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2018年1月1390国开电大本科人文英语4期末考试试题及答案一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语,并将正确答案选项填写在答题纸上。1.Im sorry.I am late due to the heavy traffic. _ A.Well, its OK. B.No, its all right. C.You are welcome. 答案A 2.Lets go to the library this afternoon. _ A.No, I cant. B.What about you? C.Thats a good idea. 答案C 3.If trash is sorted, it can be transferred to factories instead of the disposal plant. That makes sense._ A.I couldnt agree more. B.I couldnt agree with you. C.I doubt that. 答案A 4._?A lot of things are on sale. Thats a good idea.Lets go. A.What are you going to buy B.Why dont we go shopping today C.Do you like shopping 答案B 5.Can you explain it again? _ A.I see. B.Let me put it in another way. C.Yes, I can. 答案B 二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将正确答案选项填写在答题纸上。6.There arent_many job vacancies in the country as in the city. A.such B./ C.as 答案C 7.However, in too many countries and societies, womens social_is still low. A.position B.post C.standard 答案A 8.For many students, university is the place_they will be first exposed to different cultures and different people. A.which B.where C.what 答案B 9.There is no time to waste because the future of schools and students is_the line. A.to B.off C.on 答案C 10.It was_he said_disappointed me. A.that; what B.what; that C.that; that 答案B 11.With these suggestions, your child can grow up to be a_and successful adult that you can be proud of. A.respect B.respectable C.respective 答案B 12.Oh, there arent as many job in_the country as in the city. A.vacancies B.vacations C.titles 答案A 13.I leave my house around at midnight and walk around the city_what I find. A.to gather B.gather C.gathering 答案C 14.Every country should try their best to provide equal opportunities for every citizen to go on_their education. A.to B.with C.for 答案B 15.The global economy requires an educated workforce able to apply the existing technology and new_science and technologies. A.developing B.have developed C.to develop 答案C 16.If one enters a private house without asking for permission, he is likely to_burglary. A.be accused of B.be sentenced to C.be convicted to 答案A 17.You know that Im a person of_temper.Sometimes I just cant control my mouth. A.enormous B.great C.hot 答案C 18._extravagant eating and drinking and pay attention to thrift and economy. A.Dispose B.Oppose C.Suppose 答案B 19.There is still a lot of work_on teacher training. A.to do B.to be done C.doing 答案B 20.Team spirit_their final success. A.contributes to B.causes C.results from 答案A 三、阅读理解(共计40分,每小题2分) 21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案选项填写在答题纸上。Passage 1 Charity is a concept which dates back to Biblical times, when helping the poor was something that rich people basically did to make themselves feelgood.Social work has its roots in charity, as it originally began around the time of the industrial revolution when there were many poor people and society was seeking away of dealing with the poor and social problems.Although social work began as charity work, it has expanded a lot and needs to be seen from a completely different perspective, Modern-day social work deals not only with poverty and the subsequent problems, but also with the problems arising from various types of“social fear”(“social phobias”) and diserimination such as sexism, racism, and discrimination against an individual due to his age, or mental or physical disabilities.Social workers deal with the consequences of these discriminations as well as consequences that arise from sexual abuse, drug abuse, and various other problems. Social work provides an important service to society.Individuals and families in need of help are the focus of it, and are referred to as clients.Social workers help clients live a productive life in their own community.In order to reach this goal, they often enlist the assistance of family members, relatives, local religious leaders, and other influential members of the community.Although institutionalization maybe necessary at times, it is a temporary solution.Social workers usually serve in the front line, and reach out to the clients soon after problems occur.The goal is to help clients return to normal life in a natural setting. 21.The charity originally means to_. A.help the poor that makes the rich feelgood. B.help clients return to normal life C.serve the whole society. 答案A 22.When does social work begin? A.Around the time of the industrial revolution. B.Biblical times. C.Modern time. 答案A 23.Modern-day social work deals with the following problems except_? A.poverty B.racism C.education 答案C 24.In order to help clients live a productive life, social workers can turn to the assistance of_. A.government B.family members C.businessmen 答案B 25.Which statement about social work is NOT True? A.Social work roots from charity. B.Social work deals not only with poverty and the subsequent problems, but also with various social fear and discrimination. C.Social work is that the rich people want to help the poor people. 答案C 26-30题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并将正确答案选项填写在答题纸上。Passage 2 Liu Hui and Molly are discussing the issue of educational quality at a workshop. Liu Hui:Hi, Molly.Todays topic is educational quality.First, what does educational quality mean to you? Molly:As far as Im concerned, quality education means good learning standards in educational institutions.So, educational quality ensures a desirable outcome for learners. Liu Hui:Sounds like after some serious thinking.However, many definitions of quality in education exist, testifying to the complexity and multifaceted nature of the concept, Molly:Definitely, establishing a contextualized understanding of quality means including relevant stakeholders.Key stakeholders often hold different views and meanings of educational quality. Liu Hui:There are many prestigious universities in the US.They all provide high-quality education.But some universities arent known for their quality.Its hard to imagine the gap. Molly:Yes, in the US the quality in higher education is quite mixed.Universities like Harvard, Yale, MIT, etc, you know, are well-known all over the world.However, there are some institutions providing poor education, so called“diploma mills”. Liu Hui:In China, we have similar issues in educational quality.Some universities pay more attention to profits instead of quality. Molly:How to improve educational quality is an international issue.But, solutions are grounded in values, cultures and traditions and maybe specific to a given nation as well. 26.Molly thinks that educational quality ensures a satisfactory outcome for learners. 答案T 27.Liu Hui disagrees with Molly on the meaning of education quality. 答案F 28.All universities in the US offer high-quality education. 答案F 29.Diploma mills can not provide high-quality education. 答案T 30.In China, there isnt any diploma mill. 答案F 四、写作(共计20分) 31.根据要求完成作文。Complete the cover letter with the expressions in the box. (将求职信补充完整,把正确答案的代码写在答题纸上。) A. involves the successful management B. would like to discuss my application further C. can deal with D. am a fully qualified social worker with 10 years of experience E. ability to communicate and reach agreement F. feel free to contact me G. is first class H. enclose my CV for your consideration 1. Yours Faithfully. J. 1 look forward to hearing from you. Dear Mark. I am very keen to apply for the post of Social Worker that was recently advertised on your website and (1) I (2) in York City Councils Social Work Department. My experience (3) of a demanding caseload that has included elderly people and people who have learning disabilities and / or mental health issues. I (4) what may be difficult and emotional issues in a calm and practical manner by finding out what is really important to the client s needs. My (5) with other agencies. such as primary care practices and psychology services. (6) and I have a team approach to establishing what is best of each individual. I am used to working unsocial hours. including evenings and weekends. I (7) with you and welcome the opportunity to attend for interview. Please (8) on the details provided above in case you have any queries for me. (9) (10) Hellen Chen Hellen Chen Encl. Rsum 参考答案: (1)H (2)D (3)A (4)C (5)E (6)G (7)B (8)F (9)J (10)I


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