2021/6/16 1 diedie of 由.而死,是由内部原因引起的,如:生病,中毒,伤寒,忧伤,失恋,年老die from 因为.而死,是外部原因一起的,如:过量饮酒,车祸,劳累过度,重伤 be dying for sth /to do sth Im dying to know what happened.die a/the deathThe play got terrible reviews and quickly died a death.die laughingI nearly died laughing when she said this. 2021/6/16 2 eargive/lendaneartosomeone倾听某人的心声(常用以表示同情)turnadeafear不加理睬、充耳不闻 havebigears耳朵尖、消息灵通;爱打听别人的事allears洗耳恭听、全神贯注地听playitbyear随机应变、见机行事prickupyourears竖起耳朵仔细听 2021/6/16 3 2021/6/16 4 2021/6/16 5 Jupiter朱庇特是罗马神话中的神,是罗马统治希腊后将宙斯(Zeus)之名改变成为朱庇特:罗马神话中的主神,第三任神王;科洛诺斯和瑞亚之子,掌管天界;以贪花好色著称,奥林匹斯的许多神祇和许多希腊英雄都是他和不同女人生下的子女。他以雷电为武器,维持着天地间的秩序,公牛和鹰是他的标志。他的兄弟波塞冬(尼普顿)和哈德斯(普罗同)分别掌管海洋和地狱;女神朱诺(赫拉)是宙斯的妻子。 2021/6/16 6 Apollo阿波罗(希腊语:;拉丁语:Apollo)是希腊神话中继赫利俄斯之后的新任太阳神,为奥林匹斯十二主神之一,是众神之王宙斯与暗夜女神勒托的儿子,阿尔忒弥斯的孪生弟弟,全名为福玻斯阿波罗(Phoebus Apollo),意思是“光明”或“光辉灿烂”。他主管光明、青春、医药、畜牧、音乐等,是人类的保护神、光明之神、预言之神、迁徙和航海者的保护神、医神以及消灾弥难之神。阿波罗是所有男神之中最英俊的一个,他快乐、聪明、拥有着阳光般的气质,在许多艺术家的诗与艺术中被视为为光明、青春和音乐之神。 2021/6/16 7 Isis最初,伊西斯是一位掌管皇权的女神(在象形文字中,她的名字里包括“王座”一词)。后来,在希腊人统治时期,她被视作地神或天体的创造者,而且还是水手的守护神和帆蓬的发明者。在埃及人的民间传说中,伊西斯与她的姊妹奈芙蒂斯一起被视作死者的守护神,她们常在棺材的两端以人形现身,并伸展开巨大的翅膀保护着死者。有时她们也是产妇的保护神,帮助她们分娩,并决定新生婴儿的命运。这对姐妹同样都拥有着极为强大的魔法力量,是魔法、医疗与守护亡灵的女神。伊西斯作为欧西里斯的配偶,她有时也承担了他的职能,教人们收割庄稼和脱谷。据说尼罗河是从欧西里斯身上流出来的,因此泛滥的河水里充满了伊西斯的泪水。 2021/6/16 8 doom: v. to make sb./sth. certain to fail,suffer,die,etc 使注定要失败(或遭殃,死亡等) eg: The plan was doomed to failure.n. death or destruction ; any terrible even that sb. cannot avoid.死亡;毁灭;厄运;劫数 eg : meet ones doom 死亡补 doom and gloom 悲观失望;无望;前景黯淡 eg: Despite the obvious setbacks , it is not all doom and gloom for our team.尽管明显受挫,但对于我们队来说并非胜利无望。、 2021/6/16 9 collapse: v. 1.to sit or lie down and relax 坐下或躺下放松 eg: Every time back from the gym, I like to collapse on the sofa and watch TV.每次从健身房回来,我都喜欢倒在沙发上看电视。 2. to fall down or fall in suddenly (突然)倒塌,塌陷 eg: Many houses collapsed in the earthquake.许多房屋都在地震中倒塌了。 3. to fall suddenly or completely 突然失败;崩溃;瓦解 eg: Their relationship has almost collapsed as a result of the affair.经过这件事情他们的关系几乎瓦解。 2021/6/16 10Pompeii (1516) 2021/6/16 11 2021/6/16 12 In these first few hours, only the quick-witted managed to escape. A wealthy wool merchant called his family together and crammed jewelry and money into a sack. Lighting a torch, he led his little band out into the nightmare of the streets. Many hundreds of Pompeiians fled in those first few dark hours. Stumbling in the darkness, they made their way to the city gates, then out and down to the harbor. They boarded boats and got away, living to tell the tale of their citys destruction. Other preferred to remain within the city, huddling inside the temples, or in the public baths or in the cells of their homes. They still hoped the nightmare would end. 2021/6/16 13 Crammed into. 填入;把塞满;The classroom was crammed with students.教室里挤满了学生。 He crammed eight people into his car. 他往他的车里硬塞进八个人。 2021/6/16 14 run into撞上,偶然碰见 get into进入,陷入 break into闯入, 破门而入 look into调查,观察,过问,窥视 bring/carry into practice实施,实行 carry/bring into effect使生效,使起作用 come/go into effect生效,实施 come/go into force生效,实施 come/go into operation使投入生产,使运转 go into进入,研究,调查 put into effect实行,生效 turn into变成 2021/6/16 15 he led his little band out into the nightmare of the streets.他带领他们一小队人马走上了噩梦般的街道。 2021/6/16 16 Many hundreds of Pompeiians fled in those first few dark hours. Stumbling in the darkness, they made their way to the city gates, then out and down to the harbor在最初的几小时内成百上千的庞培人逃亡,他们在黑暗中跌跌撞撞,设法涌向城门。接着,出了城门直奔港口。 2021/6/16 17 Make ones way to转向,向进发;前往某处 I make ones way noiselessly to open the door 我蹑手蹑脚地去开门。 When the concert was over, we made our way out of the hall. 音乐会结束后, 我们从大厅走了出来. 2021/6/16 18 To worm ones way小心缓慢地行进 To force ones way 挤着向前走 find ones way into 设法进入 push ones way 挤进去 lose ones way 迷路 feel ones way 谨慎小心地进行 2021/6/16 19 fight ones way 打开一条道路follow ones way随心所欲地做 keep ones way 一直前进 miss ones way 迷失方向 make ones way 前进pick ones way 小心走路 2021/6/16 20 Tell the tale of .story 指篇幅较短,常包含一系列情节或事件,口述或书写成文的故事。tale 常可与story换用,指以事实为中心作叙述的故事,也指古代流传下来的传说故事或神话故事。fiction指部分或全部虚构的短篇、中篇、长篇小说,也指传奇故事,是小说的总称 2021/6/16 21 fable指短小而寓有教育意义的虚构故事。故事的主人公多为拟人化的动物或非动物之类。也作传说解。romance系novel早期的代用词,泛指具有强烈神话和传奇色彩的故事,现指爱情故事。novel指任何有情节、人物、对白,虚构的长篇散文体故事。 2021/6/16 22 在最初的几个小时里,只有一些机警的人们设法去逃脱。一位富有的羊毛商人招呼他们全家人一起把珠宝和金钱统统塞进布袋里。点燃了火把,他带领他们一小队人马走上了噩梦般的街道。在最初的几小时内成百上千的庞培人逃亡,他们在黑暗中跌跌撞撞,设法涌向城门。接着,出了城门直奔港口。他们有的人登上了船离开了那里后得以幸存下来给我们讲述他们这座城市的毁灭。而其他人更喜欢留在城里面,在神庙里挤做一团或者索性呆在公共浴室和家中的酒窖里避难。他们仍在盼望噩梦能早点结束。 2021/6/16 23 It was evening now. And a trouble was in store for Pompeii. The earth trembled and quaked! Roofs went crashing in ruin, burying hundreds who had hoped to survive the eruption. In the forum the tall columns toppled. The entire city seemed to shake in the grip of a giant fist. 2021/6/16 24 Roofs went crashing in ruin, burying hundreds who had hoped to survive the eruption.屋顶突 然倒塌,瞬间掩埋了成百位尚有一线生机的人们 2021/6/16 25 The entire city seemed to shake in the grip of a giant fist.整个古城仿佛被一只巨大的拳头握住,任其摆布 2021/6/16 26 In store for 储藏备用;准备着,储藏着 She wondered what fate had in store for her next她不知道以后等待她的将是什么命运 2021/6/16 27 表示“发抖”、“颤抖”的常用英语词汇 shake、quake、tremble、quiver、shiver shiver意为“颤抖,哆嗦”,特指因寒冷或恐惧而打寒战,多用于人。 A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver. 一股突然刮来的冷风吹得我打哆嗦。 2021/6/16 28 tremble 用法与shiver相同,语气比shiver强. 也指物体受外力而产生的轻微震动 She trembled at the sight, her heart beat very quickly .她一看到这情景就战抖起来,心跳得很厉害。 The bridge trembled as the train went over it .火车开过时这桥在震动 2021/6/16 29 quiver 多指轻微而急促地颤动。 I felt her hands quivering with overexcitement. 我感觉到她的双手因过分激动而颤抖。 2021/6/16 30 shake 和 quake 语气较强,形容较大的颤抖,如全身发抖。 quake可用来代替tremble,常表示剧裂震动,如地震等,也可表示人因天气寒冷发抖或因愤怒等强烈情绪而内心震动。 His heart quaked with panic at the news. 这个消息令他心惊肉跳。 2021/6/16 31 到了傍晚的时候,一场新的灾难正等待着庞培。不久大地开始剧烈的摇晃,屋顶突 然倒塌,瞬间掩埋了成百位尚有一线生机的人们。在城镇广场上高大的房柱轰然倒塌,整个古城仿佛被一只巨大的拳头握住,任其摆布 2021/6/16 32 The end 若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!