新课标PEP小学英语五年级上册《Unit1 A Read and write》教学设计

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新课标PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit1 A Read and write 教学设计一、教材分析:教学目标:1、能够读懂对话,并能在实际情景中熟练运用。2、能够听、说、读、写四会句子Whos your English teacher? Mr. Carter. Whats he like? Hes tall and strong.。3、能够完成检测学生理解程度的判断题、问答题。4、能够描述老师或他人的外貌特征。5、能够在信息提示下写一段描述新老师的短文。6、培养学生合作学习的态度以及热爱老师和学校的情感。教学重点与难点;1、 重点是四会句子的书写。2、 难点是阅读技巧和语言的综合运用。三、教学准备:1、多媒体课件 2、准备用于书写练习的心形卡片。四、教学步骤(Teaching steps)Step 1. GreetingsT:Hello, boys and girls!Ss: Hello,Miss.Wang.T: Im Miss Wang.(手指黑板上自己的肖像简笔画)How are you today?Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Just fine.Step 2.Warm-up1.T: Now lets sing a song, ok?Ss: Ok. (T and Ss sing the song Our School together.) T: Well done.2.Free talkT: Whos your music teacher?Ss: Shes Zhang Xiaomin.T: Whats she like?Ss: She has long hair. Shes short.Shes thin.T: Whos your English teacher?Ss: Hes Mr. Song.T: Whats he like?Ss: Hes very funny.T: Yes, I think so.Ss: Hes tall. Hes strong.T: Yes. Hes tall and strong. Can you spell the sentences?Lets spell together. (师板书Whats she like? Hes tall and strong.学生拼读、书空。)Step 3. Presentation1.T: Look at me. Im not Mr. Song. Im Miss Wang. Im your new teacher. Whats your new teacher like? Can you say something about me?Ss: You are short and strong. You are beautiful.T: Thank you.Ss: You have long black hair.T: Ok. So much for this. This class, youll know more about me.Letsbe good friends.2. Look! Zhang Peng and John are talking about their new teachers. Watch, listen and answer.Watch, listen and answer. How many new teachers does Zhang Peng have?T: How many new teachers does Zhang Peng have? Tell me, please.Ss: Three.3. T: Now, look at your paper. Read quietly, then answer YES or NO.Yes or NoQ1. Mr. Carter is from Canada. (Yes.)Q2. Mr. Carter is Zhang Pengs father. ( No.)Q3. Zhang Peng has a new Chineseteacher, an art teacher and an English teacher. ( No.)(Check the answers, and correct the wrong sentences.)4.Read the text again and find out the answers.Read and find out the answers.1.Whos Zhang Pengs English teacher?(Mr. Carter.)2. Whats he like?(Hes tall and strong. Hes very funny.)5. Read after the computer.6. Act out the dialogue.Step 4.PractiseT: You did a very good job. So lets play a guessing game.Read and guess.NO.1 Hes an old man. Hes strong and kind. We can see him on Christmas Day. NO.2 Hes from America. Hes young. Hes tall and strong. He likes to help others. He can fly.Father Christmas SupermanStep 5.Consolidation1Group workT: Now, in this part, youll meet two teachers. Who are they? What are they like? Watch the VCR carefully. Then discuss in your groups. At last, please introduce the teachers to all of us. Try to say the sentences as more as you can.(在这一环节,你将认识两位老师。仔细观看VCR,思考两位老师的特点,在小组内讨论,描述的越多越好。最后小组合作将两位老师介绍给所有的人。)an art teacher a science teacher Mr. Wang Miss LuoA talking show.S1:This is the science teacher. She has long hair.S2:Shes thin.S3:Shes kind. S4: Shes thin.T: How about Mr. Wang?S4: Hes strong.S5: Hes funny. S6: He has short black hair.S7: Hes very cool.T: I think so. Thank you so much.2. Write a passage about your new teacher. Name: Wang YanyanAge: 27 years old Job: an English teacherFrom: LinyiI have long hair.Im short and strong.I like English and music.I love my students. T: This is my information. Write down a passage about me.My New TeacherI have a new , Miss Wang. Shes young. She has hair. Shesand . Shes from Linyi. She likes and .She loves her .(Check the answers and read the passage.)6. Enjoy some pictures and sing a song You and Me.We love our school. We love our teachers.(情感教育:热爱学校和老师,师生是一家人。)Step5. Homework Talk about your family members.Step6. GoodbyeIts time to see goodbye. Lets say goodbye to all the teachers.五、教学设计主要特点简介:本节课的话题是谈论教师的情况,因此我的设计以我们学校的真实背景为依托,以谈论老师为主线,使用了大量学校现有资源作为教学资源,贴近学生生活,学生乐于参与,这是设计的亮点。如将校园生活的情景拍成VCR配上该歌曲在热身环节师生边看视频边演唱,自然流露出对学校爱的情感。在这儿我特别介绍拓展环节。拓展环节包括“说”和“写”两大部分。“说”的部分,我设计了观看美术老师、自然老师上课的视频片段,让学生仔细观看,思考两位老师的特点,在小组内讨论,描述的语言丰富越好。最后小组合作将两位老师介绍给在场的人。“写”的部分我设计了读我的个人信息,写一段有关我的短文。因为我是他们的新老师,这样的设计恰恰紧扣本节课的重点。六、教后反思与体会: 托尔斯泰说过:“成功的教育所需要的不是强制,而是激发学生的兴趣。”什么是学生感兴趣的呢?我想那些贴近学生生活的,为他们所熟悉的事物就能引起孩子们的关注吧!学习兴趣是在过去知识经验的基础上形成的。完全陌生、缺乏相应知识准备的学习,学生就难以把新知识同化于已有的认知结构,因此缺乏学习兴趣。但只是熟悉而没有新因素的学习对象也不易引起兴趣。本节课以我们学校的真实背景为依托,使用了大量学校现有资源作为教学资源,贴近学生生活,我所设计的任务和活动具有的趣味性和真实性,学生积极活泼,可爱无比,他们既是语言学习的胜利者又是情感的体验者。 遗憾的是这是一节比赛课,由于时间关系,写短文的拓展活动没有完整呈现。我的收获是比赛课和常态课是有很大区别的,作为年轻教师我还需要不断努力,提升自我!附:Pronunciation 本部分的教学教师可采用以下步骤,以避免枯燥地朗读单词:先出示绕口令部分的插图引导学生谈论图片的同时,出现相应的单词再引导他们找出每组单词中字母组合及读音的特点,在此阶段引导他们再找类似的单词然后引导他们把单词连成句子,甚至小故事。从而体现把语音教学贯穿在单词中,把单词贯穿在句子中,把句子贯穿在语篇中的整体语言输入理念。T:Now,letS have a rest to enjoy this pictureWhat can you see in this picture?s:A sheepIt is eating(引导出单词:sheep,eat,beef,green,tea)T:Yes,ee here is pronounced/i:/Can you say some other words just like these?(引导他们发现规律并说出相类似的单词并带读。)板书如下:T:Can you say some sentences using some oftheseword,is?(在熟练掌握这些单词的拼写及读音规律后,教师可引导学生用这些单词造句,所谓“妙语连珠”,甚至可以引导他们小组活动,用上这些词集体编小对话、小故事。以小组竞赛的形式更能激发他们使用语言的兴趣。如第一组词可连成如下小故事:Thereis agreenbeequeenSheisdeep-ing on a sheepAnd this sheep is eating yummy beef这部分内容可根据学生水平,或者采用Shooting Game的形式,把单词写在图中的足球上,另外画两球门,一个是ee球门,一个是ea球门,让他们把足球(单词)射入相应的球门,该部分内容做成课件学生兴趣会更浓。)T:Good job!Now lets listen to the tapeRead after the tape and enjoy the tongues(经过了连词成句这一关,再让学生听读绕口令,学生往往更容易上口,也更容易激发他们的跟说兴趣。)含有本课时字母组合的常见单词。/ i: /eateameattreatpeachseatjeansleafmealeebeefsheepseequeenmeetjeepstreetcanteenfeedgreenteethbeesleepblblueblowblackblockblondebrbreadbreakbrownbrickbreedbrain教师出示一些含有相同字母组合,如ee, ea等的单词卡片,要求学生根据图片或实物读出这些单词。在教学过程中要注意引导学生发现字母组合ea和ee在这些单词里发长音的规律,同时还要特别注意示范bl, br的滑音变化并强调这两个字母组合发音的区别。


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