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bankbankbbkk n. n. 银行银行 museummuseummjuzi:mjuzi:m m n. n. 博物馆博物馆 along along l l prep. prep. 沿着沿着 across across krkrs prep.s prep.越过越过 cross cross krkrs s v. v. 穿过穿过 oppositeoppositep pzit prep. zit prep. 在在的对面的对面 tourist tourist ttristrist n. n. 游客游客 excuse ikskju:s v. excuse ikskju:s v. 原谅原谅; ; 谅解谅解 excuse me excuse me 劳驾,对不起劳驾,对不起 ( (用于礼貌地引起某人的注意用于礼貌地引起某人的注意) ) streetstreetstri:tstri:t n. n. 街道街道 turn turn tt:n :n v. v. 换方向换方向 thirdthird:d :d num. num. 第三第三 guidebook gaidbguidebook gaidbk n.k n.导游手册导游手册; ; 旅行指南旅行指南 bookshop bookshop bbk kpp n. n. 书店书店 right int. right int. 好了好了( (用于变换话题或活动用于变换话题或活动); ); 是的是的; ; 好好 Why not.? Why not.? 为什么不为什么不呢呢? ? couldkcouldkd v. aux. d v. aux. 可以可以; ; 能能 undergroundunderground ndnd rarandndn.n.地铁地铁 taketaketeik teik v. v. 搭乘搭乘; ; 乘坐乘坐; ; 固定使用固定使用; ; 把把( (某人某人) )带往带往; ; 使使( (某人某人) )到到 tourtourtutu n. (n. (短期的短期的) )参观,游览参观,游览; ; 旅行旅行 squareskwesquareskwe(r) n. (r) n. 广场广场 middle mmiddle mi idl n. dl n. 中部中部; ; 中间中间 adj.adj.中等的中等的; ; 中部的中部的 famousfeimfamousfeims adj. s adj. 著名的著名的 paintingpepaintingpei intnti i n. n.油画油画; ; 绘画绘画 fromfrfromfrm prep. m prep. 从从出发出发 metremetremi:tmi:t(r)(r)(Am E (Am E metermeter)n.)n.米米 aboveabove bbvv prep. prep. 在在上方上方; ; 在在之上之上 riverrriverri iv v(r) n. (r) n. 河河; ; 江江 clearkliclearkli(r) adj. (r) adj. (天气天气) )晴朗的晴朗的 bridge bridge bridbrid n. n. 桥桥 railway reilwei n. railway reilwei n. 铁路铁路 pastpastpp :st:st prep. prep. 路过路过( (某物或某地某物或某地); ); 越过越过 church tchurch t:t :t n. n. 教堂教堂 finish finish finifini v. v. 结束结束; ; 完成完成 high high hai hai adj. adj. 高的高的 post office post office ppust ust fisfis 邮政局邮政局 up up p prep. p prep. 沿着沿着.而去而去 downdown dadann prep. prep. 沿着沿着 stopststopstp n. p n. 车站车站 Module 6 Around the townModule 6 Around the town Unit 1 Could you tell me Unit 1 Could you tell me how to how to get toget to the National Stadium?the National Stadium? 学习目标学习目标 1.1. 掌握本单元单词和短语掌握本单元单词和短语: : 2. 2. 掌握掌握方位介词。方位介词。 3. 3. 能运用核心句型问路,指路。能运用核心句型问路,指路。 Welcome to Beijing What What places of interestplaces of interest in in Beijing do you know? (Beijing do you know? (名胜古名胜古迹,旅游胜地迹,旅游胜地) ) Wangfujing DajieWangfujing Dajie Tiananmen SquareTiananmen Square skwskwe e the Olympic Sports the Olympic Sports CentreCentre 奥林匹克体育中心奥林匹克体育中心 the National Stadiumthe National Stadium 国家体育馆国家体育馆 the National Museumthe National Museum 国家博物馆国家博物馆 A 1 bankbank museummuseum restaurantrestaurant stationstation b b c c a a d d Match the words with the pictures.Match the words with the pictures. A 1 bankbank museummuseum restaurantrestaurant stationstation b b c c a a d d Match the words with the pictures.Match the words with the pictures. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Listening 1. Where does the tourist want to go? _ _ _ Wangfujing DajieWangfujing Dajie The bookshopThe bookshop The National StadiumThe National Stadium 1.1.Excuse me! Can you tell me the Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?way to Wangfujing Dajie? Is thereIs there a bookshop a bookshop near herenear here? ? How can I get toHow can I get to the National the National Statium?Statium? Could you tell me how to get toCould you tell me how to get to the National Statium?the National Statium? 以上都是问路的常用表达方式以上都是问路的常用表达方式, ,总结如下:总结如下: Where is Where is ? ? 什么在地方?什么在地方? How can I get/go to How can I get/go to ? ? 到到怎怎么走?么走? Excuse me. Can you tell me the Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to way to ? ? 劳驾劳驾, ,到到怎么走?怎么走? Can you show me the way toCan you show me the way to? ? 能告诉我到能告诉我到 怎么走?怎么走? 指路的常用表达方式,总结如下: Take the No. 22 bus/this street. Take the No. 22 bus/this street. Go along the street Go along the street Follow this road Follow this road Turn left/right Turn left/right Turn left into Turn left into Its a tenIts a ten- -minute walk. minute walk. Take the first/second Take the first/second road/acrossing on the left/rightroad/acrossing on the left/right. . 指路的常用表达方式,总结如下: Go straight on until you come Go straight on until you come to to It takes about ten minutes by It takes about ten minutes by bus.bus. You cant miss it. You cant miss it. Can you tell me Can you tell me the way tothe way to Wangfujing Dajie?Wangfujing Dajie? Can you tell meCan you tell me the way tothe way to Zhongyang Dajie?Zhongyang Dajie? 你能告诉我到中山大街的路怎么走吗?你能告诉我到中山大街的路怎么走吗? the way tothe way to“去“去的路”的路”, ,后接地名后接地名 他在去纽约的路上他在去纽约的路上。 Hes onHes on the way the way toto New York.New York. 2.Go across Dong Chang2.Go across Dong Changan an JieJie go across = cross, go across = cross, 表示表示 “穿过穿过”,前者前者acrossacross是介词是介词, ,后者后者crosscross是动词。是动词。 【辨析辨析】 acrossacross和和throughthrough acrossacross和和throughthrough都表都表“从从( (一定范围一定范围的的) )一边到另一边一边到另一边”, ,其区别在于其区别在于acrossacross表示某一范围的表面进行某一动作。表示某一范围的表面进行某一动作。throughthrough表示在某一范围的内部空间进表示在某一范围的内部空间进行某一动作。行某一动作。 2.Go across Dong Chang2.Go across Dong Changan Jie, an Jie, go along the street and turn go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left at the third street on the left.left.穿过东长安街穿过东长安街, ,沿着这条街走沿着这条街走, ,在在 左边第三大街左转。左边第三大街左转。 1)go across 1)go across 穿过穿过, go/ walk along go/ walk along 沿着沿着走走 go straight aheadgo straight ahead 径直向前走径直向前走 指引方向用语:指引方向用语: 指路时还有指路时还有go down, go up,go down, go up, go pastgo past ( (经过经过) ) go down go down 指下坡或者往南走指下坡或者往南走( (上北下南上北下南) ) go up go up 指上坡或者北上指上坡或者北上; ; go along go along 沿着沿着.走走. . 或返指沿着或返指沿着.走走 Be careful when you Be careful when you go acrossgo across the street. the street. It took us two hours to walk It took us two hours to walk through the forest. through the forest. gogo through through the forest/parkthe forest/park Cen StreetCen Street acrossacross go go acrossacross the streetthe street across: across: 从一定范围的一边到另一边从一定范围的一边到另一边, , 动作在物体表面进行。动作在物体表面进行。 through: through: 从中间穿过从中间穿过, , 动作在内部进行。动作在内部进行。 over over 越过越过 acrossacross跨过跨过 throughthrough穿过穿过 past past 经过经过 WeWe go acrossgo across the road.the road. 我们穿过了马路。我们穿过了马路。 他们穿过了澳头街。他们穿过了澳头街。 They They crosscross Aotou Jie.Aotou Jie. They They go acrossgo across Aotou Jie.Aotou Jie. go along the streetgo along the street 沿着街道径直走沿着街道径直走 go alonggo along the roadthe road Go along,Go along,意为意为“沿着沿着径直走径直走”。 沿着路径直走沿着路径直走 沿着桥径直走沿着桥径直走 go alonggo along the bridgethe bridge 3.3.opposite the bankopposite the bank. . oppositeopposite( (作介词作介词)=)=across fromacross from 在在的对面的对面 oppositeopposite n.n.对立面对立面, ,常用短语常用短语 the opposite of.the opposite of.的的反义词反义词/ /对立面对立面 Black is the opposite of white. Black is the opposite of white. oppositeopposite adj.adj.对面的对面的; ; 常用短语:常用短语: be opposite tobe opposite to和和相对相对 Her house is opposite to mine.Her house is opposite to mine. oppositeopposite adv.adv.在对面在对面 He stood opposite.He stood opposite. opposite the bank opposite the bank 在银行对面在银行对面 The boy is The boy is oppositeopposite the girl.the girl. 男孩在女孩对面。男孩在女孩对面。 oppositeopposite用作介词用作介词, ,意为意为“在在对面对面” 书店在花店的对面。书店在花店的对面。 The bookshop is The bookshop is oppositeopposite the the flower store.flower store. 4. turn left/right4. turn left/right 向左向左/ / Turn left,and youTurn left,and youll find the ll find the hospital.hospital. 【拓展拓展】 常见常见left/rightleft/right搭配搭配: : turn left/turn rightturn left/turn right向左向左/ /右转右转; ; on the left/on the right of.on the left/on the right of. 在在的左边的左边/ /右边右边; ; 2)2)常见常见turnturn搭配搭配: : turn to. turn to. 翻到翻到(页页); ); turn on turn on 打开打开; ; turn off turn off 关上关上; ; turn up turn up 调高调高; ; turn down turn down 关小,调低关小,调低 Turn left at the third street on Turn left at the third street on the leftthe left 在左边的第三条街道向右拐在左边的第三条街道向右拐 turn left/right turn left/right 向左转向左转/ /右转右转 at theat the third street third street 在第三条街在第三条街 on the left/right on the left/right 在左边在左边/ /右边右边 at the third street at the third street 在第三大街在第三大街 at the first at the first crossingcrossing在第一个在第一个十字路口十字路口 at the second at the second turning turning 在第二个在第二个转弯处转弯处 1) Go down this street, turn right 1) Go down this street, turn right at the third crossing. at the third crossing. 沿着这条街沿着这条街 走在第三个十字路口右转。走在第三个十字路口右转。 2) Take the first turning on the 2) Take the first turning on the left. left. 在第一个转弯处左转。在第一个转弯处左转。 Is there a bookshop near here?Is there a bookshop near here? There be There be 句型句型 表示表示“有有” 此句为此句为there bethere be结构的一般疑问句结构的一般疑问句。 这附近有超市吗?这附近有超市吗? Is there a supermarket nearIs there a supermarket near here?here? 肯定回答肯定回答:Yes, there is.:Yes, there is. 否定回答否定回答:No, there isn:No, there isnt. t. How can I get there?How can I get there? 由由howhow引导的引导的特殊疑问句特殊疑问句, ,用于问路用于问路或用某种方式。或用某种方式。 我如何到达书店我如何到达书店? ? How can I get to the bookshop? 我们如何到达国家博物馆?我们如何到达国家博物馆? How can we get to the National Museum? Why not +Why not +V V原形原形? ? 表示建议 为什么不搭地铁去火车站呢? Why not take the understation Why not take the understation to the train station?to the train station? Why not ask the policeman overWhy not ask the policeman over there?there?= Why dont you ask the = Why dont you ask the policeman over there?policeman over there?为什么不去为什么不去 问一下那边的那位警察呢?问一下那边的那位警察呢? Could you tell me how to get to the Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium? National Stadium? 你能告诉怎么去国家体育场吗?你能告诉怎么去国家体育场吗? Could you tell me how to Could you tell me how to get to the resturant?get to the resturant? 你能告诉我怎么去餐厅?你能告诉我怎么去餐厅? 在表示请求许可时在表示请求许可时,没有时间区别。没有时间区别。 在语气上在语气上could could 更加更加委婉客气委婉客气 can & could can & could 都表示都表示“可以可以, ,能能”, Could you tell me how to Could you tell me how to get to get to the National Stadium?the National Stadium? get to get to 到达到达 get to = arrive in/at=reachget to = arrive in/at=reach 他将在明天上午达到大亚湾 He will get to Dayawan tomorrow He will get to Dayawan tomorrow morning.morning. get to, arrive in/at, reach get to, arrive in/at, reach 的区别的区别 get toget to直接接地点名词直接接地点名词, ,接副词时不用接副词时不用 加介词如:加介词如:here, there homehere, there home arrive in/atarrive in/at也直接加地点名词也直接加地点名词, ,接接 副词时不用加介词副词时不用加介词, ,但但in in 接大地方接大地方, , atat接小地方。接小地方。 reachreach直接接地点名词或副词直接接地点名词或副词, ,后不用后不用 加介词。加介词。 I reach schoolI reach school。 注意:若只表到达,后不接地点时注意:若只表到达,后不接地点时, , 用用arrivearrive。 TakeTake the underground to the the underground to the Olympic Sports Centre, or you Olympic Sports Centre, or you can can taketake a bus or a taxi.a bus or a taxi. take the/a +take the/a +交通工具交通工具+to+to+地点地点 = = go to +go to +地点地点+by +by +交通工具交通工具, , “乘乘.去某地去某地” taketake the the bikebike to schoolto school = go to schoo = go to schoo by bikeby bike Supermarket Chemists Look at the map: Make similar dialogues. Jiefang Road Post office Bank Jianguo Road Shop Xinhua Road KFC Hospital Aixin Middle School Xianhoudi Road 1.1. 在在的前面的前面 2.2. 劳驾劳驾 3. 3. 去去的路的路 4.4. 穿过穿过 5.5. 沿着沿着走走 6.6. 左转左转 7. 7. 在第三个街道在第三个街道 8.8. 在左边在左边/ /右边右边 9.9. 在这附近在这附近 10.10.买本关于北京的旅游手册买本关于北京的旅游手册 inin frontfront ofof excuseexcuse meme thethe wayway toto gogo across=crossacross=cross gogo alongalong turnturn leftleft at theat the thirdthird streetstreet onon thethe left/rightleft/right near herenear here buy a guidebook about Beijingbuy a guidebook about Beijing 11.11.大书店大书店 12.12.在那里在那里 13.13.在在银行银行对面对面 1414国家体育馆国家体育馆 15.15.我不知道。我不知道。 16.16.为什么不为什么不? 17.17.问警察问警察 18.18.非常感谢。非常感谢。 19.19.不用谢不用谢 a big bookshopa big bookshop over thereover there opposite the bankopposite the bank thethe NationalNational StadiumStadium I Imm notnot sure.sure. WhyWhy notnot? ? ask the policemanask the policeman Thank you very much.Thank you very much. =Thanks a lot=Thanks a lot Youre welcome.Youre welcome. 20.20.到达到达 21.21.地铁站地铁站 22.22.乘地铁乘地铁 23.23.奥体中心奥体中心 24.24.乘公交车乘公交车 25.25.乘出租车乘出租车 26.26.祝你愉快祝你愉快 27.27.问路问路 28.28.离离远远 29.29.的名字的名字 get to=reach=arrive at/get to=reach=arrive at/inin anan undergroundunderground stationstation taketake thethe undergroundunderground thethe OlympicOlympic SportsSports CentreCentre take a bustake a bus take a taxitake a taxi have a nice dayhave a nice day ask for the way (to ask for the way (to 地名地名) ) be far frombe far from the name ofthe name of Read and answer the questionsRead and answer the questions 1.How will the tourist get to 1.How will the tourist get to Wangfujing Dajie from Wangfujing Dajie from TianTiananmen Square?anmen Square? Go across Dong Changan Jie, Go across Dong Changan Jie, go along the street and turn go along the street and turn left at the third street on the left at the third street on the left.left. 2.Where is the bookshop?2.Where is the bookshop? 3.Who does the tourist ask for 3.Who does the tourist ask for the way to the National the way to the National Stadium?Stadium? The bookshop is just along Xi The bookshop is just along Xi Changan Jie, on the right, Changan Jie, on the right, opposite the bank.opposite the bank. A policeman.A policeman. 4.4.Complete the questions with Complete the questions with the correct from of the words the correct from of the words from the box.from the box. could could excuse excuse policeman policeman street street tourist tourist undergroundunderground 1.1._ me, is Wangfujing _ me, is Wangfujing Dajie far from Tiananmen Dajie far from Tiananmen Square?Square? ExcuseExcuse 2.2.Theres a bookshop near here. Theres a bookshop near here. Whats the name of the _?Whats the name of the _? 3.3.Can a _ ask a _ Can a _ ask a _ the way to get to places in the way to get to places in Beijing?Beijing? 4.4._ you tell me how to get _ you tell me how to get to the National Statium?to the National Statium? 5.5.Wheres the _ Wheres the _ station?station? streetstreet touristtourist policemanpoliceman CouldCould undergroundunderground Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie? Is there a bookshop near here? How can I get there ? Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium ? 1.1.你能告诉我去王府井大街的路吗?你能告诉我去王府井大街的路吗? 2.2.这儿附近有书店吗?这儿附近有书店吗? 3.3. 我怎样才能到达那里呢?我怎样才能到达那里呢? 4.4. 你能告诉我怎么到达国家体育馆你能告诉我怎么到达国家体育馆吗?吗? 5.5.穿过东长安街穿过东长安街, ,沿着等街道直走沿着等街道直走, ,在左在左 边第三个街口处左转。边第三个街口处左转。 6.6.在左边在左边 7.7.在右边,在银行的对面。在右边,在银行的对面。 8.8.你为什么不问那边的警察呢?你为什么不问那边的警察呢? Go across Dong Changan Jie, go along the street and turn left at the third street. on the left. on the right, opposite the bank. Why not ask the policeman over there ? Everyday English Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to? Youre welcome. Could you tell me how to ? Have a nice day! 1. Excuse me, Can you tell me 1. Excuse me, Can you tell me the way to Wangfujing Dajie?the way to Wangfujing Dajie? 2. Is there a bookshop near 2. Is there a bookshop near here?here? 3. How can I get there? 3. How can I get there? 小组讨论:在原文中找出指路与问路小组讨论:在原文中找出指路与问路的表达方式的表达方式 4. Could you tell me how to 4. Could you tell me how to get to the National get to the National Stadium?Stadium? 5. Where is the bookshop?5. Where is the bookshop? 小组讨论:在原文中找出指路与小组讨论:在原文中找出指路与问路的表达方式问路的表达方式 Go acrossGo across the Dong the Dong ChangChangan an Jie, Jie, go alonggo along the street and the street and turn leftturn left atat the third streetthe third street onon the left.the left. 小组讨论:在原文中找出指路与问路小组讨论:在原文中找出指路与问路的表达方式的表达方式 Go alongGo along the street and youll the street and youll see see anan underground station. underground station. TakeTake the underground the underground toto the the Olympic Sports Centre, or you Olympic Sports Centre, or you can can take a bustake a bus or a taxi.or a taxi. 小组讨论:在原文中找出指路与问路小组讨论:在原文中找出指路与问路的表达方式的表达方式 -Excuse me! Could you tell the tourist the way to the bank? -Certainly. Go across the road, walk along the street and turn left at the third street. Its opposite a museum. You can also cross the road and take the underground to get there. The station is next to a book- shop. By the way, you can buy a guidebook in the bookshop. 小结小结 本课时主要句型本课时主要句型 问路句型问路句型: Can you tell me the way toCan you tell me the way to? ? How can I get toHow can I get to? ? Is there a Is there a near here?near here? Could you tell me how to get Could you tell me how to get to to ? ? Where is the Where is the ? ? 小结小结 本课时主要句型本课时主要句型 指路句型:指路句型: go along/ go across/ go along/ go across/ go go ahead/ go straight ahead/ go straight 直走直走 turn left atturn left at on the lefton the left Beihai StreetBeihai Street museummuseum supermarketsupermarket stationstation bankbank Heping RoadHeping Road - -Excuse me,Excuse me, How can I get to How can I get to the the museummuseum? ? - -GoGo across/ Crossacross/ Cross the Beihai Street.the Beihai Street. N Beihai StreetBeihai Street museummuseum supermarketsupermarket stationstation bankbank Heping RoadHeping Road - -Can you tell me how to get to Can you tell me how to get to the bankthe bank? ? N - -Go alongGo along the Beihai Street,the Beihai Street, and and turn right at the turn right at the second second street on the street on the left.left. Look at the map: Make similar Look at the map: Make similar dialogues and dialogues and actact. . Xiazhuang StreetXiazhuang Street supermarketsupermarket bankbank our our schoolschool Gaodong RoadGaodong Road bookshopbookshop A:A: Excuse meExcuse me? ? B:B: Go along this streetGo along this street go straightgo straight turn rightturn right turn leftturn left on the lefton the left on the righton the right “交通标志知多少交通标志知多少” DonDont turn t turn right. right. Walking Walking forbidden.forbidden. 1. 1. _, how can I go to the _, how can I go to the bank ?bank ? You can take the No.17 bus.You can take the No.17 bus. A. Excuse me A. Excuse me B. You are welcomeB. You are welcome C. Thanks a lot C. Thanks a lot 2. Could you tell me how to 2. Could you tell me how to _ the National Stadium?_ the National Stadium? A.go B. get C. get toA.go B. get C. get to A A C C 3. Go _the street, you will 3. Go _the street, you will see a shop.see a shop. A. across B. cross A. across B. cross C. throughC. through 4. Mary is sitting next_me. 4. Mary is sitting next_me. We are good friends.We are good friends. A. on B. of C. to A. on B. of C. to A A C C 5. It5. Its down the street s down the street _ _ the leftthe left? A. on B. in C. toA. on B. in C. to 6. Mr. Green lives _ 8 Hongxing Road. A. in B. on C. at A A C C 7.Look out! Its too dangerous to go_ a street _ the traffic. A. across; in the front of B. across; in front of 8.The church is _ the museum and the palace . A. in the middle of B. between C. among B B B B 1. Can you tell me how _ (get) there?. 2. _ (walk) in the park is good for you. 3. Why _(not) you come with us?. 4. She usually stays at home and _ (watch) TV. to getto get WalkingWalking dondont t watcheswatches 1)Wheres the nearest s_ ? I want to buy something. 2)Walk a_ this street and turn left, you will find the bookshop. 3)There is a large s_ with trees and grass in it in the center of the city. 4)The park is o_ the market. tationtation longlong quarequare p ppositeposite 5)I dont know the way to Tiananmen Square. Lets buy a g_ about Beijing. 6)Could you tell me how to get to the Natinal S_. 7)The post office is b_ 7)The post office is b_ the big restaurant and the the big restaurant and the cinema.cinema. 8)Helen8)Helens father works in a s father works in a b_.b_. uidebookuidebook tadiumtadium etweenetween ankank 10)10)-Can you see the theatre Can you see the theatre over there? over there? -The library is o_ it, The library is o_ it, on on the other side of the road.the other side of the road. 11)Chinese people are proud of 11)Chinese people are proud of our c_.our c_. 12)It12)Its very hot in the room. s very hot in the room. W_ not turn on the air W_ not turn on the air conditioner? conditioner? ppositepposite ountryountry hyhy 1. I can get to the library by bus.(就划线部分提问) _ _ I get to the library? 2. He does well in English. (同义句) He _ _ _English. 3. The bookstore is across from the bank. (同义句) The bookstore is _ the bank. How canHow can is good atis good at oppositeopposite 4. They like football. We like football.(合并为一句) They like football _ we like football, _. 5. There will be a concert at the weekend. (改为否定句) There _ _ a concert at the weekend andand tootoo wonwont bet be 用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空。 1. The bookshop is near here, 1. The bookshop is near here, _ the corner of this road._ the corner of this road. 2. Who was sitting _ your left 2. Who was sitting _ your left at the cinema?at the cinema? 3. Can you tell me the way _ 3. Can you tell me the way _ the market?the market? 4. Please turn right _ Heping 4. Please turn right _ Heping Road, and you can see the Road, and you can see the ho


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