人教版四年级下册 Unit3 A Let27s learn

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人教版四年级下册 Unit3 A Let27s learn_第1页
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人教版四年级下册 Unit3 A Let27s learn_第3页
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Unit 3 part A Lets learn ThunderThere is thunder. There is thunder.Its roaring. Its roaring.Pitter,patter, rain drops.Pitter,patter, rain drops.Im all wet. Im all wet. weather(天气) father motherbrotherweather report 天气预报 热的hot ht 寒冷的coldkud 凉爽的cool ku:l warm 温暖的w:m Its cool. Its hot.Its cold.Its warm. 看图片,说单词。 cool warm hot cold Can you find your new friends?(找新朋友)1. want water warm2. hot have hat3.coat cold cat4.too soo coolA B C Whats the weather like today?Its_.warm Whats the weather like today?Its_.cool Whats the weather like today?Its_.cold Whats the weather like today?Its_.hot Hong Kong 香港35 Its in .hot Hong Kong hot Lhasa 拉萨 14 Its in . cool Lhasa cool Beijing 北京25 Its in .warm Beijing warm - 13 Harbin 哈尔滨Its in .cold Harbincold ItsGuangdongwarmin .排排队 这 是 天 气 预 报 。 北 京 哈 尔 滨 炎 热 的 凉 爽 的 香 港 今 天 北 京 的 天 气 是 温 暖 的 。 温 暖 的 寒 冷 的拉 萨 单 词 宝 库cold 寒冷的hot 炎热的反 义 词cool 凉爽的 warm 温暖的 weather 天气 report 报告cold hot warmcool warm coolhot cold warmcoolhotcold warm coolhot cold Its _ .cold Its _ .warm Its _ .hot Its _ .cool Pair work.Cool, cool, its cool in Lhasa.Cold , cold, its cold in Harbin.Warm, warm, its warm in Beijing.Hot , hot , its hot in Hongkong. Hong KonghotIts hot in Hong Kong.外 面里 面戴 上 脱 掉感 觉 homework 1、用家庭作业部,抄写课本第25页A Lets learn的四个单词,每个单词写一行; 2、读课本第25页A Lets learn四遍。


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