毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部: 机械工程系 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 外文出处: Advance online publication: 4 August 2006 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语:该生的外文翻译基本正确,没有严重的语法或拼写错误,已达到本科毕业的水平。 签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文对移动式遥控装置的智能控制使用2型模糊理论摘要:我们针对单轮移动式遥控装置的动态模型开发出一种追踪控制器,这种追踪控制器是建立在模糊理论的基础上将运动控制器和力矩控制器整合起来的装置。用计算机模拟来确定追踪控制器的工作情况和它对不同航向的实际用途。关键词:智能控制、2型模糊理论、移动式遥控装置I. 介绍由于受运动学强制约束,移动遥控装置是非完整的系统。描述此约束的恒等式不能够明确的反映出遥控装置在局部及整体坐标系中的关系。因此,包括它们在内的控制问题吸引了去年控制领域的注意力。不同的方法被用来解决运动控制的问题。Kanayama等人针对一个非完整的交通工具提出了一个稳定的追踪控制方案,这种方案使用了Lyapunov功能。Lee等人用还原法和饱和约束来解决追踪控制。此外,大多数被报道过的设计依赖于智能控制方式如模糊逻辑控制和神经式网络。然而上述提到的发表中大多数都集中在移动式遥控装置的运动模块,即这些模块是受速度控制的。而很少有发表关注到不完整的动力系统,即受力和扭矩控制的模块:布洛克。在2005年12月15日被视为标准并且在2006年3月5日被公认的手稿。这一著作在某种程度上受到DGEST一个在Grant 493.05-P下的研究所的支持。研究者们同样也受到了来自CONACYT给予他们研究成果的奖学金的支持。在这篇论文中我展现了一台追踪单轮移动式遥控装置的控制器,这台追踪控制器用了一种控制条件如移动遥控装置的速度达到了有效速度,还用了一种模糊理论控制器如给实际遥控装置提供了必要扭矩。这篇论文的其余部分的结构如下:第二部分和第三部分对问题作了简洁描述,包括了单轮车移动遥控装置的运动和动力模块和对追踪控制器的介绍。第四部分用追踪控制器列举了些模拟结果。第五部分做出了结论。II. 疑难问题陈述A移动控制装置这个被看作单轮移动控制器的模型(见图1),它是由两个同轴驱动轮和一个自由前轮组成。 图1. 旋转移动机械手运动规律可见平面5的运动方程式q&=M(q)&+V(q,q)v+G(q)= (1)q= q是描述控制器位置的坐标矢量,(x,y)是笛卡尔坐标,它指出了构件的移动中心,是构件朝向和x轴之间的夹角(夹角为逆时针形式);v为速度矢量,v 和w分别为长度和角速度; 为输入矢量,M是一个对称的正定义的固定零件,R是一个向心的零件,G是重力矢量。等式(1,a)表示移动控制装置的运动或驾驶系统。注意到防滑条件强加了一个不完整的约束,也就是说这个移动控制装置只能够朝着驱动轮轴线的方向移动。ycos-xsin=0 (2)移动遥控装置式的追踪控制器构造如下:一条特定的预想轨迹q和移动遥控装置的方向,我们必须设计出一个控制器使其适用于合适的扭矩诸如测定的位置达到参考位置(由3式表示)。(3)为了达到控制目标,我们基于5的步骤,我们得到(t)利用模糊逻辑控制器(FLC)控制着轮系(1.a)。追踪控制器的大体结构见图2III.运动模块的控制我们基于Kanayama等人提议的程序和Nelson等人解决运动模块的追踪问题,这由V表示出来。假设轨迹q达到了(4)式的要求:q= (4)用遥控器的局部框架(图1中的移动坐标系),错误的坐标可被定义为:e=T(q-q), =(5)辅助速度控制着输入量,其可以对(1,a)实现追踪。表示如下:v=f(e,v), =(6)其中k1, k2 and k3是连续的正整数IV.模糊逻辑控制器模糊逻辑控制器的目的是找出控制输入量 如实际速度矢量v和速度矢量vc之间的关系(7)就像图2中所显示的一样,根本上说FLC有两个输入变量相应的引出两个速度错误,分别是长度和角度,且两个输出变量,驱动和旋转输入扭矩,分别为F和N,他们的作用分别是1的所有直角和2的梯形,且很容易被估算出来。图3和图4描绘了N,C,P代表的模糊方框中的MFS结合了每一个输入和输出变量,这些变量都被包括在范围-1,1中图2. 追踪控制结构图3. 输入可变电压 ev 和 ew图 4. 输出的F和NFLC中包含9条控制着输入和输出关系的直线,这采用了Mamdani形式的推论引擎,我们利用了万有引力中心的方法来实现非模糊程序。在表格1中,我们表现了一种直线形式:Rule i: 假如ev 是 G1 ,ew 是G2 那么F 是G3 ,N 是G4 Where G1.G4 are the fuzzy set associated to each variable and i= 1 . 9.表1 模糊尺组In Table I, N means NEGATIVE, P means POSITIVE and C means ZERO.V.模拟结果在Matalb实现的模拟实验是用来测试移动式遥控装置的追踪控制器(在(1)中已有定义)。我们认为初始位置q和 初始速度v。在图5到图8中,我们体现了对于情况1的模拟结果。位置和方向错误分别见图5和图6,错误可近似于零。追踪轨迹(见图7)也和预想的及其接近,速度错误(见图8)减小至0,达到了整个模拟过程中1秒内的控制目标。图9是测试控制器的模拟简图。图10是三个变量的追踪错误。最后,图11是遗传运算法则的演化过程,这个通常用来查找模糊控制器的最佳参数。图 5.位置错误参量值。(直线为x,虚线为y)图 6.方向错误参量值图 7.移动遥控装置运动轨迹图 8. 速度错误: 实线: 错误在e, 虚线:错误在 evw图 9 控制器的模拟板块图10三个变量的跟踪错误图 11 查找最优的方案仿真表2为模糊控制器在25个在不同环境下所产生的模拟结果。从这个表中我们同样选择了不同的速度和位置参数 表2 不同模糊控制器实验仿真 VI.总结追踪控制器是将单轮移动遥控装置的模糊逻辑控制器与可测定点的稳定性和速度轨迹的动力学整合起来的。计算机模拟结果确定了这台控制器可以实现我们的目标。在以后的工作中,图2中的控制结构可以做些扩展,比如说增加些跟踪的准确性或工作性能。附件2:外文原文Intelligent Control of an Autonomous Mobile Robot using Type-2 Fuzzy LogicAbstract We develop a tracking controller for the dynamic model of unicycle mobile robot by integrating a kinematic controller and a torque controller based on Fuzzy Logic Theory. Computer simulations are presented confirming the performance of the tracking controller and its application to different navigation problems. Index TermsIntelligent Control, Type-2 Fuzzy Logic, Mobile Robots. I. INTRODUCTION Mobile robots are nonholonomic systems due to the constraints imposed on their kinematics. The equations describing the constraints cannot be integrated simbolically to obtain explicit relationships between robot positions in local and global coordinates frames. Hence, control problems involve them have attracted attention in the control community in the last years 11. Different methods have been applied to solve motion control problems. Kanayama et al. 10 propose a stable tracking control method for a nonholonomic vehicle using a Lyapunov function. Lee et al. 12 solved tracking control using backstepping and in 13 with saturation constraints. Furthermore, most reported designs rely on intelligent control approaches such as Fuzzy Logic Control 1814171820 and Neural Networks 619. However the majority of the publications mentioned above, has concentrated on kinematics models of mobile robots, which are controlled by the velocity input, while less attention has been paid to the control problems of nonholonomic dynamic systems, where forces and torques are the true inputs: Bloch Manuscript received December 15, 2005 qnd accepted on April 5, 2006. This work was supported in part by the Research Council of DGEST under Grant 493.05-P. The students also were supported by CONACYT with scholarships for their graduate studies. Oscar Castillo is with the Division of Graduate Studies and Research in Tijuana Institute of Technology, Mexico (corresponding author phone: 52664-623-6318; fax: 52664-623-6318; e-mail: ocastillotectijuana.mx). Patricia Melin is with the Division of Graduate Studies and Research in Tijuana Institute of Technology, Mexico (e-mail: hariastectijuana.mx). Arnulfo Alanis is with the Division of Graduate Studies and Research in Tijuana Institute of Technology, Mexico (e-mail: pmelintectijuana.mx) Leslie Astudillo is a graduate student in Computer Science with the Division of Graduate Studies and Research in Tijuana Institute of Technology, Mexico (e-mail: pmelintectijuana.mx) Jose Soria is a with the Division of Graduate Studies and Research in Tijuana Institute of Technology, Mexico (e-mail: jsoriaucsd.edu). Luis Aguilar is with CITEDI-IPN Tijuana, Mexico(e-mail:laguilarcitedi.mx) and Drakunov 2 and Chwa 4, used a sliding mode control to the tracking control problem. Fierro and Lewis 5 propose a dynamical extension that makes possible the integration of kinematic and torque controller for a nonholonomic mobile robot. Fukao et al. 7, introduced an adaptive tracking controller for the dynamic model of mobile robot with unknown parameters using backstepping. In this paper we present a tracking controller for the dynamic model of a unicycle mobile robot, using a control law such that the mobile robot velocities reach the given velocity inputs, and a fuzzy logic controller such that provided the required torques for the actual mobile robot. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sections II and III describe the formulation problem, which include: the kinematic and dynamic model of the unicycle mobile robot and introduces the tracking controller. Section IV illustrates the simulation results using the tracking controller. The section V gives the conclusions. II. PROBLEM FORMULATION A. The Mobile Robot The model considered is a unicycle mobile robot (see Fig. 1), it consist of two driving wheels mounted on the same axis and a front free wheel 3. Fig. 1.Fig. 1. Wheeled mobile robot.The motion can be described with equation (1) of movement in a plane 5:Q&=M(q)&+V(q,q)v+G(q)= (1)Where q=is the vector of generalized coordinates which describes the robot position, (x,y) are the cartesian coordinates, which denote the mobile center of mass and is the angle between the heading direction and the x-axis(which is taken counterclockwise form);v= is the vector of velocities, v and w are the linear and angular velocities respectively; is the input vector,M(q)R is a symmetric and positive-definite inertia matrix, V(q,q)Ris the centripetal and Coriolis matrix,G(q)R is the gravitational vector. Equation (1.a) represents the kinematics or steering system of a mobile robot. Notice that the no-slip condition imposed a non-holonomic constraint described by (2), that it means that the mobile robot can only move in the direction normal to the axis of the driving wheels. ycos-xsin=0 (2)B. Tracking Controller of Mobile Robot Our control objective is established as follows: Given a desired trajectory qd(t) and orientation of mobile robot we must design a controller that apply adequate torque such that the measured positions q(t) achieve the desired reference qd(t) represented as (3): (3)To reach the control objective, we are based in the procedure of 5, we deriving a (t) of a specific vc(t) that controls the steering system (1.a) using a Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). A general structure of tracking control system is presented in the Fig. 2. III. CONTROL OF THE KINEMATIC MODEL We are based on the procedure proposed by Kanayama et al. 10 and Nelson et al. 15 to solve the tracking problem for the kinematic model, this is denoted as vc(t). Suppose the desired trajectory qd satisfies (4): q= (4)Using the robot local frame (the moving coordinate system x-y in figure 1), the error coordinates can be defined as (5): e=T(q-q), =(5)And the auxiliary velocity control input that achieves tracking for (1.a) is given by (6): v=f(e,v), =(6)Where k1, k2 and k3 are positive constants. IV. FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLERThe purpose of the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is to find a control input such that the current velocity vector v to reach the velocity vector vc this is denoted as (7): (7)As is shown in Fig. 2, basically the FLC have 2 inputs variables corresponding the velocity errors obtained of (7) (denoted as ev and ew: linear and angular velocity errors respectively), and 2 outputs variables, the driving and rotational input torques (denoted by F and N respectively). The membership functions (MF)9 are defined by 1 triangular and 2 trapezoidal functions for each variable involved due to the fact are easy to implement computationally. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 depicts the MFs in which N, C, P represent the fuzzy sets 9 (Negative, Zero and Positive respectively) associated to each input and output variable, where the universe of discourse is normalized into -1,1 range. Fig. 2. Tracking control structureFig. 3. Membership function of the input variables ev and ewFig. 4. Membership functions of the output variables F and N. The rule set of FLC contain 9 rules which governing the input-output relationship of the FLC and this adopts the Mamdani-style inference engine 16, and we use the center of gravity method to realize defuzzification procedure. In Table I, we present the rule set whose format is established as follows: Rule i: If ev is G1 and ew is G2 then F is G3 and N is G4 Where G1.G4 are the fuzzy set associated to each variable and i= 1 . 9.TABLE 1 FUZZY RULE SETIn Table I, N means NEGATIVE, P means POSITIVE and C means ZERO.V. SIMULATION RESULTS Simulations have been done in Matlab to test the tracking controller of the mobile robot defined in (1). We consider the initial position q(0) = (0, 0, 0) and initial velocity v(0) = (0,0). From Fig. 5 to Fig. 8 we show the results of the simulation for the case 1. Position and orientation errors are depicted in the Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 respectively, as can be observed the errors are sufficient close to zero, the trajectory tracked (see Fig. 7) is very close to the desired, and the velocity errors shown in Fig. 8 decrease to zero, achieving the control objective in less than 1 second of the whole simulation. We show in Fig. 9 the Simulink block diagram to test the controller. We also show in Fig. 10 the tracking errors in the three variables. Finally, we show in Fig. 11 the evolution of the genetic algorithm that was used to find the optimal parameters for the fuzzy controller. Fig. 5. Positions error with respect to the reference values. Solid: error in x, dotted: error in y. Fig. 6. Orientation error with respect to the reference values.Fig. 7. Mobile Robot Trajectory.Fig. 8. Velocity errors: Solid: error in e, dotted: error in evwFig. 9 Simulink block diagram of the controller.Fig. 10 Tracking errors in the three variables.Fig. 11 Evolution of GA for finding optimal ControllerIn Table II we show simulation results for 25 experiments with different conditions for the gains of the fuzzy controller. We can also appreciate from this table that different reference velocities and positions were considered. TABLE II SIMULATION RESULTS FOR DIFFERENT EXPERIMENTS WITH THE FUZZY CONTROLLER.VI. CONCLUSIONS We described the development of a tracking controller integrating a fuzzy logic controller for a unicycle mobile robot with known dynamics, which can be applied for both, point stabilization and trajectory tracking. Computer simulation results confirm that the controller can achieve our objective. As future work, several extensions can be made to the control structure of Fig. 2, such as to increase the tracking accuracy and the performance level.REFERENCES 1 S. Bentalba, A. El Hajjaji, A. Rachid, Fuzzy Control of a Mobile Robot: A New Approach, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. On Control Applications, Hartford, CT, pp 69-72, October 1997. 2 A. M. Bloch, S. Drakunov, Tracking in NonHolonomic Dynamic System Via Sliding Modes, Proc. IEEE Conf. On Decision & Control, Brighton, UK, pp 1127-1132, 1991. 3 G. Campion, G. Bastin, B. DAndrea-Novel, Structural Properties and Classification of Kinematic and Dynamic Models of Wheeled Mobile Robots, IEEE Trans. On Robotics and Automation, Vol. 12, No. 1, February 1996. 4 D. Chwa., Sliding-Mode Tracking Control of Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots in Polar coordinates, IEEE Trans. On Control Syst. Tech. Vol. 12, No. 4, pp 633-644, July 2004. 5 R. Fierro and F.L. Lewis, Control of a Nonholonomic Mobile Robot: Backstepping Kinematics into Dynamics. 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In addition, he is serving as Research Director of Computer Science and head of the research group on fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms. Currently, he is President of HAFSA (Hispanic American Fuzzy Systems Association) and Vice-President of IFSA (International Fuzzy Systems Association) in charge of publicity. Prof. Castillo is also Vice-Chair of the Mexican Chapter of the Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE). Prof. Castillo is also General Chair of the IFSA 2007 World Congress to be held in Cancun, Mexico. He also belongs to the Technical Committee on Fuzzy Systems of IEEE and to the Task Force on “Extensions to Type-1 Fuzzy Systems”. His research interests are in Type-2 Fuzzy Logic, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Control, Neuro-Fuzzy and Genetic-Fuzzy hybrid approaches. He has published over 50 journal papers, 5 authored books, 10 edited books, and 160 papers in conference proceedings. Patricia Melin is a Professor of Computer Science in the Graduate Division, Tijuana Institute of Technology, Tijuana, Mexico. In addition, she is serving as Director of Graduate Studies in Computer Science and head of the research group on fuzzy logic and neural networks. Currently, she is Vice President of HAFSA (Hispanic American Fuzzy Systems Association) and Program Chair of International Conference FNG05. Prof. Melin is also Chair of the Mexican Chapter of the Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE). She is also Program Chair of the IFSA 2007 World Congress to be held in Cancun, Mexico. She also belongs to the Committee of Women in Computational Intelligence of the IEEE and to the New York Academy of Sciences. Her research interests are in Type-2 Fuzzy Logic, Modular Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, Fuzzy Control, Neuro-Fuzzy and Genetic-Fuzzy hybrid approaches. She has published over 50 journal papers, 5 authored books, 8 edited books, and 140 papers in conference proceedings. Leslie Astudillo is a graduate student in Computer Science with the Division of Graduate Studies and Research in Tijuana Institute of Technology, Mexico. She has published 2 papers in Conference Proceedings. Arnulfo Alanis is a Professor with the Division of Graduate Studies and Research in Tijuana Institute of Technology, Mexico. He has published 2 Journal papers and 15 Conference Proceedings papers. Jose Soria is a Professor with the Division of Graduate Studies and Research in Tijuana Institute of Technology, Mexico. He has published 4 Journal papers and 5 Conference Proceedings papers. Luis Aguilar is a Professor with the Center for Research in Digital Systems in Tijuana, Mexico. He has published 5 Journal papers and 15 Conference Proceedings papers. He is member of the National System of Researchers of Mexico, and member of IEEE. He is member of the IEEE Computational Intelligence-Chapter Mexico, and member of the Hispanic American Fuzzy Systems Association. He is also member of the International Program Committees of several Conferences, and reviewers of several International Journals.