人教版七年级下册 Unit 9 Section A 1a- Grammar Focus 课件(共46张ppt)

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人教版七年级下册 Unit 9 Section A 1a- Grammar Focus 课件(共46张ppt)_第1页
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Unit 9 What does he look like?Section A Everyone is special! Everyone is important! Dont judge(评 价 ) by appearances(外 貌 ). Everyday English不 要 以 貌 取 人 。人 人 都 很 特 别 !人 人 都 很 重 要 !A good fame is better than a good face.美 名 远 胜 于 美 貌 。 earhair eyehand headarm legfootfaceback nosemouthearhairhandarm headface legfootback mouth身 体 部 位 单 词 大 汇 集 medium heightmedium buildgood-lookingglassestalllong haircurly hairfat/ heavy shortshort hairstraight hairthin straight hair curly hairshort hair long hairblack hair blonde hair long straight black hair short straight black hairshort curly blonde hair long curly blonde hair描 述 头 发 :长 短 +卷 直 +颜 色 medium height shorttall heavy thin medium build tall / short / heavy / thin of medium height of medium buildbe + short / long hair+ straight /curly hair+ big / small eyes描 述 人 的 长 相 用 动 词 be 还 是 have/has1.be (is, am, are) + 形 容 词 :2.have / has + 名 词 词 组have/has Description about myself 我 的 自 画 像Hello !.I am tall /of medium height / short.I am heavy /of medium build / thin. I have _ hair. What does she look like?Shes of medium height.Shes of medium build. She has long curly hair.练 一 练 Whos the man?Hes Pan Changjiang.What does he look like?Hes short and he has very short hair. What does she look like?Shes short and heavy.She has short straight hair.She wears glasses. Hes _and_. He has _ hair.What does he look like? tall thincurly Shes _and_. She has _ _ hair.What does she look like? short heavylong straight Shes _ _ _. She has _ _ hair.What does she look like? of medium heightshort curly Hes _and_. He has _ _ hair.What does he look like? tall heavyshort curly Hes thin. He has short straight hair.What does he look like? Shes of medium build. She has long hair.What does she look like? shortheavytallthinmedium height medium build What do they look like? 1.short hair_2.curly hair_3.long hair_ 4.straight hair_5.tall _6.short _7.medium height_8.thin _9.heavy_10. medium build_cfa adh eb g eMatch the words with the pictures.1a A: Is that your friend?B: No, it isnt.A: What does he look like? Is he tall or short?B: Well, hes really _. And he has _.1b. Listen and fill in the blanks in the pictures in 1a. Can you find Amys friend? tallcurly hair Is David tall or short? _ Does Sally have long or short hair? _3. Is peter tall or short? _He is tall.She has long hair.He is short.2a. Listen and answer the questions. David Sally Peteris heavy, tallhas curly hair short hairshort, of medium buildof medium height, thinlong straight hair2b. Listen again. Fill in the chart. Where are Mike and Tony going tonight? _ 2. Where are they going to meet? _ _ 2d. Read the conversation and answer the questions.Theyre going to the movie. Theyre going to meet in front of the cinema. 3. Who will Tony meet first at the cinema? _4. What does David look like? _ _David. He is of medium height, and has brown hair and wears glasses. 比 一 比 , 看 谁 记 得 快1.看 电 影2.在 七 点 见 面3.可 能4.一 点 晚5.在 电 影 院 前 面6.戴 眼 镜7.留 着 棕 色 的 头 发 go to the moviemeet at sevenmay bea little latein front of the cinemawear glasseshave brown hair Mike: Hi, Tony._ you _ to the movie _?Tony: Yes. Were _at seven, right? Mike: Yeah, but I _ _ a little late. My friend David is going, too. Just meet him _ _ _ the _ first.Tony: Oh, but I dont know him. _ _ he _ _?Mike: Well, he_ brown hair and _ _.Tony: OK. _ he tall _short?Mike: He isnt tall or short. Hes _ _ _.Tony: OK, sure. See you_ then. Are goingtonight meetingmay be infront of cinemaWhat doeslook likehas wears glassesIs or of medium heightlater 1.你 今 晚 打 算 去 看 电 影 吗 ?2.我 可 能 会 晚 一 点 。3.先 在 电 影 院 前 与 他 见 面 。4.他 留 着 棕 色 头 发 并 带 着 眼 镜5.他 是 高 还 是 矮 ?句 子Are you going to the movie tonight?I may be a little late.Just meet him in front of the cinema first. He has brown hair and wears glasses.Is he tall or short?6.那 么 待 会 见 。 See you later then. 1. 他 长 的 什 么 样 子 ? _2. 他 个 子 很 高 。 _ 她 长 的 什 么 样 子 ? _ 4. 她 有 一 头 长 直 发 。 _5. 他 们 长 的 什 么 样 子 ? _6. 他 们 中 等 身 材 。 _阅 读 Grammar Focus部 分 , 完 成 下 列 句 子 。He is really tall. What does he look like?What does she look like?She has long straight hair. Theyre of medium build. What do they look like?Grammar Focus句 子 7. 他 们 是 直 发 还 是 卷 发 ? _8. 他 们 是 卷 发 。_9. 他 个 头 高 还 是 矮 ?_10. 他 不 高 也 不 矮 。 他 是 中 等 身 高 。_ _Is he tall or short? They have curly hair.He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height. Do they have straight hair or curly hair? 一 、 描 述 人 物 外 貌 的 问 句 。 1. 她 /他 长 得 什 么 样 子 ? What does he/she _ _? 2. 他 们 长 得 什 么 样 子 ? What _ they _ _? 3. 她 个 子 是 高 还 是 矮 ? _ she tall _ _? 4. 他 是 长 发 还 是 短 发 ? _ he have _ _ short hair? do look likelook likeIs or shortDoes long or 二 、 描 述 人 物 形 象 的 表 达 方 式 。 1. 描 述 身 高 、 体 重 等 整 体 特 征 时 用 be动 词 。 如 : 他 很 高 /矮 /中 等 身 高 。 He _ tall/ _/ _ _ height. 她 长 得 很 瘦 /胖 /中 等 身 材 。 She _ thin/ _/ of _ _. 2. 表 示 留 着 何 种 发 型 等 用 have/has。 她 留 着 长 的 直 发 。 She _ long _ hair. is heavy medium buildis short of medium has straight 3. 表 示 穿 着 、 戴 着 眼 镜 ( 帽 子 ) 用 wear。 他 戴 着 一 幅 眼 镜 。 He _ a pair of _. 三 、 选 择 疑 问 句 。 用 法 : 列 举 出 两 个 可 能 情 况 让 对 方 选 择 回 答 的 疑 问 句 。 答 语 不 能 用 Yes/No, 常 选 择 其 一 来 回 答 句 子 结 构 : 一 般 疑 问 句 + _ + 第 二 个 选 项 ? orwears glasses 1. 他 是 直 发 还 是 卷 发 ? _ he have _ hair _ _ hair? 他 长 着 黑 色 的 卷 发 。 He has _ _ hair. 2. 她 长 得 是 胖 还 是 瘦 ? _ she thin _ _? 她 长 得 有 点 瘦 。 She is a _ _. Does straight or curlycurly black Is or heavy little thin short hair, heavy, curly hair, thin, of medium build, tall, straight hair, short, long hair, of medium height ishas thinheavyof medium build tall shortshort hair of medium heightcurly hairlong hairstraight hair A: So what do/does your friend Clark look like? B: Well, he is/has thin, and he have/has black hair.A: Really? Is/Does he tall or short? B: He is/isnt tall or short. He is/has of medium build.A: Does he has/have curly or straight hair?B: He is/has straight hair. And he is/has really handsome. Name Height (身 高 ) Build( 体 型 ) Hair ( 头 发 )Tim tall medium build short XXX 四 人 小 组 调 查 组 内 成 员 外 貌 状 况 , 完成 表 格 。 组 长 根 据 表 格 总 结 汇 报 。Ask and answerA: What does your friend look like?B: He/She isand he/she has Make a survey Tim is tall. He is of medium build and he has short hair. XXX isHe/She hasReport: What do they look like?Pairwork If you know who he/she is, please stand up and say his name.Lets be detectives (侦 探 ) A Find the hit-run (肇 事 )driver She is of medium build and has two big eyes. She is also tall and has curly hair. She never wears glasses.A B C B Find the thief He is of medium height and fat. He has little hair and always wears glasses.A B CLets be detectives (侦 探 )


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