新课标PEP小学英语五年上册《Unit 3 A let′s learn》教学设计

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新课标PEP小学英语五年上册Unit 3 A lets learn教学设计【教学内容】本节课是小学英语PEP第五册第三单元A部分的第一课时。主要学习9个有关蔬菜类和肉类等食物名称的词汇:tomato ,potato ,fish ,tofu ,green beans ,eggplant,cabbage ,mutton ,pork以及用所学词汇及句型What would you like for lunch? Id like进行灵活替换,与学生日常生活有一定的联系。其中 tomato ,potato ,fish ,tofu ,green beans ,eggplant这7个词汇属于四会,要求让学生能听、说、读、写。cabbage ,mutton ,pork这3个词汇属于三会内容。该年段的学生对英语具有一定的兴趣以及好奇心,能根据教师的简单指令做动作,能做较为简单的角色扮演,能唱简单的英文歌曲。在教学中应鼓励学生大胆地使用英语,为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会以及充分表现和自我发展的空间,让学生在一个宽松、民主、和谐、愉快的教学氛围中积极、主动、快乐地学习。【教学设想】由于这一课时主要是对单词的学习和操练,就要求我们在教学中突出重点。教师要根据具体的学习内容来教学,比如:利用单词卡片、歌谣、猜字游戏、小组活动等来完成教学,重点要让孩子掌握单词的拼读和写法,教师要巧教学生记忆单词。【教学目标】本节课是五年级上册第三单元的第一课时,属于词汇新授课。为完成本节课教学内容,确定了以下三个教学目标。(1)知识目标: 能听、说、读、写本课的四会单词:eggplant, potato, fish, tomato, green beans,tofu;能听、说、认读本课的三会单词:pork, mutton, cabbage;能灵活运用本课句子:What would you like for lunch? Id like some tomatoes and mutton.;能够理解Lets chant里的意思。(2)能力目标: 能够吟唱Lets chant的歌谣;能够完成对话练习和单词卡片的游戏。(3)情感目标:了解中国的家常食物,注重饮食的营养搭配。【教学重难点】 重点: 掌握有关食物的单词:tomato, tofu, green beans, fish, potato, pork, cabbage, mutton, eggplant。要求通过四年级上册第五单元所学句型“What would you like for lunch?” 操练所学新单词。难点: 本课时词汇量大,要求四会掌握的单词多。要让学生在课堂上较好掌握这些单词,教师需巧教、趣教,努力调动学生的积极性。如:教师比较potato和tomato两个单词的异同,引导学生速记。教师还可激励学生小组间展开拼读单词比赛,借以突破教学难点。【教学准备】 教师准备:单词卡片、食物图片、黑白图片、教学图、评价物品、录音机、磁带、Power Point、简笔画学生准备:卡片、练习本、彩色本【教学过程】 Step 1Warm-up1. Greetings T: Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. Im Miss Li. whats your name?S1: My name isT: Boys and girls, (出示apples)what are these? Do you like apples? Ss: Yes, we do.T: I like apples, too. I often eat apples. Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away. (教师可唱出这句话引出Apple Song。) 师生看幻灯一起随着音乐跟唱歌曲“Apple Song”。【设计意图:课前唱首歌,既可以活跃课堂气氛,复习旧知识,同时让学生有良好的情绪准备进入新课的学习中.】2. Revision( 1) T: Apples are sweet and yummy. They are healthy fruits. Look, here are some fruits. (幻灯呈现各种水果。)T: What would you like? S: Id like some apples/bananas/pears(2)T: Boys and girls, theyre healthy fruits, Id like this one. ( 幻灯呈现banana的谜语)What is it? Can you guess?Lets have a look. Id like bananas. 【设计意图:复习旧知识,加强培养学生的语言表达能力及表演能力,并加强学生的合作意识,同时也为自然引出新知识做铺垫.】Step2 Presentation 1. Teach the word “tomato” (1) T: Do you like guessing games? (呈现tomato的谜语)Now listen carefully. Lets have a look. Wow, Its a tomato. ( 呈现tomato的图片及单词。) 板书tomato用猜谜的方式引出学生已学的单词tomato(2) How to spell the word? Please show me your fingers and write together. tomato.要求学生拼读单词。t-o-m-a-t-o. Pay attention to the sound of the letter tomato. (3)Boys and girls, Look!(出示实物) a tomato, two tomatoes.【通过实物的比较,让学生理解并记住tomato的复数是在单词的末尾加-es.】(4)Check up the students spelling. t-o-m-a-t-o. (呈现空缺词卡检查。)2. Teach the word “potato”(1) Do you like tomatoes? I dont like tomatoes. I like potatoes very much. (出示实物potato) 板书教读 potato.(2)Look, a potato. Six potatoes. (用彩笔标出potato的复数是在词的末尾加-es.)(3) Find out their differences.【设计意图:通过单词几个字母的相似性,把学生带入一个新的环境中,引起学生的联想,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的观察力。】3. Teach the word “ fish” (1) I have another riddle. ( 呈现fish的谜语) (2)Let the students order these letters. ( i, f, s, h.)(3) (呈现tomato potato fish beef 的图片) Ask: What would you like?4. Teach the word “pork” (1) Id like beef, too. ( 呈现pork的图片) Is it beef? (然后呈现pig的图片)So we can call it “pork”.(2)教读板书pork并强调or组合在pork中的发音。(3) Do you like pork? If you like pork, please stand up. You can say, “Id like some pork.”5Teach the word “mutton”.(1)I dont like pork, because it can make me much fatter, so Id like some beef and mutton.(2) 出示图片教读板书mutton并强调字母u, o的发音(3) Chant: pork , Id like some pork. Mutton,Id like some mutton. 【设计意图:通过朗朗上口的歌谣,加强学生对单词的记忆与掌握。】6. Teach the word “tofu”.(1)(呈现tomato, potato, fish, beef, pork, mutton的图片)Ask: What would you like for lunch? (2) 教读板书tofu ,强调字母o. u在tofu中的发音.(3) Lets play a game “line up”. You can choose any letter you like, Past it on your clothes, Lets say “Tofu, tofu , Id like some tofu.” You should line up quickly and make the word “tofu”. Lets have a math.【变换拼写的方式,通过游戏提高学生学习的兴趣。】7. Teach the word “cabbage”. (1) (课件呈现各种颜色的蔬菜肉类食物)Please look, the mutton is red, the tofu is white. What colour is it? Yes, the cabbage is green. 板书教读cabbage并指出a在cabbage中的发音。(2)(出示实物cabbage)Hello, Im cabbage ,cabbage.( 出示实物Chinese cabbage)This is my friend Chinese cabbage. Were different. Look and say quickly.【通过比较两种不同的食物,拓展了学生的知识层面。】8. Teach the word “green beans”.(1)Look! What colour are they? The green beans are green, too. 教读板书green beans. 强调ea组合在beans 发音. (2)Check up the students spelling. (呈现空缺词卡)【设计意图:通过颜色的不同,引起学生的联想,激活学生的思维,激发学生的学习兴趣,并自然呈现新词汇.】9. Teach the word “eggplant”.(1) The cabbage is green; the green beans are green, too. What colour is it? Yes, the eggplant is purple. 板书教读eggplant.(2)How to spell the word? eggplant (3) Check up the students spelling. pl_nt. pl_t.(4)( 出示实物cabbage, green beans, eggplant.) What would you like for lunch? Cabbage, green beans or eggplant? 【让学生自己说自己喜欢的食物,并用自己的方式表演展示给大家看,通过学生的说、学、演,为学生营造一个宽松、民主、和谐的学习氛围。】Step3 Practice1. Now we have learned 9 words. Please look at the blackboard and read after me.2. Turn to Page28.Listen to the tape and follow it.3. Now read by yourself.4. Look at my mouth and guess which word it is.5. Put up the pictures and finish the writing on the blackboard.(1) I have many pictures. Can you read them?(2)Come here and put the pictures on the right place.(3)Theyre vegetables. Theyre meat. Eating vegetables is good for our health. We should eat some meat, too.在教学的同时,渗透德育教育。 6. Lets chant.(1) Now follow me, please.(2) Listen to the tape and follow it.(3) Chant together.7. Take out your excises-book. Please write down these words.8. Task practice(1) (课件呈现餐厅、菜单等,并运用头饰扮演顾客与服务员而进行对话)So much food here, Are you hungry? Its time for lunch. Lets go to the canteen. T: What would you like for lunch? S: Id like-.(2) Make a survey. Every student has a sheet. I want you fill in the form. Ask and answer each other. Please write out your answers.(3) Come here and show your sheet.根据艾宾浩斯的遗忘规律,设置情景,再次刺激学生的兴奋点,强化记忆。让孩子们自由进行对话表演,巩固并拓展延伸知识,激发学生的学习表演欲望,为进一步学习做铺垫。Step4 Consolidation1. Today youve done a good job. Thank you very much. Now homework for today.2. Which group is the winner?3. Read the sentences together and send all the teachers.【板书设计】 Unit3 Part A Lets learn What would you like?tomato Id like- fishpotato tofu porkgreen beans eggplant cabbage mutton【教学探讨与反思】 本课时的内容很吸引学生,第四册的学习已奠定了一定的基础,但又给我们带来了难题,由于学生学过一些内容,可能会失去兴趣,所以调动学生的学习兴趣很重要。在这种情况下,我们采用猜谜游戏、设置场景、贴画等游戏把学生引入到课堂活动中来,激发他们的学习兴趣,让学生在课堂活动中掌握知识点。在这个过程中,教师充当引导者,让学生充分发挥,培养学生良好的学习习惯。


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