PEP小学英语四年级下册第一单元Unit One Our school A Let’s learn教学设计

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PEP小学英语四年级下册第一单元Unit One Our school A Let’s learn教学设计_第1页
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PEP小学四年级英语下册Unit One Our school A Lets learn 教学设计复备人:一、 教学内容:四年级下册第一课时Unit One Our school A Lets learn Lets do二、 教学目标:1. 认知目标:能听说认读本课时单词:playground, garden, library, canteen, teachers office.2. 能力目标:能听懂会说Where is the_? Its on the first floor.能在实际情境中运用,能听懂Lets do中的指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作。3. 情感目标:教育学生要爱护学校的一切公共设施,讲卫生,讲文明。三、 教学重难点:1.重点:本课时单词playground, garden, library, canteen, teachers office的认读和句子Where is the_? Its on the first floor的运用。2.难点:复合名词playground,多音节词library和canteen的读音;序数词first与基数词one的区别与正确运用。四、教学准备:1. 教学方法:生本教育法2. 教具准备:录音机,图片,词卡, 挂图。3. 布置前置作业:1)预习Lets learn Lets do, 跟读5遍并找出较难读的单词,在下面划横线。2)翻译first _3)选择三个词语并造句。Eg: Look at the playground. The playground is big.4) 小组合作:设计理想校园,并用This is/ That is 介绍。五、教学过程:(一)Warm up:1. Enjoy a song: Our school.2. Lets chant: Where is my pencil? Here it is. Where is my ruler? Here it is. Where is my bag? Here it is. Free talk: (T-S S-S)Hello! How are you? Where is the book/? Its . 教师联系生活物品询问并引导学生运用句型 “Where is the? Its ” 为下面的教学作复习铺垫。 (二) Presentation:1. 教学单词playground, garden, library, canteen, teachers office。a. 教师出示校园展示图设疑: “ Boys and girls ! Where is it?” 引导学生说出:“Its our school.” 并介绍: Welcome to our school. This is the playground. Its big. That is the garden. Its beautiful. The teachers office is on the first floor. I can see the library. There are many books in it. Oh, I am hungry. Where is the canteen? I ts on the first floor. Lets go and have dinner.b. 教师出示图片并请学生当小老师带读单词。学生在学习新单词时,教师注意渗透Lets do句型 ,如教授garden后教师引导学生一边做动作一边说 Go to the garden. Water the flowers. 达到词不离句的效果,并有助于学生在学习Lets do的掌握 。c. Imitation: 跟录音读跟小老师读全班读个人/四人小组读d. Play games: 1) 拔头发(在黑板上画上两个人头,每个老师三根头发。一个代表学生,一个代表老师。先把所有词卡贴于黑板上,教师故意把单词卡的单词读错以干扰学生,若学生仍能把每个单词的正确读音读出,则一轮过后。为学生赢。则拔教师一根头发。若学生在此过程中有一个单词读错,则教师赢,拔学生一根头发。游戏为三轮。 2. Guessing game: 看图猜地方(教师出示一些有关场所的物品的一小片图片,学生要立刻猜出是什么地方。如:呈现教师办公桌的一角并问:Where is it? 看谁立刻猜出teachers office.)3.Free sky: (联系前置作业,教师呈现某个地方时,请学生描述这个地方,即是利用教师所呈现的地方造句,训练学生对新知识的语言运用能力。)e. Lets do. 听录音一遍跟录音读一遍全班齐读并做出相应动作7. Post task展示前置性作业T:“你们理想中的校园是怎么样的呢?请你们介绍所设计的校园。”先让学生在小组内介绍所设计的校园“This is/ That is.”,然后再请学生上台演示。(三)Summary:1. 请学生说出本节课所学的新单词:playground, garden, library, canteen, teachers office。2. 请学生说出本节课所学的新句型:Where is the_? Its on the first floor.3. 教育学生要爱护学校的一切公共设施,讲卫生,讲文明。 (四) Exercises:1. Listen and choose the right words:()1.A. playground B. library C. floor()2.A. bedroom B. study C. canteen()3.A. garden B. great C. good()4.A. Teachers Day B. teachers office C. teacher()5.A. this B. it C. that2. Choose the right answers:( ) 1. Lets read a story-book in the _. A. library B. garden C. canteen( ) 2. We have dinner in the _. A. playground B. canteen C. teachers office( ) 3. Where is the canteen? Its on the _ floor.A. one B. first C. two(五) Homework:1. 听读Unit One Our school A Lets learn Lets do三遍。2. 预习Unit One Our school A Lets talk三遍。(六)教学板书设计:Unit One Our school A Lets learnplayground garden teachers office library canteen Where is the _ ? Its on the first floor.Grade Four Unit One Our school A Lets talk核备人:一、教学内容:四年级下册Unit One Our school 第二课时A Lets talk & Lets play二、教学目标:1.知识目标:能听、说、认、读句型:This is./That is.2.能力目标:能运用所学句型This is./That is.介绍人物、物品及学校的公共设施。3.情感目标:教育学生要爱护学校的公共设施,讲卫生,讲文明,一起让校园变得更漂亮、更文明。三、教学重难点:重点:掌握句型This is./That is.难点:单词this和that的发音和区别。四、教学准备:1. 布置前置作业:1)预习并跟读Unit One Our school A Lets talk,找出不会读的句子并在下面划横线。2)用This is.和That is.各造三句话。3)小组合作:设计理想校园,并用This is./That is.介绍校园。如: Welcome to our school. This is the playground. Its big. This is my classroom. .2教具准备:词卡,句卡,图片,录音机五、 教学过程:(一)Warm-up:1. Free talk.2. Lets do.(P4)(二)Presentation:1. Play games: 1)Look and find(请一位学生上台做动作,如浇花,并问:Where am I? 另一学生从黑板上找出其所在位置的该单词,并说:In the garden.) (设计意图:通过游戏,帮助学生巩固新单词的认读。)2)Look and guess(老师出示图的一小部分,如出示garden的一部分并问:Is this/that the garden? 学生猜并回答:Yes./No. 老师补充回答: Yes. This/That is the garden. /No. This/That is the canteen. 老师用that来提问时要注意图片的位置。 也可由学生来充当老师的角色。) (设计意图:通过游戏,直接引入新句型This is./That is.的学习。)2.老师板书句子,请小老师带读并检查个别学生的掌握情况,注意提醒学生this和that中“th”的发音要咬舌头。3.Makes sentences: 请学生用This is./That is.介绍人或物,建议学生介绍时用手指着人或物,也可拿着物品介绍。(设计意图:该活动难度不大,大部分学生都会有信心介绍得很好,老师应尽可能让多点学生发挥,以此操练新句型,并能增强学生学习英语的自信心。)4.Look and say: 老师从箱子抽出一张句型卡,请一位学生认读,若该生读得准确,就请他当小老师带读,然后把句型卡贴在黑板上。再由他抽句型卡,请另一同学当小老师,以此交替。)(设计意图:句型卡里都是A Lets talk的内容,请小老师带读,一方面可以检查学生完成预习跟读作业的情况,提醒并鼓励学生更好地完成好下次的预习作业;另一方面,把A Lets talk里较难的句子拿出来带读,可以降低学生学习A Lets talk的难度。)5.Imitation: Follow the tape-Follow the little teacher- Read in groups.6.Lets play. (P5) 7.小组合作:设计理想校园,并用This is./That is.介绍校园。如: Welcome to our school. This is the playground. Its big. This is my classroom. .(先在小组里面介绍-选出代表向全班展示并介绍)(设计意图:该活动是前置作业,通过小组合作培养学生的团队合作精神,并让学生把所学知识运用到实际生活中,变成自己的东西。)(三)Summary:1请学生说说本节课所学的新句型:This is./That is.2请学生说说this和that的区别:this用于介绍近处的人或物,that用于介绍远处的人或物。3. 教育学生要爱护学校的公共设施,讲卫生,讲文明,一起让校园变得更漂亮、更文明。4. Assessment 1) 评选优秀小组和个人。2)上交前置作业,课后教师对学生完成的情况给予评价。(四)Exercises:一Listen and choose the right answers.( ) 1. A. Its on the first floor. B. I have lunch in the canteen? (Where is the canteen?)( ) 2. A. I have fifty. B. There are fifty. (How many students are there in your class?)( ) 3. A. That is the library. B. Do you have a library? (John不认识新学校的图书馆,你给他指路应说?)二. Finish the dialogue. A: Good morning, Mike.B: _A: Welcome to our school.B: _A: Thank you. Look! _B: Its big. Is that the library?A: _ There are many books in the library.B: _A: OK!A. Yes, it is. B. This is the playground. C. Good morning.D. Lets go and have a look. E. Your school is beautiful.(五)Homework:1. 听录音跟读A Lets talk 5遍。2. 小组合作:继续完成理想校园的设计,并用所学句型介绍校园或编一个对话。(六)板书设计:Unit One Our School A Lets talk小组竞赛图句卡2句卡1This is. 句卡4句卡3That is. Grade 4 Unit One Our school一、教学内容:四年级下册Unit One第三课时:A Read and write C Good to know二、教学目标:1. 认知目标:能听、说、认、读单词computer, board, fan, light及句子This is my computer. That is your computer.2. 能力目标:在四线格中正确书写以上四个单词和两个句子。3. 情感目标:教育学生要遵守学校的规章制度。三、教学重难点:1.能准确理解图和对话的内容。2. 能听、说、读、写四会单词computer, board, fan, light及句子This is my computer. That is your computer 四、教学准备:1. 布置前置作业:1)预习并跟读Unit One Our school A Read and write,找出不会读的句 子在下面划横线。2)口头回答:Whats in the new computer room? 3)把下列单词补充完整。c_mput_ _ l_g_t f_n b_ _rd2教具准备:词卡,图片,录音机,长尺六、 教学过程:(一)Warm-up:1. Sing a song Our School .2. Free talk.3. Show time: 学生以小组为单位展示共同设计的理想校园并用This is the ./ That is the .介绍校园里的建筑物,如:This is the canteen. Its on the first floor.或 That is the music room. Its big.学生至少用12句话。(二)Presentation:1. 老师出示A Read and write的挂图介绍:This is the computer room. Its new. Whats in the new computer room? 引导学生回答:One board, two fans, four lights and ten new computers.2. Say something about the pictures: 请学生看图,根据图画自由的说12句话,如:This is a board. Its black. I can see two fans.3. Imitation: Follow the tape-Follow the little teacher- Read in groups-学生上台分角色表演4. 老师展示在四线格中书写单词和句子,并讲解书写规范:1)句子开头单词第一个字母要大写;2)句子末尾要加标点符号,英语中的句号用实心点,汉语中的句号用空心小圈;3)句子中单词之间的距离为一个字母a宽。5. 请学生在四线格本子上练习书写单词和句子。老师需要悉心指导,细心检查,及时指出学生书写当中的错误。6. 老师让学生思考:Can we drink in the computer room? Can we eat in the computer room? 由此引出Dont drink in the computer room. Dont eat in the computer room.和其他学校常规的英语表达。老师出示教学挂图,让学生自己通过图片内容来了解学校的各种行为规范,老师请学生快速记住这些行为规范,然后请一个同学向另一个同学提问: Can we drink in the computer room? 回答的同学用Yes或 No 回答。(三)Summary:1请学生说说本节课需掌握的四会单词和句子:computer, board, fan, light. This is my computer. That is your computer.2请学生说说书写句子的要求:1)句子开头单词第一个字母要大写;2)句子末尾要加标点符号,英语中的句号用实心,汉语中的句号用空心小圈;3)句子中单词之间的距离为一个字母a宽。3. 教育学生要遵守学校的规章制度,做个好学生。(四)Assessment(评小组评个人,并要说出他或她表现出色的方面。)(五)Exercises:1. 检查学生完成前置作业3的情况并校对答案。2. Do some exercises:一、 Listen and write down the words.1) This is my _ . 2) I can see four _.3) Let me clean the _.4) Turn on the _, please.二、Choose the right answers. 1) ( ) Where is my computer? _ A. Its on the desk. B. They are on the desk. C. Its on the wall.2) ( ) There are two _ in the classroom. A. fan B. light C. boards3) ( ) Where is the computer room? _ A. Lets go to the computer room. B. Its on the first floor. C. Its on the desk.(六)Homework:1. 听录音跟读A Read and write 5遍。2熟背四会单词。3. 小组合作:分角色扮演A Read and write。 六、板书设计:Unit One Our school A Read and write 四线格: board fan light computer四线格: This is my computer. That is your computer. 小 组 评 价 表PEP小学四年级英语下册教案复备人:一、 教学内容:四年级下册Unit One第四课时 B Lets learn二、 教学目标:1.能够听、说、认、读本课时的主要单词:gym、TV room、art room、computer room、wash room、music room。句子:Where is the_?Its on the_2.能够听、读Lets Chant的内容。三、 教学重难点:六个生词的正确发音以及序数词:first、second的用法。四、 教学准备:词卡、录音机、学校挂图。五、 教学过程:(一)Warmup: A Lets do ,师生齐说并做动作。(二)review:T:What can you see in the picture ?S answer了school 里的几个房间后,T说Today lets go and have a look , whats in the school?(三):新课呈现1.T叫S上讲台,偷偷事先告诉学生需要做的动作,学生根据提示做动作,台下学生猜这类学生应处在什么房子里。如:学生做painting的动作,则正确答案是:Art room。如:music room,则学生可做唱歌的动作。以此推把本课时的六个生词通过动作一一引现出来。2.教师在每引出一个单词的时候需把此单词的词卡一一附上贴于黑板,并让学生带读单词,发音不准则老师重新带读。3.学生跟读录音,模仿。教师同时板书本文的六个单词gym、TV room、art room、computer room、wash room、music room及两个重点句子:Where is the_?Its on the_.4. The Game time:教师把单词卡一一列在黑板上,黑板上画两个人头。一个代表学生,一个代表教师。每人三根头发。进行“光头佬”游戏。游戏规则如下:教师把单词故意读错成另一个单词,若学生一轮下来仍把单词正确读音呼之欲出,则学生赢。把教师头发拔掉一根,若这过程学生有一个单词读错,则教师赢,学生头发被拔一根,此游戏进行三个回合!三轮后定输赢。5. T让S上台,一名充当导游,一名充当外校学生。教师出示学校挂图,反复让学生操练Wheres the、?Its on the 、的句型。6. Lets Chant 教师采用直接引入法,全班同学起立:教师配合“Lets Chant”做动作教学生。一遍后让学生上来Chant。台下学生做动作。(四)Exercises::一、单项选择。( ).健身的地点应该是在: A music room B gym C art room ( )2. We have computer room. A an B the C a ( )3.This my friend . A are B is C am ( )4. is the art room?It is on the first floor. A What B Where C Which ( )5. Is this the library? A Yes, it is B No, it is C Yes, it is not. (五)Summary:在设备齐全教室里面我们更应该好好学习以报答父母的栽培,不负学校的众望。六、板书设计:Unit One Our school B Lets learnwashroomcomputer roomart roomgym TV roommusic room Grade 4 Unit One Our school复备人:一、教学内容:四年级下册Unit One第五课时B Lets talk C Lets check二、教学目标:1、能在实际情景中运用一般疑问句: Is this the? Is that the?掌握Is this the library? Is that the art room?及其肯定与否定的回答。2、能够发挥想象,设计一所未来的学校,并在设计和展示作品时应用所学语音。三、教学重难点:Is this?/Is that?的用法。四、教具准备:图片,录音机 五、教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up(一)Lets chant: Page 7 教师和学生边听边做动作,有节奏的跟录音唱一遍。(二)拔河比赛在黑板上画一条横线作为拔河绳,一条竖线作为界限。将一颗红色的磁石放在横线的中心作为拔河绳的中心,学生分两队。(甲队、乙队或男生队、女生队)说出一个与学校有关的单词,说对者所在的队能向前进一格。两队成员依次交替说单词,最后将磁石拉向自己一方的队获胜。以此来复习library, art room , music room,TV room ,computer room等(当学生说到以下单词时,教师出示相应的图片:library, art room , music room , TV room, computer room贴于黑板)Step 2 Presentation and practice(一)Game:变变变T: Now let me change.教师取下两幅图:library, art room,反面放在讲台上不断交插移动,(在讲台上隐蔽处放好另一张library, art room)趁学生不注意时换成两张library,指着其中一张让学生猜。T: Is this the library? 让学生尽情猜Yes 或No,等教师出示,引导学生回答:Yes, it is. 再移动变成两张art room, 教师远离讲台上图。T: Is that the library? 让学生尽情猜Yes或No ,等教师出示,引导学生回答:No, it isnt.学说认读句子:Is this the library? Yes, it is. Is that the library? No, it isnt.(二)Guessing game将以上的图片反贴在黑板上,T: Look carefully. Is this the library? Lets play a guessing game. If you can guess it right. I will give you a happy sticker. If you are wrong. Ill put the sad stickers on your face.(教师让1个学生上台与之较量,两人轮流猜,1、二个回合后让此学生邀请一位同学上台玩,再放手让同桌之间完成此任务。)T: Now take out you cards. Play this game in pairs.同桌合作,利用手中的学生卡片玩这个游戏,猜对者得一个开心的贴纸,猜错者得伤心贴纸,看谁得到的开心贴纸较多者为赢。(三)Draw the path画路线 1、T: There is a paper on your desk. Please draw the path when you listen to this dialogue. They are start from where, then go to where学生听Lets talk 的内容,根据对话想一想,先到哪再到哪,用笔画出路线。2、Read after the tape and practice in pairs. Then act out the dialogue on the front.(四)寻找图书馆CAI出示几扇门,学生选择一扇门:Is this the library ? Is that the library?来寻找图书馆。教师根据实际回答,Yes, it is. No , it isnt .It is the TV room.等。再让两学生上来边操作边寻找。(门后的library总是变换.)Step 3 Extension and consolidation(一)Talk about your school1、请学生拿出上节课作业,发挥想象设计的学校,四人小组互相介绍学校:Look! This is my school. This is the music room. Its on the first floor. The art room is on the second floor. 看谁的设计更好。看谁能用最多英语介绍自己的学校。2、教师让45个学生上台用英语介绍自己设计的学校。3、Lets check :Page 11(二)完成相应的练习。一、听录音,根据录音内容选择正确的答句。( )1. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is.( )2. A. Its on the second floor. B. Its small.( )3. A. Yes, I do. B. No, it isnt.( )4. A. Forty. B. I have forty.二、根据中文提示补充句子1. Is this the _ ? (讲台) Yes, it is. 2. Is this the garden? No, _ _.(不是)3. Look! This is _ computer.(我的). 4.Look! One _(黑板), two _(灯).5.Is this a fan? No. Its a _. (地板)(三)Summary 1. 问这是吗?用英语:Is this the ? 2. 问那是吗?用英语:Is that the ? 3. 他们的肯定回答:Yes, it is.和否定回答:No, it isnt.(四)Assessment(评小组评个人,并要说出他或她表现出色的方面。)(五)Homework 将自己设计的学校介绍给爸爸妈妈。六、教学板书设计Unit One My School B Lets talkIs this the _? Is that the_? Yes, it is. No , it isnt.Unit One Our school A Read and write Is this the _? Is that the_? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. 小组评价表Grade 4 Unit One Our school复备人:一、教学内容:四年级下册Unit One第六课时B Read and write C Task time Pronunciation二、教学目标:1、能在实际情景中运用一般疑问句: Is this the? I s that the?掌握Is this the library? I s that the art room?及其肯定与否定的回答。 2、能在四线格中的正确书写teachers desk , picture, floor, wall以及问句Is this a teachers desk?及其答句Yes, it is.三、教学重难点:1、Read and write 中的四个四会单词以及问句“Is this a teachers desk?”及其答句“Yes, it is.”在四线格中的正确书写。2、拼读单词picture,在四线格中书写句型“Is this a ?”以及总结元音字母a的发音规则。四、教具准备:1与教材内容相关的图片。2教师准备相关的词卡。3学生准备白纸和彩笔。五、教学过程:(一)热身复习(Warm-up/Revision)1师生合唱该单元的歌曲和歌谣,边歌边舞。2.谜语:教师给学生出一些简单的谜语,如:Jack is in a room. There are many books in it. He can see many students. They are reading books. They are quiet. Where is Jack?(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)1请学生观察Read and write部分的情景图,预先空出来需要书写的四会单词,让学生独立思考,填充对话。2强化练习拼读单词picture,可以小组竞赛的形式进行。3练习书写句型Is this a ?时可从陈述句This is中衍生问句。先请学生排列一组单词成为新句子,然后改正新句中的错误,如:打头单词的第一个字母需要大写;第二个单词的第一个字母不需要大写;句末句号改为问号等。用这种形式可以充分体现以学生为中心的自主学习,在轻松愉快的气氛当中突破难点。4让学生听录音并跟读,教师还可设计一些简单问句检查学生对于对话的理解程度。5学生A从书包里拿出一件文具放在身后,问同桌Whats this?同桌回答:Is this a ?如果答对,学生A回答,You are right.(三)趣味操练 (Practice)1Pronunciation教师板书该单词的音标,带读,并以该元音发音|ei|再拓展其他单词,让学生拼读。2. Task time让学生带上纸和笔,四人一组参观学校,并将学校的校舍分布情况记录下来,绘出地图,标上各功能室的名称。回到教室后向全班展示。或者由学生分组活动,各组学生负责绘制一处场馆设施,然后拼贴成为一幅完整的学校地图。教师鼓励学生大胆想象,构思未来教室的蓝图。(四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)一、完成相应的练习。(一)请选出正确的答案。( )1.Where is the gym? A.Oh. Itsbeautiful.( )2.Is this the playground? B.Yes, I do.( )3.Do you have a library? C.Its on the first floor.( )4.How many desks are there in your classroom? D.No, it isnt.( )5.Look! This is our garden. E.There are forty-four. (二)根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。Our school is beautiful 。look,this is a big playground 。In this building ,you can see the gym ,the library and the art room are on the first floor。There are many story-book and picture books in the library。 You can read books in it 。The classroom are on the second floor 。This is my classroom,its big and clean 。I like it。( )1、The playground is _。 Abig B small( ) 2、The art room is on the _floor. A、first B、secong( )3、There are many _in the library。 A books B、desk( )4、My classroom is _ A、clean B、 small( )5、 I _ my school. A. dont like B. like二、书写本课时的四会单词和四会句子。三、和爸爸妈妈一起描绘出一张理想中学校的的结构图并用英文进行表述。六、教学板书设计Unit One My school B Read and write picture floor teachers desk wall Is this the teachers desk ? Yes, it is. 26


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