新课标PEP小学英语英语五年级上册《unit 5 A Readandwrite》教案

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新课标PEP小学英语英语五年级上册unit 5 A Read and write教案【教学目标】1能够听、说、读、写句子:There are two bedrooms ,a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.2了解Good to know内容。【教学重点】教学重点使学生掌握there be句型的简单表达法,掌握四会单词和句子的正确书写。难点在于帮助学生区分there is,there are使用的表达法。【教具准备】1教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、声音和课件。2教师准备录音机及录音带。【教学过程】Step1 Warmup(热身)(1)lets sing a song “ my small bedroom”. (2) 猜一猜 教师准备出学生学过的表示房间家具陈设的单词 kitchen ,bedroom ,living room, bathroom , studay, curtain,closet, mirror, curtain, trashbin, air conditioner,学生看单词朗读。 做一做炸弹游戏。Previvew(教师出示一张家庭房间的图片) 教师介绍:I have a new flat now .its on the first, second ,third floor. yes, its on the third floor.(教师强调楼层)what can you see ? 学生回答:living room, bathroom ,bedroom, mirrom. 教师引导学生介绍:there is a living room. There is a kitchen. There is a , 学生练习there is.句型。教师介绍:look ,there is a bedroom. Whats in my bedroom ? 学生练习:there is a 。 (教师指着墙上两张图片) 教师:there are two pictures.让学生跟读说,然后替换练习复数名词句型there are.Step2 Presentation(新课呈现) 读一读 教师打开课件,课件展示的是Read and write短文中的第一部分。学生阅读短文。 教师提问:“which rooms are there in the rabbits flat? What are they?”,学生根据短文内容,答出:“they are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.”。 课件回到第一页,学生再次阅读短文。 教师说:“让我们看看小兔子的房间。”,点击课件第二页。学生阅读短文中的第二部分。 看课件第四页,教师提问:“What are in the baby rabbits room?”,学生用there is ,there are回答。教师放read and write部分录音,学生看课本听录音。学生就不懂的地方提问,教师解答。 写一写 1 教师给学生三分钟的时间完成句子(写在书上) 2 请若干名学生朗读句子,大家一齐核对答案。 3学生每人一句朗读短文。4全班齐读短文,以小组为单位齐读短文。Step 3 PraticeLets play(趣味操练) 玩一玩教师利用Lets play中的图版组织多项活动。如: 学生四人一组,看图说话。如:In my room there is an air-conditioner, a telephone, a .比一比谁说的句子最长。 Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)Talk about your room with your partner学生画出自己的房间,和同伴聊一聊房间里都有什么,为写作文做铺垫。板书设计 There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room in the rabbits new flat. Whats in the rabbits room?There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet in his room. And there are two end tables.


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