3463.C 温州产业结构的优化研究 外文文献

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3463.C 温州产业结构的优化研究 外文文献_第3页
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Of industrial optimization and upgrading of the factors influencing the disintegratingAbridgement: from the industrial optimization and upgrading of social needs and resources provided by the structural factors structural factors, technological progress, the system of international trade arrangements and other relevant factors and analyse them in the industrial optimization and upgrading the role of sectors to complete the period of the industrial optimization and upgrading of the target provides theories reference.Social needs of the industrial structure upgrading the structure is the starting point and underpinning of the community level and structure. demand for change will affect the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure. the social needs of consumption demand and investment demand. consumer demand and demand for exports, including public expenditure and personal consumption demand. the influence of a large personal consumption demand. personal consumption demand is to meet the current consumption need to buy goods and services and personal expenses. peoples consumption need.Social investment in fixed assets investment demand, which includes both the demand and demand. current assets investment in fixed assets investment demand, industrial optimization and upgrading of change is the direct cause. to create new demand for investment will create new industries and change the existing industrial structures; for certain industries, and will promote the industry is not to invest part of the industry with more speed. thus the expansion of existing industrial structures; the whole estate investment, from the industry development .(One)A natural resources and structure of natural resources and industrial optimization and upgrading of the formation and closely related. if a vast territory and rich in natural resources, so the country could be made use of resources development and all-round development of industrial structure. the resources of the country will not be able to form a resource of resources can become the industrial structure. the endowment of natural resources are the fundamentals of the economic development and human factors hard to change.(Two) manpower supply of human resources, the labor force resources, it is an important part of the total population. the factors affecting the supply of workers and the per-capita resources and the capacity to the extent of population and resource balancing. from the point of view, excessive population growth within limited resources will be converted into clothing, food supply to meet the basic needs. reducing the supply of other resources and agricultural population to slow down of policies.And improve population quality of the industry structure has important. labour standards and reflects a national human capital and against a countrys industrial optimization and upgrading of another important factor. if a countrys huge population, but the low quality, the country have cheap labor comparative advantages, its domestic industries are labor-intensive industries, mostly concentrated in low added value of industry, the lower and lower and a low degree of processing; The tertiary industry, especially high-tech industries and content of education and training industry in the countrys development will be greater restriction of its industrial structure also bound in a relatively low level. on the contrary, if one country, the quality of higher, the countrys labor can be freely in different industries be transferred, there will be more human resources from traditional farming and in the transfer and the tertiary industry, the labour cost is high, and will focus on development funds and technical knowledge.(Three) funds resource supply of construction fund resources is monetary fund resources. monetary fund is the first cause enterprise management and sustainable industry, it is also the first cause of development and sustained resources. the money supply power to vary the effect of the industrial structure, the total area of industrial optimization and upgrading, also from the capital structure to impact of structural optimization and upgrading of industrial.Reform and opening up, pouring into chinas foreign capital, on the easing our economic development process in the capital and foreign exchange gap problem and in some technical area fill the blank, from the total to promoting our industrial upgrade played an important role, but in looking at ways to see the scale of foreign capital, a different role too. the small and medium-sized enterprise with foreign capital to make use of our cheap labour and natural resources, the investment of more Engage in processing trade and industry trade, namely in domestic output and with low added value and technological level is not high, the promotion of industrial restructuring and optimization role is limited. the big multinational company using the cheap labour and natural resources, our largest market, the more interested in order to maintain its markets open and competitive, in our investment in more advanced technology and management experience, That our industrial restructuring and optimization will have a great influence.Technological progress is industrial optimization and upgrading of the motivation of technological progress and levers mean that people in production efficiency of the use of higher labour means and ways to promote the social productive forces in the process. technological progress to improve industrial structures optimized role in the following aspects:Technological progress are seeking new forms of production techniques and new industries. with technical progress and social division of technical development, the industry break out in new technology industries. the results used to update the reform process of production techniques and equipment has all the more modern means of production and production more reasonable, and formed its new industries, technological progress. in the promotion of new industries developed, was not an industry.Technical progress in the technical transformation of traditional industries. use new technology and equipment and new technologies and products to replace old technology and equipment, processes, the old product and all kinds of traditional industries have moved to new technical basis.Technological advancement to upgrade the industrial structure. the industry between the technological development is uneven, scientific and technological breakthrough in the new industries and high productivity and grew, and those technologies is not a major breakthrough in the traditional industries will appear on the decline, even for other industries. therefore, structural changes in the industrial structure, the realization of the industrial structure upgrading.System arrangement will industrial optimization and upgrading of the system is an important for the new system of douglas of the north and, in the north, the system of economic content is the family, enterprises and money market transactions, the contract system and futures markets. for specific system for industrial optimization and upgrading the role in the following aspects:For resource allocation system affect the way. select the configuration of resources is a countrys sovereignty, it constitutes the essence of a countrys economic structure. there are two ways of resource allocation, the market allocate and project configuration. the configuration is a major market for means of resource allocation, the industrial structure according to changing market needs. the plan and configure the governments plan is to be based on the allocation of resources, the governments allocation of resources, the industrial structure adjustment of economic development direction of the government the direction .System arrangement influence industrial optimization and upgrading of the arrangements. the system is a major macroeconomic factors, the government on economic, administrative and legal means to guide the direction of economic development, the industry structure will also follow this direction.System arrangement influence industrial optimization and upgrading of the state. in order to ensure the smooth running and achieve the expected economic objective, can be more strict in the licensing system, a control system. if the system to control industrial development in accordance with laws and industrial upgrading will have to coordinate the system status. if the control does not comply with industrial transformation, will lead to upgrade the industrial structure appears more serious than the state. The governments industrial policy to optimize its industrial structure. the system is still an arrangement also reflected in national policy adjustment. we have a long history, there is a planned economy is to establish a socialist market economy, but the government to the economic impact is still very strong, the governments industrial policy of china is the restructuring of industry and optimization is still very important, if the government to support the restructuring of industry and optimized, Is the restructuring of industry can be smoothly and on the contrary, it will give the restructuring of industry create unnecessary obstacles.International trade is important to optimize the industrial structure of a decisive factor:International trade in our economy will have greater impact. from the industrial structure, optimize the point of view, if a country in the international division of the structure of the bottom, with the primary product exports, the countrys domestic industrial structure and resources must be to labor-intensive industries, such intensive industries are very low added value and technology content, processing and not high, the industrial structure is in a very low level.On the contrary, if a country with export of manufactured products and services, the countrys domestic production also bound to manufacturing and service industries and industries must be a high added value, high and high is premised on the processing and high degree of growth, its industrial structure also at a higher level.At present, economic globalization has become a reality, this is a people will be the trend of economic globalization. in modern conditions, the international market competition is fierce, the country impossible for the development of all trades and meet all the domestic demand resources and technology, products and services. Moreover, even more important, even if a country with the development of a production of certain conditions, but not necessarily develop the industry. even in the world in a corner of the boeing, its aircraft parts, a dozen countries and regions. thus, through international trade and making full use of the worlds resources, the domestic industrial structure. the overwhelming.中文翻译: 关于产业结构优化升级的影响因素探析论文摘要:本文从产业结构优化升级的社会需求结构因素、资源供给结构因素、技术进步因素、制度安排因素和国际贸易因素等相关方面,分析了它们在产业结构优化升级中的影响作用,以期对完成“十一五”时期产业结构优化升级目标提供理论参考。 社会需求结构对产业结构优化升级的影响 在农业经济时代,人们的需求以满足生存需要的食物为主,产业结构以第一产业为主;工业经济时代,社会需求结构以生存和基本发展需要的物质产品为主体,因此整个国民经济以物质生产的工业产业为基础。因此,科学技术研究与开发事业、信息服务与咨询产业、教育与培训产业等专门知识性产业将越来越发达,并日益在产业结构中占有越来越大的比重,从而把整个产业结构提升到更高的水平。 社会需求结构是产业结构升级的出发点和立足点。社会需求水平和结构的变化必然影响产业结构的优化和升级。 社会需求包括消费需求、投资需求和出口需求。 消费需求包括公共消费和个人消费需求两部分。两者中影响较大的是个人消费需求。个人消费需求是指为满足当前的消费需要而购买商品和劳务的个人开支。人们的消费需求多样化并处于变化之中,它总是与一定的收入水平相适应。随着收入水平的提高,个人消费需求结构趋向多层次和多样化。多层次的消费结构将会带动多层次的产业结构的递进升级。 社会投资需求既包括固定资产的投资需求,又包括流动资产的投资需求。其中,固定资产投资需求的变动是产业结构优化升级的直接原因。创造新需求的投资,将形成新产业而改变原有的产业结构;对部分产业的投资,将推动这些产业比未投资的那部分产业以更快的速度扩大,从而影响原有产业结构;对全部产业的投资,则会引起各产业发展程度的差异,导致产业结构的相应变化。 出口需求是指外国各经济主体对本国商品和劳务的需求。由于各国资源禀赋不同,不同国家生产的相对优势也不同,形成各国在国际贸易中的比较利益。这种比较利益影响各国的进出口结构,从而影响产业结构的变动。以某一种产品的进口为起端,借助于这一进口产品开拓国内市场,诱发该产业在国内成长。当该产业在国内成长达到一定程度,利用本国要素禀赋和规模经济的优势促成生产成本的降低,形成比较利益,再打入国际市场。随着国际市场的不断开拓,促进本国产业结构升级。先在国内开发新产品,依靠国内市场促进产品发育成熟,带动该产业的发展,一旦国内市场饱和,便开拓国外市场,推动产品出口。随着国际市场的形成,又带动技术出口和资本输出,在国外形成生产能力后,在更先进的技术基础上,以更低价格将产品返销国内,满足国内需求。结果导致国内这一产业收缩,使生产要素流向其他产业,从而推动本国产业结构优化升级。 资源供给结构对产业结构优化升级产生本质影响 (一)自然资源供给结构 自然资源状况和产业结构的形成与优化升级有着密切联系。如果一个国家国土辽阔、资源丰富,那么该国也可能成为资源开发和加工利用全面发展的产业结构。资源匮乏的国家就不可能形成资源开发型的产业,只能成为资源加工型的产业结构。由于自然资源禀赋是经济发展的基础因素,又是人力因素难以改变的,因而对产业结构的形成和升级起着很大的制约作用。 (二)人力资源供给结构 人力资源即劳动力资源,它是人口总量的重要组成部分。人口因素影响着劳动力的供给程度和人均资源拥有量以及可供给能力的程度。从人口与资源平衡的角度来讲,过度的人口增长会把国内有限资源转化为衣、食供给,以满足人们基本的生活需要。可以减少其他资源的供给,同时又减慢了农业人口向非农产业的转移,阻碍了产业结构的高级化。所以,依据一国经济发展的条件和水平,保持适当的人口增长率,对产业结构优化有着直接的影响。人口众多和人力资源丰富的国家应该多发展劳动密集型产业。 而提高人口素质,对产业结构高级化有着重要的影响。劳动力素质集中反映了一国人力资本的状况,是制约一国产业结构优化升级的一个重要因素。如果一国人口众多,但劳动力素质低下,则该国具有廉价劳动力的比较优势,其国内产业必然大多集中于劳动密集型产业,处于产业低附加值化、低技术化、低集约化和低加工度化的状态;第三产业,尤其是高科技含量的产业及教育、培训产业在该国的发展会受到较大的限制,其产业结构也必然处于一个较低的水平。相反,如果一国劳动力的素质较高,则该国的劳动力可以较自由地在不同行业进行转移,会有较多的人力资源从传统的农业及第二产业中转移出来,投入第三产业;同时由于劳动力成本比较高,因而会集中发展资金技术知识密集型的产业,从而使该国的产业结构水平得到较快的提升。 (三)资金资源供给结构 资金资源是指货币资金资源。货币资金既是企业经营的第一推动力和持续推动力,也是产业形成与发展的第一推动力和持续推动力。资金资源供应对产业结构变动的影响,指从资金总量方面对产业结构优化升级的影响,也有从资金投向方面对产业结构优化升级的影响。 改革开放以来,外资大量涌入我国,在很大程度上缓解了我国经济建设过程中出现的资金缺口及外汇缺口问题,并在某些技术领域填补了空白,从资金总量方面对促进我国产业结构的升级发挥了重要的作用,但从资金投向方面也要看到,不同规模的外资所发挥的作用不太一样。中小型外资企业以利用我国廉价劳动力和自然资源为主,其投资多集中于劳动密集型产业和资源密集型产业,大部分企业从事加工贸易及三来一补贸易,即“两头在外”,在国内生产的部分,附加值较低,技术水平也不高,其促进产业结构调整与优化的作用比较有限。而大型跨国公司在利用我国廉价劳动力及自然资源的同时,对我国规模庞大的国内市场更感兴趣,为了保持其市场开拓和竞争能力,在我国的投资过程中带来较多的先进技术和管理经验,这对我国产业结构调整与优化会产生巨大的影响。 技术进步是产业结构优化升级的动力和杠杆 技术进步是指人们在生产中使用效益更高的劳动手段和工艺方法推动社会生产力发展的运动过程。技术进步对产业结构优化的作用表现在以下方面: 技术进步不断开拓新的生产技术和形成新产业。随着技术进步以及社会分工和专业化的发展,在原有产业中分解出新的产业。将科技成果用于更新改造生产技术和工艺设备,使生产手段更加现代化,生产过程更加合理化,进而形成相应的新产业。在技术进步推动下产生的新产业的发展,不只是一个产业,而是一个产业群。 技术进步推动传统产业的技术改造。用新技术、新设备、新工艺、新产品取代老技术、老设备、老工艺、老产品,使各种传统产业逐步转移到新的技术基础上。 技术进步推动产业结构的更新换代。各个产业之间的技术进步是不平衡的,因科学技术突破而产生的新兴产业,并有较高的生产效率并发展壮大,而那些技术没有重大突破的传统产业会出现衰落,甚至被其他产业所取代。于是,产业结构发生结构性的变化,实现产业结构的更新换代。 技术进步可提高劳动生产率。劳动生产率对产业结构优化的积极作用也是显而易见的。劳动生产率越高,各地区集结在劳动密集型产业的人力资源越少,相反,则有更多的人力资源转移到第三产业,随之而来的是产业结构的进一步优化。笔者认为,高科技企业的劳动生产率代表了一个地区较高的劳动生产率,并在一定程度上反映一个地区的劳动生产力水平,因为高科技企业不可能脱离当地企业随意发展,必然会和当地企业和劳动力的整体素质保持一定的关联性;而且,高新技术企业的发展对当地企业的发展具有辐射作用,促进当地企业提高劳动生产率,进而推动当地产业结构的优化。 制度安排对产业结构优化升级的影响 制度安排是新制度经济学重要代表人物道格拉斯诺思提出和使用的,在诺思看来,制度安排的经济内容是指家庭、企业、货币、市场交易、合同制、期货市场等具体形式。制度安排对产业结构优化升级的作用表现为如下方面: 制度安排影响资源配置方式。选择资源配置方式是一国主权的体现,它构成一国经济体制的实质内容。资源配置方式有两种,即市场配置和计划配置。市场配置是以市场为主要手段配置资源,产业结构演变是按市场需求的变化而变化。计划配置是以政府的计划为依据配置资源,政府是资源配置的主角,产业结构演变方向反映政府调整经济的方向。 制度安排影响产业结构优化升级的方向。制度安排是影响宏观经济运行的主要因素,政府以经济、行政、法律等手段引导经济按照预测的方向发展,产业结构也会沿着此方向变化。 制度安排影响产业结构优化升级的状态。为了保证经济的平稳运行和达到预期经济目标,可以实行比较严格的进入许可制,形成制度管制。如果制度管制符合产业结构演变规律,产业结构升级就会呈现协调状态。如果制度管制不符合产业结构演变规律,就会导致产业结构升级出现比较严重的非协调状态。 政府的产业政策导向对我国产业结构的优化依然举足轻重。制度安排有时也体现在国家的政策调整上。我国有着较长的计划经济历史,目前虽然正在加快建立社会主义市场经济体制,但政府对经济的影响仍然很大,政府的产业政策导向对我国产业结构的调整与优化依然举足轻重,如果政府支持产业结构的调整与优化,则产业结构的调整就能比较顺利地进行,反之,则会给产业结构的调整带来不必要的阻碍。 国际贸易是产业结构优化的一个重要决定因素 国际贸易对我国的经济会产生更大的影响。从产业结构优化的角度看,如果一国处于国际分工结构的底层,出口产品以初级产品为主,则该国的国内产业结构必然是以劳动密集型、资源密集型产业为主,产业的附加值很低,技术含量少,加工度也不高,其产业结构必然处于一个很低的水平。相反,如果一国的出口以制造品和服务为主,则该国的国内生产也必然以制造业和服务业为主,产业必然呈现出高附加值化、高技术化、高知识化、高集约化和高加工度化的发展态势,其产业结构也相应地处于一个较高的水平。 目前,经济全球化已经成为现实,这是一个不以人们意志为转移的大趋势。在现代经济全球化的条件下,国际市场的竞争越来越激烈,任何一个国家都不可能具有发展一切行业,满足全部国内需求的资源、技术、产品和劳务。不仅如此,更为重要的是,一个国家即使具备了发展某种生产行业的一定条件,但是发展这种行业也不一定有利。“即使是在全球处于垄断地位的波音公司,其飞机零件也来自十几个国家和地区”。因此,通过国际贸易的发展,充分利用世界资源,加快国内产业结构优化势不可挡。


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