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试论有关高校考试管理工作中英文对照The University Examination Administration on in Chinese and English.从影响考试作弊的内因、外因及考试管理工作的考前、考中、考后三个阶段入手,探讨了科学有效地做好高校考试管理工作的方法问题,并提出了改革意见。 Cheating in examination of internal factors and external factors, and examination of the management of exam, exam, exam after three stages of starting, discusses the problem of scientific and effective methods to do the test management work, and puts forward reform suggestions.考试是检验学习效果和教学效果的重要手段,考试成绩是衡量学生竞争力的重要指标,因此,一些学生不惜铤而走险,在考试中采取不诚信的手段,以期获得超出自己水平的分数。据调查,影响考试作弊的外在因素,排在第一位的是“考风考纪不严”;在加重考试作弊因素方面,排在第一位的是“作弊条件有利”;在减少考试作弊因素方面,排在第一位的是“对学生进行教育”,排在第二位的是“严抓考风考纪”。考风不正是对刻苦学习、认真答卷、不作弊的学生的一种打击,是对学习不努力、弄虚作假、投机取巧学生的一种不负责任的放纵,更深刻地说是对这些同学的一种贻害,也是对善良家长们的一种极端的伤害。考风不正直接影响学风,从而形成恶性循环。端正考风、严肃考纪、维护考试的公平公正,是考试管理工作的重要内容。本文从考前、考中及考后三阶段入手,探讨如何科学有效地做好高校考试管理工作的问题。 Examination is an important means of learning and teaching, examination is an important index to measure students competitiveness, therefore, some students would rush into danger, take dishonest means in the examination, in order to get beyond their ability scores. According to the survey, the influence of the external factors of cheating, is ranked first in the kaofengkaoji lax ; in the exacerbation of cheating in the exam, is ranked first in the cheat conditions are favorable; in reducing cheating factors, is ranked first in the education for students, in the second is strict examination discipline ( 1 ). Examination is not a blow to study hard, serious answer, not cheating students, is an irresponsible indulgence to dont study hard, resort to deceit, do things by irregular ways students, more deeply is a kind of harm to the students, but also on the kindness of parents of a kind of extreme damage. Examination is not directly affect the style of study, so as to form a vicious spiral. Correcting exam style, something, to maintain the fairness of the exam, is an important job in examination management. In this paper, starting from the test and test after the three stage, to explore how to do college test management scientifically and effectively problem.1.做好考前准备工作,是考试管理工作的基础 1 do a good job in preparation work, is the basis of test management1.1考试管理需要制定一套全面、详细、明确的考试管理规定作为依据。 1.1 examination management needs to make a comprehensive, detailed, clear the examination regulations as the basis.考试管理规定通过明确哪些行为必须遵守,哪些行为必须禁止,以及相应的处罚措施来规范考场纪律,禁止作弊行为,让学生和监考人员有法可依,有法必依,避免处理过程的争议。考试管理规定要全面详细,不留漏洞。 The examination regulations through clear what behavior must comply with, what behavior must be forbidden, and the corresponding punishment measures to regulate the examination discipline, no cheating behavior, let the students and invigilators law, law, avoid the dispute process. Examination management requires a comprehensive and detailed, leaving no loopholes.1.2做好学生的考前教育工作是端正考风的关键。 1.2 of students exam education is the key to correct the test.学生是考试作弊的主体,对采取作弊行为起决定性作用。平时在课堂上、宣传活动中要进行渗入式诚信教育,从内因上杜绝作弊思想的产生。这份工作要尽早做、持续做。只有尽早消除弄虚作假、投机取巧的想法,学生才能安分地去努力学习。如果只在考前临时教育学生,有些学生由于没有足够的时间复习,仍有可能去冒险。另外,要组织学生学习考试管理规定,让学生了解相关规定,知法守法,这样可减少因不了解产生的考场秩序不安定因素。学校也要注重营造“诚信考试,作弊可耻”的氛围,如在宣传栏、教室过道、考场周围等公共场所张贴醒目海报“一次作弊、终身后悔”,在考试周的大屏幕上及时公示作弊后果、处罚方式,等等,对学生起教育和警诫作用。想铤而走险的学生如果知道有多险,或许就不会冒这个险。 Students are the main body of cheating, cheating behavior plays a decisive role to take. Usually in the classroom, in the campaign to the infiltration of honesty education, the thought from the internal to cheat. This job is done as soon as possible, continue to do. Only as soon as possible to eliminate the resort to deceit, do things by irregular ways of thinking, students can quietly to study hard. If only in the temporary education students, some students because there is not enough time to review, there are still likely to take risks. In addition, to organize learning examination regulations, let the students understand the relevant provisions, know the law, this can reduce the due to lack of understanding of the examination order unstable factors. Schools should pay attention to build good faith examination, cheating shameful atmosphere, such as publicity column, the classroom, the examination in public places such as aisle around posted eye-catching posters a cheat, regret for life , in the exam week on the big screen timely publicity cheating consequences, punishments, etc., play a role in education and caution the students. Want to rush into danger if they knew how dangerous, perhaps will not take the risk.1.3做好监考人员的培训工作。 1.3 to invigilate personnel training work.监考人员最重要的素质是责任心。应在实际工作中选拔一批富有责任感的监考队伍,同时对监考人员进行培训,保证每个监考人员深刻了解考试管理规定,并让监考人员了解监考流程步骤的各个细节及其原因、可能出现的问题、注意事项、应急事件处理等。 The invigilator is the most important quality responsibility. In the practical work of selecting a group of rich sense of responsibility at the team, and training of the invigilators, ensure each invigilators a profound understanding of examination management regulations, and let the invigilator to understand every detail and its causes, possible problems, invigilation process attention emergency matters, etc.留学生的考试存在与中国学生不同的问题,主要表现在利用语言差异或文化差异来违反考场纪律,如同伴间用母语交谈,以语言障碍为由装不懂考场指令或监考人员的批评教育,以尊重人权为由不断去卫生间,等等,考试迟到、交卷拖拉、不按规定就坐、忘带考试文具等现象也较为多见。为此,我们需要建设一支外语水平较高、对留学生监考经验丰富的监考队伍。 Students test is different from Chinese students, mainly in the use of language differences and cultural differences to who violates the examination discipline, as with by native speakers talk, the language barrier is installed do not understand the criticism of education examination instruction or invigilators, to respect human rights by the time to go to the bathroom, and so on, late for an exam, you drag, not according to the provisions of SAT, forgot the exam stationery phenomenon is also more common. Therefore, we need to build a high level language, the invigilator experienced invigilation team students.2.做好考中管理工作是考试管理工作的关键 2 do the examination management is the key of test management做好考中管理工作是端正考风、严肃考纪的保证。考中管理工作最重要的是把好监考关,减少作弊有利条件。 Do the examination management is correcting exam style, something that. Examination management is the most important good invigilators Commissioner, reduce cheating favorable conditions.2.1把好监考关。2.1 good invigilators commissioner.监考看起来是一件简单的工作,但是要做好不是件容易的事。监考人员一定要有责任心,认真做好每个细节,哪怕很小的事,都不要出错。一百个细节,做好了九十九个,有一个没做到位,就有可能会导致不可弥补的后果。管理部门应根据以往的经验制定详细全面的监考流程步骤和考试管理规定,并分发到监考人员手里,以免监考人员忽略了某个细节,也便于监考人员及时顺利地制止或处理各类特发事件及违规行为。监考人员需要过好考前通知关,考试座位安排关,考生资格检查关,试卷清点关,考场秩序维持关,等等。 Examiners may seem like a simple task, but it is not easy to do. The examiner must have the sense of responsibility, conscientiously do a good job in every detail, even a small thing, dont go wrong. The details of one hundred, to ninety-nine, one did not reach the designated position, it may lead to irreparable consequences. Management departments should formulate the procedures and examination regulations in detail, based on past experience, and distributed to the hands of the invigilators, lest the invigilator ignores a detail, also facilitate the invigilator to successfully stop or processing all kinds of special events and illegal behavior. The examiner needs good exam notice, exam seating arrangement, the examinee qualification examination, examination room inventory, order maintenance, etc.考前通知,如在教室黑板上贴出醒目的告示,告知学生必须禁止的行为;告知考生考试时间,中途不可离开考场,不可携带与考试相关的材料,等等。 The notice, such as posted eye-catching signs in the classroom blackboard, told the students must be prohibited; to inform the examinee examination time, midway can not leave the examination room, do not carry and examination of the relevant materials, etc.做好考试座位安排,往往能事半功倍。监考人员应利用教室的条件,尽量拉开考生之间的距离,同时保持横向和纵向成直线,减少作弊有利条件。把诚信度不高的学生安排在教室前排,减少不安定因素。为避免歧视纠纷,可在平时建立学生诚信档案,并告知有不良诚信记录的学生将在考试中被安排在教室前排。 Do well in the exam seating arrangements, often can be twice the result with half the effort. The examiner should use the classroom conditions, try to pull the distance between the candidates, while maintaining the horizontal and vertical alignment, reduce cheating favorable conditions. The integrity is not high students in the front row of the classroom, reduce unstable factors. In order to avoid discrimination dispute, can usually establish student credit files, and inform the students will have bad credit records in the exam is arranged in the front of the classroom.监考人员应一前一后、一动一静地进行考场巡视,或根据实际情况采取有利于维持考场秩序的监考行为,让学生在心理上有震慑作用,同时注意维护舒适的考试环境,避免对学生产生干扰。 The examiner should one after another, a move a quiet to the examination room visits, or according to the actual situation to take to maintain the order of examination invigilator behavior, let the students have a deterrent in the psychology, also pay attention to maintaining comfort test environment, to avoid interference to the students.2.2通过改革减少作弊有利条件。 2.2 through reform to reduce cheating favorable conditions.2.2.1改革考试内容。大学教学应着力培养学生自主解决问题的能力,而非记背公式、概念的能力,提倡尽量多采取开放式考试,让学生真正应用所学知识来解决问题。2.2.1 examination content reform. University teaching should focus on fostering the students ability to solve problems independently, rather than write ability back formula, concept, advocate to take the open examination, to solve the problem that the students really use the knowledge.2.2.2改革考试形式。如,我校一位老师开发了一个考试软件,由软件随机调出题库,这样每个学生的考试内容都是不一样的,学生想抄也抄不了,只有老老实实复习备考。对于小班上课的课程,完全可以将考试题目作部分更改,相邻座位的学生分发不同类型的试卷,减少作弊的可能,老师改卷子也不会带来太大困难。也可借鉴国外学校的考试方法。澳大利亚有这么一种考试方法,每个课程有两次考试,一次开卷,一次闭卷。开卷考试,学生可以带任何材料,包括电脑,考试题目可能通过互联网就能查到答案。而闭卷考试,不允许带考试相关材料。最终考试结果是这两种考试成绩的综合,并且成绩不是实际成绩,而是根据排名定出最终成绩。 2.2.2 reform of the examination form. For example, our school a teacher developed a test software, the software random out of question database, so that each student exam content is not the same, students want to copy copied, only honest review for the test. For small classes of course, can be completely exams as part of the change, the adjacent seat students distribute different types of paper, reduce the possibility of cheating, the teacher s papers will not cause too much trouble. Can also learn from foreign school examination method. Australia has such an examination method, there are two exams each course, a book, a closed book. An open-book exam, students can take any material, including computer, exam questions may find the answer through the Internet can. But close examination, are not allowed to take exams related materials. The final exam results are a combination of these two kinds of test scores and grades, not actual performance, but according to the ranking of the results.2.2.3改革成绩系统。对于留学生考试,我校加大平时成绩的比例,来确定最终成绩,即通过增加过程成绩的重要性来鼓励学生平时努力学习,期末考试的重要性减弱了,作弊收益率随之降低。不过,大部分考试仍采取平时成绩与期末成绩综合的实际分数来作为最终成绩。是否可以考虑按照排名来定最终成绩呢?因为排名会直接引发学生间的竞争,会减少某些学优生对学困生的作弊无动于衷甚至配合作弊的情况。 2.2.3 score system reform. For the examination of students, our school more usually results in proportion, to determine the final result, namely the importance of increasing process performance to encourage students to study hard, the importance of the final exam is abate, cheating income decreases. However, most still take the usual practice exam grades and academic comprehensive as the final result. Can consider whether to set the final score according to the rankings? Because the ranking will directly cause of competition among students, will reduce some of the gifted students for poor students cheating completely indifferent even with cheating.2.2.4改革监考模式。随着科技的发展,有些学生开始采用高科技作弊,我们的监考方式仍大都沿用传统模式。我们的监考方式是否也可以加进高科技成分?对于手机不能带进考场的规定,虽然屡次强调,但仍有学生不听命令,揣进衣服带到座位。在考场安装信号干扰器,就可轻松解决通讯作弊的问题。监考人员在抓作弊时,需要有确凿证据和考生的承认书,而有些作弊现象难以采集确凿的证据,当事人又坚决否认其作弊行为,这让许多监考人员觉得抓作弊是很麻烦的、吃力不讨好的事,从而对作弊采取迁就姑息的态度。我们是否可以考虑在考场安装摄像机,以利于采集作弊证据?最重要的是,这个铁面无私的机器可以给学生带来巨大的震慑作用,有效制止作弊行为。 2.2.4 reform invigilation mode. With the development of science and technology, some students began to use high-tech cheating, we still have the traditional mode. Whether we can also add the invigilation mode of high-tech components? Provisions for mobile phone can not bring into the examination room, although repeatedly stressed, but there are still students listen to commands, in your clothes to the seat. In the examination room installed jammer, can easily solve the communication problem of cheating. The invigilator in caught cheating, need to have the book that evidence and the candidates, but some cheating is difficult to collect evidence, the parties also denied the cheating behavior, which makes many invigilators feel caught cheating is a very troublesome, thankless thing, thus taking overlenient attitude towards cheating. Whether we can consider the installation of cameras in the examination room, to facilitate the collection of evidence of cheating? Most importantly, this be just and stern machine can bring great deterrent effect to the students, and effectively prevent the cheating behavior.3.做好考后管理工作,把不正之风消灭在萌芽状态 3 to do management work after the test, the unwholesome tendencies nipped in the bud考后管理工作主要包括两方面:对于违规现象的及时处理,对学生进行考后再教育。 Management after the test mainly includes two aspects: the timely treatment for illegal phenomenon, test after the education of students.处理违规行为要遵循考试管理规定做到有理有据,客观公正。处理违规行为是一项无奈但是必须完成的任务,只有对作弊行为进行惩罚,才能维护诚信学生的生存空间,制止不正之风的蔓延,所以,不但要及时处理,而且要对学生进行考后再教育,让作弊学生了解其行为的错误性,同时警诫其他学生下次发生此行为发生。如果没有考后再教育,学生会以为考试管理规定不过流于形式吓唬人的东西而已。当同学受到惩罚时,学生会有切身体会,深刻了解到作弊后果的严重性,从而起到良好的警诫作用。 Deal with irregularities should follow the examination regulations be reasonable, objective and fair. Deal with the violation is a helpless but must complete the task, only the cheating punishment, can maintain the integrity of their living space, to stop the spread of unwholesome tendencies, so, not only to the timely processing, but also to carry out examination and education to students, let students understand the error of cheating behavior, also cautioned other the next time the students behavior. If there is no test after the education, students will think the examination regulations but a mere formality bluff. When students are punished, students will be keenly aware of, a profound understanding of the seriousness of the consequences of cheating, which plays a good role caution.考试管理工作如同保卫公平与正义的战斗任务,与考试中各种不诚信思想及行为作艰苦斗争。为打赢每一场战斗,管理部门需要从内因、外因入手,对学生作弊现象及解决方法进行研究,与时俱进,勇于探索,不断改进考核形式、管理方法,从内因消灭不诚信思想,从外因消灭作弊条件,维护考试的公平公正,充分发挥考试的积极功能,为教学质量的提高起促进作用。Examination management is to defend the fairness and justice of the combat mission, hard struggle and examination of dishonest behavior and thoughts. To win every battle, management needs to start from the internal cause, external cause, cheating and the student solutions research, advancing with the times, the courage to explore, constantly improve the examination forms, management method, destroy not sincere thought from the internal, eliminate cheating from external conditions, to maintain the fairness of the exam, give full play to the positive function. In order to improve the quality of teaching, promote.


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