word-U5-B1The Language of Compromise单词讲解

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The Language of Compromise单词讲解单词讲解compromise 妥协妥协 Compromise over/on The workers wont compromise with their boss over /on their rights. 工人们在自己的权益方面上是不会向老板工人们在自己的权益方面上是不会向老板妥协的妥协的.energetic Full of energy This is energetic work Im sweating already! 这是件力气活这是件力气活我已经出汗了我已经出汗了.hiker A person who travels on footcontent Satisfied Be content with 对对感到满意感到满意 He is quite content with his present fortune. 他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。leisurely Without hurry adj.& adv. Leisurely movement不慌不忙的动作不慌不忙的动作 To work leisurely悠闲的工作悠闲的工作arise 1. Get up from sitting, lying 2. spring up, appear Arise from Accidents often arise from carelessness. 事故常起因于粗心事故常起因于粗心. Rise Vs. Arise 抽象抽象 VS.具体具体 由由引起引起: 1) arise from 2) give rise tounique Unusual Unique in 在在独一无二的独一无二的 These problems are not unique to nuclear power. 这些问题不是核动力所仅有的这些问题不是核动力所仅有的.individual N. a person; adj. single, separate Individual collective Individualism 个人主义个人主义 The individual doesnt count much in the situation. 在这种情况下在这种情况下,个人起不了多大作用个人起不了多大作用.painter A person who paints pictures, or houses, rooms, etc.gamble Game gamble Take a gamble on sth. 孤注一掷孤注一掷;冒险冒险 On a gamble 冒险地冒险地;碰运气地碰运气地 Gamble away 输掉输掉 Investing in the stock is a gamble. 投资在股票上是一种冒险投资在股票上是一种冒险.snobbish 势利的势利的snob (a snob) People are often snobbish without being aware of it. 人们常不知不觉地有些势利小人气人们常不知不觉地有些势利小人气.spin Rotate rapidly Spin spun spun spinning Spin cotton into yarn 把棉花纺成纱把棉花纺成纱 He spun the wheel of his car to turn the corner. 他转动方向盘使汽车拐弯他转动方向盘使汽车拐弯.blond / blonde 1) (of hair) light-colored 2) 白肤金发碧眼的人白肤金发碧眼的人 She is a blonde of about thirty. 她是个她是个30岁左右的金发女郎岁左右的金发女郎.refined Good-mannered Re + fine + ed Fine gold 纯金纯金/ fine sand 细纱细纱 Refined in manner 举止优雅举止优雅nephew 侄子侄子;外甥外甥 侄女侄女;外甥女外甥女 niecenephew 侄子侄子;外甥外甥 侄女侄女;外甥女外甥女 niece


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