Unit 1 人教版八年级英语下册 语法与知识点

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Unit 1 人教版八年级英语下册 语法与知识点_第1页
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Unit 1 人教版八年级英语下册 语法与知识点_第3页
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Unit 1第一部分:Grammar一、 情态动词(Modal Verbs)情态动词should意为“应该,应当”,必须和后面的动词原形一起构成谓语,没有人称和数的变化。用以表达职责和义务、提出劝告,而且表述的是自己的主观看法。1.should的句式结构句式结构例句肯定句主语+should+doThey should eat a balaced diet.他们应该平衡饮食。否定句主语+should not +doThey shouldnt eat too much.他们不该吃得太多。一般疑问句-Should + 主语 +do+?-yes, 主语+should.-No, 主语+shouldnt.-Its too cold. Should I close the window?太冷了,我该关上窗户吗?-Yes, you _./No, you _.是的,你应该。/不,你不应该。2.should的用法用法例句表示劝告、建议You _ answer the question in English.你应该用英语回答这个问题。表示推测They _ be at home now, I think.我认为,他们现在应该在家。表示惊讶、赞叹、不满等 How _ I know it?我怎么知道这间事情呢?注意:should在以why,who,how等疑问词开头的问句中,意为“竟然,居然,怎么会”,表示意外、惊喜或在说话人看来是不可思议的。二、 其他表示建议的句型用法例句Shall we/I + do+?Shall we _ for a walk? 咱们去散步好吗?What/How about+doing/sth?What about _ swimming? 去游泳怎么样?Lets + do?Lets _ and _ them.咱们去看看他们吧。Youd/Wed better (not) + do?We _ _ wait a little longer.我们最好再稍等一会儿。Why dont you + do ?Why dont you _ a walk outside?为什么不出去散步呢?Why not + do?Why _ _ a walk outside?为什么不出去散步呢?三、 反身代词表示反射或强调的代词叫做反身代词。反身代词是由第一人称、第二人称形容词性物主代词或第三人称代词的宾格形式,词尾加self或selves组成。反身代词可译“本人”、“本身”,为加强语气,也常翻译为“亲自”、“自己”。不定人称代词one-oneself.1、反身代词的分类数、人称第一人称第二人称第三人称单数myselfyourselfHimself,herself,itself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves2、反身代词的用法用法说明例句作动词的宾语常用于enjoy,teach,hurt,buy,introduce,dress,help,look after, get dressed 作宾语He is teaching _ English.他在自学英语。We enjoyed _ last night.昨天晚上我们玩得很开心。做介词的宾语常用于in,on,with,of,after,by作宾语She lives by _ in the countryside.她一个人生活在乡下。做同位语强调作用、加强语气Did you make the cake _?这蛋糕是你亲自做的嘛?Mr. Black _ is a lawyer.布莱克先生本人就是一名律师。做表语强调“自己”Just be _.做你自己就好了。Mary hasnt quite been _ recently.玛丽最近有些不对劲。第二部分:单词用法Section A1. Whats the matter?怎么了?该句常用询问某人患了何种疾病或遇到了什么麻烦,其后用with引出对象。1). Whats the matter with sb.?=whats wrong with sb.?=whats the trouble/problem with sb.?=whats ones trouble/problem?e.g. Whats the matter with Tom?=whats _ with Tom?=Whats the _ with Tom?=Whats Toms _?2). matter, 名词,“问题,事情”e.g. We have important _(matter) to discuss.我们有些重要的问题要讨论。3). 动词,“要紧,关系重大”e.g. It dosent _ that you came late.2. I have a cold.我感冒了。1).have/get/catch a cold “感冒,着凉”The old man _ a cold yesterday.那位老人昨天感冒了。2). “have +a/an +疾病名称”意为“得了.病”have a fever, have a cough,have a headache3. I have a sore back.我背痛。“I have a sore + 身体部位”意为“痛”辨析sore和achesore形容词,意为“疼痛的;酸痛的”用于身体部位名词前sore feet sore leg sore throatache名词,构成复合词headache; stomachache4. lie down and and rest.1).lie 的不同含义及词性变化单词词性词义现在分词过去式过去分词lie动词躺;平躺lyinglayLainlie动词说谎lyingliedLiedlie名词谎言无无无Katy _ (lie) on the bed and read the letter last night.凯蒂昨晚躺在床上看书。He _(lie) to me about the result.对于结果他对我说了谎。2). rest 动词,“休息,放松”May him rest in peace.have/take a rest 休息,放松=rest5. You need to take breaks away from the computer.take breaks = take/have a break 休息We are _ a break under the tree.我们正在树下休息。6. Yeah,I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.是的,我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐太久了。1). In the same way:以同样的方式,以相同的方式She worked out the math problem in the same way.2).without为介词,意为“无,没有,不”You cant buy things _ money! 你没有钱就买不了东西。He left without _ anything.他什么都没有说就离开了。7. When the driver saw an old man lying on the side og the road.这时,司机看到路边躺着一位老人。see/watch/notice/hear sb.doing sth. 强调看到/听到的动作的正在进行see/watch/notice/hear sb.do sth. 强调看到/听到的动作的完整性e.g. I often _ him _ in the garden last month. 上个月,我总是看到他在花园里干活。(强调全过程) I _ him _ in the garden when I passed by yersterday. 昨天我看见他正在花园里干活。(强调动作正在进行)8. He expected most or all the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus.1).expect +名词/代词 “期待;预料”I am _ a phone call from her.我正在等她的电话。2).expect to do sth.She expects to go there next week. 她期望下周去那里。3).expect sb. to do sth. He expected her to go with him.4).expect +that 从句 I expect that hell come back tomorrow.9. But to my surprise, they all agreed to go with him.1). to ones surprise “使惊讶的是,出乎意料”_ my _(surprise), he refused to cooperate with us.让我惊讶的是,他拒绝与我们合作。2). agree “同意”a. agree to do sth. “同意做某事”b. agree with sb.c. agree on sth. “就某事达成一致”e.g. My mother agreed _(buy) me a new pen. I entirely agree _ you. We agree _ the question.10. 辨析thanks to /thanks for thanks to “多亏,由于”,to是介词,其后接名词、代词或doingthanks for“因而感谢”,for 后接感谢的原因,常为名词或doing形式,Thanks _ you, I am not lost.幸亏你我才没有迷路。Thanks _ sending me such a nice gift. 谢谢你寄给我这么好的一个礼物。11. get into trouble “造成麻烦(或烦恼);陷入困境” trouble是不可数名词。be in trouble “再麻烦和困境中”e.g. Lisa _ _ trouble when she climed the mountain.Let us help the people who are _ _. 12. Did you fall down?fall-fell-fallenfall down 意为“倒下”,强调的是“滑倒,倒下”,不能直接跟宾语,加from连接宾语,fall down from,表示“从摔下”fall off“跌落”,强调的是“从某处跌落,摔下来”=fall down frome.g. The dog _ down dead.那条狗倒下去死了。 The boy _ _ _ the tree and broke his legs. The girl _ _ the bike.Section B1. Someone felt sick. Sick;生病的,恶心的。ill也是生病的,也可表示品质恶劣的辨析sick和illsick既可以作定语,也可以用作表语。表语时“恶心的”ill 既可以作定语,也可以用作表语。作定语时:表示“品质恶劣的”e.g. Everytime I get on a boat, I feel _.He is an _ student, because he smokes and drinks.I have to look after my _ sister home at home today.2. Someone got hit on the head.有人头部受到了撞击。1).get hit 为系表结构:get hit +on/in +the+身体部位的名词,表示 “某身体部位受到了撞击”e.g. The police officer _ _on the shoulder. 这位警官的肩膀受到了撞击。2). hit, “打击,击中” 如果强调 “集中某人的部位”可以用 “hit sb. on/in the + 身体部位”e.g. The bullet hit him on the back. 子弹击中了他的后背。3).hit可以做名词,“轰动一时的成功的人或事;风靡一时的作品”。e.g. The song was a hit at once.3. have problems breathing1). breathe, a.动词“呼吸”e.g. He was breathing hard when he finished the race. b. 名词,breath,没有“e” take a deep breath 深呼吸;hold ones breath 屏住呼吸2). have problems (in) doing sth. “做某事有困难或麻烦” e.g. I have _ _ English. 我学习英语有困难。4. 辨析be used to doing/ be used to do /used to do be used to doing意为“习惯于”,to是介词+名词/doingbe used to do意为“被用来做”to为不定式符号+do原形used to do意为“过去常常”,to为不定式符号+do原形e.g. I am _ to _ up early.我习惯早起。A pen is _ to _.钢笔是用来写字的。He _ to _ books for an hour every day.他过去常常每天读一个小时的书。5. find + 宾语 + 宾补1). find 宾语 adj. We found him dishonest. 我们发现他不诚实。2).find 宾语 doing We found him _others homework. 我们发现他在抄别人作业。3).find 宾语 副词和介词短语 I am so glad to find you _.我很高兴发现你在家。 I found the clothes _ _ style. 我发现这些衣服过时了。6. 辨析run out/run out of 用尽,耗尽run out“动词+副词”结构。相当于不及物动词,后面不接宾语,主语通常是“事物”时间,金钱等run out of“动词+副词+介词”结构。相当于及物动词,后面可以接宾语,主语通常是“人”Our money is _ out. 我们的钱快用光了。We are running out _ money. 我们的钱快用光了。7. 辨析so that /sothatso that“以便,为了”=in order that, 引导目的状语从句,常与can,could,may,might,will,would,should等情态动词或助动词。so.that“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句,so为副词,+adj/adv;that 后跟从句。可以与enough to do和tooto do进行同义句转换。e.g. They got up early _ _ they could catch the early bus. Say slowy _ _ I can follow you.Tom ran _ fast _ I couldnt catch up with him.=Tom ran _ fast _ catch up with.8. so that 用法。1). so + adj./adv. +that2).so + adj. +(+a/an)+n.+that3). so + many/much/few/little +n.thate.g. The ceiling is so high that we couldnt reach. 天花板如此高,我们够不着。His son is so tall a man that he almost reaches the ceiling.他儿子那么高,几乎够到天花板了。Kate had so many falls that she was black and blue all over.凯特跌倒了好多次,摔得身体青一款紫一块。9. give up 放弃1). “动词+副词”代词做宾语,代词放中间。give it/them/him/herup2). give up doing its good for you to give up _. 戒烟对你有好处。10. I hurt myself playing soccer.playing soccer 现在分词做伴随状语。表示动作同时发生。其逻辑主语为句子的主语。e.g. I stayed up late yesterday, _ for a test. 昨天我为测验熬夜学习到很晚。


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