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1、 英汉互译。(24分)看电视( ) 客厅( ) 餐厅( )站起来( ) 读书( ) 坐飞机( )In the sky( ) 放风筝( ) 洗衣服( )Climb the mountain( )do his homework( ) 看电影( )买故事书( ) 车站( )生日聚会( )Make a card ( )how old ( ) 右拐( )交通灯( )cross the street( )等一下( )Take photos( ) play the music ( ) climb the tree( )小心( ) 看看( )2、 选出不同类的一项。(6分)( ) A she B egg C these D evening ( ) A apple B candy C game D rabbit ( ) A I B his C time D climb ( ) A monkey B those C love D other ( ) A turn B up C duck D hundred ( ) A you B old C how D know3、 单项选择。(30分)1、 There _a bedroom and two living rooms. A is B are C am 2、 They are _ to the radio. A listen B listening C listens 3、 Are you going _ the hospital ? A for B to C with 4、 _are you doing ? A what B where C when 5、 I can _. A stand B stands C standing6、 _can you do? A where B what C when 7、 Can you _the trees? A climb B climbs C climbing8、 There _some bananas _the tree.A is in B are on C are in 9、 look _ the traffic lights. A at B on C to 10、 _are you ? Im ten years old. A How many B How C How old11、 What are you going to do _your father? A to B for C of12、 Are you going to _the animals in the zoo? A see B watch C look13、 _beautiful girl! A How B what C what a 14、 _? I need a box.A Where do you need ? B What do you need ? C How do you need?15、 _? It s June 1st.A What time is it ? B What date is it ? C what are the time ?4、 句型转换(16分)。1、 I can stand.(画线部分提问)_-2、 I can cook .(改为否定句)_3、 He can eat.(改为一般疑问句)_-4、 Can your mother write?(做否定的回答)_5、 He is dancing.(画线部分提问)_-6、 There is a bedroom.(用no改写)_7、 Im going to buy some flowers.(改为一般疑问句)_8、 Please cross the road . (用Dont改写 )_5、 连词成句。(10分)1、 very well swim can I . _2、 the climb they can tree ? _3、 what need does she ? _4、 On his birthday for to do going you are what your father ?_-5、 How Lishan is old ?_6、 改错。(10分)1、 I is going to school._- A B C2、 He is going to buys balloons._ A B C3、 Not wait , please. _A B C4、How old is you mother._ A B C5、 Where are you going to do ?_ A B C


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