pep小学英语五年级上册unit6 part a read and write教学设计

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PEP小学英语五年级上册Unit6 Part A Read and write教学设计一、 所在班级情况、学生特点分析本人所带的五年级,是从三年级时就接手的班级,所以对每个学生的情况还是比较了解。本班共有59个学生,大部分学生有较好的学习习惯,知道英语的重要性,乐于学习英语,但仍有十几个学生学习习惯差,尤其是男孩子们,表现得比较燥动、贪玩,脾气冲动。班里存在两极分化的现象。整体来说,学生们上课能专心听讲,但是缺乏一定的学习方法、缺少学习毅力,在某种程度上还是不能够严格要求自己,有待于教师进一步指导。二、教学内容分析本节课的主要内容是以nature park为话题展开的一个对话。在此之前学生已经掌握了一些与nature park相关的单词,也能够用There is与Is there句型进行表达。本节课要求学生能够理解对话内容,并能听、说、读、写Is there?句型和相应回答。对话旁配有插图,教师可以利用插图,进行导入和句型练习。三、 教学目标1. 能够听、说、读、写句型:Is there? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.2. 能用Is there? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.谈论假日照片。四、 教学重、难点分析本课的教学重点是使学生掌握“Is there? Yes, there is. No, there isnt.”句型;本课的教学难点是培养学生在实际情景中运用对话的能力。五、 教学过程Step1. Warming-up1. 教师用PPT出示图片,引出nature park,并提问What can you see in the nature park?2. Lets chant:The grass is green.The sky is blue.The air is clean.The day is new.The wind blows.The clouds play.The river flows.Beautiful day, beautiful day!Step2. Lead-in & Before-reading1. 教师出示只有forest和river的nature park. T: Is there a forest in the park?S1: Yes, there is.T: Is there a mountain in the park?S2: No, there isnt.T: Is there a river in the park?S3: Yes, there is.T: Is there a lake in the park?S4: No, there isnt.2. Lets chant:Forest,forest Is there a forest? Mountain,mountain Is there a mountain? River,river Is there a river? Lake,lake Is there a lake?3.男女生分组对Lets chant进行问答G: Is there a forest in the park?B: Yes, there is.G: Is there a mountain in the park?B: No, there isnt.B: Is there a river in the park?G: Yes, there is.B: Is there a lake in the park?G: No, there isnt.Step3. During-reading1.出示Read and write旁边的插图T: Who is he?Ss: He is Wu Yifan.T: Yes, this is Wu Yifans picture. This is Wu Yifans holiday picture. Is it a nature park? Ss: Yes, it is.T: Is there a forest in the park? Now read the dialogue quickly and find out the answer.学生初读课文,并找到答案Yes, there is.2. Tick or cross(1) There is a river in the park. ()(2) There is a lake in the park. ()(3) Wu Yifan doesnt like this park. ()(4) This park is pretty. ()Ask a student to show his answers and check together. 学生第二次阅读,更详尽地理解阅读内容,同时鼓励学生找出相关根据,训练学生的逻辑思维能力。3. Finish the sentences(1) Is there a _ in the park? Yes,_.(2) Is there a _? No,_.要求学生独立完成句子,同桌校对,让个别同学在黑板上写下他们的答案。4. Listen and repeatStep4. After-readingRole play八、课堂练习出示课件,另一幅nature park的图,让同桌两人合作,一个学生就图片内容先写出问题,然后同桌就问题写回答。到前面展示对话。九、作业1. Listen to tape and read the dialogue.2. Write the sentences.3. Talk about your pictures.教学反思本节我始终坚持“任务型教学”的教育理念,通过三次阅读课文,对学生提出不同层次的问题,让学生带着不同的任务去学习,学生通过快速阅读并圈出关键词能很快找到问题的答案,无需一词一句地阅读语篇。学生在完成一个个任务中,体验着成功的快乐。本节课还有以下几个特点:1. 突出合作的教学理念;2. 突出以学生为主体的教学理念;3. 突出学以致用的教学理念。


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