新课标PEP小学英语五年级下册《Unit4 A Read and write》教学设计

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新课标PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit4 A Read and write教学设计一、教学目标与要求:1、能听、说、读、写句型:This is ZhangPeng. What are you doing?I am doing the dishes/reading a book.2、能用What are you doing ?I am 互通电话,询问对方正在做什么并作答。二、教学重点、难点重点是What are you doing? I am .的书写。对句子This is ,教师要做必要的解释,区分以前学过的意思。难点是:句子Do you want to go to the Childrens Center? 的理解和朗读。三、课前准备:1、学生在儿童活动中心的图片。2、碗、电话机、录音机。3、学生听力练习资料。四、教学过程:一:Preparation: Greetings.二:Warm up:Sing the song:What are you doing?师生一起边唱边做动作。三.Pre-reading:1.师出示单词卡: answering the phone drawing pictures 让学生读词组做动作, 师适时问生 :What are you doing? 学生回答:Im .ing.达到词句的结合。2.师做doing the dishes 动作T: Look ,What am I doing?Ss:Youre doing the dishes. T: Yes, Im doing the dishes. 师生一起拼读,师板书并教读句子)3.师点击课件,出现一个女孩在读书,T:Who can ask her :What are you doing?(找几个学生问,师板书教读句子.)3.点击课件出示声音: S:Im reading a book.(板书并教读句子)4.课件出示孩子们在儿童中心的情景:T:Lets look at Sarah and Mike, Look,What is Sarah doing ? What is Mike doing ? 引导学生用Hes or Shes .回答,为下面的阅读中人称的转变做好铺垫.5.T:Look ,they are playing happily,theyre in the Childrens Center.师点击课件出示the Childrens Center.之后出示词卡:the Childrens Center. Center Childrens Center the Childrens Center go to the Childrens Center want to go to the Childrens Center 一步步的教授这个句子.解除难点.6.T: Do you want to go to the Childrens Center? John and ZhangPeng want to go to the Childerns Center,too.Lets look at how they are speaking on the phone.(出示课件打电话的情景,教师适时说明When you telephone your friend,you can say:This is .教师板书并教读句子.)四.In-reading :1.T:Boys and girls,please look at page 48,read the passage, underline the important sentences .2.Read the passage again,and try to answer the questions: (课件显示问题,学生带着问题阅读短文。)3.Check the answers.(找生板书答案,强调书写. )五.Practice:1.Listen to the tape.2.Listen and repeat.3.Read after the teacher.4. Read by yourselves.5.Act the passage.六.Post-reading:1.课件展示:打电话询问你的朋友正在做什么.(小组操练,有检查适时评价)2.听音,补充句子。七.Homework:打电话邀请你的朋友去春游并询问他正在做什么.


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