新目标英语九年级Unit 8 全单元课件

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Unit 8Section Avolunteer志愿者visit old peoples homecheer up sick kids使振奋使振奋;使高兴起来使高兴起来clean up the city parks打扫干净打扫干净;梳理整齐梳理整齐give out food to the 分发分发;发放发放homeless students adj. 无家可归无家可归set up an elementary school put up signshand out advertisementsThere are many other ways you could help people.clean up the streethelp the old peopleplant treesgive out the postersgive away money and set up a Hope School cheer up the sick peopleWhat other ways you could help people? Just think and fill in the chart. other ways you could help people_ _ _ _What else could we do to help people? help children with their schoolwork.visit the old in an old peoples home.help watch the traffic.give our old books to “Hope School”. Id like to I hope to I could I volunteer to.1. Id like to _ outside. You could help clean _ the city parks.2. Id like to _ homeless people. You could give _ food at the food bank.workuphelpoutListening (1b)3. Id like to cheer _ sick kids. You could _ them in the hospital.upvisit4. Id like to help kids _ their schoolwork. You could _ in an after-school study program.withvolunteerSample dialogue 1:A: I would like to work outside.B: You could help clean up the city parks.1c PAIRWORKSample dialogue 2:A: I would like to work outside.B: You could help plant trees and grass to beautify our hometown.Sample dialogue 3:A: Id like to work in the hospital.B: Then you could help cheer up the patients.Sample dialogue 4:A: Id like to work at a station.B: You could help the passengers with their luggage.Listen and check () the thingsthe students are going to do.abced2a2aadvertise on TVput up signscall up othersadvertise in the newspaperhand out advertisements2b1. We need to _ a plan. 2. We cant _ making a plan. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now. 3. Ill _ all our e up withput offwrite down 4. We could _ signs. 5. Ill _ advertisements after school. 6. We could each _ ten people and ask them to come.call uphand output upRole play the conversation in 2c.A: We need to come up with a plan.B: Lets have lunch first.A: No, we cant put off making a plan. Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now. clean up: 打扫 e.g. Some volunteers the street.Try to learn. are cleaning up put 短语 put onput awayput output downput upput off整理穿上张贴放下熄灭推迟1.He his coat and went out.2.He his toys after playing them.3.He the phone and went out.4.He helped the fire last night.5.He his hands and asked a question.6.He was so busy that he the meeting.7.He the photo of Yao Ming on the wall of his bedroom.put onput away put downput output upput offput up give out: 分发,发放 e.g. 今天我们班主任给我们发了新书。Today our head teacher gave out our new books to us. come up with: 提出,想出 e.g. 玛丽提出了一个应对这个问题的好方案。Mary came up with a good solution to deal with the problem. cheer up: 使高兴 e.g. 我们可以和生病的孩子玩以使他们高兴起来。We can play with sick kids to cheer them up.hand out: 分发 hand in:上交1.在我们班Jim负责分发作业。2.学生应该按时上交家庭作业。1. Jim is responsible for handing out homework in our class. 2. Students should hand in homework on time.call up:e.g. 如果你感觉无聊,你可以给你的好朋友打电话。打电话If you feel bored, you can call up your friends.Phrasal verbs1. 打扫干净,梳理整齐2. 使振奋, 高兴起来3. 分发,发放4. 推迟,推延5. 写下6. 展示,张贴7. 打电话8. 想出9. 建立,创立,开办clean upcheer up give out/hand output off write down put upcall upcome up with/think upset upGrammar focusPhrasal verbSentenceMeaning of phrasal verbcheer upHe looks sad. Lets cheer him up.make someone happierset upWere going to set up a food bank to help hungry people.establish , startHomework 1.Translate into English. 1)打扫2)张贴3)去医院看望生病的小孩4)在外面工作5)推迟-6)分发7)无家可归的人-Exercises B你能不能把丢失的单词找到你能不能把丢失的单词找到, 来完成对话?来完成对话?A: would you like this weekends?B: Id like _ _ to the local hospital.A: Really? Why?B: Id like up sick kids. We could _them in the hospital.A: Its a good idea. I with you?B: Certainly. to volunteerWhat to doto cheerhelpCould goI forgot to _ its address _, now I cant find it.He couldnt _ an idea.After meals, Han Mei often helps _ the table at home.We have to _ the meeting because of rain.Young man, _! Dont cry for the over spilt milk.He _ a new world record in September, 1935.set up cheer up clean up put off come up with write downExercisesWrite down come up with clean upput offcheer upset up1. 他看起来很悲伤。我们来让他高兴起来。他看起来很悲伤。我们来让他高兴起来。 He _ _. Lets _ him _.2. 我们需要提出一些想法。我们需要提出一些想法。 We need _ _ _ _ some ideas.3. 我们不能推迟制定计划。还有两个星期就是清洁日了。我们不能推迟制定计划。还有两个星期就是清洁日了。 We cant _ _ _ a plan. _ _ is only two weeks from now.4. 我想加入学校志愿者项目,但我不知道我该做什么?我想加入学校志愿者项目,但我不知道我该做什么? Id _ _ _ the school volunteer project, but I dont know _ _ _ _.looks sadcheer upto come up withput off makingClean-up Daylike to joinwhat I should do绝绝 对对 挑挑 战战RememberWho pleasure gives shall joy receive. 予人以快乐者,自己会获得快乐。The sun never repents of the good he does,nor does he ever demand a recommence. 太阳绝不为它所做的善事后悔,也从不指望任何报酬。Phrasal verb1.Clean up e up with3.put off 4.write down 5.put up 6.hand out7.call up8. Cheer up打打扫扫提出提出 推迟推迟写下写下张贴张贴 ,升起,建造,升起,建造分发分发召集召集使高兴使高兴3a Read and Answer the questions.1.How many people are mentioned in the passage?Three.2. How long does the volunteer work take?3. What does Lin Pei want to be when he leaves school?Several hours a week.He wants to be a veterinarian.4. Whats Zhu Mings volunteer work?5. What do the three students plan to set up? He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up.They plan to set up a student volunteer project at their school. Find out the new words and phrases in the passage.be home to 的家的家volunteer their time to do a major commitment 一个重大奉献一个重大奉献putto good use 把把投入使用投入使用an elementary school 一个小学一个小学plan to do 计划去做某事计划去做某事 spend doing not only but 不但不但而且而且 Being a volunteer is great! Number 77 High School is home to three very special young people: Li Huiping, Lan Pei,and Zhu Ming. These three students all volunteer their time to help other people.This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week, so it is a major commitment. Huiping loves to read, and she puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care center at her local elementary school.Here, she helps young children to read. Pei loves animals, and plans to study to be a veterinarian when he leaves school. He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital. Ming wants to be a professional singer. He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up. “Volunteering is great!” says Huiping. “Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.”Pei says he has learned more about animals. Ming says he has met some wonderful people at the hospital. The three students plan to set up a student volunteer project “Become a volunteer today!”not onlybut (also) 不但而且1, 当not only 放于开头时,前一个分句要部分倒装。Eg. Not only did they break into his office, but they stole his books. Not only _ do the work, but _ finish it on time.A. you should, should you B. should you, should you C. should you, you should D. you should, you should. C2, 当其连接两主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则。Eg. Not only you but also he has been to London. Fill in the blanks with your books closed. Being a volunteer is great! Number 77 High School is home to three very _ young people: Li Huiping, Lan Pei,and Zhu Ming. These three students all _ their time to help other people.specialvolunteerThis volunteer work takes each of them _ _ a week, so it is a _ _ . Huiping loves to read, and she puts this love to good use by working in the _ _ _at her local _ school.several hoursmajor commitmentafter-school care centerelementaryHere, she helps young children to read. Pei loves _, and plans to study to be a _when he leaves school. He spends every Saturday morning _in an animal hospital. Ming wants to be a _ _. animalsveterinarianworkingprofessional singer He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to _ _ _. “Volunteering is great!” says Huiping. “_ _ do I feel good about helping other people, _I get to spend time doing what I love to do.”cheer them upNot onlybutPei says he has learned more about animals. Ming says he has met some wonderful people at the hospital. The three students plan to _ _a student volunteer project “Become a volunteer today!”set upRead and find as many phrases in the article as you can. put sth to good useplan tospent time/money doing sthcheer sb up not only but set upput sth offCan you make sentences with them? Explanation 1. Being a volunteer is great!Being a volunteer 是动名词短语; 这个动名词短语在句中作主语。它在 句中相当于一个名词,常作主语、宾 语和表语等句子成分。Learning new words is very useful to me. My favorite sport is swimming. Have you finished reading the book?作主语作主语作表语作表语作宾语作宾语2. These three students all volunteer their time to help other people. volunteer在此为及物动词,意为“自愿献出”; 它还可以做不及物动词,意为“自愿”; 还可以做名词,意为“志愿者”。例如: Would you like to volunteer your money to help him? I volunteer to help the disabled people. These students are volunteers.3. Huiping loves to read, and she puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care center at her local elementary school. (1) put sth to good/bad use “善于/不善于利用 某物”。例如: We must put our money to good use.(2) by+doing 表示“通过做”,by后还可 加名词表示交通方式。例如: She goes to school by bus. I learn English by listening to the tapes.4. Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.not only置于句首时,该句子要用部分倒装语序。此外,not only . but (also) .连接的成分要符合平行结构原则;当连接两个主语时,谓语动词应遵循“就近原则”,即和离它最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。例如: Not only I but also she likes reading.(2) get to 表示一个动作发生的过程。get to do 逐步做某事。例如: I get to love Sandwiches now. How did you get to learn English?3b. What could they do? NameLovesCouldHuisoccerXiao Tangwriting storiesJoymoviesWeimusicStart a football club.Write stories for the lonely old.To tell various funs in the movies to cheer the patients up. Sing for the old people.Sample conversation 1: A: Id like to join the school volunteer project, but Im not sure what I should do. B: What do you like doing? A: I like reading. B: Well, you could help young children read.Role Play (3c: P62) Sample conversation 2: A: Id like to join the school volunteer project, but Im not sure what I should do. B: What do you like doing?A: I love music.B: Well, you could sing some beautiful songs for the patients in hospital.Sample dialogue 1:A: I like singing. What kind of volunteer work do you think I could do?B: You could sing for the patients in hospital.Writing and Speaking (4: P62)Sample dialogue 2:A: I like cooking. What kind of volunteer work do you think I could do?B: You could help cook for the old without children in our community.Sample dialogue 3:A: I like playing computer games. What kind of volunteer work do you think I could do?B: You could help the old in our community learn to surf the Internet.4. Pairwork A: Id like to join the school volunteer project,but Im not sure what I should do. B: What do you like doing?A: I like singing.B: Well, you could sing for the old people.Choose the best answer. ( )1. Would you please drive faster ? My flight is _. A. taking off B. getting off C. turning off D. putting off( )2. -How is the play going ? -We are going to _ tomorrow. A. put on it B. put it off C. put it on D. put off it( )3. We have to _ our things if we travel on a train or a bus. A. look at B. look up C. look like D. look after A B D ( )4.If you _ a new idea, please call me as soon as possible. A. keep up with B. catch up with C. feed up with D. come up with( )5. Please _ the box carefully. It is filled with glasses. A. put down B. put on C. put off D. put together( )6. -_ ! Theres a car coming ! - Oh. Thanks. A. Look over B. Look up C. Look on D. Look out D A D ( )7. Its very cold today. Youd better put _ your coat when you go out. A. away B. down C. on D. up ( )8. Lucy, could you please help me _ the map on the blackboard? A. put into B. put up C. put out D. put on ( )9. “Get a ladder, please. I cant _ .” Jim said in a tall tree. A. come back B. come out C. come down D. come over C B C ( )10. I cant see the words clearly. Can I _ the light? A. turn on B. put off C. hold on D. take off ( )11.As soon as the man walked into the warm room, he _ his heavy coat and sat down. A. took away B. took down C. took off D. took up( )12. Would you mind _ my pet dog while Im away. A. setting up B. looking after C. turning down D. keeping outA C B ( ) 13. -Mum, Im offered 8,000 Yuan a month of the job. -Really? It just sounds _to be true. A. so well B. too good C. good enough D. too well ( ) 14. When he _ home, he saw his mother cleaning the room. A. got up B. got back C. got off D. got on ( ) 15.Father is sleeping. Youd better _quiet. A. to keep B. keep C. keeping D. kept B B B Homework Revise the phrases learned in this section and try to make sentences with them. Unit 8Section BUnit 8Ill help clean up the city parks.Section B(1a 2c) Have I run out of milk?(have done sth)run-ran-runThe girl takes after her mother.The girl her mother.We have our TV fixed up. have sth done/adj. We have our TV .I gave away some of my clothes. I some of my clothes. clean up the streetcheer up sick kidsNew phrases:be similar to sbcome up withrun out of take afterlook like 看起来像看起来像fix upgiveaway高兴高兴,振作振作提出提出用尽用尽长得长得像像修理修理赠送赠送be proud of you=take pride in为你感到自豪为你感到自豪be similar to sbcome up withrun out of take afterlook like 看起来像看起来像fix upgiveawaycheer up提出提出用尽用尽长得长得像像修理修理赠送赠送be proud of you=take pride in为你感到自豪为你感到自豪put up张贴张贴set up打电话打电话call up建立建立,建成建成高兴高兴,振作振作与与.相似相似Some phrases:Match the sentences with similar meanings.1. Ive run out of it.2. I take after my mother.3. I fixed it up.4. I gave it away. a. I repaired it.b. I dont have any more of it.c. I am similar to her.d. I didnt sell it, but gave it as a present.Make sentences with the phrases in the box using your ideas.run out oftake afterfix upgive awayI gave away my bicycle to charity.I take after my father.Tom is fixing up his second-hand car.Ive run out of my money.1b1. I ran out of water in the pot. 2. She takes after her sister. 3. I had my computer fixed up. 4. She gave her watch away to me. run out of take after fixed up give away 4drun out of 用光,用完用光,用完run away 逃跑逃跑run down 撞倒撞倒run after追赶追赶take after (在外貌,性在外貌,性格等方面)与(父母)相像,格等方面)与(父母)相像,尤指因血缘关系长相或性格尤指因血缘关系长相或性格相像相像take off脱下,起飞脱下,起飞take place发生发生 take care小心,当心小心,当心take out取出,拿出取出,拿出21 fix up 修理,维修修理,维修 clean up 打扫打扫go up上升上升 make up 编造编造come up with赶上,赶上,想出想出 set up 建立(机构)建立(机构)think up想出想出cheer up使高兴使高兴 give up 放弃放弃run out of run away run down run after (在外貌,性格在外貌,性格等方面)与(父母)相像,等方面)与(父母)相像,尤指因血缘关系长相或性格尤指因血缘关系长相或性格相像相像 脱下,起飞脱下,起飞 发生发生 小心,当心小心,当心 取出,拿出取出,拿出21 fix up clean up go upmake upcome up with建立(机构)建立(机构) 想出想出使高兴使高兴 放弃放弃用光,用完用光,用完逃跑逃跑撞倒撞倒追赶追赶take aftertake offtake placetake caretake out修理,维修修理,维修打扫打扫上升上升 编造编造赶上想出赶上想出 set up think upcheer upgive upListen and number the pictures in the correct order.142l1.Jimmy fixes up bicycles. T F2.Jimmy sells bikes. T F3.Jimmy takes after his mother. T F4.Jimmy has run out of money. T F Section B 2a&2bMan: This morning Im talking with a very generous young man,Jimmy the Bike Boy.Jimmy is the boy who and . Good morning,Jimmy.Jimmy:Good morning.Man:So,Jimmy,tell our listenersJimmy:Well,like you said,I find or buy old bikes that nobody wants.Then I fix up the bikes and who dont have enough money to buy their own bikes. fixes up old bikes givesthem awaywhat you do.give themaway to kids Man:Thats fantastic.What gave you the idea? Jimmy:I guess I .Hes always helping people. Man:Wow!Your parents must Jimmy:I guess so.But now Ive buy old bikes. Man:Oh,thats too bad.Yeah.I need to some way of or Ill have to stop .take after my fatherbe proud of you.run out of money tocome up with getting money Section B 2a&2bMan: This morning Im talking with a very generous young man,Jimmy the Bike Boy. Jimmy is the boy who fixes up old bikes and gives them away.Good morning,Jimmy.Jimmy:Good morning.Man:So,Jimmy,tell our listeners what you do.Jimmy:Well,like you said,I find or buy old bikes that nobody wants.Then I fix up the bikes and give them away to kids who dont have enough money to buy their own bikes. 修理旧自行车修理旧自行车把他们赠送把他们赠送你做什么你做什么把他们赠把他们赠送给小孩送给小孩 Man:Thats fantastic.What gave you the idea? Jimmy:I guess I take after my father.Hes always helping people. Man:Wow!Your parents must be proud of you. Jimmy:I guess so.But now Ive run out of money to buy old bikes. Man:Oh,thats too bad.Yeah.I need to come up with some way of getting money or Ill have to stop .长得像长得像我爸爸我爸爸为你感为你感到自豪到自豪用光我用光我的钱的钱去去.想出想出得到钱得到钱A:What do you do , Jimmy?B:I fix up bikes and givethem away.A:Who gave you the idea?B:I guess I .Practice the conversation between Jimmy and the reporter. Use the information from 2a and 2b.I take after my father.Hes always helping people.Discuss: What can you do to helphim solve this problem?I couldI couldId like toId like toProblem:_Hes used up his money.Hes used up his money.put up signs What could we do to help Jimmy dealWhat could we do to help Jimmy dealwith it?with it?I would love to I would love to Id like to Id like to What could we do to help Jimmy deal What could we do to help Jimmy deal with it?with it?hand out hand out advertisementadvertisements s What could we do to help Jimmy deal with it?I would love to Id like to set up a call-in set up a call-in Center forCenter forExplanationrun out of = use up “用完、耗尽 ”,句子的主语主语只能是人。注意不能用于被动语态。 He ran out of gas a mile from home. 他在离家还有一英里的地方把汽油用完了。 We are running out of the gas. 我们的汽油快用完了。1) run out是动副型短语动词,相当于不及是动副型短语动词,相当于不及物动词,表示物动词,表示“被用完了被用完了”的被动含义,其的被动含义,其主主语通常是语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命名时间、金钱、食物等无生命名词词。例如:。例如: His money soon ran out. 他的钱很快就花完了。他的钱很快就花完了。Food had run out towards the end of the trip. 在旅行快结束时,食物已经吃完了。在旅行快结束时,食物已经吃完了。 链接:链接:2)fix up 1. 修理修理Can you fix up my radio?你能把我的收音机修好吗?你能把我的收音机修好吗?2. 安排安排, 确定确定 We have fixed up a trip.我们已安排一次旅行。我们已安排一次旅行。We were fixed up for the night in a hostel.我们被安顿在招待所过夜我们被安顿在招待所过夜。3)give away 赠送赠送; 赠予赠予; 颁发颁发;分发分发 She decided to give these old clothes away.她决定把这些旧衣服送给别人。她决定把这些旧衣服送给别人。泄露泄露; 告发告发 Dont give away the secret.这项机密不可泄露。这项机密不可泄露。4)take after (由于血缘关系而在外貌、性格由于血缘关系而在外貌、性格等方面等方面)相似相似 She took after her mother almost in everything. 她几乎与她母亲一模一样。她几乎与她母亲一模一样。 Mary takes after her father in being strong-willed.玛丽意志坚强玛丽意志坚强, 像她父亲。像她父亲。look like 看起来像看起来像The baby looks like a doll.这个婴儿看起来像个洋娃娃。这个婴儿看起来像个洋娃娃。Doesnt she look like her mother?她长得是不是很像她母亲她长得是不是很像她母亲?The moose looks like deer.驼鹿看上去像鹿。驼鹿看上去像鹿。根据句意及括号内的汉语提示根据句意及括号内的汉语提示,用短语的正确形用短语的正确形式填空。式填空。1. Cant you _ _ (想出想出) a better excuse than that?2. Your desks are too dirty. You should _ _ _ (打扫它们打扫它们) at once.3. The school has _ _ (开办开办) a special class to help poor readers. think up cleanthem up set up 4. We should try our best to _ _ _ (使使她开心起来她开心起来). 5. Who can _ _ _ (想出想出) a good idea for our party?6. The teacher _ _ (挂起挂起) a Chinese map on the wall of the classroom yesterday.7. There are some people _ _(分发分发) papers at the shopping center every day. cheer her upcome up with put up giving out / handing outsummary:be similar to sbcome up withrun out of take afterlook like 看起来像看起来像fix upgiveawaycheer up提出提出用尽用尽长得长得像像修理修理赠送赠送be proud of you=take pride in为你感到自豪为你感到自豪put up张贴张贴set up打电话打电话call up建立建立,建成建成高兴高兴,振作振作与与.相似相似run out of 用光,用完用光,用完run away 逃跑逃跑run down 撞倒撞倒run after追赶追赶take after (在外貌,性在外貌,性格等方面)与(父母)相像,格等方面)与(父母)相像,尤指因血缘关系长相或性格尤指因血缘关系长相或性格相像相像take off脱下,起飞脱下,起飞take place发生发生 take care小心,当心小心,当心take out取出,拿出取出,拿出21 fix up 修理,维修修理,维修 clean up 打扫打扫go up上升上升 make up 编造编造come up with赶上,赶上,想出想出 set up 建立(机构)建立(机构)think up想出想出cheer up使高兴使高兴 give up 放弃放弃Homework1.Use each phrase: run out of,take after,fix up,give away to make 2 sentences.2.Remember the words P60-63.3. Prepare P64 3A.Unit 8Ill help clean up the city parks.Section B(3a 4) 3a Read the article and underline all the phrasal verbs.Last week everyone was trying to cheer up Jimmy, the Bike Boy. But this week, Jimmy is happy again. On Monday he told a radio interviewer that he had run out of money to buy old bikes. He also put up some signs asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told them about the problem. He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he tol


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