、 掌握四会单词:afternoon,evening.2、 熟练运用相关英语会话进行简单的交际。Difficult points:根据对话找出不同的场景。【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-up1、 Sing the song“Welcome, welcome, welcome back”and lead in.2、 Greeting.Procedures1、 Prepare cards with the sun and the moon.Teach Ss how to correctly under different scenarios :“Good morning”, “Good afternoon”, “Good evening”, “Good night”.For example:When T show the sun card,T says: Good morning.The Ss must say: Good morning!2、 Listen and repeat.3、 Listen and number.Then play the dialogue.4、 Listen and point.Then fill in the numbers.5、 Listen and join the dots.Practices1.Listen and repeat.2.Play a dialogue.3.Listen and point.Homework1.Listen and repeat(morning, afternoon, evening, night.)2.Copying words for 4 times.3、Read Part2a for 5 times.4.Listen and join the dots. board writing Starter unit Good to see you againA:Good morning! B: Good morning!Good afternoon! Good afternoon!Good evening! Good evening!Good night! Good night!【教学反思】 总第_课时第 3 课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 3a, Part3bTeaching Aims:能指认相关话题(colours,numbers,animals,food)单词对应的图片并能说出相应的单词。Important points:能将单词正确归类。Difficult points:相关话题类单词的词汇积累,看谁掌握得最多。【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-up1、 Greeting.T:Good morning!Boys and girls.Ss:Good morning,Miss Li.2、 Sing the song“Welcome,welcome, welcomeback”.Procedures1、 In team competition, see which group know much,which group will win.Colours Animals Numbers Food2、 Reading the words with the class.3、 Do the exercise:Which picture doesnt belong?1) Write a corresponding word under each picture.2) Find the difference and cross it out.3) Say what reason.4、 Point and say them in English.Practices1.Say the words and write them.2.The word competition.Homework1.Read these words for 5 times and remember them.2.Listen to the tape from page2 to page5. board writing Starter unit Good to see you againColours: yellow, blue, redAnimals: dog, cat, pig, rabbitNumbers: one, two, three, fourFood: apple, ice cream【教学反思】总第_课时第 4 课时Teaching Aims:1. 能正确认读26个字母,指认相关话题(colours, animals, food, numbers)单词对应的图片并说出相应单词。2. 能说出指令:Clap your hands. Jump up high. Shake your arms and legs. Bend your knees. Stand nose to nose.并做出相应动作。3. 能根据对话内容找出不同的场景。4. 能在不同的场景中运用Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Good night! 进行简单交际。5. 能学唱英语歌曲Welcome, welcome, welcome back.Important points:1、 能正确认读并规范书写26个字母,并熟练掌握不同类单词(colours,animals,food,numbers)。2、 能进行简单的英语交际。Difficult points:1、理解歌曲意思并学唱歌曲。2、能说出指令并做出相应的动作。【评价工具及说明】1、 Listen and do it.Clap your hands. Jump up high. Shake your arms and legs. Bend your knees. Stand nose to nose.2、 Which one doesnt belong?(1) pencil ruler pen book car schoolbag(2) apple orange popato banana cake tree(3) yellow pink blue board white green(4) cat plane horse butterfly rabbit dog3、 Sing the song and colour the frames.总第_课时Unit 1 Pets第 1 课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 1Teaching Aims:1、 熟练掌握四会单词。(cat,dog,mouse,hamster,fish,rabbit,bird,frog)2、 在老师的指导下正确运用“Have you got a pet?” “Yes,I have.”的句型。3、 Say the chant.Important points:1、 认真、规范的书写四会单词,并能指认图片。2、 Say the chant.Difficult points:如何正确运用“Have you got a pet?” “Yes,I have.”的句型。【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-up1.Greeting.T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, teacher.2.Sing a song“Welcome, welcome, welcome back”.3.Lead in.Today, we are going to learn a new chant.Have you got a pet?Procedures1.The word new grant.(cat,dog,mouse,hamster,fish,rabbit,bird,frog)In a word,a professor of,for example.1) 老师出示一张生词卡片“mouse”,示范读,学生仔细听3遍,观察嘴型和发音。2) Ss read follow the T.3) 提示s和发音的不同。In othet words in the same way.2.Read all the words after the teaching,Layered point,to the Ss words are not known to the breakthroughs made in key areas.3.Listen to the tape for 3 times.4.Read after the tape.5.Say the chant in the class.6.Pairwork.Ask and answer.A:Have you got a pet?B:Yes,I have.7.Review the chant.(Page24,Part1Practices1、 Read the words2、 Pairwork.Ask and answer.3、 Say the chant.Homework1、 Listen to the tape of Part1 for 5 times.2、 Say the chant for 5 times.3、 Write the words. board writing Unit 1 Petscat, dog, mouse, hamsterfish, rabbit, bird, frogHave you got a pet?Yes, I have.总第_课时第 2课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 2a&2bTeaching Aims:1、 能正确指认图片并说出相应的单词。2、 能用“Have you got a pet?” “Yes, I have.”进行简单交际。3、 能给对话进行正确的排序,并扮演对话。Important points:正确指认图片并说出相应的单词。Difficult points:熟练运用“Have you got a pet?” “Yes, I have.”进行简单交际,并能给相应的对话进行正确的排序。【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-up1、 Say the chantHave you got a pet?2、 T shows a wizard doll,and then tell the Ss this is a small wizard,he also has his own pet,you want to know?3、 Lead in.Procedures1、 Review the words.According to the T shows the cards read out the correct words.2、 Play a game.Point and say: which group and refers tofast and well, which group will win.3.Listen,point and repeat.4、Listen to the tape with a problem, find the wizards pet.5.Make a dialogue.A:Have you got a pet?B:Yes,I have.A: ?B:It is a .A:What colour is it?B:It is .6.Play the dialogue.7.Put the dialogue in the correct order .8.Check the answers in the class and read it.Practices1、 Play a game:point and say the words.2、 Put the dialogue in the correct order and act it.Homework1、 Liten to the tape of Part 2a & 2b for 5 times.2、 Read the dialogue for 5 times and copy it. board writing Unit 1 Petscat, dog, mouse, hamsterfish, rabbit, bird, frogHave you got a pet?Yes, I have.A: ?B: It is a .A: What colour is it?B: It is .总第_课时第 3课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 3a&3b Teaching Aims:1、 复习巩固颜色和动物单词。2、 对“Have you got a pet?” “Yes, I have.”句型的变化演练。初步理解“Has heshe got a pet?” “Yes, heshe has.”Important points and difficult points:复习巩固颜色和动物单词;对“Have you got a pet?” “Yes, I have.”句型的变化演练。【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-up1.Say the chant and lead in.2.Introduce some children to Ss:They are from Britain.They are Julia,Jeff,Maria.They are our friends.Do you know their pets?Procedures1.Explain the pictures.2.Listen and tick.3.Ask and answer.Has Julia got a pet?(Jeff,Maria)Yes,she has.She has a .4.Listen again and complete the sentences.5.Pairwork.Practice the dialogue in pairs.Practices1.Complete the sentences.Julias cat is and .Jeffs is .Marias is and .2.Practice the dialogue.Homework1.Liten to the tape of Part3a &3b for 5 times.2、Copy the sentences. board writing Unit 1 Petscat, dog, mouse, hamsterfish, rabbit, bird, frog Has Julia got a pet?(Jeff, Maria)Yes, she has.She has a .总第_课时第 4课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 4a & 4bTeaching Aims:1.能听懂指令:Fly like, Run like, Swim like, Eat like, Sit like, Roar like, 2.听指令做出相应的动作,给图片标号。Important points and difficult points:能正确指认图片,并根据指令做出相应的动作,给图片标号。【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-up1.Say the chantHave you got a pet?2.Greeting and lead in.T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Li.Procedures1、 Do and guess.Fly like a budgie.Run likeSwim likeEat likeSit like.2、 Listen to the tape for twice and check the answers.3、 Read and do it.4、 Listen and repeat.5、 Play a game:listen, say and point.6、 Listen again and fill in the numbersPractices1、 Listen,point and repeat.2、 Do the action.3、 Fill in the numebers.Homework1、 Listen to the tape of Part4a & 4b for5 times.2、Choose a pet and colour it.And make a dialogue. board writing Unit 1 Pets( )Fly like a budgie.( )Run like( )Swim like( )Eat like( )Sit like.总第_课时第 5课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 5, Part 6, Part 7a & 7bTeaching Aims:1、 能听懂单词budgie, giraffes, elephants, monkeys, pandas, bear,会指认图片并理解单词的单复数形式。2、 会用“How manyare there?”的句型提问并回答。Important points:能指认图片并理解单词意思budgie, giraffes , elephants , monkeys, pandas, bear.Difficult points:1、 理解单词的单复数形式。2、 正确熟练的运用“How manyare there?”的句型提问并回答。【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-up1、 Say the chant.2、 Ask and answer.T:Have you got a pet?S:Yes,I have.T:What is it?S:It is a fish.T:Err,Great!I have three goldfish.And then,how many goldfish do you have?Lead in.Procedures1、Review (cat, dog, mouse, hamster, fish, rabbit, bird, frog ) andthe word new grant.(budgie, giraffe, elephant, monkey, panda, bear)老师将所有单词卡片贴在黑板上,请学生认读。2、Language puzzle.I have two (mouse).You have three (cat).a dog- five a rabbit-eleven one -four horseone bird-twelve 3.Listen and understand.budgiebudgies giraffegiraffeselephantelephants monkeymonkeyspandapandas bearbears4.Read and remember them.5Practice:Ask and answer.(Talk about Animals)Eg:How many mice are there?(hamsters,rabbits, dogs, birds, cats) There are six.6.Listen again. Match and fill in the numbers.Practices1.Write the correct form of the following words.2.Ask and answer. How manyare there? There are.3.Fill in the numbers.Homework1.Listen to the tape of Unit 1 and a half hours.2.The numbers of the words form the copy again.3.Practice:“How manyare there? There are.” board writing Unit 1 Petsbudgiebudgies giraffegiraffeselephantelephants monkeymonkeyspandapandas bearbearsHow manyare there?There are.【教学反思】总第_课时 PetsTeaching Aims:1. 能正确认读、规范书写单词bird, fish, frog, mouse, cat, dog, hamster, rabbit,并理解单词的意思。2. 能听懂单词budgie, giraffes, elephants, monkeys, pandas, bear,会指认图片并理解单词的单复数形式。3. 能听懂指令:Fly like, Run like, Swim like, Eat like, Sit like, Roar like, 并做出相应的动作,给图片标号。4. 能在老师指导下运用Have you got a pet? What colour is it?进行简单的提问。5. 能学唱歌谣:Have you got a pet?6. 能爱护和帮助小动物。Important points:1、熟练掌握四会单词。2、能听懂单词并指认图片,理解名词单词的单复数形式。Difficult points:1、 正确运用Have you got a pet? What colour is it?进行简单的提问。2、 能根据指令做出相应的动作。【教学准备】Recorder, tape, word-cards, pictures, flashcards【预习要求】Listen to the tape from page6 to page 11.【评价工具及说明】1、 Listen and say the chant.Have you got a pet?Yes,I have.2、 Listen,point and repeat.3、 Complete the sentences.Julias cat is and .Jeffs is .4、 Language puzzle.a mouse-two ,a cat-three .5、How many are there?6、Listen and understand.budgie-budgie giraffe-giraffes elephant-elephants bear-bear7.Match and fill in the numbers. 总第_课时Unit 2 The days of the weekTeaching Aims:1. 能听懂和正确认读,拼写Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 并学会 on Monday / Tuesday的表达方式。2. 能初步运用What day is it? Whats your favourite day? What about you?互相交流简单的信息。3. 能用Great! Super! Oh, I hate Mondays.表达简单的情感。4. 能在老师的指导下模仿范例完成句子: My favourite is 5. 能学唱歌谣Emma hates pink.并养成良好的听力习惯。6. 能听懂并表演故事。Important points:1.熟练掌握四会单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday2.进行相关的简单对话。“What day is it?” “It is on Monday.”Difficult points:1、 正确运用“Whats your favourite?” “My favouriteis”进行简单的对话交流。2、 学唱歌谣Emma hates pink,会用Great! Super! Oh, I hate Mondays.表达简单的情感。3、 理解故事大意并能进行表演。【教学准备】Recorder, tape, word-cards, pictures, flashcards【预习要求】Listen to the tape from page 12 to page 17.【总课时数】5课时【评价工具及说明】1、 Whats your favourite? My favouriteis.2、 What day is it?It is on Monday.( Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)3、 Listen and number.Then practice the dialogues.4、 Say the chant.5、 Act the story.6、 Listen and colour the animals.7、 Talk about your favourites.(day,food,colour,animal,number)总第_课时第 1 课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 1, Part 3,Page24-part2Teaching Aims:1、 能听懂和正确认读,拼写Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.2、 Say the chant.3、 能用Great! Super! Oh, I hate Mondays.表达简单的情感。Important points:对四会单词的认读和拼写。Difficult points:Say the chant and mime it.学会如何表达简单的情感。【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-up1、 Sing the song“Welcome, welcome ,Welcome back”.2、 Greeting.T: Hello, everyone! I am glad to see youThis class, we are entering a new unit.The days of the week.Procedures1、 用PPT导入字母图片,让学生观察,找出星期单词的共同点。(词尾都是day)2、 单词新授,提醒学生注意每个星期单词的首字母都要大写;注意区分Tuesday和Thursday的读音和拼写。3、 Just listen for twice.4、 Read follow the tape.5、 Say the chant in the class,see who is the best.6、 Listen and number.( )Great!( )Super!( ) I hate Mondays!7、 Practice the dialogues.8、 Mime the action chant.Practices1.Listen and number.Then practice thedialogue.2.Read and mime the action chant.3.Copy the words.Homework1.Say the chant for 5 times.2.Copy words each four times of the week.3.Listen the tape for 3 times. board writing Unit2 The days of the weekMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayFriday, Saturday, SundayI hate Mondays!Great!Super!总第_课时第 2 课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 2, Part 6Teaching Aims:1、 进一步巩固星期单词,能听懂并认读正确的单词。2、 初步运用“Whats your favourite?” “My favouriteis”进行简单的对话交流。Important points and difficult points:运用“Whats your favourite?” “My favouriteis”进行简单的对话交流。【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-upSay the chant and mime it.Lead in.Procedures1、 Review the words.T say the first letter,Ss guess the word and spell it out.2、Elicit the sentence pattern.T:I like Sundays? What about you?Ss:Saturday.()T:What is your favourite day?Ss:My favourite day is .3、 Listen and tick their favourite day.Ask and answer.1) What is Claires favourite day? Claires favourite day is.2) What is Bobs favourite day? Bobs favourite day is.3) What is Dianas favourite day?Dianas favourite day is.4) What is Franks favourite day?Franks favourite day is.4、 Groupwork.5、 Find their favourite days.Practices1、 Groupwork. Ask your partners.2、 Complete the words.Homework1.Practice the dialogue.What is your favourite day?My favourite day is.2.Listen to the tape of page12 for 30 minutes. board writing Unit2 The days of the weekMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayFriday, Saturday, SundayWhat is your favourite day?My favourite day is.总第_课时第 3 课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 4,Page13-pairwork,Page28-part10Teaching Aims:1、 Complete the table,find Tobys favourite day.2、 理解故事大意并能分角色扮演。Important points:Complete the table,find Tobys favourite day.Difficult points:Act the story-Emmas room.【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-up1.Greeting.T: Good morning, boys and girls. Soon is the weekend,today is really happy.What about you?2.Mime the chant.Procedures1、 Circl the days of the week and spellthem.2.Ask and answer in pairwork.What day is it?It is Monday.M-O-N-D-A-Y,Monday.3.Fill in the days of the week and find out Tobys favourite day.Then on the four wire grid specifications writtencorrectly.4.Read the words again.5、Listen to the story twice and tell thestory.1) Does Emma like her new room?2) Does Emma like pink?3) What is Emmas Dadfavourite colour?4) Whats on the wall?5) Does Emmas Dad and Mum like her new room?6、 Listen again and read follow the tape.7、 Act the story in the class.Which group is best.Practices1、 Pairwork.Circle the words.2、 Find Tobys favourite day and write3. Act the story.Homework1.Listen and read the story for 5 times.2.Ask and answer:What day is it?It is. board writing Unit2 The days of the weekMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayFriday, Saturday, SundayWhat day is it?It is.总第_课时第 4 课时授课时间Teaching contents: Part 5a 5bTeaching Aims:理解歌谣大意,能学唱歌谣Emma hates pink. 学会 on Monday / Tuesday的表达方式。Important points and difficult points:学唱歌谣Emma hates pink, 学会 on Monday / Tuesday的表达方式。【教学流程】【教学过程】【个性设计】Warming-up1.Listen to the story


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