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Winterfall is capital of Northern land, and also the duchy of family Stark, known as the wolfs. Stark is the oldest family in the seven lands, whose history dates back to thousands of years ago, the earliest people. Stories of their family are filled with glory, sadness and tough. All the five protagonist came from the Starks. They are characterized with each aspect of wolves. In the beginning of the story, the family leader Duke Stark was killed by Queen Cersei in an intrigue. And his son, Rob Stark, declared the war to Cersei and her family, Lannister, the lions. There began the Five Kings War.Starks family words is: Winter comes. Eyrie is a family full of wit, the most intelligent prime minister of King Robber came from this family. They are the lord of valley land which is consisted with maintains and gorges, one of the seven Dukes in the kingdom, known as the hawks. The family word is as high as glory, so they consider glory as the most important moral. When the prime found out an scary secret that the three prince and princess were none of King Robbers children, he decided to claim Robbers elder brother Stannis as the heritor of Kingdom. Queen Cersei poisoned him to death for that secret.Machiavellians in river land made the only son of prime the Duke Eyrie, trying to find a place in the crashing kingdom. But the son is a eight years old boy, and has some mental disease. It is the hometown of Tangrian family, and thousands of years ago, the dragon prince Ylemen and his two sisters began their journey to conquer the Westero from there, so it is named Dragonstone. After the dragon dynasty began, its became a tradition to feoff it to the most excellent prince of the king.After King Robber, who came from the deer family, ended the dragon dynasty, he gave it to his elder brother Stannis as a present.After Robbers death, Stannis declared war to another four kings, because he believes he is the right one to inherit the kingdom in low. This time, they return back, and want the whole kingdom to be their land. This is the capital of the whole Westero, the heart of the seven lands. No matter how many years flew, its still remaining its own fantastic power, with the Red Castle setting on the grave of the most powerful creature of the world dragon. first belonging to the Tangtian (dragon), then Robber Parrisean (deer), then Cersei Lannister (lion). Who will be next owner of the Kings Landing? Lannister has a family word :Listen me roar. there comes the personality of the two brother and sister. Pride, rage, never submit to others. But also independent, clever, know what they should do all the time.The tragedy began with they falling in love with each other. When Cersei give birth to their three children concerned as the prince and princess, they knew nothing could stop it. Finally as a mother, endless press make Cersei lost control and suspicious of everything. Then Jaime left her with the depress that nobody could save her. The women once was known as the bramble rose when young, and her family was famous as rose for their charm. but time and responsibility that lie on her shoulder finally damaged her beauty. After married with the Duke Tirier, a lord of the most rich land but having not a little wit, she take all the duty of High Garden, one of the seven land. In term of power, she marry her beautiful daughter first to the young brother of Robber, then to Queen Cerseis son. As a mother, no doubt she must be inadequate, but as a Duchess, she finished her job. She is the last princess of Tangrian, the only survival of dragon dynasty, the queen of Westero according to law, the daughter, bride and mother of dragon. When her father was killed, she was still a baby, but fifteen yeas later, she comes back for her lost crown, and Tangrians family word is blood and fire. George. R.R. Martin Western fantastic literature.A Song of Ice and Fire itselfAnd its translation from English to Chinese. Epic fantasy is one of the most important literature form of western country. Unlike what we think, they are not fairytale. They are much more complex and serious. the lord of Ring maybe the first fantasy fiction that gain our attention. But at the same time, we missed another great masterpiece, A Song of Ice and Fir e.It was first published in 1996,but has already become the basic of western fantasy world, as an undoubted, most wonderful work of any time. It gains countless praise for George Martin, although he has already been the winner of two Hugo Awards and one Nebula Award, the highest award of fantasy novel in US. Nebula Award is elected by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America every year, and Hugo Award is prized by World Science Fiction Convention. The two are concerned as the highest glory in fantasy writing area. Some famous English work such as Harry Potter by J. K. Lollin, and American Gods by Neil Gaiman, are also the guest of the two awards. A Game Of Thrones(第一部权力的游戏)A Clash Of Kings(第二部列王的纷争)A Storm Of Swords(第三部冰雨的风暴)A Feast Of Crows(第四部群鸦的盛宴)A Dance with Dragons(第五部魔龙的狂舞 ) The Wind of Winter(第六部凛冬的寒风)A Dream of Spring (第七部春晓的梦想) The book is divided into seven parts, and the first four parts have Chinese edition. Anther three are still under writing. Last summer at this time the forth book was only in English, but I cant wait anymore so I read it in English. Its very hard to do it because its so complex, theres over a hundred characters, places and events present in the great novel. At last I finish it, then two days later, the Chinese one was on market. This is the structure Martin used in the novel, he select the viewpoint character, telling story from their view, limiting the information that audiences gain. Only after the whole story finished, can we know what actually happen. It likes the director switch his lens from one person to another, searching story in different view. It makes the whole series diaphanous and orderly. The story mainly concerns on human itself. No simple evil or kind, it finger out human are complex. The book was named ice and fire, for giving prominence to the struggle of people in darks days. 守夜人誓言:长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。我将不娶妻、不封地、不生子。我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。我将尽忠职守,生死於斯。我是黑暗中的利剑,长城中的守卫。我是抵御寒冷的烈燄,破晓时分的光线,唤醒死者的号角,守护王国的铁卫。我将生命与荣耀献给守夜人,今夜如此,夜夜皆然。 (Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Nights Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.) THE FROZEN SHORE 冰封海岸 BEARS ISLAND 熊岛 SEA DRAGON POINT 海龙角 DEEPWOOD MOTTE 深林堡 WOLFSWOOD 狼林 THE HAUNTED FORSET 鬼影森林 THE WALL 绝境长城 SHADOW TOWER 影子塔 CASTLE BLACK 黑城堡 SKAGOS 斯卡格斯岛 QUEENS CROWN 后冠镇 KARHOLD 卡霍城 THE DREADFORT 恐怖堡 THE LAST RIVER 末江 THE KINGS ROAD 国王大道 LONG LAKE 长湖 WINTERFALL 临冬城 TORRHENS SQUARE 托伦方城 BARROWLANDS 先民荒冢 THE RILLS 溪流地 STONY SHORE 磐石海岸 BLAZEWATER BAY 明焰湾 CAPE KRAKEN 海怪角 SEAGUARD 海疆城 THE TWINS 孪河城 GRAYWATER WATCH 灰水望 IRONMANS BAY 铁民湾 IRON ISLANDS 铁群岛 orkmont 奥克蒙岛 harlaw 哈尔洛岛 old wyk 老威克岛 great wyk 大威克岛 salt cliffe 盐崖岛 pyke 派克岛 GREEN FORK 绿叉河 BLUE FORK 蓝叉河 RED FORK 红叉河 tumblestone 腾石河 riverrun 奔流城 VALE OF ARRYN 艾林谷 THE EYRIE 鹰巢城 BLOODY GATE 血门 THE FINGERS 五指半岛 THE BITE 咬人湾 THREE SISTER 三姐妹群岛 pebble 卵石岛 THE PAPS 乳头岛 THE NECK 颈泽 MOAT CALIN 卡林湾 WHITE HARBOUR 白港


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