三年级英语 Lesson 2 I’m hungry教学设计

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Lesson 2 Im hungry教学设计一、教学目标:1. 知识与技能:(1) 能正确听、说、读、写单词:beef, soup, coke, chicken, drinks, full, hungry, thirsty.(2) 能听懂、会说以下日常交际用语:There is on the table./ Im hungry/thirsty/full./ I like soup/it./ I dont like beer./ I want to (eat/drink).并能熟练运用日常交际用语进行问答。2. 过程与方法:积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。3. 情感态度价值观:能在小组合作中积极与他人合作,互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。二、教学重点及难点:1. 能听懂、会说表示食物的单词:beef, soup, coke, chicken, drinks, full, hungry, thirsty.2. 能正确运用日常交际用语:There is/ I like/ I dont like. / Im hungry/thirsty/full.等。3. 能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话三、教学课时:第二课时。四、课前准备:PPT, 录音机,图片五、教学过程:Step1. Class Opening and Review.1. Greeting. T: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today?(Encourage the class to reply) Ss: Im fine2. Sing a song: “Walking”.Teacher and class sing while doing action.3. Review.(师出示准备好的食物图片,让学生观察;引导学生做问答练习,巩固所学过的有关食物名称的单词。)T:What is it ? Whats on the picture ?Ss: Its beef/ chicken/ beerT:Oh, there are some delicious food, I like chicken. What do you like ,A ?SsA: I like(师启发学生说出尽可能多的食物名,并把学生说的食物图片展示出来。)T: Do you like, B? (What do you want ?)SsB: I like, but I dont like (I want )(反复练习几次后,请几名学生自主上台模仿老师,和其他学生做简单问答练习。)Step2New Concepts.1. Lead into text.(课件出示课文插图,指着其中白雪公主Snow White和七个小矮人Seven Dwarfs 提问)T: Who is this ?Ss: She is Snow White(learn the new words: Snow White, Seven Dwarfs)2. New Presentation.1) T: Look at the picture. Whats on the table? (老师指着画面提问,让学生观察 。)Ss: There is some food on the table.(老师边咽口水,装出很饿的样子,一边说话.)T: Im hungry .Im very hungry. Are you hungry ?Ss: Yes, Im hungry too.T:Ok, Dinner is ready. Look. We have a lot of nice food on the table.(饭好了。桌子上有好多好吃的。)2). First, please listen to the tape.(要求学生闭眼认真听一遍录音。)3) .Now, please listen and repeat the text this time.(逐句播放,让学生跟读,老师注意指导个别句子语音语调。)3. Important sentences.Whose home is this? (老师随意取出学生课桌上的ruler, eraser, pen, pencil-case等文具做替换练习。)There is on the table. (老师手指着学生桌上的书,说 There is a book on the table,引导学生以其他实物,做拓展练习。) I like, but I dont like(老师将课前准备的食物图片发给同学,同桌两个任选一组做简单问答,练习句型。)Step3. Practice.1. Role-play.(老师和学生、男生和女生分角色表演对话,最后以chant together 巩固其重点句型。)Chant together:Hungry, hungry, Im hungry.I want some beef / chocolate / chicken.Thirsty, thirsty, Im thirsty.I want some soup / coke / beer .2. Group-work :(请学生大声读课文后,同桌一起讨论回答问题。)1)Whats on the table? (A lot of food.)2)Is Snow White hungry? (Yes, she is.)3)What does she like? (She likes chicken. She doesnt like beef. She likes the soup, too. Its delicious.)4)Is she thirsty? (Yes. She wants some drinks. She likes coke.)5)Whose home is it ,do you know? (Its the Seven Dwarfshome.)3. Lets practice. 1)课件展示,将图片和单词重新排列组句子。 2)课件展示,仿照课文内容完成短文补充。 Whose is this ? Its my home. Look ! There a lot of food on the table. Im hungry now. Chicken! Oh, no! I dont like chicken, but I beef. Its Now Im thirty. I want some coke. I like it. Im full.Step4. Homework1)Listen to the tape and recite the text.2)Finish “Lets practise(2)” and talk to your partner.精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载


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