仁爱 七年上册Unit2 topic2 SectionA

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Unit 2 Topic 2 Section A P36-4aRead the sounds and words aloud. P36 Its an apple.What color is it ?Its red.What color are they?They are bananas.They are yellow. orangesWhat color are they?An orange is orange.桔子是橙色的。They are orange. Theyre blue. Its a pink pen.They are blue cars.What color is it ?What color are they ?Its pink. What color is it ?Its purple.Its a purple watch.The sky is_.The cloud is_.The grass is_.bluewhitegreen草 /grs/ Its a gray cat.brownIts a brown dog.Its a black dog. A: What color is it? B: Its pink. blackwhite orangepinkyellowgreenbluered purple brown grayAsk and answer about colors. Point out the colors in the pictureand write them down. Colors_black yellow greenwhite pink blue brownpurple red orangegray Guess first, then listen, check and color the pictures. We look the same. 看起来很像。look 意为“看起来”。We have black hair and black eyes . We dont look the same.She has blond hair and blue eyes.我们看起来不像。I have black hair and black eyes. Listen, look and say.Pay attention to the intonation.Oh, he is my friend, Yukio.Who is that boy? 1 b. Listen and complete the table.Japan blackblack blackblueblackblond2 . Please retell the dialog according to the table.You can retell like this: Yukio is3 . Read 1 a aloud, and act it out. Some colors stand for different meanings, can you guess them?black tea _红茶black money _黑钱、不报税的钱green hand _ 生手,新手green eyed _嫉妒的a yellow dog _胆小鬼white lie _善意的谎言black and blue _青一块紫一块You look blue. _你看起来闷闷不乐。 词汇:句子:We dont look the same. What color is it? Its pink. You look the same.blond brown pink purple orangewhiteyellow redgreen grayblue black What color are they? Theyre purple. ( )1. _ is his car? Its black. A. How B. What C. What color D. Where ( )2.找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。 A. sun B. ruler C. much D. bus ( )3. What color _his hair ? Its blond. A. is B. am C. has D. are ( )4. What color _ shoes? Black. A. am B. is C. are D. beCBAC 1 .观察你的班里有多少种颜色。你能把它们写下来吗?2 .模仿1 a,编写新的对话。3 .预习Section B的新单词和课文。


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