四年级上册英语课件-Module 5 Unit 10 Can I help you1_教科版

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Module 5 Unit 10 Can I help you? socks shoesshortstrousers dress shirtskirt cap trousers 衬衫shirt T恤 T-shirt 长裤shorts 连衣裙coat 短裤dress 外套 购买物品是复数或者多件时,用How much are they?购买物品是单数或者不可数时,用How much is it?How much is it?How much are they?用来询问价钱 4 A: How much is the fan?B: Its 4 yuan.A: How much are the fans?B: Theyre 16 yuan. How much is it?Its 86 yuan.How much is it?Its 100 yuan. 86 100 How much are they?Theyre 12 yuan.How much is it?Its 56 yuan. 12 56 How much are they?Theyre 150 yuan.How much are they?Theyre 120 yuan. 150 120 35 68 98 40A: Look, I like that shirt/doll.B: How much is it?A: Its yuan. Its cheap/too expensive. 36 88 57 96A: Look, I want that coat. Its yuan. Its expensive/cheap/nice/pretty. 48 2559 87A:Look, I want that sweater. Its yuan. B:Oh,its expensive/cheap/nice/pretty. Yes, please.I want to buy a coat. Can I help you ?我可以帮你什么吗? Can I help you? Yes, please.I want to buya pair of shoes. We have yellow shoesand red shoes. How much arethe red shoes?They are 100 yuan. How much is the pretty dress? Is the dress cheap? No, its very expensive. Its ninety-nine yuan. Assistant: Welcome! Can I help you? B: Yes. I want that . How much is it?Assistant: Its yuan. B: Oh, its too expensive. How about yuan?Assistant: Ok. Here you are. B: Here you are. Thank you.Bye-bye!Assistant: Bye! In the Clothes Shop Assistant:Good morning.Customer:Good morning.Assistant: ? Customer:Yes. I want . Assistant: It is . Customer: Its too expensive. ?Assistant:Yes, we have. It is .Customer:Here you are! Assistant:Thank you!(Assistant:店员 Customer: 顾客)¥50¥30 Homework for today To make a survey about price in the supermarket after class.2. Make a dialogue like the text with your friends.


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