四年级上册英语课件-Module 7 unit 2There are twelve boys on the bike. _ 外研社(三起)

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四年级上册英语课件-Module 7 unit 2There are twelve boys on the bike. _ 外研社(三起)_第1页
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四年级上册英语课件-Module 7 unit 2There are twelve boys on the bike. _ 外研社(三起)_第2页
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四年级上册英语课件-Module 7 unit 2There are twelve boys on the bike. _ 外研社(三起)_第3页
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外研版三起点四年级上册 Module7 Unit2 There are twelve boys in the bike. There are some nice photos here. 这里有一些好看的照片。Lets have a look. 让我们看一看。There is a horse in this photo. 相片里有一匹马。Its running fast. 它正跑得快。There is a sheep in this photo. 相片里有一只绵羊。Its eating vegetables. 它正在吃蔬菜。There is a cat. Its climbing a tree. 有一只猫。它正在爬树。Yes. There is a girl under the tree. 有一个女孩在树下。She is watching the cat. 她正在看那只猫。Oh! Thats my cat! Whos the girl? 哦!那是我的猫!那女孩是谁?I cant see her face. 我不能看清楚她的脸。You can see her face now. 现在你能看清楚她的脸了。Oh, its Lingling! Shes riding a horse. 哦!那是玲玲!她正在骑马! 1. There is a house in this photo.2. There are two birds in the tree.3. There are three birds in the sky. There is a horse in the photo.There is a girl on the horse. There is a panda in the photo.Its eating fruit 水果相片里有一只熊猫。它正在吃水果。 There are three chickens in the photo.Theyre eating rice. chicken 鸡相片里有三只鸡。它们正在啄米。 There is a bear in the photo. Its eating sweets.相片里有一只熊。它正在吃糖果。 bear 熊 There are some pigs in the photo. pig 猪Theyre eating fruit and vegetables.相片里有一些猪。它们正在吃水果和蔬菜。 1. There is a panda in the photo. 相片里有一只熊猫。 Its eating fruit. 它正在吃水果。2. There are three chickens in the photo. 相片里有三只鸡。 Theyre eating rice. 它们正在啄米。3. There is a bear in the photo. 相片里有一只熊。 Its eating sweets. 它正在吃糖果。4. There are eleven pigs in the photo. 相片里有十一只猪。 Theyre eating fruit and vegetables. 它们正在吃水果和蔬菜。 No! There are twelve. 不!有十二只。 Thanks!


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