PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit Six A Field Trip教案

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Grade Five Unit Six A Field Trip一、教学内容:第一课时:Lets chant , A: Lets learn, Lets play, Lets sing二、教学目标:1.掌握五个动词短语的ing形式:catching butterflies, picking up leaves,taking pictures, watching insects, doing an experiment。2.能够听、说、认读“Whats Sarah doing ? Shes doing an experiment.”并能在情景中运用。3.能听懂,会唱歌曲“Field Trips”。三、教学重难点:1.重点:掌握五个动词短语的ing形式,并能进行简单问答。2.难点:单词insects, experiment 以及picking up 的发音与拼写。四、教学准备:1.动作短语卡片以及描绘上列动作的图。2.录音机及相关录音带3.准备与教学有关的教学用具。五、教学过程:Step1.Warm-up1.Lets chant 学生说唱Unit 6中的chant2.Free talk3.Make a sentence:教师每次闪现五张动物做某事的图片,请某一学生,凭借记忆分别用一句话描述动物在做的事情。For example: 图片描绘的是一只熊猫在爬树,学生则说:The panda is climbing the tree.Step 2. Presentation 教师出示两片叶子,教学单词“leaves”。然后,教师故意把两片叶子掉在一名学生的桌子上,教师一边捡叶子一边说: “I am picking up leaves.”教师有意强调picking up leaves的发音,板书并带读。教师把事先画好的蝴蝶展示出来,从而教学单词“butterfly”。教师出示catching butterflies的图片并介绍短语,鼓励学生边说边做动作。教师出示相机,做拍照的动作,然后问学生:“What am I doing?”,引导学生回答“taking pictures”。让学生跟读,鼓励学生边读边做动作。教师出示昆虫的模型,引出单词“insects”。从而引出短语“watching insects”。教师出示试管等实验器皿,并做做实验的动作,然后向学生说:“I am doing an experiment.”。板书短语,学生跟读。让学生上台做动作,然后教师问“What is doing ?”, 引导学生回答“He/She is.”。Step 3. Consolidation and extension看谁说得又准又快:教师闪现动作短语图片,学生抢答。For example:教师闪现捉蝴蝶图片,学生马上说:catching butterflies。说对的学生得一分,哪一组得分最多为优胜组。猜图对抗赛:教师从图片中任意抽取一张,由学生发问:Are you catching butterflies/ doing an experiment?教师只回答Yes或No。Lets play一位学生出示一张图片,问另一位学生:What is he/she doing?另一位学生根据图片内容回答:He/She is .交换角色,继续操练,直到图片用完为止。教师播放本课录音,让学生在课本上手指相应短语、句子并跟读。Lets sing教师播放歌曲录音,然后向学生解释歌词大意,学生跟读歌词,最后跟录音大声唱歌曲。Step 4 Summary引导学生总结本节课所学内容,并区分taketaking 与其它单词的不同。Step 5 Do some exercise .(听力练习)听老师读,写出所缺的单词。 Chen Jie is butterflies. We are pictures of the pandas in the zoo. Mike is insects. Lets do some .(笔试练习) 选择填空。( ) Do you see any ?A.butterfly B. butterflies C.butterflys( ) Is Sarah an experiment ?A. does B.doing C. do( ) The leaves colourful.A. is B.are ) Theres insect on the table.A.a B. the C. an( ) He the desks and chairs now.A. clean B. is cleaning C.cleaningStep 6 Assessment 学生评价个人, 小组,上课环节Step 7 Homework抄写本课四会单词;完成本课配套练习。六、教学板书设计:Unit Six A Field Trip图片catching butterflies图片picking up leaves What is Mike doing ? 图片taking pictures Hes watching insects.图片watching insects图片doing an experiment 评 价Grade Five Unit Six A Field Trip一、教学内容:第二课时:Lets start, Lets try, Lets talk, Lets play二、教学目标:1.能够听懂、会说Lets talk 部分的回话。2.能够听、说、认读句型 “Are they ? Yes, they are . / No, they arent.”并能在情景中运用。3.能够自己制作一本郊游纪念册。三、教学重难点:1.重点:能听懂会说有关郊游的话题。2.难点:在实际情景中运用句型:“Are they?Yes, they are./No, they arent.”。四、教学准备:1.准备本单元A Lets learn部分的卡片及Lets star 的教学挂图。2.录音机以及录音带。五、教学过程:Step 1.Warm-up Revise1.Sing a song: Field Trips2. Free talk3.Revise the words 4.Lets start 呈现挂图Step 2.PresentationLets try教师请学生看Lets try插图,然后每幅图用一句话描述其所绘的内容。教师播放Lets try录音,请学生听录音,并在符合对话内容的图片旁的方框内打勾。再次播放录音请学生核对答案。Lets talk教师在黑板上贴上人物组图片(For example:Mike and John,Sarah and Amy),然后问:“Who are they?”,让学生回答:“They are.”教师把catching butterflies的短语卡片面朝下贴在人物组下面,说:“Guess,what are they doing?”,引导学生用“Are they?”进行提问。教师在黑板上画一棵树,问学生:“Whats this?”,引导学生回答:“This is a tree.”。教师再画一些树并说:“This is a wood.”。板书wood并带读解释。听力大对决:请学生合上课本,认真听对话录音,完成下列句子。Im my classmates.Are they ?They are .Step3.Consolidation and extension让学生两人一组做对话替换练习。Lets play猜动作:每组各选一位同学上台猜动作,四位学生应背对全班学生;教师再叫两个学生上台,面对全班学生,按教师出示的图片或卡片提示做相应的动作。Step 4 Summary引导学生总结所学句型,并教育学生要懂得保护生态环境。Step 5Exercise Time.(听力练习) 听老师读,根据你所听到的问题,选出它的最佳答语。A. Theyre in the woods. B. Its in the woods. C. There are some bears.A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they do.A. Yes, we are. B. Yes, we can. C. Yes, we do.A. Im jumping. B. I often jump. C. I can jump.A. Great! B. Yes, I do. C. I like a field trip.(笔试练习) 选择填空。( ) Is it ant or bee?A. a; an B. an; a C. an; an( ) They are the woods.A. on B. under C. in( ) Look, the tiger is you.A. watch B. watching C. looking( ) Are they pictures?A. take B. taking C. takes( ) Can the kangaroos ?A. swimming B. swim C. are swimmingStep 6 Homework 同桌操练A. Lets talk的中对话。 听录音预习Read and write。六、教学板书设计:Unit Six A Field TripWhat are you doing ? I am 图片 in the woodsAre they ? Yes, they are. / No, they arent.Grade Five Unit Six A Field Trip复备人:一、教学内容:第三课时:Read and Write, Listen and Write, Lets check二、教学目标:1.能够流利地运用句型“Are you eating lunch?No,we arent.”2.能够流利地运用句型“Are they eating the honey? Yes, they are.”3.能够在书面上正确地运用上述句型。三、教学重难点:1.重点:能够正确地运用本课时的句型。2.难点:重点句型的正确运用。四、教学准备:1.动物卡片以及动物图片。2.录音机以及录音带。五、教学过程:Step1.Warm-upSing a song “ Field Trips” (齐唱与分角色演唱)。Free talkGuessing Game:教师用一张纸遮住一个四会短语的卡片,慢慢移动纸,让学生猜短语。运用句型:What are they doing? Theyre.Step2. PresentationRead and Write新词教学:教师出示蚂蚁吃蜜糖的图片,教学新单词ant和honey。2 教师播放录音,请学生认真听录音,完成下列句子:John and his classmates arent .The ants are the .请学生翻开课本,阅读对话,然后核对答案。播放对话录音,请学生跟读两遍。Listen and Write播放录音,请学生记下对话中的ing短语。再播放一次录音,请学生核对,并完成三句话。播放录音,请学生跟读三遍。Step 3.Consolidation and extensionLets check要求学生用一句描述出图片所表达的意思。 For example: He is watching insects.播放录音,请学生勾出正确的图片,全班同学核对答案。Step 4 Summary 引导学生总结本节课所学内容。Step 5 Exercise Time.(听力练习) 听老师读对话,根据所给的问题,选择正确的答案。( ) Do ants like vegetables?A. Yes, they do. B. No, they arent. C. No, they dont.( ) Wheres the cat?A. In the tree. B. Under the tree. C. On the tree.( ) How many classmates does Tom have?A. 45. B. 24. C.44. (笔试练习)选择填空。( ) Are your friends and you walking?_ A. Yes, we are. B. Yes, they are. C. No, Im not.( ) What do ants _ eat?A. like B. liking C. like to( ) They _ picking up leaves.A. dont B. arent C. cant( ) Lets do an experiment _ birds.A. of B. to C. on( ) _there any water in the glass?A. Is B. Are C. HasStep 6 Homework正确抄写四会句子。完成本课时配套练习。六、教学板书设计:Unit Six A Field TripAre you eating lunch?No, we arent.Are they eating the honey?Yes, they are.Grade Five Unit Six A Field Trip一、教学内容:第四课时:B. Lets learn, Lets play, Pronunciation二、教学目标:1.掌握四会动作短语:having a picnic, counting insects, writing a report, collecting leaves, playing chess。2.了解字母以及字母组合y,igh和qu的读音。三、教学重难点:1.重点:熟练掌握五个短语的用法,并能进行简单问答。2.难点:writing 和 having 的拼写。四、教学准备:1.准备本单元A、B Lets learn部分短语卡片。2.准备昆虫、叶子、象棋的图片。3.录音机以及录音带。五、教学过程:Step 1 : Warm-up1.Lets chant2.Free talkeg: What are you doing ? Are you ? 3.Game:过目不忘(教师一次出示五张图片,要求学生凭记忆说出动作短语的ing形式。)Step 2 :PresentationLets learn教师出示小孩在野餐的图片,问学生:“What are they doing?”然后自己回答:“They are having a picnic.”教学新短语“having a picnic”。教师出示象棋,向学生介绍:“Chess. This is chess.”,板书并带读单词“chess”。教师问学生:“Can you play chess?”,引导学生回答,然后出示单词卡片“play chess”,运用开火车的形式操练单词。教师出示几个昆虫模型,问学生:“What are they?”,引导学生回答:“insects”,板书并复习单词。然后教师做数昆虫模型的动作,并说:“I am counting insects.”,从而引出短语词卡 “counting insects”。教师出示形态各异的树叶,引导学生说出“leaves”。然后教师把树叶放进收藏夹里,一边放一边说:“I am collecting leaves.”,重复三遍这句话。接着出示该短语的词卡,运用大小声的方法操练单词。教师出示做实验的用具,做完后拿出报告,向学生介绍:“This is a report.”,板书单词“report”并带读。接着教师出示词卡“writing a report”,运用more than me的小游戏操练短语。教师播放录音,请学生跟读三遍。教师手拿图片在教师走动,全体学生有节奏整齐地提问:What is he doing? What is she doing? What are they doing? .当教师走到一位同学面前闪现一张图片时,全班同学停止发问,而教师面前的这位同学,则根据图片回答:He is/She is/They are。Step3.Consolidation and extension1. Play a game 快乐大转盘 (出示转盘,内盘上是watching inscts , collecting leaves , playing chess , counting insects ,writing a report , having a picnic等单词短语,外盘上是人名,教师问:Whats doing?学生回答,然后由学生自己相互回答。)2. Lets play教师在黑板上贴上一张动作短语卡片,第一位同学用这个短语造个句子,教师在黑板上贴第二张动作短语卡片,第二位同学重复第一位同学造的句子,并用第二个短语自己再造一个新的句子。3.Pronunciation播放录音,请学生认真听,并找出y,igh与qu在这些单词中的读音。然后让学生跟录音朗读三遍。Step 4.Summary 引导学生总结所学知识,并强调having和writing 的原形。Step5. Exercise Time.(听力练习) 听老师读,填上所缺的单词。My mother often insects in the garden. Amy a report in the classroom?They are an experiment with their classmates.Amy and John are picture in the park. the boys lunch in the room?.(笔试练习) 选词填空。 What _( is , are ) John doing ? Tom and I are _( having , have ) a picnic. Can you _ ( write , writing ) a report ? We are _( collect, collecting ) leaves . Mike is counting _( insect , insects ) now.Step 6 Homework1.抄写并背本课时四会单词。2.朗读C.Pronunciation部分的绕口令。六、教学板书设计:Unit Six A Field Trip 图片 having a picnic 图片 playing chess What is he /she doing? 图片 counting inscts He/She is 图片 collecting leaves 图片 writing a report 小 组 评 价Grade Five Unit Six A Field Trip一、教学内容:第五课时:Lets try, Lets talk, Pair work, Story time二、教学目标:1.能够听、说认读句子“Is he taking pictures? No, he isnt. / Yes ,he is. ”并能在情景中运用。2.能够听懂、会说本课对话并能做替换练习。3.能够理解Story time 的故事内容。三、教学重难点:1.重点:能在实际的语境中正确地运用句型“Is he taking pictures? No, he isnt. Yes, he is.2.难点:taking pictures的正确书写以及运用。四、教学准备:1.动作短语卡片与图片。2.B Lets talk部分的挂图。3.录音机及录音带。五、教学过程:Step 1. Warm-up师生共同朗读C Pronunciation的绕口令。Free talkGame:一晃而过。教师快速出现短语卡片,让学生猜单词并拼写。Step 2 PresentationLets try请学生阅读B Lets try 部分的表格,思考下列问题:What is the dialogue about?播放录音第二遍,第一遍请学生认真听,第二遍要求学生勾答案。师生互动,核对答案。Lets talk教师出示人物图片以及动作短语图片,问学生:“Is he playing chess? ”,引导学生回答:“Yes,he is./No, he isnt.”。教师将短语卡片放在桌上,请一名学生抽取一张卡片,该学生不看卡片问全班同学:“Is he?”。其他同学根据卡片内容回答:“Yes, he is./No, he isnt.”。教师在黑板上画一片树林,然后把Zhang Peng的头像贴在树林的图画上,教师问:“Where is Zhang Peng?”,引导学生回答:“He is in the woods.”。教师播放Lets talk部分的录音,学生跟读,分角色操练对话。Step 3 .Consolidation and extensionPair work请学生模仿Lets talk对话自编一段对话。请学生交换角色进行自编对话练习。对话大比拼。Story time1.教师向学生展示Story time 中前三幅图,在故事讲述一半时停下,让学生想象Zoom 钓上来的那只青蛙的命运。2.教师把其余图补充完整,请学生自己读课本的故事结尾,并教育学生青蛙是人类的朋友,要爱护青蛙。Step 4.Summary 引导学生总结今天所学内容,并进行自我评价。Step 5 Exercise time.(听力练习) 听老师读, 根据你所听到的问题,选出它的最佳答语。( )1. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. No, it isnt.( )2. A. She can cook. B. Shes cooking. C. She often cooks.( )3. A. Hes fine. B. Im fine. C. Very well, thanks.( )4. A. No, they are watching ants. B. Yes, they can. C. No,they dont.( )5. A. She likes music. B. Shes very active. C. She is listening to music.(笔试练习) 连词成句。1. John, is, chess, playing ?2. me, do, on, experiment, an .3. honey, they, are, the, eating .4. Mike, doing, is, what ?5. brother, leaves, isnt, my, collecting .Step 6 Homework1.背诵Lets talk对话。2.请学生自由选择分组做C Task time中的两项实验,并编写做实验的简短对话。六、教学板书设计:Unit Six A Field TripIs he/she taking pictures?Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isnt.评价Grade Five Unit Six A Field Trip一、教学内容:第六课时:Read and write,Group work,Lets check , Good to know二、教学目标:1.四会句型:Is he playing chess? Yes, he is. Is she counting insects? No, she isnt.2.三会句型:Its time to go. I am coming.3.学会书写实验报告。4.知道野外考察要用的物品。三、教学重难点:1.重点:能在实际情景中应用四会句型。2.难点:帮助学生在情境中选择正确的人称代词表述。四、教学准备:1.动作与人物图片。2.录音机以及录音带。五、教学过程:Step1 Warm-up ReviseLets chant师生分角色朗读Main Scene中的chant。Free talkMake a sentence:教师出示图片,让学生根据图片内容说一句话。4Play a game .与Good to know 部分的知识相结合,出示人物和装备,让学生用句型Is she/ he doing something ? 猜测,进一步复习巩固四会句型。Step 2 PresentationRead and write教师出示与对话有关的问题,要求学生带着问题去听录音。Who are they talking about?What is John doing?What about Amy?教师播放第二遍录音,学生把答案写在练习本上。让学生看书听录音核对答案。然后请几位同学把他们的答案展示出来,全班同学一起核对。你问我答:教师解释对话中的难句。eg: Its time to .教师边做动作边说:“Its time to go.播放录音请学生跟读三遍,然后分角色操练。Step 3 Consolidation and extensionGroup work请一位同学上台,用现在进行时在心里造一个句子,for example:Xiao Li is playing chess.,其他同学用 Is he/she?的句型猜出这个句子。Lets check做C部分Lets check 练习,学生听音打勾。Good to know请学生阅读野外考察实验设备清单。说出各种设备的用途。Step 4 Summary 引导学生总结本节课所学知识。Step 5 Exercise time.(听力练习) 听老师读对话,根据所给的问题,选择正确的答案。( ) Can Mike play baseball? A. No, he cant. B. Yes, he can. C. No, he isnt.( ) When does John go to bed? A. At 9:30. B. At 9:00. C. Hes watching TV.( ) What is Amys classmate doing? A. Shes in the woods. B. Shes writing a report. C. Shes drawing pictures.(笔试练习)连词成句。 woods, they, the, picnic, are, in, having, a ( ? ) the, are, river, swimming, boys, in, the ( . ) she, counting , is , insects ( ? ) Li Hong, doing, experiment, and, are, an, John ( . ) Step 6 Homework 1.抄写本课时四会句型。2.完成本课时配套练习。六、教学板书设计:Unit Six A Field TripA field tripLook at the picture. They are having a field trip.Zhang Peng is . Mike is . Chen Jie is. Sarah is . They are in Group One.John is.Wu Yifan is .They are in Group Two.They are all having a good time.


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